Start To End (COMPLETED)

By roysbitch

11.6K 82 14

"You're lying! She would never do such a thing." I was in denial as I shook my head repeatedly to clear my vi... More

Character Introduction
chapter one.
Chapter one, part two
chapter two
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter five part 2
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter eleven part 2
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chpater thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty seven
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five.
chapter fifty six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.

Chapter twenty nine

141 0 0
By roysbitch

'When do we leave?' I opened my mouth again to exclaimed exactly down how annoyed I was at myself with even agreeing to tag along with my second best friend and me being me I couldn't help myself but complain every two second the longer we sat down here in this suffocating living room that held no good atmosphere, other then Frustration and disgust

My hands were placed down on my laps as I recalled the mind links that me and my mates had shared a coupe of second ago before I pushed them out of my mind, needing space away from their annoying asses and their spirits and for me to think for myself

I mean I enjoyed the conversation that me and some of their spirits had but some of them were just too commanding and kept bringing up the fact that I need to stop cursing my ass of at everyone that I meet

It had been around three to four hours since we had been seated down here, forcibly may I add as I was especially being sitting down on a sofa, squeezed between two over grown kids that needed a twenty one year old to keep them sane to not lose the remaining brain cells they have left inside of themselves. Ben had his arm lazily wrapped around my waist while Xander kept toying with my rings on my hand and I felt like a mom all over again

Everyone was bored out of their minds and couldn't even bother to put up a front anymore in front of Xanders sister but at least me and Ben didn't curse out at her when she called Xander the f word

When I say that I was ready to kill this bitch, I mean I was going to tie her roughly down on a chair and warm my blade up with a lighter and create pretty little marks over her plastic skin. I was going to strangle this whore to death but Ben and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to sit the fuck back down and zip my mouth while Xander on the other hand grabbed onto my hand and started to draw circles on them to calm me down before I did something that I might come to regret later on

If it wasn't for my mates spirits mostly there would be a murder scene right about now

I could tell that the three of us were all equally itching to leave this place or either jump out of our bodies and never think about returning back to this place but neither of us three moved an inch away from the positions that we sat in as we shared knowing glances from time to time

I swear if this woman doesn't shut up in the second two minutes I'm either going tk strangle myself or throw her off a cliff. You know what, the second opinion is better then the first but that means I'll also have to gag this bitch. I groaned in frustration

'I swear Raven another complain and I'm personally strangling you to your death!' My eyes widen for a second too long as I was pulled out of my thoughts about going on a killing spree when I heard the soft voice of my best friend Ben that was getting incredibly sick of my whining as Xander's sister kept talking about some nonsense that didn't seem to add up even in the slightly bit

'Kinky, Me like.' I joked out at his warning with a raise of my eyes, playing it out to get another annoyed reaction out of him but all I got was another annoyed growl from him while he nibbled down on his bottom lip to stop himself from killing me on the spot

I glared up at him roughly when he pinched my side and all the asshole did was show me an innocent smile that made me want to punch his face in. 'Do that again you asshole and I'll personally kill you in front of Miss. I Don't Have Anymore Brain Cell Left.' I threatened with eyes narrowed roughly at the toddler

He smiled softly down at me with his eyes warming up with love and I started worriedly up at the man. He's going to do something that'll make me want to kill him and I wasn't wrong when he pinched the exposed skin on my stomach harshly that I slapped him on the back of his head with another pointed glare. 'Fuck you.' He laughed with shake of his head at how fed up I was with him at this point

'A few more minutes and then we'll leave!' Xander chimed in loudly, getting really tired of the bullshit that was coming out of Wendys mouth and I don't blame him for that. But his words made me smile for the first time we got here 'Now please both of you shut up, I already have a growing headache from hearing Wendy's loud whiny voice.' He said referring to his younger sister that for some reason hated Xander and that thought caused and and Ben tk stare emotionless at Wendy

