Smile Again 🪄 Taekook ff (Ta...


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"Naturally, millions of stars fall in love with the moon. Yes.. stars fall for the moon. Because it's the n... More

Before Reading.....
✨Chapter 01✨
✨Chapter 03✨
✨Chapter 04✨
✨Chapter 05✨
✨Chapter 06✨
✨Chapter 07✨
✨Chapter 08✨
✨Chapter 09✨
✨Chapter 10✨
✨Chapter 11✨
✨Chapter 12✨
✨Chapter 13✨
✨Chapter 14✨
✨Chapter 15✨
✨Chapter 16✨
✨Chapter 17✨
✨Chapter 18✨
✨Chapter 19✨
✨Chapter 20✨
✨Chapter 21✨
✨Chapter 22✨
✨Chapter 23✨
✨Chapter 24✨
✨Chapter 25✨
✨Chapter 26✨

✨Chapter 02✨

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He just wanted to feel...

Jungkook opened the car door and I sat on the car.

He came closer to me while my heart is beating so fast.

I closed my eyes. He put my seat belt on me and started to drive.

"Tae if you are tired you can take a nap, I'll drive you to home. Don't worry"  he said.

I nodded without opening my eyes.

[Author's POV 😉]

It's been a while jungkook stopped the car infront of tae's house.

But tae is still sleeping like a baby.

Jungkook stared at him for a moment.

Yes... tae is the most handsome man jungkook ever seen in his life. Tae is just perfect. He has perfect face, he has perfect eyes, perfect lips. He is just a perfect guy.

"If he has a girlfriend, she is the luckiest girl in this whole world" jungkook thought.

Tae… he is still dreaming. He is dreaming about his love, his world.

Yes... he is dreaming about the luckiest man in the world.

Jungkook went to the front door and opened it by himself.

As the close friends they already know each other’s passcodes because they used to stay with each other for a long time.

He carried tae as bridal style and went inside. He put tae on the bed and he took off tea's shoes. He unbuttoned few buttons of  tae's shirt for make him comfortable. And he put blanket on tae after playing with his hair softly.

Suddenly tae held jungkook's wrist.

"Don't leave me kookie" he cried.

Jungkook felt his heart was going to explode due to unexplainable pain.

He couldn't bear tae's cuteness anymore. His heart started to melt.

Suddenly he cuddled tae tightly.

He pulled tae more and more close and cuddled him very tightly.

He forgot everything he forgot about every fear in his heart. He just wanted to do what his heart says. He just wanted to feel tae's warmth for a moment. He just wanted to feel tae's heartbeat.

Taehyung put his arm around jungkook's waist and put his face on jungkook's chest. He felt his warmth he felt his fast heartbeats even in his dreams. Jungkook placed a soft kiss on tae's forehead and closed his eyes.

[Taehyung's POV]

I opened my eyes barely while I felt warmth of sun shine on my face.

I covered my face by my hand.

Ohh it's annoying I want to sleep more. I want to go back to my dream. It was romantic and it was so realistic.


I suddenly froze for a moment. I sat on the bed.

Where is jungkook??

Was it a dream?

If it was just a dream how am I ended up to sleep on my bed??

I can clearly remember I left the office with jungkook last night. He even told me to take a nap while he drives me to home.

Was he carried me to my bed??

Of course, he knows my passcode.

Did he take off my shoes and just left me?

But I'm feeling something else.

I still can feel his warmth. I still can feel his smell. No, it's not just a dream I can feel it. 🥺

Stop it tae!!

Are you crazy? Oh shit!

stop it for the god sake!

He is just a friend he cared about you as a friend that's it. What are you thinking?

Ohh!! I hate this I really really hate this.

Tae looked at his phone.

"Oh my god!!"

It's 8.00 am already. Ahh aishh.. I'm late. Okay I'll be jimin today.

He drove his car faster since he was late for the work. He ran to the office and he saw all his friends are working already.

"Sorry guys. I was jimin today"

"Oh Tae, come quickly we have to finish this reports" jimini cried after saw me.

I went towards jimin and started to help him.

While doing my work my eyes started to searching someone. Someone I really wanted to see.

"Where is jungkook?"

I asked from jimin.

"Kookie took a leave today. Didn't he tell you? He called namjoon hyung and applied a leave he told he is not feeling well”

I shocked after hearing that.


What's happen to my kookie??

I really couldn't focus on my work. I decided to visit him after my work. He really cared about me in my hard times. So, I really wanted to take care of him. I really wanted to look after him since I feel something special about jungkook.

Yes... he is my...

I don't know the answer. Okay he is just special one to me.

Is it necessary to have a name for all relationships?

I think the answer is NO.

I can care about him, I can worry about him, I can been missing him even without a name for my feelings.


I came back to my sense after hearing yoongi hyung's voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

" hyung I'm good" I smiled on him.

"Tae, are you missing kookie? You were looking at his empty seat for a while now"

Oh! I became shy after his question.

"Oh no hyung I'm not missing him that much"

he smirked on me while playing with my hair. He went back to jimin.

I know yoongi hyung has a big crush on jimin for a long time now. But he never tries to confess to jimin.

Because jimin don't trust anyone after his breakup with his first love.

Other than that, yoongi hyung is afraid to being rejected by jimin because of his gender because of the society.

But I know my friend for 10 years now. I know he has an attraction toward yoongi hyung. But he doesn’t want to accept his true feelings. He acts cold every time when I try to talk about love with him.

Yes, we are like a family to each other however our feelings toward each other are quite complex when it's comes to love.

We don't want to lose each other and also, we don't have many forces to accept our true feelings to each other.

Jimini just want to stay with yoongi hyung forever he never wants to be apart with him. But he doesn’t like to talk about a relationship with him. He doesn’t like to give a specific name for his feelings. That's it.

I really wish to be like namjoon hyung and jin hyung. Namjoon hyung is very sincere toward his feelings.

He believes love has no limits, no rules. He believes love is free from boundaries.

Also, jin hyung has very simple and charm thoughts. He always wants to be happy without any worries or any unnecessary responsibilities.

Namjoon hyung always says that his main inspiration is jin hyung's handsome face. He confessed his honest feeling for jin hyung long time ago.

Since that time, they are doing great until now. They laugh together they work hard together. They care about each other.

They are the most adorable couple I ever seen.

Oh no!! Actually, they fight each other a lot because namjoon hyung is usually break everything around him... 🤭 

I looked at them and smile on me sadly. I really wish to be like them with my lover.

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