𝐇𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉...

By --mananwriter--

35.9K 4.3K 1.2K

(Completed) She was kind but he was a bully. She was caring but he was a jerk. She is intelligent but he is a... More

------» Hijabi and Annoying Atheist «------
2. Apology from Manik
3. God, my sister!
4. Annoyed Nandu
5. The jerk
6. Who is she?
7. Follow request
8. Uncomfortable Nandini
9. Call me your Savior
10. Dad
11. Jealous Alya
12. College Trip
13. Manik out
14. Broken Manik
15. End of Trip
16. Unknown Feelings
17. Dad is in hospital
18.Harshad Threat
19. Unexpected!
20. Attacked
21. Don't touch me Harshad
22. Dreamed!
23. Please Don't Kill Me
24. I love you
25. You are changed
26. Leave Me!
27. In Trouble
28. I want to see you
29. Grounded
30. Changed Mukti
31. Let me Go
32. How Dare You
33. You Missed Me
34. People Like Me Have Brains
35. Holding Her Hand
36. Hiding the book
37. You promised me a date
38. On Periods!
39. Her Old friends
40. Sid's Confession
41. You coughed blood
42. First kiss
43. Manik kissed me
44. Cancer is back!
45. Jerk is back!
46. Revelation
47. I still love you
48. Can we talk!
49. Am I committing suicide
50. She knows
51. He needs your support
52. I'm here love [Last Chapter]
Bonus Chapter?

1. Nandini And Her Friends

1.6K 123 43
By --mananwriter--


My school and college had never been my favorite places. My next section, which will be my final year of college, will begin today, and the best part is that I will be late on the first day. Note the sarcasm.

I've been looking for my blue hijab but haven't been able to find it.

"Mom, Have you seen my blue hijab? "I screamed, still looking for my hijab.

She yelled back, "Look in your closet, Nandu!"

"Mom, I saw it everywhere!" I yelled back in reply.

"Wait, let me see," she said as she entered my room and began looking through my closet.

"See here it is," she remarked as she handed it to me.

I quickly put on the hijab, kissed my mother on the forehead, and began walking towards the door.

"First, Nandu, eat breakfast," Mom instructed.

I rushed to the dining table, grabbed two sandwiches, and dashed out the door.

"Wow, what a great start!" Abhimanyu remarked, laughing as he saw me running.

I ignored him and rushed to catch the last bus to my college.

"Thank God, just on time," I murmured and jumped on the bus.

Because it was the first day of the new section, the bus was nearly empty, with only a few kids seated, and I had plenty of seats available. I took a seat by the window. It's incredibly relaxing when a cool breeze caresses my face.

My phone vibrates suddenly as a result of the text notification. I immediately opened my phone to check the source, and I discovered that Navya and Aryamaan had sent me numerous texts.

I immediately opened my phone to check the source, and I discovered that Navya and Aryamaan had sent me numerous texts. I read each of their texts, and they were both asking where I was and whether or not they should wait. I instantly replied that I would be there in ten minutes.

I was only two minutes away from school when I received a call from my mother informing me that she would be late and that I needed to pick Rohan up from his tuition.

I finally got off the bus after five minutes and only had a few minutes for the first class. Navya and Aryamaan were already waiting for me. I ran towards them, my bag barely slung over my shoulder.

"Are you finally ready to be caged for another year?" Aryamaan yelled while I was still running.

"Of course not, who the hell is?" I thought.

I join them and hug Navya. I hadn't seen her in a long time. I then turned to face Aryamaan and shook his hand.

Aryamaan and I were good friends, but due to our religion, we didn't have much physical contact.

"How did your vacation go?" I asked as we entered the college.

We talk about how we spent our vacations, where we went, what we did, and, most importantly, how we annoy our siblings.

Navya is a beautiful girl. Her hair was long and wavy, and she had a slim face. Her jawline is my favorite. I wanted one as well, but I'm unable to get one due to my chubby cheeks.

Aryamaan is a typical popular guy that attracts a lot of female attention. Aryamaan has been a friend of mine for over five years. He was a classmate of mine in high school, and we ended up at the same college, where we became great friends. Let me tell you, we are just friends. He reminded me of my third brother.

We went to our classes as the first period began. Then we were all preoccupied with our classes.


It was 4 p.m. when I got a text from Aryamaan saying that he and Navya had missed the last class and were waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Only 15 minutes left," I replied.

My lesson ended soon after, and I went to the parking lot to meet them.

"Let's go to a cafe," Aryamaan suggested, pulling his car keys from his pocket.

"Sure, let's go to Starbucks," I said excitedly.

I got home at 7 p.m. after hanging out with them and went straight to bed since I was exhausted.

This went on for a month when the studies were in full swing and I was getting a shitload of homework. We went to lessons regularly and occasionally hung together in strange places.


One day we were doing some random doubt solving of each other as it was a free period when we heard the announcement that we all have to gather in the hall

We reached down and there stood all the teachers. I know that  most probably there is  some important announcement or the trip

And I guessed it right it was the announcement of the college trip


Aryamaan and I were on our way to our lockers. My locker was just next to Aryamaan's. Navya's locker, on the other hand, was on the opposite side of the room, so she was not with us.

I muttered to Aryamaan, "I'm not looking forward to the four-day trip next week."

Because I wasn't the most popular girl in school, school trips were not my cup of tea. I didn't even have many friends, but I did know a few people. Fortunately, I have Navya. When the teacher announced the trip, I texted Navya to see if she was planning on going.

"Maybe this time it will be fun. Ummm, I think, "he said, trying to convince me

He continued munching his apple, "Just make sure you and Navya sleep in the same room."

"Speaking of Navya, here she is." I pointed towards Aryaman's car.

As we reached the car, Navya asked, "How was your day, my lovely friends?"

"As usual, boring," I responded.

"Well, it seems that Manik Malhotra, the well-known Manik Malhotra, is back this year, "I replied, pointing to him."

"I'm not sure how he gets passed every year," I said.

"Arghh, she's at it again," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"What?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"Nothing habibti, let's go home," she said, raising her hand in defeat.

Manik was one of my classmates that enrolled in this college. He began eighth grade at my school, and I had only a few lessons with him. He's your normal popular guy in high school and college, who plays football and hangs out with the popular guys and girls. Luckily, that didn't include me, thank God.

He is a handsome man. He stands roughly 6 feet tall and is muscular, but not too muscular. His hair is dark and shaved on the side. I don't care about his appearance because I've never liked him.

I've been wearing this hijab since eighth grade, and the first year was quite challenging. Many people make fun of me and shout things like "terrorist" at me. They kept mumbling odd things whenever I walked alone in the corridors in my first year of college, but I was used to it by then.

And one of those people was "The Guy" Manik. Until now, he has been hanging out with the guys who have labeled me a "terrorist".

"Nandiniiiiiii!" Navya shouted, directly looking at me.

"What? What happened?" I asked worriedly when she pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Idiot, we've been yelling your name for the past hour," Aryamaan said.

"We've arrived at your location. Are you planning on coming tomorrow? " He questioned

"Yes, for sure," I replied as I exited the car.

We said our goodbyes by waving our hands in the air until we were no longer visible to each other.

Taking off my headscarf was usually a treat, especially when I'd been wearing it all day. Because Abhimanyu was still in college and Mom was at work, I was alone at home. I had an hour before I had to pick Rohan up from school, so I decided to take a quick nap. I set my alarm at quarter to six and jumped on my bed. Before I even knew it, I was in deep slumber.

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