Both me and Ben zipped our mouths and stopped being playful and just decided to look around the place that we were sitting down in. I didn't want to annoy Xander than I already have so in return I squeezed his hand to let him know that I'm here for him it he needs me to punch anyone

Just when I thought that me, Ben and Xander were going to lose the remaining of the brain cells that me have I heard the front door being pushed open quickly before it was slammed shut. "Shut the fuck up Wendy, I could hear you annoying voice from outside the fucking house!" Samantha, thank fuck woman your here. I cried out in happiness as I heard her footsteps making their way through the house and just like that I saw Sam's towering frame stand In the entrance of the living room

"I'm annoying?!" Wendy screamed out shocked at what Sam had said to her when she walked through the front door. Oh god here comes another fucking lecture from Miss fucking Wendy on how she's going to tell the alpha and and parents and get both Sam and Xander kicked out the pack

God I feel so bad for Samantha and Xander to have tk put up with her bullshit everyday but at least Xander had managed to rent an apartment out at the building Ben lived in and the house that we lived in belonged to Samantha but sadly Wendy had the spare key to this house and always crashed here anytime she wanted but back to Samantha

Sam is Xander's older sister, the one that helped him move out of the pack, the one that payed for his collage loans and found him a place at the building that he stays in now, the one that taught him to cook, the one he looked up too, the one who taught him to fight and everything there is to learn when you enter the human world. She was the more caring and supported sibling when Xander had forced her to sit down and told her that he was gay. He cried so much that day because he was sure that Sam would hate him for liking the same sex and he didn't want to lose Samantha, she basically raised him since he was born so if Sam had shouted at him and told him that he was a mistake, Xander would've killed himself

Sam took the role of three people for Xander. She was his mom, dad and sister in one package, but she didn't seem to mind as the twenty six year old smiled warmly when her eyes landed down on the person that sat down on my right side. Her homey hazel eyes shone with love and longing as a smile spread on her lips but Xander was to stuck in his thoughts to have relished that his older sister was in the same room as him

I remember when Xander told me Sam found out that their own parents kicked Xander out of the house cause of his sexuality, I remember him telling me that Samantha had screamed disgustedly at their parents. She moved out as I quote 'I can't live in a house that hates their own son for his sexuality, that's just stupid.'

I not only liked Sam but I loved this strong woman, I had so much respect for her and she even helped me out a couple of times to take care of Zach and Ash when I way at work for my night shifts. I would choice Sam over Wendy any fucking day of the week

Samantha was wearing a pair of black waist high ripped jeans that showed of her toned legs with a lovely sage green tight top. She had her small hand bag in her hand and as usual she was wearing her black and white to go type of shoes. converses. She must've have just gotten done working at the library as her hair was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her bed as she smiled mu way as well when she noticed that I was staring at her

She was the more chill and lay back sibling that Xander had but was scary when she need to, and oh god. I hope I never have to see that side of her again, she is a dangerous woman. "Hey Xandy, Benjamin Boo and little Raisin." God the nicknames that she has for us makes me want to kill myself, what the fuck did I do to be called a fucking raisin here

I glared at her as she shrugged me with a small laugh as she noticed the death glare that i was throwing her way

Ben scoffed at his nickname as he glared at Samanthas forehead, planing on killing her again for hearing her call him boo again. I wanted to laugh but I held it back as I stared helpless at Samantha. I've met Sam a couple of times now and ugh this woman is a lifesaver. She showed that she would willingly give up her own life if it meant saving Xander. She cared and loved Xander deeply even though she didn't show it alot, slightly like me and my siblings but she sure made sure to protect the hell out of Xander. "Sam!" Xander exclaimed happily as he let go of my hand in a rush and pushed himself off the spot that he was sitting in to greet his older sister

She was the one person in Xander's family that he could feel safe with, he could act and say whatever he wanted and nkt feel judged but the woman that stood in front of us with love shining in warm hazel eyes.

