The Half-Breed Queen and her...

Oleh woahheythereboo

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This is based off of The Seven Deadly Sins. You are a beautiful and powerful girl with a mysterious and dark... Lebih Banyak

Authors note
Chapter 1 - Finding Him
Chapter 2 - Hello Again
Chapter 3 - Boar Hat Tavern
Chapter 4 - King?
Chapter 5 - Guila
Chapter 6 - What are you?
Chapter 7 - Fighting Festival
Chapter 8 - Fighting Festival (Part 2)
Chapter 9 - The New Generation
Chapter 10 - Demonic Power
Chapter 11 - Congratulations
Chapter 12 - Happiest Man Alive
Chapter 13 - The Armor Giant
Chapter 14 - Open for Business
Chapter 15 - A Pain and a Sign
Chapter 16 - Rescue Mission
Chapter 17 - A Fight to Remember
Chapter 18 - A Fight to Remember (Part 2)
Chapter 19 - The Final Battle
Chapter 20 - A Good Time
Chapter 21 - A Good Time (Part 2)
Chapter 22 - Bleeding
Chapter 23 - Veron
Chapter 24 - Heartbroken
Chapter 25 - Ban Vs Meliodas
Chapter 26 - Ban Vs Meliodas (Part 2)
Chapter 27 - Hide and Seek
Chapter 28 - A Sticky Situation
Chapter 29 - Please
Chapter 30 - Please (Part 2)
Chapter 31 - All Yours
Chapter 32 - Goodbye
Chapter 33 - Demons
Chapter 34 - Fairy King's Forest
Chapter 36 - Galand
Chapter 37 - Zhivago
Chapter 38 - I Love You

Chapter 35 - Elely

103 4 2
Oleh woahheythereboo

Mostly Appropriate

Zeldris' POV:

The second we escaped from that stupid seal Elely and Bellion disappeared.

I wasn't surprised...I expected it, I let them go...

(Y/N) has suffered being away from them for so long.

I looked for her immediately and found nothing, I could even sense my brother's power faintly...and very far away.

But with her...I feel nothing.

I'd know if she were dead...I'd feel it in my...well everything.

I saw her only recently.
So...she is alive. I'm just being paranoid about her, nothing unusual I suppose.

I guess I'll just wait for the right time, and then find Bellion as she is most likely to be with him.

"Looks like the Albion's have been destroyed. Two of them, actually. In separate locations" Fraudrin says.

"Well who cares about them? They're just ancient toys, ravaged with rust" Melascula's aggravating voice speaks up.

Galand starts laughing.

All I want to do is find her...and yet these idiots are arguing about some stupid lesser Demons.

"How amusing!"

"What do you find so funny?"

"Who knew that even in this age, there'd still be people who'd stand against the Demon race? Right, I'm off!" Galand speaks up.

"You're not really thinking of heading out with your magical power still depleted?"

"What? It'll be a warm-up exercise...Or do you actually think they'll defeat me?"

I step in.

"Hold on. Have you forgotten that it was this arrogance that led to the Ten Commandments being sealed in disgrace?" I ask.

"Well, memory loss in old men can be quite severe, you know? ...And anyway, it was not just arrogance that led to us being sealed away...that was helped along by your brother and that mutt" he spits the last word and I glare at him.

How dare he talk about her like that, in front of me...

"So, which direction will you go?" Gloxinia tries to change the subject.

"Let's see" he murmurs and I sigh.

"It was just for a moment, but to the northwest, I detected power levels almost double the Albion's. The one to the south was strange, because it seemed like the Albion self-destructed. Like it's own power slammed right back into it" Gloxinia explains.

I have no idea who that first one could be,       (Y/N)'s power would be more than double an Albion, and it was momentary so it can't be her.

Meliodas must be to the South...that sounds like his Full Counter.

"Thanks a lot!" Galand pets Gloxinia's head.

"I've decided!" he shouts, shooting off into the sky.


(Y/N)'s POV:

You shoot off towards Meliodas...making sure you take your time.

You need to know

Just to be safe, you just need to sense him again...just once.
He won't be able to detect you.

As you fly through the sky you notice strong magical power coming from the Fairy King's this for real? You just left and now there's a threat. Bellion is there, and King too...he will fight for his Forest, and you know Ban will protect your son.

It will be fine.
You need to see Elely.

