Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It's been two weeks since our trip to Spain and I couldn't be happier than what I am. Sitting in my backyard, playing with grass in between my fingers I sit on Chase's lap soaking in the California Sun.

"What are we doing for spring break?" Tifanny asks. We all decided to hang out together. It was her idea. I don't know why but I'm thankful. I love hanging out together.

"I don't know," I shrug. Spring break starts at the end of this week; Friday. We have two weeks of no school. I'm crossing my fingers for a small packet in each subject. I already received one for biology. Ms. Fernández didn't give us anything and isn't going to. Bless her. I'm only afraid for math and ELA. I'll probably get an essay to work on.

"I have something in mind," Tifanny says.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"A trip," is all she says.

"To where?" Chase asks.

"Somewhere," she says while grinning.

"How funny," I say flatly.


Turns out Tifanny did know where she wants us to go to. She just didn't want to tell me. And I have a feeling Chase knows but doesn't want to tell me either. I was persistent in asking them but they changed the topic or made up an excuse to leave. Jerks.

It's Friday and I woke up late. It was amazing. It was just me and my bed. Warm under the blanket and a soft fluffy pillow. There's nothing better. And I wasn't stressed at all considering the fact that I have one essay, a biology packet and 50 multiple choice questions for math. I thought I'd have to start projects and use textbooks. My history teacher has a family emergency all week so unfortunately she couldn't give us any work. I think she made that up to have an early vacation and not have to grade work. She's done it before. But if she isn't kidding then my condolences.

I stretch for a few seconds and then get out of bed. My plans for today is eat breakfast during lunch time, then hibernate in my room for a few more hours, then wake up to catch up on a few episodes and that's my Friday.

I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk out and head into the kitchen. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and eat it at my pace. I don't need to rush and I don't have to go slow or my cereal will get soggy. When I finish eating I place my bowl in the sink. I'll wash that... hmm, never.

I walk upstairs and into my room, back under my blankets.

"Did you miss me? Because I know I did." And then I fall back asleep.

I wake up late to the sound of some noises. Its my phone ringing. I pat my bed trying to find it. I don't know where it is. I sit up on my bed and search for it. I find it in time to answer the phone.

I answer it without looking at the caller.

"I missed you when you left to Spain." A chill runs up and down my spine. Its Adam.

"Don't worry I didn't miss you too," I say. Now that I don't see him face to face I have some confidence. And the fact that I've been training with Ashley gives me the strength to cut off his balls.

"You shouldn't get sarcastic. You know it gets me angry. And I mean when I'm angry."

"Sorry to disappoint but I'm not afraid of you. So back off and don't call me again." Just as I pull the phone away from my ear I hear him say "Bitch-" but I cut him off by ending the phone call.

One thought runs through my mind: how did he know I was in Spain and how did he get my number?

My phone rings signaling a message. Its from an unknown number.

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