Samantha stood back up to her full height and that was 6'2really tall for a female wolf while Xander was 6ft and Ben here as 6'6 and then there was me 5'6, like that's not that small compared to me and Xander! If only I was wearing heels then me Xander would've been at the same height. Like I'm not short! I'm taller than all of the female wolves that I've meet and other hybrid females but I'm a little short compared to Sam and that's it!

For fuck safe, I folded my arms over my chest, annoyed that I felt small compared to Bens bulking frame. I used to be taller than him! But then this asshole had to grow taller and I was left at the same height I was at the age of sixteen

Samantha wrapped Xander tightly up in her arms as he placed his head in the core of her neck, finally relaxing after seeing the person that he loved in the whole world. My lips turned upwards when Sam placed a kiss at the crown of Xanders head before pulling away and doing a scan over his body to spot any injuries but she came up empty handed and smiled my way. "Great to see you two idiots as well." She did a nod my and Bens way and all we did was stare at her dumbfounded as she called us idiots

Me? An idiot? Wow I don't like Sam anymore, she hurts my feeling with her harsh words sometimes. Ben laughed as if he could read whatever i had just said in my head as looked down at me a shake of his head and placed a kiss to my forehead

Samantha and Xander pulled away from each other with smiles on their faces as they made there way back to sit down on the Sofas. Samantha's smile dropped when she noticed who was inside of the living room beside her and three other people. Her jaw clenched as she dropped herself to sit down bestie Wendy with her head leaned back against the sofa and her legs man spread

"Try and act more lady like, will you Samantha." Wendy decided it was her time to shine and break the comfortable atmosphere there was in the room with her words and high pitched voice

God why does her voice sound so fucking annoying?

Sam laughed at Wendy's words while I let out a scoff in pent up frustration towards the female that sat down with her eye crossed. She was wearing her dyed blonde down as it reached down to her waist. Her face was caked in a fine layer of makeup with heavy lashes that I couldn't even see her eye colour anymore, dark red lipstick and a shade of foundation that was a little to dark for her skin tone. at her words "No wonder our parents don't like you." Wendy exclaimed out loud. Ok that was really uncalled for

Sam didn't brother looking her way as she pulled out her phone and began typing and that's when I felt my phone buzzy in my pocket. Wendy huffed annoyed, acting like a fucking child that needed everyone's attention on her 24/7. "At least I'm not 100% fucking plastic." Wendy gasped as she stared at Sam speechless before she screamed at Sam while walking away from the living room

I heard the front door slam shut and sighed in relaxation as i sunk back into the couch, Ben, Xander and me all pulling apart from each other and breathing freely

"You lot are fucking dramatic as fuck." She laughed as she threw her phone down on the couch beside her, looking at us weirdly and I rolled my eyes, yawning while closing my eyes

"First of all, get your damn keys of that witch!" Ben screamed at her and I shoved him while Xander and Sam stared at him as if he had grown two heads. He wasn't wrong though, please fucking get your keys of that woman before I commit suicide

"Dramatic cunts." She pulled Xander in a headlock and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the two fight over stupid stuff again but it was cute seeing the two siblings together

I smiled, at lest Xan had one family member that loved him for who he is "Anyways, you's want something to eat?" She asked, getting up from the couch and walking towards her kitchen

I shook my head as a no while Xander and Ben asked for some snacks. While she was getting the snacks I took this time to look around her living room

There where floor length windows that over looked her backward that held little animals she had. A large comfortable black sofa was placed with little white and black table that were placed in front of it

A soft fury white rug was placed underneath the tables. A flat screen TV was placed on the wall, the walls where a shade of black with pictures of her and Xan smiling brightly at the camera

Sam loved to keep things plain so this totally was her style, unlike her sister who loved to over do things " Ray, you want Sprit or Coke." She asked coming back to the room with two bottles in hand

"Coke is fine." She nodded with a smile on her face before leaving. My phone peeped up with a message. I pulled it out, unlocked it to see it was from an unknown number


Hey Raven, can I get Ben's number? Please

nah bish, I don't even know you. I ain't giving a random person my best friends number pluse he's taken so yeah bye!

