Chapter 37 - Zhivago

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Slightly Inappropriate

Ban's POV:

It's only been a few hours...but I miss her.
Sometimes she really makes me question my sanity, I can't believe I'm letting thoughts of a woman completely control my life. 
But, she's my woman. Of course she's all I think of. Her smile...those pretty (E/C) eyes.

I guess I do have two reminders of them constantly around me.'s not the same.

I miss all of her.

Especially those hips...those curves...damn I just wish I could-

"Stop thinking about my's gross" I turn to look at the black-haired boy with those familiar eyes and shake my head.

"Not my fault your mum is smoking" I tease...a small growl escapes my own son's throat.

Bellion and I look at him and then burst out laughing.

As much as this kid annoys me, he's actually...all right.

They're similar in some ways and he already adores that's a bonus.

Bellion makes a pained face and hands Veron back to me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Mum...hurt...bad" he mumbles, his body is stiff and his eyes seem glossed over as if he's somewhere else. My body goes rigid as his words sink in.


"I think-Dad is fighting Galand...Elely isn't" his eyes are closed...he's concentrating.

"Who's Galand?"

"A Ten Commandment, he's ruthless, an asshole...Mum will be fine" he tries convincing himself...but I can see the doubt in his eyes.

"They're fighting a Ten Commandment?" I shudder.

"Mum is stronger now...not as strong as Galand...but if worst comes to worst...she'll just...make him back down"

"How the hell is she gonna do that? he in love with her too?" There was a point in time where I realised that most people that have come across my woman have been in love or are still in love with her. And that's ok, because she still chooses me.
I just wish they'd stay the fuck away from us sometimes.

He scoffs..."No. Attracted to her...but not in love...he'd definitely kill her if he could. But...Zeldris is the leader of the Commandments and the Demon King's representative so Galand has to do as he says. If Zel knew what Galand was doing to mum...he'd probably tear him apart" he smirks.

Good. As much as I don't enjoy having constant competition, it really does have its perks.

"Nah...she'll be fine!" he sounds more confident now and I nod.

Now...we have to focus on the task in hand.

(Y/N)'s POV:

They're in Ravens, Ban's birthplace.
In a hotel.

You immediately cringe at the idea of your boys and a hotel together.


You land in the dark of night, pulling in your wings.

The pain hits you hard.
Guess you won't be moving your left arm for a while.

All that flying...and using terminate earlier, such a bad idea.

Oh well.

You creep past everyone and make your way to the room containing your loved ones.

You can hear...someone else in there too.
It sounds...serious...

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