All I know - Lando Norris

By Tsuy0shi

143K 2.2K 217

"I knew that much: I was torn. Torn in the decision between my wellbeing and my career. I was torn between wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

3.7K 53 7
By Tsuy0shi

The interview went smoothly. I mean, the questions weren't something special and it was just a plain and normal conversation between the interviewers and me. Mostly about my past with F1 and of course my career and the show. But no questions were really interesting. Most of them were superficial, nothing I could answer in detail or give new information out to the public. It almost felt like Julian had looked over the questions beforehand and took out the most interesting ones. He probably did. Sometimes I wished the interviews would be more fun, or at least more creative. A reporter like Daniel would really spice things up and make things a lot more fun. But I cannot have everything. I had to work with the reporters I got.

We had just said goodbye to the reporters and Julian went to my side, holding my bag. I grabbed it from him and we walked in silence towards the car that was waiting for us to get to the hotel. We arrived soon, and both sat down in the seats. 

"Where's my father?", I asked my manager as he instructed the driver to leave the parking lot. Julian didn't look at me when he answered, but instead looked down onto the phone in his hand. 

"He already left for the hotel.", he plainly said. I nodded, not talking more during the short car ride to the hotel. Just when the driver stopped the car in front of the big luxurious hotel, my phone went off. The picture of Lucas appeared on the phone and I happily picked it up. We had been texting the past days and weeks because we have been both so busy, but it's not the same as actually talking to him. Even though it was only through the phone. 

"Hey, honey.", I greeted him. I bet he could hear the smile that was on my lips. 

"Hey, babe. How are you?", he asked me. 

"I'm fine, and yourself?" I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me. Julian was already at the back of the car and pulled out my suitcase and the guitar that I've brought to this trip. I thought I could finally find the time to play again. 

"Yea, good. Tired from waking up so early each day.", he admitted honestly and a small chuckle escaped my lips. 

"You've never been a morning person.", I remembered him and he agreed with a sound. Julian handed me my guitar bag and I put it on my back, so my hands were free. I grabbed my suitcase and started walking towards the entrance, pushing the suitcase in front of me. 

"Yea but you are. Why did I agree to date you?" I knew he was joking, so I went along and laughed with him as I passed the glass door and Julian went to the reception to check us both in. 

"The better question is, why did I agree to date somebody who normally doesn't function before 12 pm?", I shot back at him, still laughing. 

"Touchè.", he then said as our laughter quiet down. 

"How many days of shooting are left?" My voice went a little more serious for this question. It just didn't feel right to talk about work with an attitude of joking around. 

"7 days, spread over two weeks.", he explained to me. I nodded as Julian came back to me and handed me a key card which was wrapped in a white paper. Room number 751. That was pretty high up. A yawn escaped me when I followed Julian towards the elevators. 

"That's nice. This way you have some rest days in between.", I said. 

"You're right. I didn't think of it that way.", he laughed. "I only saw how many days are still going to be torture, with waking up at 6 am." 

"You're unbelievable.", I said as another yawn escaped my mouth. I knew I was knackered before, but now I think I was sleep-deprived. It certainly felt like it. 

"Are you going back to the hotel soon? You seem dead tired.", Lucas noticed. Some other person stopped and waited for the elevator right next to my left side. I could see that out of the corner of my eye. I didn't even notice until then that I have been watching the floor for the entirety of the phone call.

"I am.", I told him honestly. "We just arrived and I'm going up to my room right now."

"Alright, then I'm going to let you rest. Sleep tight, Tia. I'll text you soon. Love you.", he said and waited for my answer. 

"I love you too.", I said. "Bye." The phone call ended and I looked up. How long could these elevators possibly take to come down here and open their goddamn doors? I looked over to Julian, who was just standing there waiting, looking down on his phone once again. 

"Hi.", another voice suddenly said and I jumped a little. My face turned to the direction the voice came out off. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you saw me standing here.", the boy then added and I closed my eyes for a split second to calm down my heartbeat. 

