The regrets of Katherine Barn...

By blanket-of-moss

13.5K 510 232

Katherine Barnes was a talkative 13 year old girl. She was obsessed with Marvel, The Maze Runner, Harry Potte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 19

251 8 7
By blanket-of-moss


"Uh..." Banner starts, "Not to interrupt, this, but you need to see this Director." He walks over to the Desk with the screen with Ren's health.

"Oh god..."

"WHAT?" Ren asks frantically, "What's wrong?"

"Ren..." Reed starts after looking at the screen, "You're dying."


Two Days Till the Accident...

"I'm...what," Ren asks. She starts breathing faster. She tires to rip out of the restraints.

Reed notices this and walks over he calmly speaks, "Ren, calm down your making this worse."

"How am I dying, I-I- I have a healing ability and and-"

"The metal in your body it's foreign," Bruce explains, "I've never seen it before. Your healing factor does work, and it's trying to fight the chemicals the metal is releasing into your system. But its not strong enough. Ren, I give it three days till it kills you."

"How- how is that possible?" Ren asks. Her veins along her arms slightly glow orange.

"Your "alien side" is dormant. Only when it becomes active your body will accept it. But then your body will go through drastic changes becoming your... species ," Bruce continues, "But something has to tigger it, or..."

"Or what doctor," Fury asks getting in Bruce's face.

"I could preform a surgery and try to activate the gland," Bruce suggests, "No, it's too dangerous I-I could kill her."

"She's already dying," Fury screams, "Preform the surgery."

"No-nonono, "Ren says she tries yanking out of the black straps that bind her to the table. She looks at her arms that are glowing.

"What's wrong with her," Reed asks looking at her arms. Bruce runs to the computer and reads over her vitals.

"Oh god.."he mumbles. Something starts beeping. Her heart monitor. "Her BPM is getting dangerously high. Her vitals are going crazy. She's...changing."

Ren couldn't take it anymore. She breaks free of the restraints. And looks over her arms frantically. Her eyes rest on everyone in the room. They all have a shocked expression on her face. Her eyes are gold.

Wasting no time she rushes out of the room. She bursts through the door, hospital gown swaying a little. Going superspeed she runs to her house ignoring everyone.

She gets dressed and puts her hair in a pony tail.

Ren's POV:

They want you. As a weapon. Just like your people. He whispers to me in my mind. I don't know who he is, but I know I can trust him.

I go to the living room wasting no time. I stand I front of the three boys who sit lazily on the couch.

"Pack a backpack," I order, "We have to go. They're looking for me."

"Who are," Newt asks standing up. I feel my eyes narrow.

"The same people I thought were helping me," I respond rushing back upstairs to pack a bag myself.

I stuff as much necessities in my backpack as fast as possible. I adjust the straps on the pack before swinging it around onto my shoulders. My fingers trace my key heart necklace that I got for my 14th/21st birthday. Realizing it was given to me by Jack I unclasp it and put it in my jean back pocket. I lace up my running shoes then leave the room.

Quickly I knock on Thomas's door. He opens the door, backpack on. I nod my head to the right to signal get Minho. I walk over to Newt's, I was going to knock but he opens the door before I get the chance.

"Ready," I ask.

"As I ever will be," He responds.

"Okay go-"

Someone knocks on the front door. Thomas and Minho poke their heads out of Minho's door. I signal them to be quiet and creep down the stairs. I peek through the peephole and see Riley. I jerk open the door and pull her in shutting the door quickly.

"What are you doing here, "I hiss in a whisper.

"Everyone's looking for you," she whispers back, "Fury says you've gone mental! I said that's impossible."

"Good," I sigh, "Someone understands."

"I told him you already were crazy when he found you all those years ago," I glare at her. I hear Minho laugh in the background.

"They, meaning S.H.I.E.L.D, want to make me a weapon. To hurt people, I can't do that Riley," I reply with a straight face and adjust my backpack straps, "So you're either with me or against me."

Randomly going back to third person cause I'm the author...

"Ren you can't do this," Riley says looking into Ren's eyes.

"They're bad people... I can't stay any longer," Ren whispers. Someone bangs on the door.

"Agent Coulson open the door, "Coulson orders from behind the wooden door.

"nobody is home," Thomas yells. Ren facepalms and glares at Thomas who shrinks behind Minho.

"Open this door! Ren I know you're in there," He yells.

"Back off!" She yells.

"I will open this door by force!" He yells pounding on the door with his fist, again.

"BACK OFF!" Ren screams. Her veins and eyes start glowing orange gold again. Ren starts to scream in pain and falls to the floor clutching her ears as he screams orders and lies into her mind. Ren tries to block him out.

The couch, shelf, everything starts shaking violently, like an earthquake. Her sister is the first to take action. She grabs her sister and forces her to stand in a doorframe.

"What's going on!" Newt yells as he grips the railing on the staircase. Thomas falls to the floor. Minho squats down on the floor to steady himself.

"I don't know," Riley screams over her sister's painful ones.

"What's going on," Phil asks banging on the door to come in to help.

"I-I don't know," Riley screams.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Ren screams. She squeezes her eyes so tight it hurts.

"Phil! What should we do!" Riley screams.

"I'm coming in," he screams before kicking the door, "Get Dr.Banner over here NOW!" He screams into his com.

Within a minute doctor Banner rushes to the scene with everyone else (Guardians, Avengers, x-men, Phil's team, and Jacob, Jackson, Nate, Flynn, Luna, and Fantastic four.) Dr. Banner, Simmons, and Fitz rush down to Ren.

"What's wrong with her," Jemma screams.

"We need to calm her down," Banner yells back.

"STOP IT WITH THE LIES!" Ren screams the loudest shaking her head.

"Jemma! Where's the sedative," Fitz asks. She hands it to Fitz who plunges the syringe into Ren. Ren's screams grows quieter, her hands slowly slip off her ears, her body collapses onto the floor.

She mumbles one last word before becoming unconscious, "Charles..."


Guess who Charles is! (:<

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