hyung | markhyuck

By neochans

476K 16.8K 26.3K

❝ hyung, i need you. ❞ ❝ sexually or emotionally? ❞ ━ o... More



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By neochans

— Chapter Nine —

Donghyuck was tired. So very tired. Of course he was happy too, their comeback had been more than successful after all but still he was tired. It was a tiredness that had sunken so deep into his bones that he couldn't sleep it off. Not that he would have gotten the chance to anyway.

He wasn't the only one, all seven members craved for a break. Donghyuck knew they would do a repackage soon but between that and their last promotions for Hot Sauce they would have at least a little bit of a break and that was all he was looking forward to.

Their dorm had gotten unusually quiet and Donghyuck knew exactly why. Jeno and Jaemin enjoyed each moment they got to their own, Renjun and Jisung rested as much as they could and the only two not being exhausted were Shotaro and Sungchan who only had occasional shootings for NCT's youtube channel. Donghyuck spent much of his time with them, seeing as especially Sungchan but also Shotaro were a nice distraction to the other members. Not that Donghyuck didn't love them, he did very much so but after months and months together in the practice room and in many waiting rooms before shows it could happen that they grew annoyed with each other. It was only natural and very usual in the industry. It even had a nickname called 'promotion sickness' where the members of one group would get mad at each other because they had spent too much time together.

Donghyuck believed the same was happening with the Dream members right now, they were all a little too on edge right now but after every argument they found back together again.

Nonetheless Donghyuck now enjoyed spending time with Sungchan. Actually Taeyong had invited the two younger's to eat together with him, Jaehyun and Mark and both Sungchan and Donghyuck were happy about the invite.

Seeing as the date of their meeting fell onto the last day of promotions, Donghyuck saw it as a little celebration and therefore dressed fancier than he normally would. With tight black jeans, a white shirt and of course his black leather jacket, combined with mask and baseball cap so he wouldn't get recognised, he stepped out of the room.

"Wow hyung, going all out today, I see." Sungchan hummed, already waiting on the couch. The younger male was dressed a little more casual, blue jeans and some band t-shirt that used to be Jeno's.

"Ah, you know me." Donghyuck said in a nonchalant tone and Sungchan laughed at his smug smile that brought out Donghyuck's confidence.

He had gained some, he knew that. All those wins combined with Mark's confession a few weeks ago had boosted his ego for sure but nonetheless he tried his best to stay humble. His mother had even scolded him on the phone yesterday to stay down to earth which he had jokingly replied to that if she wanted that then she shouldn't have born such a perfect son. To that he had gotten even more scolding and Jaemin laughing at him as the conversation had happened in the living room.

Now however, after all the schedules were done and they had even practiced the new choreography already, now Donghyuck finally had some free time. He wanted to spent it well, maybe visit his parents for a few days and hang out with his 127-hyungs.

And so when Sungchan and Donghyuck took the elevator downstairs, they didn't bother looking at the sasaengs or being much upset about their presence. Donghyuck was just happy to see Taeyong and Jaehyun again. Mark of course as well but he had seen the man plenty in the past weeks and it was still fairly awkward between them so maybe Mark not that much.

Speaking of Mark, the two hadn't talked about their make-out session. Donghyuck knew they should, he even wanted to but the opportunity had never presented itself during their busy schedules. For some reason, seeing Mark now, casually sitting in the lobby with Taeyong and Jaehyun, it was so different from seeing him every day for their promotion schedules. Mark chose to join them, knowing that Donghyuck would come and as ridiculous as it was, Donghyuck felt flattered, maybe even shy.

"Hey you two!" Taeyong called out and waved Sungchan and Donghyuck over to them. He was dressed just as casual as Sungchan and so were Jaehyun and Mark, making Donghyuck realize that maybe he was a little overdressed.

"Hey hyung." Sungchan greeted Taeyong who slung one arm around the taller's shoulder. It looked quite funny seeing Taeyong trying to reach up to reach Sungchan's height and Donghyuck had to suppress a giggle.

"Everyone ready?" Jaehyun asked in his usual deep voice and they all nodded. Jaehyun led the way outside to their manager's car. It was normal for them to use their staff's car, simply because for most of them having their own car wouldn't make much sense as they got driven around by their managers pretty much everywhere, sometimes even outside of schedules.

Today it was Jaehyun in the driver's seat with Taeyong next to him and Mark, Sungchan and Donghyuck squeezed together in the backseat.

"How is your garden going?" Donghyuck asked both Sungchan and Taeyong. The latter exchanged a quick look with Sungchan before they both erupted in laughter.

"Let's not talk about it." Taeyong said in between his giggles. Donghyuck hummed and grinned at Sungchan who shrugged helplessly.

