Chapter Eleven

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I'd like for you guys to listen to the song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. It doesn't fit this story exactly but some of the lines do

He looked at me curiously and I freaked out about telling him. I mean, I haven't known him for that long. But does time matter? Just because you know someone for a long time it doesn't mean you know them so what if I can trust Chase even though I've known him for less? Maybe.

"But before I do I want to help you out. My mom isn't home so do you want to stay at my house if you don't feel comfortable facing your parents?" Chase looked relieved at my offer and immediately took it.

"I'll just go get a blanket and pillow for you to sleep on the couch." He nodded his head and I left him there to fetch the blanket and pillow.

"Come on, Diane. You can tell him. You don't have to be afraid anymore. He won't be like them. Trust him. You can do it." I pep talked myself into making me feel safe and decided that I will tell Chase today.

I came back into the living room to find Chase already waiting for me.

"Sorry that the couch isn't as comfortable as your bed so I got you an extra pillow and stuff."

"Its ok. I didn't announce me coming and it's better than sleeping on the floor so thanks." We both made the couch together and when we were done we both took a seat at a safe amount of distance. I know the kiss was forgotten but I don't think it can happen again. Whether I like him or not it doesn't stop Eric from wanting to punch him until he bleeds and is left with bruises everywhere.

"I'm sorry about your parents. I don't have a father but I could never imagine my mother doing what your father is doing and I think I'd want to leave the house if I were in your position."

"I just wish that my father would tell my mother the truth and leave his assistant. But then the truth hurts people and I don't want my parents to get a divorce especially with Mathew not knowing anything." I looked at him and saw how upset he was. And I knew that when I feel like that all I want is a hug and for someone to tell me that it's going to be ok. So I did just that. I wrapped my arms around him and I whispered, "It's going to be ok. It'll get better." Chase didn't cry, but I knew that he was still hurting.

"Thanks for helping me, Diane. It means a lot. I know I'm popular and everything in your school but it hasn't left me with many true friends like you." His words warmed my heart and I couldn't stop the grin that was forming into my face.

"It's no problem Chase."

"Now that my drama filled life has been dealt with, what about you? What did you want to tell me?" He looked at me with the same curious look he gave me before, only he was expecting me to tell him what I really want to say to him.

"I don't want you to be mad when I tell you. Or disgusted. Or want to stop being my friend. But if you want to stop hanging out with me it's fine. But I can't stop myself from finally telling someone what really happens to me."

"Diane, I'll never not want to not be your friend. Nothing will make me un-like you." That's what he's saying now.

"Ok." I sucked in a deep breath and released. Its now or never.

"In sophomore year my exboyfriend-Adam-was abusing me." I watched Chase take in a deep breath and his facial expression turn slightly mad. I knew he had questions but I wasn't finished with just one sentence. "At first when we started going out it was... great. Everything was good until he started changing out of the blue. He hit me one day because I spilt a drink on him at a party. But he apologized after, saying he didn't know what got into him. So I didn't say anything, guys have short tempers- I get it. But then he was emotionally abusing me. Calling me fat and hanging out with prettier, skinner girls than me. And I wanted to feel special again so I stopped eating breakfast. He was still not changing back to his normal self so I stopped eating lunch. And when I did eat I would puke. And when I got Skinner he finally noticed me. So I started eating again but he just got mad. Yelling that I didn't want to be with him anymore. So when I ate I would throw it back up because I was scared he would notice. And I was scared of him all the time. At home, at school, out side, in my dreams. So I told a cop. And it was done on the down low. He was put in jail and everything was back to the way it was like nothing happened. But the reason why he was put in jail was because he almost raped me. The only reason he didn't was because of Eric. He stopped him." I can see myself back at that time. Basically reliving the memory. A painful memory that does not away.

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