Soulmates - More than just a...

By cn_books

937 234 50

Soulmates exist - however, they are incredibly rare. Being able to telepathically communicate, sharing their... More

Author's Note
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

24 3 0
By cn_books

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of violence and blood which may not be suitable for some readers. Proceed with caution or kindly skip, please.


"Now left hook, right hook and duck!"

Zero stood at the sidelines while I was learning to fight some guy named Phil. One year had passed since I got into this organization and every day was just the same. Waking up, training, meal time, college classes and training again.

All this time around, Zero's attitude towards me just didn't change. Although he was assigned to take care of me and even had to move his old dorm room towards the one next to mine - they were orders from above - he still remained cold.

I knew he didn't like me becoming an agent and also knew he hated the fact of me being his soulmate. But really, it's not like I chose this.

The only thing I wanted all these months, was to go back to my family. However, it was high likely that I became SKIA's target now, so wherever I went to, they would follow - at least this was what people from the rebellion told me.

It apparently happened before. A soulmate from the organization missing his family and secretly visiting them. I got told that it went very awry. The whole family was annihilated by SKIA the day after and the soulmate was never seen again.

It sounded like a tragic story someone used in a book or movie and I just couldn't wrap my mind around it that something like this really happened. SKIA made it possible to wipe off the whole family's identities, as well - as if their whole existence had been a lie until the day they died.

It was horrible, indeed. But then again, I didn't know if this was just one of the horror stories they tell the newcomer's, so that they won't escape. I didn't know how things worked around here yet which is why I couldn't really exclude this possibility.

"Focus!", the guy in front of me said as I dodged his fast fists. I narrowed my eyes.
"Don't worry about that," I said as I quickly swerved to the right, turned on my heel and hit his side with a flying kick. As Phil started to crumble, I immediately wiped him off his feet by hooking my foot with his ankle.

He fell to the ground and looked at me - shocked. I just sighed as I stretched out my hand to help him up.
"You can fight this well already?", he exclaimed in disbelief. It was the first time I was fighting him, so he didn't know that I had been practising all these techniques since childhood already.

Even if people knew, they still looked down on my small and thin frame. But well, that was simply their fault.

My mom was actually of Half-Asian descent while my dad came from England. So she taught me how to fight many Asian fighting techniques she got to know from our grandpa from early on. Even my brother and dad got to learn it from her.

After my parents died, my aunt Mary who was my mom's sister continued to teach us, so that we would always be able to protect ourselves. Seemed like this came in handy now.

"Looks like it," I answered as I shrugged my shoulders. When I glanced at Zero I saw a slight sense of satisfaction in his eyes but it quickly vanished and got replaced by the usual cold expression again.

Phil was pretty delighted when he realized I had a high level of skill in fighting. "So you really do a mixture of all these techniques? Who taught you?" He respectfully patted my shoulders as he grinned brightly.

I lightly smiled back as I answered. "My mom and aunt." A pang went through my chest as I thought about them. No matter how long I've been here already, the pain still felt far too fresh. Whenever someone mentioned something as near as family and friends, my mood immediately turned sullen.

Not that I had many people to talk to. It was just Lilian who occasionally came to visit my dorm room or joined me while having meals. I actually still couldn't cope with my situation, therefore I just avoided new people. Except for the times I needed to train or had to communicate with them.

"That's awesome! Your fam seems pretty cool.", Phil said. His light brown hair strands got messy as he drove a hand through them.
I only forced a smile as I pressed out a simple "Yes".

Then it seemed to dawn on him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring it up...", he started to mumble while waving around with his hand nervously. But I only shook my head softly.
"It's alright. It's just that I still need more time to get used to all of this." I swerved my arm around the surrounding.

Phil immediately started to nod. "I understand that. I was like that, too, y'know?" He sighed as he patted my head this time. He was so tall that my head didn't even reach his shoulders. It was really insane how much I had to look up to him just to talk to him face to face when we stood very close to each other.

"Do you have a soulmate, too?", I asked. The word just casually left my lips. It didn't sound weird or awkward to me anymore - not like months before when just the mentions of a soulmate made me flinch and turn.

Being one was a fact that I accepted - however, Zero and I have never used the bond's powers. The only time was a coincidence at my old college when he told me to run and kidnapped me afterwards. As I thought about it, it really seemed a long time ago. I was living a completely different life back then.