"No, I did see you. I just- I don't know. I'm sorry.", I said and smiled. The boy smiled back shyly and a brown curly fell into his hair. With one swift motion, he pushed it back into place. That's when I recognised him. It was the boy I accidentally ran into, back at the circuit. He faced the floor now, following the lines of the white tiles that set up the floor with his eyes. He was wearing nothing team related, just black jeans and a white oversized hoodie. a plain black backpack hung loosely from his shoulders. I liked his style. It was pretty much the same thing I would go for when I didn't have to work. 

"I'm also sorry about before.", I added when he didn't say anything back. His eyes met mine again and he smiled. Surprise was written on his face.

"You remember me?", he asked unsurely and I nodded. Of course, I did. I ran into him like 45 minutes ago. How could you forget these weirdly coloured eyes? The same feeling grew inside of me, just like back at the circuit. I knew him from somewhere else, not just the circuit.

"Yes, of course.", I said and smiled at him friendly. He nodded, smiling to himself. A moment of silence hovered between us. "This might seem weird, but do you also, by any chance, stream on Twitch?" His eyes widened a little, but only for a moment. His face faced the floor for a moment before we made eye contact again. He was a shy person, I assumed. 

"Yes, I do. Why?", he asked back. 

"I think I saw a video of you when you were streaming.", I explained myself. One of the elevator's doors finally opened with a ding sound and we walked in together. Julian pressed the button for the seventh floor. 

"Was I talking about you and your show?", the boy asked me back and I nodded as an answer. He leaned over and managed to press the button of the eighth floor, even though Julian was kind of in the way and didn't make any motion to move aside. He was watching me and the boy closely. Talking about privacy... 

"Yes, you were.", I laughed and the boy's cheeks grew even redder. He was a little embarrassed before, I could tell, but now it wasn't a secret anymore. He was more than embarrassed. "But I thought it was cute. I mean, you talking so positively about me, even though you have never met me in person."

"Yea, you did?" I could see my words calmed him down a little and his eyes started to shine again just like before. He smiled brightly at me. Julian let out a breath. 

"I did.", I assured him once more. "So you're Lando, right?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't mistaken. My body leaned against the metal walls of the elevator.

"Yes, I am.", Lando answered me. "I'm sorry, that's so rude. I didn't even introduce myself."

"No, that's okay.", I said back quickly. "It's not like I've introduced myself either. I'm Tia. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand and he friendly shook it. 

"I know.", he mumbled and I laughed. "I mean, of course, I do. But it's my pleasure to meet you." He was so nervous, it was cute. I got it, though. Fifi was the same kind of person. They are shy and nervous at first when they meet new people, but once they feel comfortable around you, they are actually the most fun people. I never had difficulties meeting new people. It just came natural and felt really easy for me. But not all people were the same and that's good. That's what made people so interesting. I could also see Lando and me getting along really well. Once he opened up, I mean. 

"So, how do you enjoy being here for the race weekend so far?", Lando asked me after a couple of moments of silence. I could already see him open up. 

"I enjoy every second of it.", I told him. "I also met some other drivers today, before running into you."

"Really? Who did you meet?" He genuinely seemed interested. It felt so nice.

"Daniel and Pierre. They were such nice blokes. I really enjoyed talking to them.", I stated.

"So you have met my teammate then. Daniel.", Lando elaborated when I didn't catch it immediately.

"So you're racing for McLaren?", I asked and he nodded. "That's so cool. How's your weekend going so far?"

"Going good, actually.", he stated and I felt the elevator slowing down. Sadly, I might add. I could stand here longer and talk to Lando, but I was also so tired, I could fall asleep here and now. "I mean not if you compare running times with the other drivers from practice one and two but I always try new things in practice sessions, so I don't really focus on lap times in practice." The elevator doors opened and Julian stepped through them, then stopped and waited for me. 

