Festina Lente

By BubblyYork

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In a bid to keep England from breaking away from the Flock of Rome, Pope Clement VII decides to send his cous... More

Chapter One: Papal Planning
Chapter Two: Leaving Rome
Chapter Three: Welcome to Court
Chapter Four: Allies Perhaps
Chapter Five: Speaking with the King
Chapter Six: Queen Katherine's Ire
Chapter Seven: Change in Circumstances
Chapter Eight: The Pope's Miscalculation
Chapter Nine: Ippolito de' Medici
Chapter Ten: One Last Chance
Chapter Eleven: Queen Katherine's Trial
Chapter Twelve: The Agreement
Chapter Thirteen: Investiture
Chapter Fourteen: Marriage Talks
Chapter Fifteen: The Duke of Bedford
Chapter Sixteen: The Pope in France
Chapter Seventeen: Lady Mary Tudor
Chapter Eighteen: Becoming A Boleyn
Chapter Nineteen: Wedding Celebrations
Chapter Twenty: Meeting with the French
Chapter Twenty-One: Someone to Trust
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Royal Wedding
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Coronation
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Fondness for Apples
Chapter Twenty-Five: Clarice's Confinement
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Boleyn Delivery
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sisterly Support
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Royal Birth
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Celebrations
Chapter Thirty: Wedding Negotiations
Chapter Thirty-One: The Announcement
Chapter Thirty-Two: Back at Court
Chapter Thirty-Three: Tudor No More
Chapter Thirty-Four: Problem Shared
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Fall from Grace
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Aragon Madness
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Infanta of Spain
Chapter Thirty-Eight: More Good News
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Wasting Away
Chapter Forty: Mary, Queen of France
Chapter Forty-One: The Scottish Queen
Chapter Forty-Two: Princess Elizabeth
Chapter Forty-Three: Another Boleyn Delivery
Chapter Forty-Four: A Wedding in France
Chapter Forty-Five: The Wedding of Henry Fitzroy
Chapter Forty-Six: Tis the Season
Chapter Forty-Seven: Mary's Child
Chapter Forty-Eight: Poetry
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Shall Be Well
Chapter Fifty: Heart of Stone
Chapter Fifty-One: The Hunting Trip
Chapter Fifty-Two: Travel Plans
Chapter Fifty-Three: Lucrezia de' Medici
Chapter Fifty-Four: Royal Connection
Chapter Fifty-Five: Disgraced
Chapter Fifty-Six: To Be Queen
Chapter Fifty-Seven: A Woman's Place
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Eleanor's Plight
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Royal Progress
Chapter Sixty: Deepest Wishes
Chapter Sixty-One: The Duchess of Orléans
Chapter Sixty-Two: Leaving for War
Chapter Sixty-Three: Your Majesty
Chapter Sixty-Four: A Wedding in Calais
Chapter Sixty-Five: Pressure
Chapter Sixty-Six: Confrontations
Chapter Sixty-Seven: The One That Got Away
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Mother and Daughter
Chapter Seventy: Christina of Denmark
Chapter Seventy-One: Letters
Chapter Seventy-Two: The Boleyn Legacy
Chapter Seventy-Three: The Spanish Forces
Chapter Seventy-Four: The Auld Alliance
Chapter Seventy-Five: Elisabeth of Hesse
Chapter Seventy-Six: Plotting
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Viscount Rochford
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Expecting
Chapter Seventy-Nine: The Queen of France
Chapter Eighty: A King's Heart
Chapter Eighty-One: Bastard Son of a Duke
Chapter Eighty-Two: The Riot in Florence
Chapter Eighty-Three: The Plot
Chapter Eighty-Four: Assassination
Chapter Eighty-Five: The Duke of Florence
Chapter Eighty-Six: Fury of the Emperor
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Common Ground
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Life of a Pope
Chapter Eighty-Nine: The Medici Heir
Chapter Ninety: Pope Paul III
Chapter Ninety-One: Contagion
Chapter Ninety-Two: Life and Death
Chapter Ninety-Three: What Comes Next
Chapter Ninety-Four: Catalina of Aragon
Chapter Ninety-Five: Rest in Peace
Chapter Ninety-Six: Return of the King
Chapter Ninety-Seven: The Joust
Chapter Ninety-Eight: The Waiting Game
Chapter Ninety-Nine: The King Lives
Chapter One Hundred: The Seymour Issue
Chapter One Hundred & One: Family Reunion
Chapter One Hundred & Two: A Sign of Things to Come
Chapter One Hundred & Three: A Shining Future
Chapter One Hundred & Four: Arrivals in France
Chapter One Hundred & Five: A Wedding to Remember
Chapter One Hundred & Six: A Reason to Hope
Chapter One Hundred & Seven: Rivals No More
Chapter One Hundred & Eight: Queen Consort of Scotland
Chapter One Hundred & Nine: The Duke of York
Chapter One Hundred & Ten: The Unexpected
Chapter One Hundred & Eleven: Saying Goodbye
Chapter One Hundred & Twelve: All Will Be Well
Chapter One Hundred & Thirteen: The Duke of Rothesay

