All I know - Lando Norris

By Tsuy0shi

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"I knew that much: I was torn. Torn in the decision between my wellbeing and my career. I was torn between wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 2

4.4K 69 5
By Tsuy0shi

'She just looks amazing, I can't'
'Her performance is so good. How did she not act in something earlier?'
'She is so pretty. And her singing :o She definitely got the talent from her father'
'Yeah, she is alright'
'New celebrity crush'
'Her performance in episode 3 made me cry for two hours '
'My mother has a crush on her'
' Forget Blaire Waldorf, I'm from now on only praying for Queen T. '

"See, I told you they would love you.", Julian reassured me. My hands slipped the phone back onto the table in front of me. I had to admit, reading all those positive comments made me feel good. It almost made me forget my nervousness.

The past two weeks have just been crazy. The morning after my coffee date with Fifi, I woke up to my Instagram blowing up. My account went from a couple of hundred followers to about a hundred thousand right now. Toxic has been talked about in so many shows and news. The show has been rated very well and many people liked my performance. Nobody, and especially not me, expected this reaction of the fans. I don't think even Netflix thought the show would blow up so quickly. 

Another thing people have really picked up was my relationship with Lucas. Suddenly, there were so many photos of me and him together on the internet, showing us close and cosy. I didn't even notice they took them, but I just guessed both of our managements held them back until our relationship was made public. I got so many DMs about Lucas, but also about myself and my performance. It was just very overwhelming in the past two weeks but felt good at the same time. I enjoyed at least scrolling through the pictures I've been tagged in. 

Because of the attention and coverage, that the show got, Julian and the rest of my management decided to set up my first interview on British life TV today. The show I was being interviewed at was Loose Women, which I loved watching growing up. Stylists were running around me, finishing my make-up and discussing my current outfit. I was wearing a light white summer dress with my wavy brown hair partly up, partly laying over my shoulders. My make-up looked natural. I asked them to do it that way, even though they rebelled. I didn't like to wear much make-up. It made me feel weird. I preferred the more sporty look in my free time, but this was my first TV appearance, so I had to follow and trust my management, stylists and designer. 

"Alright, we are done.", Samantha, my make-up artist, said and took a final look at me. Julian looked up from his phone. His brown to blonde hair was perfectly styled, as always, and his blue chequered button-down went well with the beige trousers he was wearing. He smiled after he checked me out. 

"You look amazing, Tia.", he said and there were condescend sounds coming from behind my back. I turned around to see two of my co-stars standing in the door frame of my dressing room. Kyle and Piper, who play Eric, the love interest of my character, and Wendy in Toxic, looked at me and smiled. 

"You guys do not look bad yourself.", I said and checked them out once more. Kyle, who was considered as the typical Australian surfer boy, with his long slicked-back blond hair and blue eyes, was wearing a plain white shirt and black suit trousers with white sneakers. Funny enough, he was from New York City. Piper with her brown hair and eyes was wearing a red blouse with loose black pants. Her make-up was a little more than mine, but she could wear it. She was so pretty. 

"Thank you, love.", she said and smiled at me. "Are you ready?"

"Almost." I pushed myself from the chair and walked over to my bag that was sitting on the sofa next to Julian. I rummaged around all my things, before pulling out my good luck charm. I held the stuffed llama I got when I was around five close to my chest. The others smiled at me. 

"Hey, don't judge me. I'm just very nervous and my llama calms me down and brings me luck, alright?", I defended myself.

"We are not judging you.", Kyle argued. "It's just cute you have that. You don't need it. I'm sure you're doing just fine." Julian and the others agreed, but I squeezed it once more. Julian also proceeds to take a photo of me holding the llama before I sat it down onto the sofa and we all walked together to the actual studio. The four presenters were already talking about our show, and then announced us, so I followed in between my co-star onto the stage and sat down at the high table. I felt my heart beating in my chest up to my neck, but it settled miraculously when I saw the live audience and waved at them. 

"Well, welcome to the show. It's great to have you all here.", one of the presenters, Ruth Langsford, greeted us and we all smiled. 

