Chapter Twenty-Three

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Dedicated to myself @chocolate_unicorn because just when things got good I was going to give up. But I love my supporters and my supporters love this story so I promise I won't give up. I've done it too many times before. Love you guys

"Because; I don't like them, I like you."

I was extremely shocked. Chase just openly told me he liked me and he's acting as cool as a cucumber as I blush as red as a tomato. How do guys do this? Say they like someone without freaking out or have their heart racing a million miles per second because I can't do it.

"Th-thanks?" Wow. Such a great response of mine. Thankfully the bell rings and lunch is over. I'm able to avoid Chase. I basically rush to leave the classroom as if the devil is chasing me and Tifanny runs after me.

"You can't run away from me!" Tifanny yells as me. We probably look crazy running in the hallways but right now I don't care.

"I have a class to get to," I shout.

"I know you have a free period right now." Shoot, she got me.

"Ms. Govt," someone suddenly says. I turn around to see one of the teachers. "Get to class. You know there is no running in the hallways." Tifanny bowed her head down in shame and I smirked. But before I can turn back around the teacher said, "You too Ms. Coleman." I nod my head and walk to the library. When Tifanny had that bad day I didn't get to finish the book and I hadn't taken it home. I hope the book page I left off on comes back to me because I forgot.

I enter the library and like before I don't see anyone in it. I look for my book at the long wooden shelves and find it. I take it out of its spot and get comfortable on the couch I sat on last time. I've only gotten to the second page before I'm interrupted.


"Hmm?" I look up from my book to find Chase holding a textbook.

"What are you doing here?"

"I skipped class. I want to wrap up my written report so I came to the library. What are you doing here?"

"Reading," I lift up my book. "I have a free period." He nods his head and takes a seat next to me. Suddenly I feel nervous about how close he is to me. I shouldn't even be nervous. Chase is my friend. A friend who likes me. But I don't even know what type of like. Like, like-like or just like?

I feel a poke on my side and turn to face Chase. "I'm sorry what?"

"I asked if you could help me revise what I wrote? Since you're smart and all." Chase looks amused at my lack of attention but I shrug it off.

"Oh. Yeah sure." He hands me his paper and I read it carefully. I point out a few minor mistakes which he fixes and when I'm done I hand it back to him.

"That wasn't bad."

"But was it good?" He asks, unsure of my answer.

"Definitely." Chase gives me the smile that shows his dimples and I try not to stare. I just love dimples. And Chase is already hot so that is a bonus. I now see why girls fall at his feet every time he looks their way.

"So..." I trail off. I put a strand of hair behind my ear and smile awkwardly. There was really no other reason for Chase to be here since he's finished with his homework but I didn't want to be rude by going back to my book. But this conversation is awkward too. I want us to go back to old times. When we were really close and laughing and not being awkward. At least I think it's awkward.

"Listen, about me saying I like you I meant as a really good friend of mine. I've just realized how I made things awkward."

"Oh, right. You're a really good friend of mine too, Chase." I try to smile but it doesn't really reach my eyes. I can't deny that I am disappointed because I do like Chase in a more-than-friends type of way. That I definitely can't deny. But him not likening me in the same way is now confirmed so Tifanny can stop teasing me. I knew since the beginning that Chase and I wouldn't work out. I just have too many problems and Chase has ones of his own. It was silly of me to think that there would be a relationship between us. At least more than friends.

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