Chapter 1 - Finding Him

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"I can't believe they still haven't found's been years"

"I know right! It's a shame that they're traitors...Meliodas is kind of hot"

"Oh my god! What is wrong with you?"

"Bitch don't pretend you don't agree"

"Pfft. Ban's hotter though"

A smirk appears on your face as you silently agree with the young girls in town.

Doing absolutely nothing for the past however many years has really affected your emotional wellbeing. You can't help but feel numb when people talk about...them.

You're pulled back into reality when you hear something interesting.

"My dad heard that Undead Ban is in Baste Prison"

An hour later:

You grab your recently packed bag (small, but the perfect size to fit all you need) and leave the tiny 'apartment' you have been renting for the past month.

Then you head off...towards Baste Prison...towards him.

In all honesty, you don't expect to find him there at all, every other one of your leads found in the past have done nothing to actually help you find him, the slippery little fox.

But you are hoping...praying...begging to discover a clue to his whereabouts.

A few days later:

You place your bag in the newly rented room in the town of Dalmary and stretch your back out, hearing a crack or two. You begin to unpack some of your things, trying to decide on the best course of action when you hear commotion outside.


Someone utters his name and you stop, wondering whether or not you heard correctly. Meliodas is part of the Seven Deadly Sins...and so is Ban. So they must be friends, meaning...Meliodas is here...also looking for Ban.

So...Ban is definitely in Baste Prison.

Your heart aches when thinking of him, imagining his strong arms around you and you sigh.

But why the fuck is he in some prison...that asshat could easily escape.

And then you smile...Meli is here...he can help. Your excitement to see Meliodas bursts through the numb shell that has been created over the years and you giggle (something you haven't done in a very long time).

You can finally be reunited with your men.

You rush to the window and get ready to grab your stuff and run out to find him when all hell breaks loose.

The people are running around and screaming as the world outside turns to chaos. There seems to be a storm of...bugs?...creating havoc amongst the town.

And then you see her...a giant, not just any giant, but the one from the posters...the serpent sin of Envy, Diane.

But your thoughts are cut short when the building collapses, the weight of the rubble crushing you underneath.

Time passes

You awaken to the darkness and a pounding head. You push through the rough rock and debris from the building, finding a few of your possessions along the way, most being broken. You finally break through to the surface and release a breath you didn't know you were holding as the sun is revealed. Your wounds heal but your outfit remains ruined as you look upon the destroyed town. There seems to be very little casualties but the rubble you escape from is not the only debris around.

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