"Well, I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later, Lando, alright?", I said and walked out of the elevator. 

"Yes, catch up later.", He agreed and stayed behind. I turned around once more and smiled at him. 

"See you later. Bye.", I said as the doors started to close. 

"Cheers.", he said and waved quickly, before metal doors closed between us. Julian looked at me and shook his head, then turned around to look for his room. 

"What?", I asked him when I followed him. 

"I told you to stay focused on your tasks this weekend and not get distracted by drivers or somebody else.", he hissed back and turned right. 

"I'm not getting distracted. I'm only making friends and I'm being friendly. That's good for publicity, right?!", I shot back. Julian shook his head once more but didn't say anything. He stopped in front of my room number and made sure the card was working. 

"Breakfast meeting at 7:30 am tomorrow. Stylists will be in your room at 7 am. Good night, Tia.", he said as I stepped one foot into my room. I nodded. 

"Good night.", I said and closed the door behind me. I let out an angry breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down my suitcase next to the bed. I needed to let out some of the feelings that grew inside of me because of Julian and his stupid rules. My eyes scanned my lock screen quickly for the time. It wasn't too late to play some guitar and distract myself with a little singing. But the air inside the room was thick and warm. I opened the window as far as I could and unpacked my guitar. 


The key card unlocked the hotel room and the boy stumbled into the room he had been staying in for the past days. It was a little messy, clothes were laying on the floor and the bed was unmade. He guessed the room service actually respected the sign he put onto the door of his room, saying he didn't want to be disturbed, even though he wasn't here all day. He threw his backpack onto the sofa that was standing in one of the corners as his phone buzzed. He sat down on his bed. It was a text from his good friend, Carlos. 

Carlos, 19:49
"Lando, I heard you ran into Tatiana Gauvin today! How was it?" 

Lando, 19:50
"First meeting was just bumping into each other and apologising. The second meeting just now in the elevator was stressful and embarrassing but I think I have not scared her away completely."

Carlos, 19:52
"Hahaha, did you do something weird or what?"

Lando, 19:52
"Didn't do something weird, but I was so nervous and shy. I hate myself for it."

Carlos, 19:53
"I think it's going to be fine, Muppet. Just try to stay calm next time."

Lando, 19:55
"Easy for you to say. You know how I react when meeting new people. And then actually meeting her. I freaked out."

Carlos, 19:56
"Next time you see her and I'm not there, just text me where you are and I'll come running to help you."

Lando, 19:57
"Please don't. You'll only make it worse."

Lando put his hone down onto the nightstand and walked over to the window. The air inside this hotel was horrible. He opened the windows and went to use the bathroom. When he got back, he heard some music coming from outside the windows.

"I'll rent a beach house in Miami, wake up with no jammies."

Somebody, a female voice,  played the guitar and sang along to it. He stopped and didn't dare to breathe. He was afraid she would hear him and would stop. The voice, which he immediately recognised as Tia's, sang and played a song that he also recognised immediately. It was "That's what I like" from Bruno Mars, but an acoustic version. She was singing silently, cautiously and didn't really put much effort into it. Still, it sounded amazing. Lando couldn't believe how talented she was. 

"Gold jewellery shining so bright, strawberry champagne on ice, Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like. Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like."

Lando sat down on his bed and listened for a few more minutes. Tia finished the song and it went silent. It felt like the entire hotel and the people in it had listened and waited for another song now. But it stayed quiet for a moment. Then the guitar played again. A few cords played, but nobody started to sing. Lando's phone buzzed again. He picked it up and looked at the message he got. It was Jon, his trainer, who had sent him some data and asked him to look at that for tomorrow's qualifying. While still listening to the cords Tia played, he looked at the data carefully. After some minutes, almost at the same time Lando was done looking at the data, it went quiet again and this time it stayed this way. Tia must have gotten ready for bed, Lando assumed. A yawn escaped his lips and he went to the bathroom to get ready for sleep as well. 

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