
By Eveleft13

214K 7.1K 1.1K

My girl saved me as I broke her. Fuck, that girl suffered. There is always more than one side to a story and... More

Author's Note:
Chapter 1.1: Drowning
Chapter 1.2:
Chapter 1.3:
Chapter 1.4:
Chapter 1.5:
Chapter 1.6:
Chapter 1.7:
Chapter 1.8:
Chapter 1.9:
Chapter 1.11:
Chapter 1.12:
Chapter 1.13:
Chapter 1.14:
Chapter 1.15:
Chapter 1.16
Chapter 1.17:
Chapter 1.18:
Chapter 1.19:
Chapter 1.20:
Chapter 1.21:
Chapter 1.22:
Chapter 1.23:
Chapter 1.24:
Chapter 1.25:
Chapter 1.26:
Chapter 1.27:
Chapter 1.28:
Chapter 1.29:
Chapter 1.30:
Chapter 1.31:
Chapter 1.32:
Chapter 1.33:
Chapter 1.34:
Chapter 1.35:
Chapter 1.36:
Chapter 1.37:
Chapter 1.38:
Chapter 1.39:
Chapter 1.40:
Chapter 1.41:
Chapter 1.42:
Chapter 1.43:
Chapter 1.44:
Chapter 1.45:
Chapter 1.46:
Chapter 1.47:
Chapter 1.48:
Chapter 1.49:
Chapter 1.50:
Chapter 1.51:
Chapter 1.52:
Chapter 1.53:
Chapter 1.54:
Chapter 1.55:
Chapter 1.56:
Chapter 1.57:
Chapter 1.58:
Chapter 1.59:
Chapter 1.60:
Chapter 1.61:
Chapter 1.62:
Chapter 1.63:
Chapter 1.64:
Chapter 1.65
Chapter 1.66:
Chapter 1.67:
Chapter 1.68:
Chapter 1.69:
Chapter 1.70:
Chapter 1.71:
Chapter 1.72:
Chapter 1.73:
Chapter 1.74:
Chapter 1.75:
Chapter 1.76:
Chapter 1.77:
Chapter 1.78:
Chapter 1.79:
Chapter 1.80:
Chapter 1.81:
Chapter 1.82:
Chapter 1.83:
Chapter 1.84:
Chapter 1.85:
Chapter 1.86:
Chapter 1.87:
Chapter 1.88:
Author's End Note:

Chapter 1.10:

2.8K 101 6
By Eveleft13

"So, last night was interesting." I made small talk with JD as I straightened out the compilation CD section that no one ever seemed to buy but was always magically messy. It was like little elves raided the store, causing mayhem after we left each night.

"How so?" JD asked.

He was in the country section pulling out some CDs that were going to go in the closeout bin. He had his trusty price tag maker set and was going to town. This store was overloaded with CDs and vinyl that never seemed to get bought. We constantly had to mark things down on closeout, but even then, no one ever bought them.

No one in this town really came in to buy music from the store; they usually went straight to the merchandise. We had everything from anime figurines to novelty bumper stickers. I had learned pretty quickly that this store never really sold anything. The only people who ever came in were either old, bored teenagers, and the occasional female who would slip JD or me her number. It was amazing that this place was still open.

"I just...um...." I paused. I didn't really know what else I could say without bringing her up.

"Don't worry, dude. Riley has that effect on everyone." JD laughed.

"No, I d-didn't mean that I...." I stuttered. Shit. How did he know already?

"It's ok. She's annoying. I know better than anyone else. You're lucky you don't have a sister to deal with. If you want, you can borrow Riley for a while. I'm more than happy to share her." JD laughed.

I turned bright red. I would love to borrow her, but not in the way he was thinking. In fact, I was almost positive that he had at least one other friend besides me, who was willing to take her off his hands if he didn't want her anymore.

"I think I'll pass," I said, trying to cover my indecent thoughts.

I went back to the back of the store and started rearranging the 90's grunge band section in alphabetical order by the last name of the lead guitarist just to be an ass. It wasn't like anyone was going to look through these anyway.

"Hey, sexy." A chirpy voice said behind me.

When I turned around, Mia was standing behind me, rocking back and forth on her heels with a smile plastered across her face. She leaned up against the front of me and rubbed against me a little too much as she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug.

Behind her were two friends of her friends that I had never met before. She was obviously trying to show off for them. I wasn't in the mood to take the bait this morning.