Phil only laughed heartily while showing his perfect white teeth.
"No way," he answered, showing the crease at the end of his eyes as he smiled. "I'm actually a loner."

Hearing his answer made me chuckle. It seemed like a long time since my mood was lifted by someone.

"A loner, huh. I'm not actually that different then." I admitted to which he laughed again.
"Well, but you have our cute Zero by your side, so -"

"How about you two continue to train instead of idling around?", Zero immediately cut him off while raising an eyebrow. Phil only laughed. He seemed to be someone who just laughed a lot. It suited him and his content vibes - like he didn't have any worries in this world.
"Dude, you're really pretending not to care, right?" He then grinned as Zero's expression turned explicitly cold.

I realized that Phil actually had guts. Like really. The last months I noticed that many people - mostly, women were always staring at my soulmate when he walked passed them but were intimidated by his cold demeanor at the same time.

I mean, I could relate to them as it had also made me very uncomfortable at the beginning. But after having to see him everyday and getting to train with him everyday, I slowly got used to it. But Phil - he just laughed right into Zero's face, no matter what death stare he gave him. This was to be respected.

"I'm not pretending about anything and now get to work." He moved his chin towards me, his grey eyes holding an unfazed expression. Then Phil suddenly put his whole arm around my shoulder.

I saw Zero immediately stiffen, his lips tight.

"Well, I saw how you were nursing our princess back to health when she was unconscious for days a year ago. Who are you lying to?" A smug expression planted itself onto Phil's face as he looked at my soulmate. I was actually shocked by his statement.

That Zero was nursing me when I blacked out from all the shock back then? I really couldn't imagine that but judging by his extremly sour expression, it seemed to be true. Holy.

"I was only following orders.", Zero said coldly while crossing his arms over his chest. While he did that I saw his lean muscles flex under his long arm shirt. But I soon shifted my gaze as I realized where I was looking at. It should be a sin to be this handsome, seriously.

"Sure thing." Phil sighed dramatically and turned towards me again. "Another round?" He grinned to which I slightly chuckled again.
"You're really eager to meet the ground again, huh?"

Phil slowly got into his fighting stance while he slowly scanned me up and down, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "We'll see about that."

* * *

After finishing our training session in the morning, I was ordered to go to the main lab. I never went there before and it was actually the first time someone told me to go somewhere other than to the training halls and college classes.

More than that, and I would surely get lost. This whole campus was huge. Bigger than my college at home, with more outbuildings, dorm rooms and nearby facilities.

Lilian had explained once before that this whole place had a long history which is why all of them were built in an antique style. It all screamed old rich causing each and every building and its rooms to look highly renowned. Some would call it old-fashioned but I looked at it as a piece of art.

After I woke up from my shock a few months ago, I actually needed to visit Mr. Wells again - just for some organizational issues. It was a really awkward meeting, especially because I made a scene like that the first time we met - but well, I guess it was understandable.

He explained to me that the place we were staying at was actually the rebellion's headquartes and that they still had more bases all over the cities. Then he also talked about the rebellion's purpose. Overthrowing SKIA to cut off their power and end their deeds.

To do that, it was actually necessary to mingle in govermental affairs. As Mr. Wells said, there were two grande political parties which just clashed together. They both knew about SKIA's secret experimentations and corrupt ways of handling things - however, one side agreed with that.

Logically, it was the "bad" side which benefitted from SKIA's money and therefore supported their experiments and used soulmates to their advantage. The other side which was secretly in contact with the rebellion was against their beliefs, so the ultimate goal was similar to a coup.

However, years had passed and they still couldn't manage to increase their influence. The only reason was that SKIA's dirty secrets were very well-hidden. Not everyone from SKIA knew about their doings which was why many were in favor of them. They really hid themselves well and covered up the bloods on their hands perfectly.

Moreover, them promoting the idea of having your perfect soulmate and tempted them with their celebrities made everything even more alluring. It sure was a well-accomplished manipulation.

So what the rebellion tried for years was to get their hands on SKIA's secret files about their scientific experimentations to be able to prove their cruel discoverment and display it for the public to see.

Everything was really complicated and far more political than I had ever thought - but it was what it was. The whole year I had been here made me accept many random things quicker than before.

One thing which also shocked me was the very weird coincidence that my old city contained one of the rebellion's biggest secret bases because most of SKIA's people resided there.

This was one more reason to not secretly meet my family - not even from afar. If my home town was filled with enemies, there was a high chance of being followed.