Your hair whips in the wind and you feel something.
You stop mid-air...could that be...him?

You close off everything...sealing away all of your senses.
To focus on him, on his power...his scent.

Then it hits you...there he is.

You know exactly where he is, but you cannot go to him.

He will be with the others...there's no way you would stand against them all...they believe you to be a traitor after all.

So you shoot off.

As you do, you feel something else...something sinister.'s not sinister.
It's Galand.

You fly faster, your wings beating with enough strength to get you to Camelot in no time.

Once you find them, you quickly jump down to meet them.

"(Y/N)!" Meli shouts happily, embracing you.
You look around trying to find her.

"Mum!" Two arms wrap around you.

You envelop the girl with a hug but have to pull away quickly. was right.

She is my height...with long blonde hair, tied up.

She seems to have my curves but she still looks just like Meliodas, you giggle as you realise your daughter is just Meliodas with boobs. And then tears start dripping down your face as you grab hold of her.

"Elely" you say.

"Is that...thunder?" you hear someone say and immediately are in protect mode.

"'s Galand"

"What?" Elely shouts.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short, my dear...but we have an asshole to deal with"

"What about Bellion?" Meli asks softly.

"He's looking after Ban, Veron and King for me" you smile at Meli and he nods.

Then it happens.

A beam of light shoots to the ground, creating a massive impact with the ground.

"Seventy-two steps, eh?"

" this?" Diane says softly.

"I thought it would only take me 70 steps to get here, but I'm out of practice after 3000 years!"

You instinctively stand in front of your daughter.

"Galand!" Meli shouts, standing in front of Elizabeth.

"It's been a while, Meliodas...Oh! And look...(Y/N)...Zeldris would be so happy to know you are here" you growl at him.

You never really liked Galand.

"To think after all this time you'd still be in that form" he laughs at Meli.

"H-How can there be a monster like this in the world?" Diane asks, stepping back.

You notice his overpowering aura.

Even with your new demonic powers which you haven't used in so long...your control over them has lessened dramatically...truth is, you're weak...much weaker than Galand even in HIS weakened form.
It makes your blood boil.

"Merlin...It seems like my magical eye is broken..." Hawk states.

"Why's that?" Merlin asks.

"I mean, this can't be right, can it? A power level of...26 000?"


"Merlin..." she looks at you and you communicate with your eyes.

She nods, understanding your request.

Truth is Elely may be the only one here strong enough to take him on...but there is no way you are going to risk it, she is powerful...but she hasn't reached her potential yet and you will not risk your daughter after just getting her back...especially to this asshole. And anyway, you are her mother, this is your duty.

Galand starts walking forward.

"A power level of 26 000?"

"I-I can't stop shaking"

"Hurry, we have to evacuate the citizens" won't work.

He's going to try and kill us all.

"True, his power level is more than we imagined, but something seems off" Merlin assesses.

"Hawk, what's his magic?" she asks.

"Zero?!" he gasps.

"It is the effects of the Goddess Seal, we hardly have any power...only relying on our strength for now, our magical power will soon return...I am surprised he has come out so early" Elely comments.

"That means now is our only chance to attack" Diane raises her firsts.

"So this is where humans nest. Quite a lot has changed in 3000 years. But as usual, they're in a clump, Their habit of gathering together hasn't changed. It's too cramped" Galand says.

Oh shit.

He swings his weapon.

And destroys the city...leaving a very large clearing of barren land around him.

"Now that makes things a bit roomier" he sighs with pleasure.

"Meliodas, I've been wanting to have a nice, long sparring match with you, and Captain...oh I have missed you, although you do not seem all you were...a lot weaker. I believe Zeldris would be upset if I were to kill you...but I don't think I'd be punished that severely, after all, you are a traitor"

You growl.

Meliodas dives forward, a green sword in his hand.
You use your darkness to pull out your two long blades, arming yourself.
Meli strikes Galand, but no damage is done and Galand's spear shoots through him.

"DAD!" you hold back Elely.

"Merlin!" you shout.

"I'll go" you tell your daughter.

Meli's blood drips onto his face as he is stuck upside down.


Clones of Meliodas appear, you have no idea what's going on but you ignore'll ask questions later.

Galand strikes the heads off of the clones.