Chapter Sixty-Nine: Princess of England

431 14 17
By BubblyYork

4th of January 1535 - Hampton Court Palace

With one final push, Anne gave out a scream as she squeezed Mary's hand and fell back onto her pillows as her baby started to cry. 

It had been a shorter labour than her first two and Anne was relieved for that, she tried to dodge Mary trying to wipe away the sweat from her forehead as she attempted to spot her baby. 

"What is it?" Anne demanded, her heart pounding in her chest and the uneasy that she felt at the lack of joy from her ladies and midwife left her fearing that something was wrong. 

She was sure that she had heard her baby cry, she had felt them move all this time and she did not want to believe that anything had happened that might have cost her, her baby. 

"Your Majesty has given birth to a very healthy baby girl," Madge informed her from across the room, where she was wrapping the baby up in some cloth to keep her warm. 

A messenger had already been sent to announce the birth of the little princess and Madge knew that there would be those who would be disappointed in the news. 

"Give her to me," Anne demanded struggling to sit up and she glanced at Mary, who moved to make sure that her pillows were righted behind her so that she might sit up. 

Madge did as she was instructed carefully handing the princess to Anne, a soft smile on her face as she watched her friend and mistress take her baby daughter in her arms. 

News would have to be sent to the King that he had another daughter, a little princess of England instead of the Duke of York that many had hoped that Anne would deliver. 

However, a healthy child was not to be sniffed at especially considering that Anne's last pregnancy had ended in loss; it was a good sign that Anne could give him more healthy children. 

Staring down at her daughter, Anne felt a small put form in her stomach knowing that Henry would be greatly disappointed that she had not given him a second son like he had so hoped. 

Perhaps her next pregnancy would give him the little Duke of York that he desired but Anne would be contented with her daughter, it would be awhile before she would have to face Henry in person afterall.

Taking in the baby in her arms, Anne admired her and smiled softly as she pondered the name that she would give the child; it had not been discussed what they would name a daughter, only names for sons had been given. 

While her first children had favoured the Tudor red locks that they had gotten from their father, her baby daughter seemed rather fair-haired from what Anne could see from the little fuzz that covered her head. 

Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Anne ignored the continued silence in her chamber and continued to admire her baby; her sweet little girl that brought her such joy. 

"Beatrice," Anne whispered, the name rolling off her tongue before she could stop herself and she pondered the name; it was down to her to name her daughter since the King was away. 

He would be informed of course, there was no name for a daughter that he had mentioned and Anne could not think of a more deserving name for her daughter. 

It was of French origin and given her time spent in the french court and their current alliance with them, the meaning in latin even gave it's own nod to Anne's original motto.