I remembered the day at the last party again. The man who just pointed the gun at me. Like I was a mere fly. He would have killed me right there, right then.

Back then I wasn't able to think clearly, so everything just went by in a flash. But as I had time to cope with the whole shock, I finally realized the gravity of that situation. If Lilian hadn't step in, I would have been dead for real now.

But then again, most of SKIA's people being near my home also meant that one day, I had to take on missions in my own city. My stomach turned at the thought of it. At some point, I really wanted to see my family but the more time passed, the more I was afraid of running in to them by chance.

What would they say if they recognized me? No matter how many days went by, I was still thinking unnecessary "what if"-questions. The old me wasn't like that. I sighed.

"You should let go." A deep voice said. I whirled around just to see Zero suddenly walking behind me. I raised an eyebrow as he calmly looked down on me.
"Let go of what?"

"Of your past life.", he simply said. His gaze bored itself deep into mine, as he looked right through me. In that moment I just knew that he caught a glimpse of my thoughts, even if I didn't know how. And to my displeasure, my heart started to flutter.

"How did you know I was thinking about it? You said you normally can't.", I asked. He only shrugged his shoulders.
"It only happens sometimes. When you're in your weakest state of mind."

I scoffed. "Well, let me look into your head then."

Then Zero did something I wasn't expecting. He chuckled. Zero. Chuckled. His grey eyes started to beautifully crease while his lips slightly curled upwards. Even his two cute dimples which I have never seen before, came out - but only for a mere second as the expression soon vanished from his face.

"I don't have a weak state of mind." That was the only thing he said as his lips twitched in a smug way. What a prick. I scoffed again as I finally  walked faster, trying to leave him behind.

Although he and I still didn't know each other well - even after all these months - there was a weird sense of familiarity when we stood next to each other and talked. Probably a soulmate thing.

"You're going into the wrong direction, Elle." He mockingly rolled my name while he turned around a corner, a slightly amused twinkle dancing in his clear grey eyes. I sighed and followed him until we finally stood inside of a big white room.

It had several tables and chairs surrounding a certain area in front of a huge monitor. It actually filled out the whole wall and gave off a faint blue light. My chin slightly fell as I looked towards the high-tech screen. How insane. It was like in those action or science-fiction movies I had watched in the past.

A little bit far off was an ovale table giving off a huge holographic picture of a city. That was even more insane. Everything was three dimensional and could be moved and turned however I liked it. I didn't know that this kind of high technology already existed. Crazy.

I just couldn't help but be amazed at the view in front of me.
"It's quite a sight, isn't it?" A woman's voice emerged from behind. I turned around to see someone, standing in a clear white lab coat, her hands in its wide pockets.

It was Dr. Nelson. Her brownish hair was tied in a strict bun while her dark eyes nonchalantly watched me over the rim of her glasses.

"I brought both of you here for something very important." A nonchalant smile played on her lips while she turned her face to the monitor.
"It's gonna be your lucky day, Elle. Your first mission." As she tapped onto the touch screen, a blue frame popped up, opening a certain file.

"It's too soon." Zero immediately said. Unlike before, he seemed abnormally tense right now.

"Why? One year already passed. I reckon you already taught her how to use weapons?" Dr. Nelson only raised an eyebrow as she looked over her shoulder. It was a hawk-like gaze.

Zero only scoffed. "Only partly. She's far from ready."

Well, to be honest he did teach me a thing or two. Handling daggers and knives never posed as a problem as I already used similar objects during my training in the past.

However, fire arms were on a whole different level. At first, I was really scared of using these kind of weapons as they felt unfamiliar. Thinking that I had to shoot someone with it, was a suffocating feeling. But then again, even after I got used to it, my aim stayed miserable.

"Her not knowing about weapons enough is on you." Dr. Nelson said in a cold tone. "However, what about your telepathic abilities?"
Zero stiffened again. "Dr. Nelson, you never pushed untrained people out there before, so why now?" His grey eyes pierced themselves into her but she didn't even flinch.

"Orders from above." Her thin lips slightly twitched as he continued to watch her with a grim expression. "But you don't seem to follow orders these days, Zero."
He only narrowed his eyes as she said that, anger pulsing through his whole body. His anger which went through me, as well.

I realized, I always felt his emotions when he seemed unstable. When he was agitated by something, not being able to watch the cold wall he always put on.