"An afterimage? No, this feels like an afterimage following the real image. Next...from behind" as he speaks another Meliodas dives forward, "But it's just a feint. From above, huh?" Meliodas appears, crashing down from above onto Galand.

He wraps his hand around Meli's throat.

"That's quite a fun spell. However, I'm not really fond of cheap tricks."

Another Meliodas attacks...and is impaled by Galand's spear.

"I don't believe this monster" Slader of the Roars of Dawn announces.

Arthur, Elizabeth, Hawk and Elely are enclosed in a Perfect Cube.

"MUM!" she shouts at you.

"I'm sorry love...I will not risk you" you feel terrible, knowing how capable she is, and knowing what it's like to be held back, but this is your daughter.

Meli struggles with Galand.
"Are you really the Meliodas I'm thinking of?" he chuckles, crushing his throat.

"Diane...Slader...Merlin...fight with me" you say.

Diane runs forward first.

"Magic cancel. Apport" Merlin shouts and Diane grows into her usual size, her new outfit on her body.

She slams her Gideon down. Galand kicks it, it smashes back into her face.

You run forward, angry at his violent display towards people you love.

"Let's take a moment to strategize" Suddenly Merlin clicks her fingers. Galand disappears.

"I didn't have anything to do with it. In a matter of seconds he jumped beyond my range of magical power...So I can only assume that he's retreated"

Something's not right.

You feel him.

He appears right behind Merlin.

"You know. It's sneaky mages like you that I hate the most"

His fist comes down and Slader jumps in front..."Overpower"

It won't work.

You run to Meli and Diane.

You place your hands out, summoning Goddess abilities and healing them cannot complete it because of Galand.

He uses his weapon, sending Slader flying, crushing his bones, his arm comes off.

He turns back to Merlin.

"Wait! Let's make a deal. Galand of the Ten Commandments, serving under the King of the Demon race, I must admit that your power and fighting abilities far exceed my expectations. Surely you can kill us..." she carries on talking.

It all sounds random.'s bluffing.

"MERLIN NO!" You shout, but it's too late...she's already lied.

"You lied to me, didn't you?" he growls.

Her body turns to stone.

You dive forward, desperate to protect her.

But you have no strategy, and Galand uses his weapon to send you flying, smacking into Meliodas and Diane, with a deep gash that trails up your chest, revealing bone.

"I'm the Ten Commandments' Galand of Truth. Speak any lies in my presence, and no matter who you are, you'll be turned to stone. There's no way to withstand this commandment bestowed by the Demon King" you try to stand, realising the wound is a lot deeper than you thought.

Meliodas wraps his arms around you.

"No" he murmurs.

"Now then. I'll pulverise you into dust" Galand raises his fist.

Meli disappears from your side...reappearing to strike Galand, his demonic symbol above his right eye.

"Meliodas' power level jumped to 4 400" Hawk shouts.

Not enough.

Slader grabs Merlins body as more knights attack Galand.

You stand, directing your power towards yourself to heal your wound.

You're the only chance...

Galand tears the knights apart with ease.

Meliodas loses his arms.

You dive forward.

"No (Y/N)...stay back!" he shouts.

So he's willing to sacrifice himself.

His demonic mark grows, and his arms return to him.

Zeldris' POV:

I wonder...where has that idiot gone off to...?

My brother. I can sense Elely is there too...but I don't feel her power being used.

Instead, I feel new demonic power, I feel...her.

Could she be there? Is it really her?

Is she fighting Galand right now?

Is she strong enough?

"I've been wondering about something ever since we were released from the seal. Right, Zeldris?" Melascula asks.

"Yeah. The magical power that flowed abundantly in Britannia 3000 years ago has dried up. No wonder it's taking so long for us to regain ours" I respond.

"Even though the war between the Five races started because of that magical power." Monspeet adds.

"No, things haven't become that disappointing" Fraudrin defends.

Monspeet and Derieri deal with two humans annoying us.

"All right, then, why don't I send my honeybees out to gather tons of honey?...Summon Ring!" Melascula uses her abilities to fetch us some more souls to feast on.

But all I can think about is her.
Where is she right now?
What has she done all these years?
Is she okay?

God...Zeldris, you idiot. Father is right, when it comes to her...I'm weak and pathetic, distracted so easily.

But what does he expect?
She is my everything.

TO BE CONTINUED. Yay...thanks for reading...finally get to start the Zeldris stuff...(Very excited)

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