Chapter Fifteen

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Hey you guys I want to warn you that this chapter is way longer than the others so sorry if all the writing is too much for you. And this is for Love_to_Laugh187 who's been waiting ;) and sorry that I haven't updated in a while I kind of forgot about updating... sorry

Spill the beans. I read the message Tifanny sent me on my phone.

My homework is done, I've taken a shower and I've eaten dinner.

What beans? u know I don't eat that. I replay. Seconds later my phone buzzes

I mean: tell me wat u were going 2 tell me this morning

Oh. I knew that :P. I was just going 2 tell u that I got beat up by Adam but no big deal. I wait nervously for what she was going to say.

Holy. Adam is out? y didn't u tell me?!

Sorry. I didn't want 2 worry u

Does Chase know?


Im mad at u

Im sorry! I quickly press send but she doesn't reply with super speed like she usually does. I messed up pretty bad. Just imagine how mad she would be if she knew how long she hasn't known.

Ill make it up 2 u. I promise. I think about what I could do for her. She does like food and all that usual girly stuff. Hmm. I'll just take her out after school. I'll buy her that cupcake she's in love with and we'll go shopping and I'll tell her about Freddy. There. Problem solved.


Problem not solved. Eric unexpectedly wants to take me out on a date and I'm freaking out. Does he know that Freddy asked me out and wants to teach me a lesson? Or does he think that I'm more than just friends with Chase so he wants to teach me a lesson for that? Or is he just bored cause his other girlfriend has plans that don't include him? Or what if it's just to keep me in line because he has been out of my life for weeks now. And those parts are the worse. When you think he's finally left you but then he comes back. I shiver. All I know is that this can't be good. And now I can't go out with Tifanny. It'll have to wait till Friday.

"Haven't taken you out in a while," Eric says as he drives us somewhere that I don't know of. He wants to make it a surprise. Hopefully it will be a very public place.

The ride in the car was quiet. I was shaking with nerves and I didn't know what to expect.

We arrive at a bakery that sells coffee and has a small lounge for people who want to hang out and pay for their food. Its almost like Starbucks except the coffee isn't crazy expensive.

I take a seat and Eric goes in the line to buy something. After he pays he comes back with a chocolate chip muffin. He eats it as I watch him. He knows I'm probably hungry right now.

"This is a really good muffin." He continues to stuff his face with the muffin and I hope he chokes on it which he sadly doesn't.

"Ok let's go to my house." He gets up and pulls me up with him. So he just took me to a bakery to eat while I watch him meanwhile I'm hungry? There are no words in the dictionary to describe how much hate I feel for him.

"We're going to your house?" I ask scared.

"Let's just say there are some things I don't like making public." I want to run as far away from him as I can but his grip on my hand is too strong. Even with me eating a little more I'm still very weak compared to him.

I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now