"Don't worry about it too much." Donghyuck told him, petting his thigh. He did that a lot to Sungchan, to everyone in general. It was a small way to show affection and Sungchan would never reject him.

Mark next to him cleared his throat and Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows. Hopefully the older wasn't sick, that would be shitty seeing as they didn't have much time off and afterwards they would have to work maybe even more than before.

Once arrived at the restaurant, Donghyuck sat next to Sungchan. The two chatted the whole time, not really paying any mind to Taeyong, Mark or Jaehyun who were also immersed in their own conversation.

However as time passed and Taeyong suggested drinking, just for the fun of it, they all came together and clinked their glasses. Jaehyun downed his in one go but Donghyuck wasn't worried. Jaehyun had a high alcohol tolerance much in opposite to Taeyong who was already tipsy after the first few sips.

This only worsened and eventually got to a point where Taeyong loudly sang any kpop songs that would come to mind. Obviously he was attracting states from others and because he didn't want to get recognised, Jaehyun convinced Taeyong to go with him.

"I'll join you two, it's late already. Are you staying, Mark-hyung, Haechan-hyung?" Sungchan said. The two men exchanged a look and then both nodded hesitantly.

"I'll leave you two to it. But don't come home too late and make sure to wear your masks outside. We're not only in a pandemic but also you can never know who might be following you." Taeyong said, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol. Donghyuck and Mark both nodded like children, watching as Sungchan and Jaehyun escorted Taeyong outside.

"See ya, Chanie-hyung!" Sungchan managed to shout over his shoulder and Donghyuck replied the same before sitting back down and watching the three silhouettes disappear in the distance.

The restaurant was crowded, he could hear it. If it wasn't for them sitting in a little more secluded area, they would have probably been recognised by now, considering that neither Donghyuck nor Mark were wearing their masks.

"It's been a while since we last went out to drink." Mark broke the silence. Donghyuck, who had still been staring at the now closed door, turned his head to look at the older. Only now he realized how good Mark looked today, his black hair barely styled but yet not messy. He had dark bags under his eyes, a must after all these promotions and Donghyuck could sense the same tiredness from the man that he himself was feeling too.

"Yeah, we didn't get much time to." Donghyuck hummed. Another silence in which neither of them knew what to say. Donghyuck cursed the awkwardness to hell. Why was it so weird all of the sudden? Why was Mark still wearing a frown on his face? Was he not happy to spend time with Donghyuck?

"You've been spending a lot of time with Sungchan though, I heard." Mark spoke up again. Donghyuck's head perked up.

Sungchan? Sure, they had been spending a lot of time together. They were living together in a dorm after all but why was this important to Mark?

"Of course, Sungchan is a cool guy." Donghyuck said, confusion shimmering through his steady voice as he raised his eyebrows at Mark who still stared into his lap.

"Can I get you two something?" A waitress questioned, taking the opportunity from Mark to give a reply. Donghyuck looked up at the pretty woman and ordered another bottle of Soju for both of them.

"Ah, let's get drunk today, hm?" Donghyuck asked and finally Mark looked up. He was wearing an unreadable expression on his face which Donghyuck cursed to hell. He hated it when Mark was looking like that because it meant he couldn't read Mark and that was really fucking rare.

"Yeah, let's." Mark said, his voice just as nonchalant as his face. Donghyuck felt so confused. Really, what the fuck was going on with Mark?

The bottle of Soju arrived and Donghyuck had to hold back to not drown it all by himself. Mark chuckled at Donghyuck's yearning face and took a sip before handling the younger the bottle.

"You dressed nicely today, what's the reason?" he asked and Donghyuck shrugged.

"Wanted to impress the hyungs." Donghyuck joked, feeling the alcohol run down his throat. It was a nice, welcomed feeling and Donghyuck couldn't wait for the effects of the alcohol to settle in.

"So me?" Mark questioned. Donghyuck halted for a moment before realising and then laughed "Maybe you too, Mark."

"Will you ever use the hyung on me?" Mark sighed.

"No, because I know how badly you want it."

Mark cocked up one eyebrow and tilted his head. Donghyuck couldn't help but lick his lips at the exposed skin of Mark's neck. The usual paleness was disturbed by something, a little purple spot, Donghyuck noticed. He furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"What's that?" he asked. Mark seemed confused at first but when Donghyuck leaned over and touched the bruise on his neck, he seemed to understand.

"Johnny-hyung accidentally hit me while we were joking around. Taeyong even scolded him and said that fans could mistake it for a hickey." Mark explained.

Well, the fans weren't the only ones, Donghyuck thought. He, too, first assumed that the bruise was a love spot but now that Mark had given an explanation, he felt relieved somehow.

