Chapter Six

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Chase has managed to become popular in just a few periods by answering all their questions correctly. Whether he did it unintentionally or not, I do not know. Its just a matter of time before he comes to tell me that he's not going to sit with me during lunch and instead have lunch with the popular kids at the big lunchroom table right in the middle of the cafeteria.

And by a matter of time I mean just a few minutes because biology is ending in 2 minutes. And I can see the class is no longer paying attention. Who would when next period you can gossip and eat lunch with friends? I can already see the countdown beginning as everyone looked at the clock in the front of the class room.

5.....4....3...2..1. And we're all rushing out like the devil is on our tails,  chasing us out of the classroom. We barely hear our assignment and that it's dew next week. But no body cares.

I swerve throughout the chaos that is our school hallway and find my locker and take out as well as put in books without even having to look at them. As I lock the door and meet Tifanny at the lunchroom door like we always do.

"Do you think Chase is going to sit with us?"

I shrug nonchalantly, "doubt it now that he has new friends." I acted like I didn't care but truthfully I wanted him to sit with me and Tifanny. He looked like some one I could trust and for some odd reason I felt the urge to be around him, like I needed him to be there for me-to be my friend.

"Well that sucks, he looks cool and we lost him before we even fought for him." During one of the classes that Tifanny and I shared, I told her about Chase and the whole burrito scene. Of course she squealed because every little thing she thinks is romantic and also because Chase is hot and he was interacting with me, it nearly got us in trouble but we always pay attention in class so Mrs. Emir let it slide.

"It's whatever. We still have lunch like we always do. We don't need hi-" I was cut off by an arm on my shoulder. More specifically Chase's arm.

"Hey guys. People at your school are so nice to me. I made so many friends. Where are we having lunch? I'm guessing at the booths right? I like the ones next to the Windows. Now let's go." He starts dragging us towards one of the booths before someone shouts Chase's name. He smiles and waves before we start walking again.

"Why aren't you sitting with your new popular friends?"

"And ditch my awesome friend that I met first. Nah. I'll stick with you guys." I smiled at that.

"Anyways you haven't introduced me to..."

"Tifanny." Tifanny puts out her hand for Chase to shake which he does.

"Nice to meet you," she says and Chase says it's a pleasure.

After the introductions Tifanny takes out her lunch and Chase starts eating his. He tried to get me to eat something from his plate plenty  of times to which I declined.

"No time to eat. Its time to... read! Yup. Literature is very important not a lot of kids do it these days." Tifanny gives me a knowing look while Chase has a questioning look.

"What book are you reading?"

"Rumor has it that Ms. Mendez wants us to read 2 out of 7 books in her list and compare them in how it is written, the plot, the metaphors, the lessons and what we thought of it. I have read most of the ones on the list. I saw the list on the syllabus so I know the part about the books isn't a lie. I'm thinking of using The Giver for one of the books."

"How are you so ahead?" Tifanny asks

"I pay attention and I care about what's being taught. I also want to be prepared. That assignment is a big part of our grade. And two other ones. One that we have to take the book and make it modern. The other is to right a 5 page essay on how anyone or yourself can relate to the book in anyway."

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