 'The Most Happy' 

Anne had been when she had courted Henry and had been so when she had married him, now she did not feel so and pondered a new motto for herself. 

"She shall be Princess Beatrice," Anne announced with certainty, looked around the room at her ladies for a moment to see their reaction to the name that she had chosen. 

It pleased her to see that the name that she had chosen was well received and Anne looked down at Beatrice knowing that no matter how disappointed others would be, she could not bring herself to do so. 

Beatrice would be her bringer of joy, her little girl and Anne would do what she could to ensure that her daughter would not be slighted when her father returned from the war. 

Until then Anne was in-charge and she intended to use her power for the good of the realm, she could only hope that Henry would see it that why when he returned and she knew just how to make him see things her way.


Stepping into the darkened chambers that she shared with her husband and allowing her eyes to scan the unlit room, the Duchess of Wiltshire paused for a moment to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness. 

It had not come as a surprise to her when she had heard that he had hidden himself away once the news of Anne's delivery had reached him. 

The birth of Princess Beatrice was not the news that Thomas had been expecting and Elizabeth knew better than anyone how he had hoped this child would be a second son for their daughter. 

Preparations had been made for celebrations, celebrations reserved for a little Duke of York that Thomas had believed that Anne had been carrying. 

Instead, Anne had been delivered of a healthy baby girl, a healthy child but not the second son that would have completely secure Anne on her throne. 

"Thomas," Elizabeth called to him softly, she padded further into the room and headed to light some candles so that she might be able to see her husband more clearly. 

After leaving Anne's chambers having seen the birth of her 8th grandchild, Elizabeth had been rather surprised to find her brother was the only one ensuring the news was spread that Anne had been successfully delivered of her healthy Princess. 

Norfolk had been quick to inform her that Thomas had stormed out of the chamber when the news had reached them that Anne's child was a daughter, not the Duke of York that Thomas had been so prepared for. 

The candles allowed her to see her husband and Elizabeth sighed before approaching him; she hated to see him like this and she wished for nothing more than to share in his burden. 

A goblet of wine in his hand, Thomas was slumped in one of the chairs closest to the fire place; with no sign of a servant to attend him and Elizabeth could guess that he had dismissed them all. 

Walking over to him, she wished with all her might that she could help him now and offer him some comfort; it had been a long day and right now, they could be unguarded in their thoughts and emotions. 

Thomas took her hand when she was close enough to him and pressed a soft kiss to the palm of her hand before he allowed their fingers to lace, he looked up at her and as their eyes locked; the mask that he wore before the court slipped away.

Neither of them said anything for a moment and Elizabeth could only be relieved that they were here together, she dared not consider what would have happened if the King was still in England and Anne had birthed a daughter. 

At least with Henry away at war, they had some distance from the anger that would have come forth at the fact that Anne had not given him the Duke of York that he had planned for. 

"My love... all is well, the child is most healthy," Elizabeth assured him, she recalled the pale locks that had decorated the little girl's head and knew that such a thing would have certainly soothed the King. 

Alexander and Elizabeth had his colouring, proving them to be true Tudor heirs that he could boast but Beatrice seemed to favour the locks of her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth of York. 

A fact that would likely warm Henry to his new daughter especially when he had loved his mother so much; her death had been hard on him since he had eleven when she had passed away. 

"There is always next time. The King shall not leave Anne while they have a healthy son in the nursery," Elizabeth stated trying to ease his mind, they had something that the former Queen did not and that was a healthy son in the royal nursery. 

It would not do to worry about things that could not be changed, as long as Alexander remained healthy and well then Anne had nothing to fear. 

"It is not enough, the King was once the Duke of York... he was a second son and we all remember what happened to Arthur," Thomas told her, he sipped from his goblet and rested his head against the back of his chair. 

It had not been that long ago that King Henry VII had two sons in the succession, everyone could remember the devastation they had felt when news had spread that Arthur had taken ill at Ludlow and passed away. 

