I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2...

Oleh chocolate_unicorn

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***I Don't Eat Cupcakes*** "Cupcake?" I eyed the sugary snack and willed myself not to stuff the whole thing... Lebih Banyak

I Don't Eat CupCakes
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Seventeen

3.8K 110 26
Oleh chocolate_unicorn

Dedicated to @therealriceandbeans again because she's just fab she made me a cover which I love 110%

It's been a few hours after the movie night and Ashley's attempt to kiss me. Its weird yet flattering to have someone of the same sex like me but I believe that she won't try to plant one on me again. I don't think she's fully over me, though. I mean, how fast can you get over someone? I'm sure it's not less than 24 hours or that person didn't actually like that person.

Today's Friday and there's no school which was really convenient for our movie night. I know I wouldn't want to get up early in the morning to go to school after a fun night with my friends. And since its Friday Tifanny's mom isn't home so we decided to keep the party going into the next day. But as soon as Ms. Helena comes home at around 4, everyone will leave and Tifanny will come out of the closet.

Ever since I told Ashley that Tifanny was lesbian too, not much has happened. We went back to hanging out as if nothing happened outside on that porch. I don't think anyone noticed that Tifanny was the one in the middle of the couch instead of me. That was just a little of my Cupid skills put to work. I don't know who this Jade person is who Tifanny has a crush on so might as well work my magic on someone I trust and know for a fact that is lesbian and won't break my best friends heart.

"Breakfast is ready!" Tifanny and Ashley took it upon themselves to cook breakfast for us. Tifanny just wanted Chase and I to get time alone when really she was helping me out with setting her and Ashley up without even knowing.

I get up from the couch and say goodbye to my cartoons that I love. I would have eaten on the couch but I know that Ms. Helena would kill me if she were to ever find out.

"Why'd you make?" I ask. Chase stands beside me waiting for an answer too. Tifanny passes each one of us a plate that contains heart shape pancakes with strawberries and maple syrup.

"You know Valentine's day is over right?"

"Of course I know! After all I was the one who saved myself a lot of cash on getting those cheap chocolates on sale. Hmm... maybe I still have some to put on my pancakes." I roll my eyes. Only Tifanny can eat a whole cow and still stay as thin as a twig. I envy that trait of hers.

"That still doesn't explain why you made heart shaped pancakes," I say.

"Oh. Ashley suggested it." I look at Ashley and I see her try to hide her blush but the red on her cheeks are visible. For some reason, it's been getting really easy to make Ashley blush.

"I just like pancakes with different shapes." She shrugs and we take a seat at the kitchen counter to eat breakfast which is delicious might I add. God, I miss food so much. Sometimes I can't believe how I allowed myself to miss out on something so great. And then I turn sour when I remember that I didn't exactly have a choice.

"These are delicious." I lick my lips after my last bite and everyone agrees. Whoever doesn't agree is crazy not to.

"I'll wash the dishes." I announce.

"I'll help-" Ashley says at the same time Chase says "I'm helping-" Well this has got to be one of the most awkward moments of my life. I don't know who to choose. Ashley, or Chase? Ashley, or Chase?

"Never mind I'll just go watch more cartoons," Chase says after a few seconds of me just gaping.

Ashley picks up the plates and puts them in the sink. "I'll wash, you dry." She nods and I begin to clean.

"Listen, about the last night thing-it didn't happen. I don't know what I was thinking. Apparently I wasn't thinking because I thought you were a lesbian and I wanted to kiss you..." she rambles. "But the point is; I want things to go back to normal. I'm your trainer and you're the trainee. Is that ok with you?"

"It's no problem." We continue to work as a team until the job is done.


"Bye guys, hope we can do this again." Tifanny and I wave Chase and Ashley goodbye as they leave the house. I'm staying because Tifanny can't shake off the nerves that she has. She paces back and force when she closes the door and I watch her silently as I sit on the couch. After a while I get nervous too.

"Ok Tifanny you need to stop. Everything will be ok. She's your mother. And your pacing is making me dizzy." She stops mid step and sighs.

"You're right. And even though she doesn't except me, I can always move in with you right?" I look at her and smile.

"Ok course you can. You're not even like a sister, you are a sister to me." I get up and give her a hug and she almost kills me with her death grip on me.

"It'll work out. I promise." As soon as we break away from our hug the door opens revealing Ms. Helena with groceries. She puts them down and greets me.

"Hello, Diane. I didn't know you were still going to be here."

"I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to stay a little while longer because I'm here as Tifanny's moral support." Ms. Helena looks at me confused.

"Mom, I have something very important to tell you." Tifanny directs her to the couch and they both take a seat. I honestly don't know where to go so I stay standing-far enough to give them some space but close enough to be there in case things don't turn out as well as we hoped them to be.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" Tifanny bits her bottom lip for a few seconds before getting the courage to tell her mother what was on her mind.