"Thank you for having us.", Kyle said in my and Piper's name as well. Good thing we have agreed and outlined the interview a little beforehand. I also knew what questions were coming towards me. Julian was in full control of the questions that will be asked, so I knew how to react and what to answer, at least in the slightest bit. 

"It's our pleasure.", another presenter, her name was Christine, started. "But before we start I just have to say, the show Toxic is just amazing and you all did such a good job with your acting. You're all so talented!"

"Oh that's so sweet, thank you.", I said and smiled brightly. 

"Now, I'm sorry Kyle and Piper, but the first thing we want to talk about today is you, Tatiana.", the third presenter, Charlene, said and I nodded. "I mean, you were just gone from the public for so long and you brothers started to resurface a couple of years ago, so what have you been up to?"

"Well, yes.", I started. "First of all, you have to know that my parents took me and my brothers out of the spotlight years ago so we could all have our own choice of how we want to live our lives." In my mind, the incident came up, but I tried to push these pictures away as fast as possible. "And my brothers decided early they didn't mind the attention and fame, so every one of them found their way and profession I guess, but I decided to go to university first before I would try to become an actress and musician."

"So, you have been going to university for the past three years, is that correct?" I nodded, happy they didn't ask more about the incident, and a short 'Yes' escaped my lips. "So how did that work out? I mean, your name must have gotten some attention right?"

"I used a fake name, to be honest. And nobody knew me from my appearance, because the last photo of me on the internet was when was I was around four or five years old, so it was quite easy to do the program unrecognized." I was surprised by myself how easy it felt to do that interview now.

"Wow, that is amazing. What and where did you study, if I may ask that?", the last reporter, Kaye, asked me then.

"I'm just about to graduate from Oxford University with a Bachelor in Human Science.", I explained and the audience gasped. 

"Wow, Oxford!", Ruth said. "You must be really smart then." I just laughed at that comment, because I didn't know how to answer that. "Well, congratulations on graduating, then."

"Thank you." The smile didn't leave my face. 

"Well, studying and then acting next to it, is there any more free time for you to actually do the things you love?", Christine asked me then.

"You'd probably be surprised, but I do have time for things I love.", I explained. 

"Like what?", Charlene cut me off, which was quite rude.

"I love to dance and sing, as you might have noticed in the show." Nervously I laughed again. I was opening myself up for the entire public right now. Nerve-wracking. "I also really enjoy working out and cooking. I try to watch what I eat and make sure I am eating the right things, a lot of protein. I also very much enjoy watching different sports, but especially Formula 1. Guess my father imprinted that on me. But I haven't followed F1 in the past two or three years. So yes, these are the things you would probably find me doing when I'm not doing things for university or acting."

"Very talented girl over here, indeed.", Kyle jokingly said and I and Piper laughed. "No really, she's barely twenty years old, but she's so mature."

"But still, she can be good fun.", Piper agreed and I smiled at both of them, thankful for their help with the interview.

"Now, what I also wanted to know is how can you just come here and be so relaxed about this entire interview? I mean if I was you I would probably be so nervous.", Christine asked me next. 

"Well, I am very very nervous, so don't let that fool you.", I said and grinned a little. "No, but I think I was just prepared very well from a young age on. I had a lot of media training back in my childhood and even though I didn't have it for a couple of years, I still know how I have to react and behave, so maybe that's why it seems so easy." The presenters nodded. 

"Have you seen your family recently?", Kaye asked me next. 

"Not in a couple of months, no.", I admitted. "They are all spread out into the world. Dad with his music, Mum with her acting. Adrien has places to be because of his business, Noel has his own university and sport to take care of and Samuel travels the world with his football team. But I'm going to see them for my graduation, which I am very excited about."

"I'm sure it will be lovely, and I can't wait to see the photos of it." The presenters laughed and the audience agreed. Hesitantly, I smiled at that comment. This was exactly what I wanted to prevent from happening. I just wanted to have a normal graduation ceremony without much attention, but giving the fact how many paparazzi were here today, I knew this wasn't possible anymore. I intertwined my fingers with each other and fidgeted a little. An uncomfortable heat grew inside me and went to my cheeks. I just hoped nobody would notice or my make-up was strong enough to cover the redness.