"Hey." I nodded my head at her when she finally let me go.

Her body was barely covered as usual. She liked to flaunt herself around like she was a fucking supermodel. She had a decent ass and a nice stomach, but she didn't have a lot of hips and was not blessed up top at all.

She wasn't anything like Riley. Riley's curves were perfectly flawless in all the right places. What made them even more delicious was the fact that she had no idea how desirable she was. Girls who looked like her were normally conceited and would toss it around for show.

Riley wasn't anything like that, at least not in the short time I knew her.

I guess I didn't really know for sure, but I assumed it based on how she acted around us last night. Of course, that could be all it was, just an act because her brother was around. She was probably different when she didn't have people hovering over her, watching every move she made.

I shook my head; I didn't believe it for one second. That had to be who she really was. It seemed way too natural to be an act.

Then again, my head could have just been tricking me into thinking she was that mouthwatering last night. She was the only awake, unattached female at the house. I probably just thought I wanted her more than I did because she was there.

"I tried to text you last night." Mia stepped closer to me. She thought she had me wrapped around her finger when it was the complete opposite. I was the one who said what we did or didn't do and when we did it.

I always called the shots.

Mia would basically come over to the house when I told her to and spend half an hour giving me a mediocre blow job whenever I got bored. Most of the time I had finish myself off in her mouth. She was experienced, but experience didn't always mean everything. We had sex a couple of times, but it was boring. She just kind of laid there and made noises. Even when she was on top, I would find myself having to do a lot of the work. When I first met her, she looked like she would be a good time, but she was far from it.

"I was busy," I said, leaning back against the bin near the posters.

She stepped in front of me, trying to turn on a little seductive charm. She was trying way too hard for the sake of her friends.

Mia ran her hand up along my stomach and lifted up my shirt to feel my skin just above the waistband on my jeans. She was trying to tease me and all I could think about was the drunk girl in the white dress sassing me as she climbed up the stairs on all fours.

I found myself smiling when I thought about her.

I looked up and saw JD staring towards the back at us with a shit-eating grin on his face. He must have thought I was smiling because of the girl in front of me begging for it. He gave me a thumbs up like he was vicariously living the single life through me. I laughed and then pushed my hair back from my face when it fell into my eyes.

Mia was continuing to rub up against me, trying to hold my attention. I should use her as a distraction to try to get my mind off of Riley. It had been a few days since I had been with anyone. I'm sure that's why I was chasing Riley around the house last night like a love-sick puppy. I just needed to stick my dick in something warm and wet.

Mia was up for it. I could take her to the back right now. JD wouldn't give a fuck. He and Anna got it on in the back all the time. He knew where the cameras were and so did I.

"Can I come over tonight?" She asked.

I leaned down into her, about to tell her that we didn't have to wait until tonight when I felt like I was being watched again. I raised my eyes to the front near the entrance and my heart nearly stopped.

I had to blink to make sure my head wasn't playing games with me. If I would have taken something this morning, I would have thought I was hallucinating the beautiful girl in front of me. But since I was sober, I was either going mad or she was really here right now.

Riley was standing in the front of the store in her work uniform with her mouth hanging open. She was staring at me again with those large, green eyes. She was still as stunning as she was last night. At least now I knew I didn't fabricate how hot she was. She was the real deal.

Riley seemed upset about something. I wondered if she had a bad day at work. I wanted to go ask her what was wrong. I could make her day a lot better if she went to the back room with me.

"Ezra," Mia whined when I didn't respond.

Oh shit, she was still here. I had forgotten about her.

"Not tonight," I whispered to Mia softly. My eyes were still glued on Riley. She blinked once and turned away quickly, knocking a whole shelf of stuffed animals onto the floor. She was immediately down on her knees, trying to pick them up.

I was smiling as I watched her move. She was panicking like she was picking up shattered glass from the floor. Each move she made was spastic and erratic. I could watch her do this all day.

A very peeved Mia turned to look where I was staring. She narrowed her eyes and sneered at Riley. She was jealous even though she had no right to be. Mia and I weren't exclusive and I had never given her any indication we would be. In fact, I had messed around with a few of her friends she introduced me to.

Mia turned on a dime and stomped off towards Riley.

Oh fuck. Riley had no clue what was about to happen. My feet were cemented to the floor. I had no idea what I should do next.

I couldn't hear what Mia said to her, but I saw Riley look up at her, confused. She tensed and stood up, throwing two of the stuffed animals in her hands down on the ground. She stepped up to Mia, who was towering over her.