"Oh." Donghyuck let his hand drop down to Mark's thigh as the older placed the bottle back to his lips and took another few sips. Donghyuck watched as Mark's Adam's apple moved and something within that motion was just so mesmerising. Donghyuck wouldn't be able to say what it was but seeing Mark gulp down the alcohol made him jittery.

"Drink the rest." the older noted and held the bottle for Donghyuck to take. The younger didn't do so though, just placed his lips on the bottle. With his one hand he lifted up Mark's arm and now the alcohol ran down his throat. Donghyuck drank it all while looking at Mark who obviously seemed just as mesmerised by Donghyuck as the latter had been just a few seconds before.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Mark asked, voice a little deeper as he placed the bottle back on the table. Oh, how easy it was to rile him up. Donghyuck loved it.

"Doing what on purpose?" he asked, playing clueless, innocent. He didn't know whether Mark believed him but it didn't matter as Mark only scooted even closer and now grabbed the younger male's thigh harshly.

"You're testing me again. First making me jealous with Sungchan and now trying to do whatever that was. I told you not to do that." Mark ranted in a hushed voice that was somewhere between strained and annoyed. It sounded hot in Donghyuck's opinion.

"And what about it, hyung?" Donghyuck asked. He knew how close Mark was to snapping and deep down he had been anticipating it, had been working towards it ever since Mark had warned him in that bathroom in the building of Chenle's radio show.

"You little shit." Mark gritted through his teeth. His fingers sunk deeper into Donghyuck's thigh and the latter gasped out loud at that. It was a sweet pain, nothing he couldn't handle unlike the fire that had been lit in his stomach. Donghyuck didn't know what was happening, tried to blame his behaviour on the alcohol in his system but he knew, it wasn't just that.

Desire. If one word could describe what he was feeling right now it would be desire. Desire to feel Mark on each inch of his skin, desire to taste the Soju of Mark's lips, desire to let Mark do whatever to him. And just that desire he could now see in Mark's pained expression as he looked at Donghyuck.

"You don't want me to do this." the older muttered, voice strained but Donghyuck shook his head.

"But I do, hyung." he whispered. Mark quickly leaned over and pressed his lips onto Donghyuck's. It was only a mere peck, nothing more and yet Donghyuck felt each one of his nerves go crazy, feeling overwhelmed at the feeling of Mark's hungry lips.

With a pout on his lips, Donghyuck opened his eyes. He gave Mark a disappointed look. "That was all? That was your big 'snapping' moment?"

"You don't know when to shut up, do you?" Mark asked. He drank the rest of the bottle, placed it back down and pulled out some money which he slammed on the table. Each move of his as well as his clenched jaw told Donghyuck just how frustrated Mark was feeling right now.

"Stand up." the older ordered and Donghyuck did so, following Mark until they reached the restaurant's bathroom. Once locked in a stall together, Mark reconnected their lips in a needy kiss and Donghyuck responded immediately. The way Mark could have him give in so easily despite all the teasing, Donghyuck loved it.

"Hyuckie?" Mark questioned against his lips. The mentioned man looked up at Mark who cupped his cheeks and let his thumb stroke over Donghyuck's lips.

"Promise me that this won't change anything? We're still friends, okay? This is only sexual and that's it." Mark said and Donghyuck had never been quicker to agree to something. Hell, Mark could ask him to make a deal with the devil right now and he would agree just to taste the man's lips again.

"So it's a deal?" Mark questioned, his voice sounding still unsure unlike his actions which very much told of how much Mark wanted him.

"It's a deal, hyung." Donghyuck nodded, speaking against Mark's thumb. The older took the opportunity to insert it and Donghyuck's eyes widened at the foreign feeling. Yet, he liked it.

Never in his life would he have thought to be sucking his best friend's thumb in a bathroom stall of a random restaurant, ready to risk his life just for the other to get sexual and yet here he was, doing exactly that. All he needed was Mark and that's what he got when he felt the man's free hand sneak around his waist and pull him close.

Mark finally pulled out his wet thumb and kissed Donghyuck hungrily once more. And god, Mark was such a good kisser. Donghyuck wasn't sure from where he got all that talent, being an all-rounder idol and a great kisser but he surely wasn't going to complain. Mark captured his lips with ease, teasing with his tongue. Donghyuck let out a desperate moan and Mark chuckled into the kiss before finally inserting his tongue.

It was hot, so hot everywhere. Donghyuck wanted to peel off every piece of clothing but he was still aware that they were in a public space so there was no chance of that happening.

"Holy shit, Hyuckie." Mark breathed out against his lips. His fingers travelled to Donghyuck's ass and pulled him close, causing their crotches to collide. They both groaned simultaneously and Donghyuck pressed himself against Mark even more, needy for any sort of friction since his erection was now slowly hardening against his tight pants.

