Always & Forever (Choni)

Von NeireeWrites

156K 4K 3.7K

When Toni agrees to show her best friend Betty Cooper's cousin, Cheryl Blossom, around the school, she's imme... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 66

1.2K 28 43
Von NeireeWrites


Toni huffed as she slammed the mail on the counter where her wife was sitting.

Cheryl looked up and raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow, she could feel anger radiating off of her wife.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or am I supposed to read your mind?" she asked, sipping from the mug in her hands.

"I have a question." Toni states.

"Okay...?" Cheryl chuckled, looking around Toni to check on their kids who were watching Tv, Hunter holding Aliana in his lap. The redhead smiled before looking back up at her wife who was glaring at her.

"What is it my love?" she finally asked and set her mug down.

"You put Hunter in the after school program after we agreed that we wouldn't put that much pressure on him?" the soccer player asked

"Okay, I know. I know. But I wanted to test it out first." the redhead said and turned to her wife.

"Cher, I thought we were over this!" she yelled.

Cheryl raised her eyebrow at the woman, a warning for her to lower her tone. Toni sighed and looked into the living room to see Hunter looking into the kitchen. He could tell Toni was angry so Toni gave him a reassuring smile and he looked back at the Tv, keeping his sister distracted.

The tanned woman huffed and turned to look at her wife. "Why would you do that?" she asked.

"Because Hunter needs an after-school activity," she replied.

"I'm confused, Cheryl. Because you literally said last week that you didn't want to put pressure on him now look."

Cheryl rolled her eyes at her wife, "Did you or did you not forget that he is my son too?"

"Yes! I'm aware of that but we made a mutual agreement. You went behind my back, Cheryl."

She let out a huff, "That was a very hypocritical move, Cher." she states through gritted teeth. Cheryl hummed, taking another drink from her mug.

"I want to know why you're getting so mad?" Cheryl scoffed.

The couple was so busy bickering that they didn't see Hunter watching them with a frown. He can tell from body language and the way his mother's face was red that they were arguing. He hated that.

Even though they told him that sometimes they get angry at each other, it's normal, he still hated it.

"I can't believe you right now, Toni. What hell has gotten into you?" Cheryl aske.

"What's gotten into me?! Hunter doesn't need the pressure of after school on him. He's three!" the brunette growled.

Cheryl scoffed, "You weren't saying that when we enrolled him into school in the first place. That's pressure."

"Don't flip this on me. Hunter loves to learn, it's not pressuring him, he would've told us." Toni says.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, tired of this conversation already, "If Hunter says he doesn't want after school then we can take him out of it. If not, then it's what he wants at the end of the day."

"It's whatever." Toni scoffed, walking into the living.

"Hey, lovies, wanna go get ice cream?" she asked them.

Aliana's small face light up as she made grabby hands at Toni.

"Yes! I want ice cream!" Hunter nodded.

"Go get your shoes," she states, picking up Aliana's tiny sneakers.

She put them on her, Aliana surprisingly didn't protest. Once they were on and tied, she placed the small girl on the floor and Alia took her time walking to her ready brother.

Cheryl glared at her wife as Toni grabbed the keys from the bowl on the table by the door. Toni looked up, "We won't be long." she mumbled, grabbing Hunter's hand and picking up Aliana.

She shut the door with a slam and Cheryl groaned setting the coffee mug down on the counter.

She knew she should've spoken to Toni before doing what she did, but she didn't want to argue with the brunette but now she realizes she only made it worse.

With a sigh, she got up to dump the remaining portion of her tea, not having the appetite for it anymore.

Nala came running in, checking her bowls for food but found nothing.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry baby. I meant to refill it after my tea." the lawyer sighed and went into the broom closet to get the big bag of dog food.

After she made sure Nala was good, she walked into the living room to get her phone, only to find text messages from Toni.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:38 PM]: It's a fair happening right now so the kids and I are going to go.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:38 PM]: Just telling you so ya know, you won't have to worry.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:39 PM]: See you later.

Cheryl[3:40]: Oh okay, that's alright. Have fun, stay safe, I love you.

Soon as she put her phone down, it went off again, Toni's contact popping up.

Beautiful Wifey😍💍[3:42 PM]: I love you more.

No matter how upset they were with each other, they never went without saying they love each other.

She let out a sigh and slid her phone to the other end of the couch, not in the mood to talk to anyone.


It was around 8 p.m when Toni entered the house alone. It was quiet and calm, the homey feeling she always gets when she enters.

Setting the keys in the bowl, Nala came wagging her tail happily. "Hey, baby, you missed me?" Toni smiled, sitting on her knees to greet the dog.

After doing that for a few, she got up to look for her wife hearing that it was very quiet. "Cher!" she called out softly as she turned into the living room. She stopped and lean on the wall.

Cheryl was fast asleep on the couch, her hair spread out on the couch pillow she was laying on. She was wearing one of Toni's sweaters and a pair of sweats.

Toni could tell the redhead had just showered since her hair looked silkier than normal.

"Cher, baby, " she whispered, going over to wake the redhead gently. She rubbed her back softly causing the lawyer to stir and turn to face her.

She opened her eyes and Toni smiled upon seeing the blue irises her wife owned.

"W-Where's the kids?" she mumbled in question.

"We bumped in Jason, he took them for the night," Toni explained. "Let's get to bed, okay?" she added.

"We still have to talk-"

"We can do that in the morning. Come on." the brunette cut her off, helping her off of the couch.

Cheryl nodded wordlessly, a yawn falling from her lips as she grabbed her phone and followed her wife upstairs.