Riley was going to get herself hurt. It impressed me a bit that she didn't back down for one second. I knew she was a spitfire.

They were still exchanging heated words when Riley started inching closer to her. I saw her tiny fist ball up at her side like she was going to hit her. She started pulling her arm back and it was headed straight for Mia's nose.

Shit. Riley was really going to do it.

I sprinted across the store towards them. I caught the backside of Riley's body and pulled her into me, locking her in place before she could do something to get herself in trouble.

"Let me go." She screamed against me. Her nails dug into my skin like a wild animal. I hissed and almost threw her to the ground when her nails started tearing into my skin. She had razor-sharp claws and they were out. She was brutal; I should have let her tear into Mia. It would have been hot to watch.

"Get out." JD boomed from behind us to Mia and her friends. I had never heard JD sound so threatening before. It was at that exact moment that I knew he would murder anyone who messed with his sister. Right or wrong, guy or girl, it didn't matter to him. He would smash an ant if it threatened her.

"Find someone else to get you off tonight, Ezra." Mia pouted when I didn't stand up for her.

"Won't be a problem. Never really enjoyed it in the first place." I yelled back to her as she flipped me off. I lowered my eyes to Riley and realized she was looking up at me, scowling. "Can I let you go or will you chase her down and beat the crap out of her?"

Riley broke free from my grasp. She was a lot stronger than she looked. I bet this girl had spent her whole life with people underestimating her. She began swinging at me and pounding her hands into my chest. It actually hurt a little. Her little fists packed a powerful punch.

"You should have let me hit her and smash that orange booger into her brain," Riley screamed at me as I dove and weaved away from her.

I was cracking up. It did look like an orange booger. She wasn't wrong.

"You think this is funny? It's all your fault." She shrieked and pushed me back.

"How so?" I asked, picking at her some more. I had no idea how her knocking the stuff off the shelf was my fault.

"I...I don't know. It just is." She growled.

"It's my fault you attacked the pink stuffed animals?"

She jumped in the air to go back after me and JD had her pinned against him right before her fist connected with my face.

"Damnit, Ezra, will you quit poking the bear? My mom's order is on the counter. Grab it so I can get Ry out of here before she tears the place apart." JD commanded.

I walked back to the counter and found a bag behind it with Davis written on the top. I walked back over to JD and handed it to him so Riley couldn't hit me again.

She snatched it out of JD's hands and stomped out of the store.

"She's terrifying, isn't she?" I asked, watching her ass swing back and forth as she walked away.

"If you only knew the half of it." JD laughed. "She has a bit of a temper sometimes."

I walked back over to the stuffed animals on the floor and started picking them up. JD stood behind me, supervising.

"So, I'm guessing the Mia thing is done?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was getting bored with her." I smiled.

"You found a new one, didn't you. She's hot, isn't she?" JD asked.

"So fucking hot." I stopped and bit my tongue. I was going to give myself away if I kept talking.

"Have I met her? Is it that one girl from the other night? She looked like she wanted it." JD kept pushing.

"Oh yeah," I told a half-truth. It was the girl from the other night, but not the same one he was thinking about.

JD walked over to the counter and began messing with some of the new merchandise that just came in as I finished lining the stuffed animals back up on the shelf.

"Dude, the new Camo album just came in early. I swear the gods are mocking me." JD groaned, waving a new CD covered in plastic.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, walking back to the counter.

"Anna wanted tickets to go see them for her birthday, but they were sold out before I could get them. She is going to pout the whole night when I don't have them for her." He sighed.

"That's sucks." I was already on the verge of tuning him out. Once the name Anna left his lips, that was all he would talk about for the next four hours. I would rather staple receipts to my forehead all day than listen to him talk about her again.

"Yeah, I always promised her and Riley that I would take them to go see them when they came in town. I thought I was going to finally be able to, but I guess there is always next time."

So, little Riley really was a Camo fan. The t-shirt wasn't just for show. There was already another plan brewing in the back of my head. I knew exactly how I was going to make sure I would see her again.

"I'm sure they'll be back in town on their next tour. Hey listen, I haven't taken my break yet. I'm going to run down to the food court for a minute. I'm starving. I'll be back in fifteen." I ran out of the store before JD could stop me.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I pressed dial and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" A scratchy voice slurred on the other side.

"Hey man, can I stop by after work?" I asked.

"Come on over whenever. You know my door's always open."

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