I forgot to say I'm James that must of sounded creepy when I texted you asking for his number lol

Oh, it did, sorry for going over board

It's fine, I understand so now can I have his number and where are use anyway?

It's *inserts Ben's number* and somewhere in the world😂

Scrolling throug my phone I found the video I took of Ben talking about my mates and sent it to James. My spirits smiled evil making me roll my eyes at their stupidness

Don't tell Ben I sent this!

Who's he even talking about?

My mates😂

Your not jealous that someone else is talking like that about your mates🤨

Nope just very amused, bye I'II be back in like an hour or two? sorry

It's fine, take your time, do you mind bringing Ben home with you?

I inwardly laughed, I looked over at Ben 'You did it?' Xander asked through the mindlink. I nodded making my spirits, along with him to inwardly laugh 'he's going to get you back somehow at this you know?' I nodded but didn't really care at all

"Alright what are you two smiling so evil -ly?- at." Ben asked. I smiled shrugging it off saying it was nothing as Sam came back into the living room with a bunch of stuff in her hands

She placed everthing on the table, grabbed the remote before switching on the TV "What do you's want to watch." Me and Xan shrugged cause there was nothing good to watch

"How about 1BR?" Ben suggest. Sam nodded before putting it on

"I hate you's!" Xan yelled, still hugging my body as a child would do to its mother if it was scared

"Oh come on it wasn't that scary." Ben laughed, turning right "You sure this is the right direction to their house?" He asked referring to the Stones mansion, I nodded before side hugging Xan's body

"You killed animals and people all for a reason yet your still scared of a little horror movie." Xan scoffed. Slightly punching my side, telling me to shut up while he snuggle deeper into my arms

Me and Ben laughed as Xan pouted at us

"Meanie." He mumbled under his breath, I giggled. We all acted like a bunch of kids when we're around each other but when someone else is around us we would act more immature of our age "Sammy is a meanie too, she made me stay and watch the movie." Ben laughed at Xander's complaining

"Ok we're here." Ben tolded tuning of the car before climbing out. I unbundled mine and Xander's belt before climbing out with him still hugging me!

"Xan I swear to the Bastet Goddess if you don't let me go, I'm going to throw you in a ditch dude." I playful snapped, trying and praying his arms of my waist

"No your hugs are so wram." He mumbled sounding like a little child again. I smiled letting him clinched onto me as we walked in, when Andrew opened the door for us that is

I stood frozen, in front of me was alot and I mean alot of people dressed in fancy looking clothing with drinks in hand while chatting away

At this Xander instantly somber up from his sleepy state and quickly let me go before pulling my body behind him and Ben's, in a protective way

"Oh come on." I sighed at the quick change of Xander's behaviour, pluse I was older than him, meaning I should be more overprotective of him not the other way around!

Xan turned his head, giving me a shy look before turning around. The room fell silent as everyone looked our way. We awkward stood there 'Magic us out of here, idiot!!' I snapped at Xan while side glaring at him

'Hoe I'm trying but my dumbass witch is having a laughing session at our situation right now.' He snapped back. I would be laughing at him right now if we weren't stuck in this awkward situation

Suddenly our surroundings changed and we where in the kitchen where there was less people

I groaned, but thankful I recognise every person in this room "Why couldn't you magic us somewhere like the backward or somewhere outside." Ben asked, he huffed ready to complain but someone gasped in surprise, cutting him off

"Holy moon goddess, when did use come?" Mrs. Stone asked, placing a hand over heart. Xan smiled shyly at her before looking at me, silently telling me to speak up for us three

"Just now?" That came out more of a question them an answer. She nodded "What's going on, why are there so any people in the house?" I asked as curiosity got the best of me

"Nothings going on dear, all of them are our family members." She laughed at our shocked faces "By the looks of your faces I could tell you's magiced yourself here." I shyly nodded making her and the room fill up with laughter

"Ben, can we talk , in private." James asked after the laughter went down. I looked over at Xan, who was muffling his laugh by bitting his lower lip. Ben nodded with a blush painted on his cheeks as he walked out after James