She laid down while Toni took a quick shower and changed into some comfy pajama pants and a t-shirt before sliding into bed with the ginger.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Cheryl mumbled when Toni pulled the redhead into her.

"It's okay, baby. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Cheryl nodded and pulled the covers over them, soon they were fast asleep.

The next morning, Cheryl woke up in bed alone. She let out a yawn and stretched her muscles.

When she got downstairs, Toni was dressed for the day.

"Good morning,"

"Morning, " Cheryl mumbled.

"I was thinking we drive somewhere to talk. On the motorcycle. I want to take some pictures, so that'll be good." Toni shrugged.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I like the sound of that. Let me get ready." Cheryl nodded and went back up the stairs.

It only took Cheryl 18 minutes to get ready. She decided to wear a fuzzy sweater and jeans and chose to wear no makeup since she wasn't in the mood to get all glamorous and pretty.

"I'm ready," she states as she gets to the first level of their house.

Toni smiled at her choice of clothing, "You're adorable, you know that?"

Cheryl rolled her eyes playfully a giggle falling from her lips. Toni grabbed the motorcycle keys and nodding for the redhead to leave out with her.


The wind blew Cheryl's hair as Toni sped down the road towards the mountains. It was quiet this morning, with barely any cars on the road. Well, that's understandable, it's 7 in the morning.

"You okay!?" Toni asked over the loud roaring of the motorcycle's engine.

"Yeah!" she replied, tucking her head into the crock of her wife's neck.

She knew she said that she was scared of motorcycles, but on the back of the bike with her wife, she felt safe. It was odd because she wouldn't ever get on one with anyone else, she only felt safe with the love of her life.

Toni came to a stop when they got to the beautiful field of flowers and the clear water of a lake.

"I love it here." Toni sighed, helping Cheryl off of the motorcycle.

Cheryl mumbled a quiet thank you while Toni shut the engine off. The brunette turned to face the lawyer and held her hand out for her to grasp onto.

The married couple walked through the flower field, purely relaxed by the sounds of the rippling water the lake held.

Toni sighed and cleared her throat, "I'm sorry about the way I approached you yesterday. We're both adults and I should've talked to you instead of getting angry like that."

Cheryl turned to look at her, "It's alright."

"I was just so upset because I don't want Hunter to feel like he has to do this or that just because we want it, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry for going behind your back like that. It was a shitty move and I wasn't thinking." Cheryl mumbled.

"That's okay. I spoke to Hunter yesterday. He was upset that we were arguing." Toni sighed, lifting the camera around her neck to take a picture of the clear lake water.

"He said he didn't like how I approached you." Toni chuckled, "That boy is so smart, I swear." she shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, sometimes I think there is an adult in that boy's body." Cheryl agreed with a laugh.

"Yeah, he um, he was telling me that I should've been calmer about it. He also said that he didn't mind going to after school, but I told him that he didn't have to if he didn't want to." she took a picture of the flowers that were across the lake.

"What did he say?" the redhead asked, reaching up to run her hands through Toni's curly hair.

"That he just wants us happy. I had to explain to him that no matter what he does, we're going to be happy. He confessed that he'd rather stay home with us after school." she replied and turned to look at Cheryl.

"That's our boy," they say at the same time. Toni let out a chuckle while shaking her head, "He's too much sometimes. I mean, how does he know to tell me to be calmer? Like what three-year-old knows to tell that to someone?"

"Yes, I can say that we are doing an amazing job at raising him." Cheryl gloats.

Toni nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Oh and get this, he also said, and these were his exact words! He said; 'Mommy's glare is scary...don't make mommy glare.' and I just looked at him in shock." the soccer player giggled.

"No way, he really said that?" Cheryl asked.

"Hell yeah. I was in shock the whole drive to the ice cream parlor. He's getting big and he's starting to understand certain things now." she let out a sigh.

"One thing I was afraid of. He's going to be too good for this messed up world, TT." the lawyer mumbled.

Toni nodded, taking another picture as they continued walking along the lake's edge.

"I'm scared too. But at least we know he's going to be very protective of us. The way he got on me yesterday was like he was my father or something." Toni laughed, "And his cute little voice made it so much better because he tried to sound like held authority. And he wasn't disrespectful with it either."

"He knows what's up." Cheryl shook her head at the thought of their three in a half-year-old son.

"Let me get a few more pictures, then we can head back and pick up breakfast."

"Sounds good."


"Mommy!" Hunter cheered when Jason opened the door for him to run out to her.

"Hey, my love!" the lawyer giggled as she picked him up, "You had fun with uncle Jason?" she tickled his side.

"Yes!" he giggled, squirming to get away from her wiggling fingers.

"I'm glad." she kissed his cheek. She turned her attention to Toni who was getting Aliana out of the car.

"Aliana fell asleep," Hunter mumbled.

"I see. She loves car rides." Cheryl chuckled.

Jason bid his goodbyes after talking with Cheryl for a bit.

The family cuddled on the couch while Hunter told Toni what movie he wanted to watch, yet it turned into an argument.

"No, we already saw that one." Toni giggled.

"Yes, I wanna see it again!" he stated.

Aliana snatched the remote out of Toni's hand since she wasn't paying attention and handed it to Cheryl, who was holding her in her lap.

"Hey!" Toni laughed at the 10-month-old.

"She got tired of the arguing." Cheryl laughed and picked the Incredibles movie.

"Oh! I love this one!" Hunter said and Toni nodded.

As they settled down, Cheryl looked around at the people she felt safest with, her family. She smiled softly and kissed Aliana's head before toning into the movie.


Love youssss❤️


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