"Mom... I'm lesbian." Ms. Helena was so shocked. Her eyes were so wide I thought they were going to pop out of her skull and her mouth was agape and she looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't. I felt that way the first time except my eyes weren't as wide.

"Honey, are you sure?" Was the first thing that she asked. Tifanny seemed hesitant before she said, "I'm positive." Ms. Helena pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you-for telling me."

"So you're not mad?" Tifanny asked, unsure.

"No of course not. Why would you think that?" Tifanny only blushed and looked away from her mother's face; ashamed.

"I thought that you weren't going to love me anymore because being attracted to the same sex is hard for someone to approve of."

"Oh, sweety I'll always love you. No matter what. The only thing I'm upset about is you doubting me." Tifanny was the one to pull her mother into a hug this time.

"You're right, I shouldn't have doubted you. I love you mom." They continue to hug as I stood there awkwardly. Now that it all planed out well what do I do? Tifanny doesn't need me as of right now and I have a feeling that Tifanny wants to spend some more time with her mother.

"I think I'll just leave you two alone," I say as I back up towards the front door. They don't say anything so I take it that I should leave, so I do.

After I shut the door behind me I take a breath of air and release. I was a little stressed out over the whole, 'I need to tell my mom I'm a lesbian thing'. Not that I think Ms. Helena would ever do anything like dis-owning Tifanny but if things wouldn't have turned out like rainbows and sun shine I would have to comfort Tifanny for a very long time. I know it doesn't seem like she's tough but she really is. And the toughest fall down the hardest. And I know how hard she falls because I'm there for her all the time. One time she broke up with her boyfriend and she cried for a month. So imagine what she would do if her mother didn't accept her. They have a really close bond so it would be even worse. Heartbreaking is what it would be.

I forget about it because the deal is done. Ms. Helena will always love Tifanny and everyone is ok with her being lesbian so I can relax.

I decided that I don't want to go home now. I'd be going home to an empty house and it feels really lonely. Not having a dad has made me miss out on a lot of things. Maybe if my dad wouldn't have left he would be able to scare away Adam and Eric. I would maybe not even be in this situation. But if I weren't in this situation I wouldn't have met Ashley or Chase.

I walk wherever my feet take me. I have no destination so I just think about whatever without caring. Without even knowing I end up at the spot that Chase showed me that day we first hung out. The one where it's surrounded my trees and grass and a cute little pond that's peaceful. I take a seat on the grass and I look at the pond.

I feel like I have so much time in my hands and nothing to do with it. And I don't like days like this. Call me crazy but I feel like I should always be doing something. I'm always set in keep on moving mode. I can't just stop for peace and quiet and now that I have it I don't know what to do. Its very relaxing so I lay down and look at the sky. If only I had a camera to capture how it looked. It wasn't really dark outside. It's around 6 o'clock so there are many pretty colors in the sky. There's different tones of yellows and blues and puffs of white clouds. I think it's magical. I somehow fall asleep just looking at it.

"Adam can you please stop? I don't want to do this anymore. I-I don't want to be your girlfriend." He towers over me and frowns angrily at me.

"This is really funny because you think you have a choice. Do you think you have a choice?" I nod my head unsure. And then confidently.

"Yes. I do." I think this only angered him more so Adam backhanded me.

"No. You don't." He slaps me again and I scream. This has got to be the worst beating. It has honestly never gotten this bad. And I don't know why it all started.

"Leave her alone!" I hear a familiar voice shout but I can't figure out who it is. A man appears before me and pulls Adam off of me. He has brown eyes like mine, only lighter. He punches Adam unconscious and even though I am grateful I am still afraid.

"Thank you. For saving me," I tell him shyly.

"Anything for my daughter." And by those 4 words everything makes sense. Like everything is back in its place. This man is my father. But didn't he leave me years ago?

"You're my father?"

"Yes, sweetheart. And I love you." He kisses my forehead and smiles at me gently.

"Dad, I love you too." Suddenly he starts fading away. His body turning into dust.

"Please forgive me," he says.

"Wait! Dad no. Don't leave me again!" I cry. But he's already gone. And I'm my 6 year old self again, crying out for my dad.

I'm breathing heavily and get up to my feet. I fix my messy hair and look around. Oh, I'm in the park. I take out my phone and check the time. 11:37 pm. It was just a bad dream that lasted for almost 5 hours.

I get up and try to find which direction I came from and luckily I choose the right way. In the dark I make my way home and surprisingly my mom's there waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"I fell asleep at the park." My mother's eyes go wide.

"At the park! You know how dangerous that is for you?"