"Well, either way - she will be on the next mission." Her words were absolute. I felt it. The high authority which wouldn't even budge, no matter what Zero said.

Honestly, I did think that this all happened quite fast now. So fast that I didn't even know what to think. But whatever. I was here for a reason and my main point was to protect my family, so I didn't care how unprepared I was.

"It's alright. I will do it." I said with a clear voice, not caring about the bewilderment on Zero's face. Dr. Nelson slightly nodded, satisfied with my answer.

"Well then, it's settled." A weirdly sweet smile crept onto her lips as she looked towards my soulmate. However, he only stayed silent.

The woman fixed her gaze onto the monitor again, moving the cursor towards a folder, opening it.

My insides immediately turned upside down as I saw the big picture emerging from the screen. It was more than just grotesque. A nauseous feeling overcame me as the woman stepped aside to give me a better view of it.

It was a man. A dead man laying in some kind of black bag, a distorted expression on his face with his eyes wide open - like someone had just stabbed him from behind, taking him by surprise.

He was completely covered in sprinkles of blood.

Then my eyes wandered to the place where his ears were supposed to be. Instead there was a big black hole on the right of his skull. Masses of red liquid were seeping out from it, painting his clothes in a deep scarlet.

He got killed by a gun shot. My hands started to sweat as I couldn't tore my eyes from the picture. I didn't know how long I just stood there, shocked - but nobody said a word.

The longer I looked at the corpse, the more familiar it became. Weird. It was like I knew him. The air around me felt tight as I carefully scanned his face. Blonde hair, brown eyes, this jock-like face.

And then the realization suddenly hit me.

Matt. It was Matthew, the one who bragged about having a soulmate, the one I knew since high school. I couldn't even speak, my mouth was just gaped open as I fell a few steps back. Trying to distance myself from the horrible picture.

"Matt." I breathed out as I frantically looked at Dr. Nelson who just watched me with a calm eye. She didn't even care about the image which presented itself right next to her.

"Same high school, same college." She knew my connection to him. And it didn't even surprise me. The high authorities seemed to know almost everything. When I first came here, it freaked me out but now I was used to them always having some extra information about anyone.

I gulped as I finally shifted my gaze from the picture. "Why did he -?" I couldn't even form a whole sentence. People at my old college said that he was just moving. So why was he dead?

"SKIA is everywhere. Even at your old college. He became a target after someone caught wind of him saying he had a soulmate.", the woman explained.

"And did he?" It was barely a whisper.

She nonchalantly shook her head. "No. That's why they killed him. I guess, they noticed how his brain activity just didn't really align with his statement. As you already know, soulmates share individual synapses, sending various signals which can be measured with the right devices."

Dr. Nelson paused for a while but then continued. "This picture is only to show you a flick of reality. SKIA is cruel. And relentless. You have to know what you are fighting against."

I clenched my fingers as I heard that. Someone died just because he simply joked about having a soulmate. Just because of that one thing. Disbelief and anger started to crawl up my body, tightly clenching onto my heart. It was sickening.

"This is enough." Zero suddenly cut in, his expression grim. "I told you she isn't prepared yet."

"I actually am now." I hissed while I glared at him. Why was he always butting in like that? The level of distrust towards me irritated me. I felt it in the last year. No matter what I did, it was never enough.

In rare moments he seemed to open up only a little bit and seemed to care but then he always immediately became cold again. Just what was wrong with this guy?

He mostly looked at me utterly dissatisfied, giving me the feeling that he really hated my existence. And now he wanted me to forbid me having missions? For a moment, I thought he only wanted to protect me, but that was probably just wishful thinking.

He didn't care. At least not about me. But then again - I didn't know anything about him.

And just like Dr. Nelson read my mind, she suddenly spoke up.
"Zero, I know you always wanted to avoid your soulmate. But as you are a team now, you should reconsider. It will only save you both."

He only scoffed and spat out the next words. "It won't save us but will be our downfall if we take one wrong step, Doc."

"Then don't take the wrong step." The woman simply said while turning herself towards the monitor again, finally closing the file and with that the picture.

Our downfall, huh. So that's what he thought working with me would be like?

"What's our mission?", I cut in.

"You know that SKIA cooperates with Garter enterprise, right? Garter's CEO has a high influential right hand man who is the mastermind behind most of the abductions. He recently created a list of several soulmates they found and are about to take."

The woman paused for a while as she looked at both of us.

"It's simple. Bring me the list."

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