Alexander was an extremely healthy child and God willing, he would one day sit on the throne of England but one son did not secure the succession and Thomas feared for his daughter; he feared what would happen if Henry did not get what he wanted.

"Alexander is not Arthur, he is a strong boy and we shall not allow the mistakes to be made that marred the life of his uncle. Alexander shall be King, no one shall take that from him," Elizabeth stated sure of herself, she did not believe that God would wish for anything less especially if he was willing to bless Anne in such ways. 

When the King had first shown interest in Anne, it had been their greatest fear especially knowing that they had planned a grander match for their daughter than as someone's mistress. 

Even having Anne leave court and come back to Hever had not dissuade the King from her, he had set his heart on having Anne and nothing they did seem to persuade him otherwise. 

Once Anne's reputation was in tatters, she had no choice but to agree especially when her status at court was already ruined and many thought her to be a whore that had stolen the King from Katherine. 

It had been a stroke of luck on their part that the Medici had arrived in England, the evidence they brought with them had allowed Henry to be free of Katherine and marry Anne. 

"I never wished for Anne to be Queen, I never wished for her to be where she is now... what kind of father am I, if I cannot protect my children?" Thomas whispered, he had never felt so useless and powerless in his life than when dealing with a King like Henry who was known for his fickleness. 

They did not have the backing of some royal power on the continent like Katherine had, there was little to stop Henry from doing away with Anne if he found himself besotted with another and no son in the nursery. 

Katherine's failing was having no son, little Henry, Duke of Cornwall had been short lived and with many miscarriages and stillbirths she had fallen from favoured even with Lady Mary in the nursery. 

"I know my children do not see it this way but everything I do is to secure our family," Thomas continued, he knew they thought that he cared little for them now that he had power but he had only their best interests at heart. 

The Boleyns had risen from so little and Thomas knew that the throne was a dangerous thing for people like them, he did not forget what had happened to the Woodvilles once Edward IV had died. 

They had lost nearly everything and Thomas refused to see the same happen to the Boleyns, they had to be cleverer than Elizabeth Woodvilles family and he was building on their legacy to secure them.

"Then share your burden, when George returns tell him what must be done... Anne and Mary will understand, they know the histories as well as they were taught such things," Elizabeth insisted, she hated the divide that was forming in her family. 

She had done what she could to keep the peace, they had afforded their three children every chance of bettering themselves and she wanted nothing more than to ensure they knew what was at stake. 

It had not been so long ago that Elizabeth had found herself at the bottom of the social ladder, her marriage to Thomas had not been warmly received especially since she had been the daughter of an Earl and her husband had little to boast about. 

She had been born into wealthy and influential Howard family and had served both Elizabeth of York and Katherine of Aragon as a lady-in-waiting. 

"You must also speak with Clarice, she is as much our family now as any of our children. The Medici know a thing or two about family legacy," Elizabeth encouraged with a squeeze of his hand, she wanted him to realise that he was not alone in all of this. 

Isolating himself from his family would not help the situation and Elizabeth wanted nothing more for him to understand that he was not alone in defending the Boleyn family. 

"What would I ever do without you?" Thomas asked taking her hand in both of his own and bringing it to his lips so that he could press another kiss to it. 

It had truly been a blessing to share his life with her, they had been married for over thirty years and Thomas knew that she had been his guiding light at times. 

"If the Lord is kind, then you shall never have to know," Elizabeth told him with a smile, she slowly moved away from him and headed back towards the door. 

It was still early and she knew that tonight would one of celebration and they could not ignore the fact that there was much for them to celebrate. 

"There are celebrations downstairs and it would not do for people to hear that the Duke of Wiltshire has yet to greet his new granddaughter, the Princess Beatrice," Elizabeth stated, she could already imagine the whispers that would form because of the birth and their actions. 

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