"Don't worry, it was in the middle of no where." My mom looks like she's going to have a heart attack when I said that. I'm really bad at this making things better thing.

"Just go to bed." I kiss my mom goodnight and walk up the stairs to my room. I lay down on my stomach on my bed. I miss this comfy thing.

Before I can even close my eyes the phone rings and I reach into my pocket to take it out. I read the caller ID and it's Tifanny. I pick up the phone before the phone goes to voice mail.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Diane? Oh my god I'm sorry I forgot all about you!" Tifanny says.

"Well hello to you to," I say. "And it's fine. You were telling your mom you're lesbian. That's a pretty big deal. Its ok you forgot me," I reassure her.

"Are you sure?" She asks still not believing me.

"I'm fine Tifanny you don't have to worry about me."

"Ok. Love you Dan."

"Is that my nickname now?" I ask.

"Yup. Di-ane. You get it? Cause your nickname is Dan."

"Yes I get it. Are you going to be calling me this from now on?"

"Yup," she says again.

"Is it possible to stop myself from being born?"

"No, silly. Anyways, I'll take to you later." She hangs up and I sigh. Dan. My first ever nickname.


"Hey Dan," Tifanny says the next day. I called a meeting a few days ago to tell them about Eric wanting to be with us instead of against us.

I groan loudly which only makes her laugh. "If you keep this up I'll have to call you something twice as bad."

"Oh yeah. And what is it that you're gonna call me?" Tifanny asks unbelieving.

"I'll call you... Fanny?" Oh what about Tan? Do you like your nickname now?" Tifanny flushes. But doesn't back down.

"Really, is that the best you can do?" I nod with a grin. Not the best but good enough for me.

"Are you willing to go around calling your best friend Tan?" I think about it before nodding again.

"Yup. Tan." Tifanny crosses her arms and frowns. Diane: 1. Tifanny: 1. I will not lose.

"Anyway," Chase interrupts. "You called us here?"

"Oh yeah," my tone turning serious. Chase and Tifanny see this so they turn serious too. "On Wednesday Eric told me something that I think is very important for you to hear." I look at both Tifanny and Chase before continuing.

"He doesn't want to abuse me anymore. He wants to help me fight Adam instead." Chase turns angry and Tifanny's lips form into a thin line.

"I don't think it's a good idea to involve him."

"I don't trust him," Chase adds. "Do you really believe he'll just stop hurting you?" I look down at my shoes and rub the tip of my shoes in the dirt.

"To be honest, I don't know what to believe. But if there's one thing I'm sure about is that Eric will always be there to stop Adam from hurting me. I know he hurt me himself, but he has a deep hatred for Adam that he never explained to me about. So I believe he will at least help me with Adam."

"What about him abusing you?" He asks.

"I think we should think about that for later. My first priority is to put Adam back in jail. Once that's done we can worry about Eric. But he promised me that he would stop hurting me... at least for now." I was afraid to look up at my friends. I don't think they would let Eric help even if I told them that he got on his knees and begged for forgiveness to help me.

"I still don't think it's a good idea," Chase says. I look at to Tifanny to see what she thinks.

"Please tell me you'll still want to help me," I beg Tifanny with my eyes and she seems to crumble under my gaze.

"Ok," she sighs. I hug her with all the strength I have.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too, Diane," Tifanny says back. I pull away and see that Chase is still unsure.

"But-he-Diane, he broke your heart. Wait, no. He didn't just break it, he crushed it." Chase pleads with me not to let Eric in again. Not to trust him. But I need Eric. He's helped me before with Adam. I know he can do it again.

Chase rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands and sighs. He looks at me straight in the eyes and asks, "Do you really want to do this?" I nod my head with no hesitation this time. I know that Eric will do at least this one favor for me.

"Ok," He says. I run up to Chase and hug him too. "Thank you so much, Chase," I breathe out. "You have no idea how much I need you," I whisper. Chase kisses my forehead and pulls my hair out of my face before cupping my cheeks in his hands, "I'll be here for you no matter what."

"Cough cough. I'm right here. Cough cough," Tifanny says.

I pull out of Chase's embrace and blush and so does Chase but his cheeks aren't as red as mine.

"Since we're doing this whole, 'beat Adam mission' with Eric's help I want to have a talk with him," Tifanny says.

"So do I," Chase adds.

"Ok." I had called Eric before Tifanny and Chase showed up. Good thing Chase and Tifanny agreed or we would be having a big problem. I look at the message my phone tells me I received and look up after I read, "He's on his way."

So I was watching the movie Enough and I thought you guys should watch it because it's similar to my story in some aspects of the movie. Its honestly a really good movie and it gives a hint to what is going to happen in the future

And omg you guys I have over a thousand reads now. This makes me so happy I want to hug every reader of mine

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