Friends (Camren)

By roxkvato

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Friends don't love me like you do... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
A Final Word

Chapter 1

24.6K 307 118
By roxkvato

Lauren's P.O.V.

Everyone has a person. Someone they can go to whenever they need something. Someone who always makes them smile when they're sad, who they can tell anything to; a person who makes them happy. Their person.

Being almost finished with my last semester of high school, I'm starting to doubt that I'll ever find my person. Ever since my world spiraled downhill my freshmen year, I had cut everyone off. Not that I meant to, it was just my automatic reaction to unexpected devastation. The only people I could call my friends were the people who worked at the coffee shop that I often visited, and even those people didn't talk to me outside of the shop. I tell myself that I'll soon find my person, but inside I know that if I keep pushing people away, I'm going to live the rest of my life alone.

High school was just high school. I never thought of it as anything extraordinary, but it wasn't exactly a nightmare either. The day's dragged on, each day the same as the next. My day consist of mostly accelerated courses, which I exceeded in because it's not like I had anything else to do these days, but my favorite time of the day was lunch. I spent my lunch period either playing piano in the music room or working on a painting in the art room. The teachers were all very lenient about my schedule because of what happened three years ago, and they knew that I preferred to be in the quiet rather than surrounded by vociferous high school students.

After the 3rd period dismissal bell rang, I made my way to the art room. I had been working on a painting of the mountains for a few days now and today was the day I planned on finishing.

When I reached the art room, I was surprised to see my teacher already speaking with another student. I had never seen her here before, and she looked nervous.

"There you are!" Ms. Trainor said a little too enthusiastically.

"Hey Ms. Trainor.." I mumbled back, eager to make the finishing touches on my painting.

I made my way to the paint brushes and was nearly finished getting all of the colors I needed before I heard Ms. Trainor's voice for a second time today.
"Lauren, this is Camila. She is new to our school and I think you guys share a few of the same classes. She's very nervous to be here so I hope I that you make her feel welcome." she said with a small wink.

"Hi Camila..." I replied.

I wasn't ever very good at meeting new people. Every since the accident I hadn't been great at talking to anyone at all. I was trying to seem welcoming, but I could sense how nervous she was.

"Hi Lauren... I'm Camila." the small girl replied with a shy wave.

I didn't want to come off as rude to the petite brunette just yet, so I gave a quick smile and returned to my painting. Surprisingly, Camila stayed in the art room instead of going to lunch. From across the room I could see her concentrating on a canvas and I found myself growing curious about what she was doing.
The bell would ring soon, and neither of us had said a word, however the silence wasn't uncomfortable. I found myself glancing at he girl multiple times in the short span of time, something about her intrigued me. Maybe it was the way her hair fell perfectly around the sides of her face, or how she bit her lip when she was focusing on the painting. Whatever it was, it was taking over my mind... Which was weird considering that I hadn't been interested in anyone since the accident.

The bell rang, interrupting my thought process, so I quickly gathered my things for my 4th period class. Camila took her time, and while I was walking towards the door, my curiosity got the best of me. I looked over at Camila's painting and saw two simple butterflies in what I would describe as its dream land. I couldn't help but to stifle a laugh because the painting looked like something drawn by a kindergarten student.

"So... Butterflies?" I couldn't help but comment.

"Yeah, it's for my sister...I..." she stuttered, with an expression of both embarrassment and nerves.

"It's okay, I think is cute!" I cut her off, with a cheeky grin.

Her face formed into a huge smile, mine soon mimicking the action because she looked so adorable. It was only then that I noticed her chocolate brown eyes and slight dimple in her cheeks. I turned to leave the classroom feeling satisfied with myself for actually starting a conversation and possibly a friendship.

Hi friends. So I've never written anything and I don't know how this is going to go, but my friend really wanted me to do it. 😹 I'd really appreciate if you'd share this and tell me what you thinkkkk. Ily ✨

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