A War of Fantasy and Monsters...

By ch0i_bg

4.5K 404 69

"When the moon turns red, run." More

Let The Secrets Entangle


114 11 10
By ch0i_bg

Each day goes by, a lot of bad things are already happened and today is just 25. After meeting up with Jungwon, he is nowhere to be seen. You asked the others where did Jungwon go, and they responded that he went of to find something particular.

Now about that "a lot of bad things are already happened" Sunoo always went out without informing you and he loses his temper very quickly, just like what happened yesterday.


It's two in the morning yet you still couldn't sleep, the shocking news makes you so anxious and terrified. And how Jungwon got angry to you for the first time, and boy he's so scary.

And now you're here at the balcony drowning yourself with deep thoughts. "What am I suppose to do?" You asked yourself as you stared at the moon, I guess the most beautiful things can also hold the darkest secrets.

You released a sigh before an idea popped into your mind, "We didn't read the whole thing, so maybe the answer is still there." You said before heading to your room, lighting a lamp, sharpening a pencil and lastly tying your hair up.

"Page 553 where are you..?" You flipped through a lot of pages before it finally landed to the page you wanted to read.

"Hmmm, I want the answer for this, not this." You said as your eyes scanned the page, "Gosh, where is it?"

"The Curse and the Cure? What is this?" You said as you looked closely to it, "This might be the answer or the cure whenever a Vampire loses his control. Is to kill that person." You widened your eyes before a voice rang into your mind, "I can't do that to Sunoo, that's a big no."

"This kind of situation is very rare for a Vampire to experience, unless they set a deal with the Grim rile." What the heck is that?

"A Grim rile is a dark spirit who grants all your wishes, whether it's bad or not, and the exchange of it, is your blood, a lot of people summoned this spirit just to grant their wishes, and when you gave your blood to the spirit it's either the spirit will do something good or bad, but through all the peoples experience, the spirit gave them a bad thing." You continued reading out loud. "A blood thirsty Vampires or a Werewolves." Ah, I'm supposed to read the cure or whatever that is.

"The Antehe flower might help the poor victim, the nectar of the flower is dangerous yet it can cure the person." Your raised your eyebrow, as you keep reading it.


"Shirean? What happened to you?" Asked Dane who went towards you, if youre wondering what's your face looks like now is like a dead person, deep eyebags and pale face, "Gosh, you look like a dead flower Rean." She said before handing a cup of tea.

"Thank you." You said to her as you politely took the tea from her hand, somehow this made you more awake.

"I never have seen you like this, what did you do yesterday?" Dane asked you as she took a seat, "Just drowned myself with a book." You responded,

She was about to ask you another question but you cutted her off, "I'm okay, don't worry." You replied to her again, "I'm gonna head out Dane, see you." And with that you left her inside of your room without saying anything.


"Are you okay Shirean?" Asked Sunoo before approaching you and pat your back,

You responded a nod and took a sit, and you noticed that weird expression in his face for the first time, annoyance.

You furrowed your eyebrows before shrugging this off, maybe Sunoo is just tired, you said to yourself.

Both of you ate with silence roaming around the room, no one dared to speak.

"I'm going out." Sunoo said as he got his coat, ready to go, but before stepping outside of the dining room you called his name,

"Sunoo! And where do you think you're going?" You slighting shouted, unexpected he scoffed before saying, "Like I always do, head to the forest." He said before leaving you there, shocked.

"That's weird, very weird. He never act this way towards me." You said as you still sat there, shocked.

"I need some help, Heeseung and Jay might help." You said through your mind.

It didn't took long enough for the boys to arrive, now all of you are seating in the dining room.

"Why did you call us both Shirean?" Jay said as he looked at you, deep in your eyes,

You sighed before saying, "This might sound weird but Sunoo is acting weird this days, I really don't know why, but yes, he is acting weirder and weirder." A deep sigh released from Heeseung and Jay's mouth.

"What can we do about it? Is there anything we can do?"

"No to be honest, But Jungwon can help! I don't know where the heck he is!"

"What are you gonna do now? I'm worried for him."

"It'll be okay Heeseung, I'm sure we will find a way to end this thing."

But will it end though?


It's already downfall and you are waiting for Sunoo and your brother, whether he might come or not, you always wait for him to return.

You're eyes are ready to give up on you, the cold wind makes it more worse because in anytime now, you can fell asleep right away.

The only thing that only makes you up is the person you're waiting for and you're pet Linnet, He keeps playing around and makes weird noises which I presume is "whines".


"Oh god, Sunoo finally youre here-" You ran towards him to give him a hug but he blocked you before reaching him.

"S-Sunoo? Is everything alright-"

"Yes I am okay, I'm tired, Goodnight." He said with a monotone voice and leaving you there shocked and hurt.

"W-wow, he never avoids my hugs and kisses, but now.. where is my Sunoo?"

You got no choice but to release a devastating sigh and drag yourself up into your room along with Linnet of course.


You changed into your pajamas before laying down, ready to sleep, "I will try to sleep today, I need some energy tomorrow because, I don't know what might happen."

"So now, I will get some rest. It's probably those side effects or whatsoever that is."


"Oh great what now?! I was about to sleep!" You got up and stomped youre feet like a child you didn't get any chance to have a candy or a toy for the mall.

"What do you want-"

"I finally found the answer, I already have it."

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