"But now we also want to involve you, Kyle and Piper.", Ruth luckily changed the topic. "Now I have to say again, the show is just amazing and covers so many important topics. How did you guys perceive the set and the crew and cast and all that?"

For the rest of the interview, I mostly let Kyle and Piper speak. Sometimes I was asked directly about my opinion on a question and I of course answered that appropriately. Kyle and Piper seemed a little more loose and comfortable than I was, but I was okay with that. After all, it was my first interview on TV. 

"Well guys, unfortunately, this is all we have time for today. Thank you for being here with us. I think we can all agree that we are big fans of you guys and all of you have a great future in front of you.", Kaye ended the interview and afterwards the entire show. Kyle, Piper and I looked and smiled into the camera as long as the show was still on. Soon the camera turned off and I felt my shoulders relaxing. This interview was nerve-wracking, but I did it. Kyle and Piper congratulated me together with the presenters of the show and I politely thanked them.

Walking backstage, I checked my phone, which Julian kept safe for me. Fifi texted me during the interview, mostly stating how proud she was and how well I did. I quickly thanked her and promised to call her as soon as possible. Julian grabbed my bag out of the dressing room and through an aisle of paparazzi, we made our way towards the car we came in. 

*Same evening somewhere in Woking*

"Now chat, I hope you have not been living under a rock and have heard about the new Netflix show, Toxic?", the boy with the curly brown hair said to his microphone and computer screen as if was the most normal thing to do. White glasses balanced on his nose and matched his white cap on his head, which he's wearing backwards. "So because most of you have seen it, I wanted to watch an interview of three of the actors, which was released today."

He clicked through several windows in his browser but eventually opens the YouTube video of the entire interview. Before starting it, he checked his chat once more. 

"Who is your favourite character of Toxic?", he read out loud and a grin appeared on his face. He shifted a little and lifted one foot onto the gaming chair he was sitting in. "Well, if you have to know, chat, I really like Bits, like the rich girl that fell for the poor guy, if we can phrase it that way? And I'm not going to lie to you. I am not going to lie to you. The actress is so pretty. The first time this girl appeared on my screen, I had to pause because I wanted to admire her for a second." He laughed nervously and embarrassed. Redness appeared on his face, but he smiled. He definitely didn't regret saying that. His blue eyes still scanned the chat on one of his monitors. 

"Understandable.", he read another message out loud and laughed. "I know right. But let's get into the video!" His mouse started the video.

... "Well, now we have three of the stars of Toxic live in our studio. So please welcome Piper Friesen, Kyle Zegras and Tatiana Gauvin!", one of the presenters introduced the actors and they walked onto the stage together. The boy stopped the video, catching a good frame, where the actress of Bits was looking great. He looked at the other monitor that was showing the chat and just looked at it for a couple of moments. Then he smiled.

"Looks like Lando has a crush?", he read out loud and grinned. "Well, I mean look at her. She just looks amazing." The video continued to play. He was watching it in silence, sometimes smiling and only commenting on certain things of the interview. He paused for the first time when Tatiana mentioned that she's about to graduate from the University of Oxford.

"Have you heard that, chat?!", he almost screamed. "She's about to graduate from the University of Oxford! Goddamit! She can't get any more perfect, can she?" He read the messages in the chat again. " 'Trust me, it gets better?' How the hell can this get better? That's impossible!" He still let the video continue.

" ... I also enjoy watching different sports, but especially Formula 1. ..." The boy, Lando, paused the video again and looked directly at the camera that was filming him the entire time. A few moments of silence passed before he spoke up.

"It just got so much better. You didn't disappoint, chat.", he stated. His lips showed a big smile. A sudden realization popped up in his head. He sat up straight. "Wait! So she knows who I am?!" His chat was laughing at him. He continued the interview anyway.

"... But I haven't followed F1 in the past two or three years. ..."

"Goddamit.", Lando mumbled to himself, then laughed. "I thought it was too good to be true."

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