As Ben was out of my sight I heard Xan break into a fit of laughter making me giggle along with him "What's so funny?" Tyler asked entering the kitchen with a puzzled look on his face "Oh and when did you come back?" He asked

"Just know." I playful glared at Xander to shut up. Suddenly I felt someone jump on my back, nearly making me fall front flat on my face "Ash!" I yelled surprised, this kids going to be the death of me some day

"That's me." He pouted while popping his head over my shoulder "What did you do to Ben? He looked a tiny bit mad and was mumbling something like 'I'm going to kill those idiot!'" At this Xander slightly sobered up from his laughing business

"Show him." He huffed out, before giggle like a school girl. I smiled, letting him enjoy his time before pulling my phone out to show Ash the video

"He's going to get you back." He sighed before laughing along with Tyler who was also watching the video with him "You don't think James would, you know..." Xander's eyes widen before he held my shoulder in support before throwing himself into another fit of laughter

"He wouldn't do that beside they just met." Derek spoke amused to see Xander and me were trying to keep our giggles under control. It wasn't that funny but just imagining Ben's pissed of face was just to funny not to laugh at plus we might've had a few drinks

"Raven." Shouted a very excited little voice from the entrance of the kitchen. Skylar's ears picked up at the little source of sound making Rachel laugh

I smiled at Ruby, she ran towards me, wearing a black hoodie with a white leather jacket over the it. Black jeans with back trainers, her soft black hair was pulled up into a neat bun as she bounced her way towards me with a smile on her face

I picked her of the ground making Xander coo over the cute little girl. Ruby giggled cutely at Xander's face "Look at you all dressed up." She smiled even brighter "Heading of somewhere, buttercup." She nodded happily, watching Jacob help Mrs. Stone with a few stuff around the kitchen

"Yep, daddy and me are going out for awhile with Derek." She giggled as Derek grumbled something under his breath "How about you come with us." She stated, her eyes twinkled brightly as she looked up at me

"I'm sorry buttercup but I can't." I spoke already regretting what I had just said "But some other day." I quickly added, she nodded. With a smile back of her face she jumped out of my arms and walked towards Derek, who picked her up in his arms and left the kitchen

"Both of you's let me see your hand." Mrs. Stone spoke. I jumped back in surprise nearly hitting my head of the cupboards if it weren't for Jacob closing it

"Why? They're fine." I smiled to show her they where really fine beside why would she care? I'm only a babysitter to them,

I heard a sigh coming from behind me before I was sprung around and was faced with Hayden's chest. Rachel and Skylar purred, I scoffed at them

Without saying much Hayden gently pressed my back against the counter. He picked up the few things Mrs. Stone had gave him before he started treating my hands. I tried my hardest to ignore the little bolts of tingles that ran through me when he touched me

In the distance I heard footsteps retreating from the kitchen 'Xander you better not leave me!' I yelled at him threw our link

'Oops, to late.' He cut the link, I cursed at him before looking up at Hayden's face

"How about you take the night off." He stated. His voice sounded way more deeper than it usual was since he was so close to my face. I instantly shock my head as a no, not waiting to take the night off

"I can't, I have to work." He looked down into my eyes, searching for something that I was uncertain for. He smirked before treating my hands again, when he found whatever he was looking for in my eyes "Why are you smirking? Is there something on my face?" I asked feeling, self-conscious under his heated gaze

He hummed, I blushed in embarrassment while taking my hands out if his m and whipping my face "What is it?" I asked again

"Beauty." I blushed a deep red. My spirits laughed at my flushed face. Hayden softy took my hands of my face before treating my wounds "You look so cute when you blush, princess." My ears felt hot by the time he was done treating my hands

He placed a soft kiss on my knuckles before pulling away, to tidy away the medical aid Kit stuff. I brought my hands up to my face trying to cool my burning face off but that didn't work when my eyes landed on someone


Chapter 29: mid edited

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