"Do something." he pleaded in a high-pitched voice and Mark took matters into his own hands. Literally as he undid Donghyuck's zipper with shaky hands and pulled out the younger's boner. Donghyuck did the same with Mark as they kept on hungrily kissing each other.

Blame it on the alcohol but Donghyuck didn't find this weird at all. Actually he liked the feeling of Mark's warm length in his hand as did the other who groaned into the kiss when Donghyuck gave him a testing stroke. The younger repeated the action and Mark suddenly did the same, causing Donghyuck to pull back and rest his head against the wall of the bathroom stall. The older man took the opportunity to suck on the skin of Donghyuck's neck while continuing to jerk him off. Donghyuck's hand automatically met Mark's rhythm effortlessly and neither of them really tried anymore to stay quiet.

Yes, it was filthy and uncomfortable and so incredibly wrong but Donghyuck's mind was too far gone to care. All he felt was Mark's hand giving him harsh strokes while the man's thumb stroked over his slit. Donghyuck copied Mark's actions and did the same for the older, both men panting hard.

Feeling Mark grow hard against the palm of his hand was such an experience. Mark was bigger than him, he could tell just by the way his fingers struggled to cover the whole length but if anything, it only turned Donghyuck on even more.

"God, this is so wrong." he mumbled as Mark detached his lips after kissing over the bruises he had just made on Donghyuck's neck.

"I know. It's fun, isn't it?" Mark replied, voice unsteady and raspy. Donghyuck only whimpered, mouth agape as Mark sped up the pace and caused for Donghyuck's whole body to spasm.

"Oh shit, hyung." the younger softly cried out and felt his legs give up but Mark caught him with ease. Donghyuck's hand clenched around Mark's  length and the older grunted as he jerked his hips forward. Apparently he wanted to be in control as he swatted Donghyuck's hand away and instead used his own to jerk both of them off simultaneously.

Something about their dicks touching, about Donghyuck chanting "Mark-hyung" over and over like a mantra, something about Mark letting small curses slip from his lips as he brought them both to their orgasm, something about it felt so dangerously addictive. It was like a drug that once taken, Donghyuck would easily get addicted to.

He gasped out as he wanted to warn Mark but the older shushed him by kissing him, harsh and demanding as both their bodies shook and pleasure overtook them.

Donghyuck choked out a final "Hyung" that got easily swallowed by Mark's lips as hot ropes of cum spilled all over Mark's hand.

Their heavy breaths were disturbed by a person entering the bathroom. Donghyuck laid his hand on his mouth to stay quiet, in his eyes a glint of amusement that he also found in Mark's eyes as well. However the older looked flushed, messy hair and swollen lips as well as small pearls of sweat that ran down his forehead and cheeks. He looked incredibly attractive like that and Donghyuck thought how any girl would be lucky to see Mark like this.

The two stayed quiet until the person left, which was too long and Donghyuck could see Mark's eyes going down to his cum stained hand. The look of cringe in Mark's face had almost made him laugh out loud, however Donghyuck stopped himself by burying his face in the crook of Mark's neck.

As soon as the door closed Mark let out an "Ew" sound and bend over to grab some of the toilet paper and remove the white liquid from his hand.

"So..." Donghyuck trailed off, not really knowing how to handle this whole situation.

"That was good." Mark noted. Donghyuck snorted in disbelief. Good was one word to describe it but Donghyuck would have settled for something more like breathtaking (literally), amazing or overwhelming.

"Good? Really?" he asked and Mark shrugged, redoing his pants.

"What do you want me to say? It was great jerking you off in a public bathroom despite us being best friends and idols?" he questioned. Donghyuck but his lip, a blush colouring his cheeks and ears as he also zipped his pants.

"It was a deal, no?" he asked, feeling admittedly a tad bit awkward.

"Sure, and one hell of a deal too. I would not mind repeating that." Mark grinned tiredly and the sight of it already gave Donghyuck even more butterflies. How did he never notice how good Mark looked when he grinned?

"Neither would I." he hummed. It was the truth. He couldn't recall one sexual encounter that had been as good as the handjob Mark had just given him. Either he didn't have very good sexual encounters or something about the way Mark managed to knock the air out of his lungs and set his body on fire was special to Donghyuck.

"So what are we? Friends with benefits?" Mark questioned as he flushed the toilet. Donghyuck shrugged. He didn't know what they were, friends with benefits were probably a fitting title though.

"I guess. Friends with benefits who also happen to be idols." he said and Mark laughed "Idols with benefits."

Donghyuck nodded and the two stepped out of the cabin. Idols with benefits. That was a nice twist to a friendship, no?

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