The Two Rangers (Mighty Morph...

By redwolf220

64.7K 1.5K 449

Scarlett Monroe a normal teen that grew up with Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, and Z... More

Chapter 1: About the Sisters
Chapter 2: Backstory
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family! (Season 1 Start)
Chapter 4: High Fives?
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 7: Different Drum
Chapter 8: Food Fight
Chapter 9: Big Sisters
Chapter 10: I, Eye Guy
Chapter 11: Cave of Doom
Chapter 12: For whom the Bell Trolls
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Zack!
Chapter 14: No Clowning Around
Chapter 15: Power Ranger Punks
Chapter 16: The Scarlett Scream
Chapter 17: Peace, Love, & Woe
Chapter 18: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter 19: The Dark Warrior
Chapter 20: Switching Places
Chapter 21: Green with Evil Pt. 1
Chapter 22: Green with Evil Pt. 2
Chapter 23: Green with Evil Pt. 3
Chapter 24: Green with Evil Pt. 4
Chapter 25: Green with Evil Pt. 5
Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter 27: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter 28: The Splitflower
Chapter 29: Life's a Masquearade
Chapter 30: Gung Ho!
Chapter 31: The Taken Voice
Chapter 32: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 33: Island of Illusions Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The Rockstar
Chapter 36: Clamity Kimberly
Chapter 37: A Star is Born
Chapter 38: The Yolk's on You
Chapter 39: The Green Candle Pt. 1
Chapter 40: The Green Candle Pt. 2
Chapter 41: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 42: Clean-Up Club
Chapter 43: A Bad Reflection on You
Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1
Chapter 45: Doomsday Pt. 2
Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter 47: A Pig Surprise
Chapter 48: Something Fishy
Chapter 49: Lions and Blizzards
Chapter 50: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter 51: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter 52: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter 53: Plague of the Mantis
Chapter 54: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Grumble Bee
Chapter 57: Two Heads are Better than One
Chapter 58: Fowl Play
Chapter 59: Treak or Treat
Chapter 60: Second Chance
Chapter 61: On Fins and Needles
Chapter 62: Enter the Lizzinator
Chapter 63: Football Season
Chapter 64: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Chapter 65: An Oyster Stew (Season 1 End)
Chapter 66: The Mutiny Pt. 1 (Season 2 Start)
Chapter 67: The Mutiny Pt. 2
Chapter 68: The Mutiny Pt. 3
Chapter 69: The Flower Disease
Chapter 70: The Wannabe Ranger
Chapter 71: Putty on the Brain
Chapter 72: Bloom of Doom
Chapter 73: The Green Dream
Chapter 74: The Power Stealer
Chapter 75: The Beetle Invasion
Chapter 76: Welcome to Venus Island
Chapter 77: The Song of Guitardo
Chapter 78: They Take Purple! Pt. 1
Chapter 79: They Take Purple! Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Green No More Pt. 1
Chapter 81: Green No More Pt. 2
Chapter 82: Missing Green
Chapter 83: Orchestral Movements in the Park
Chapter 84: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 85: White Light Pt. 1
Chapter 86: White Light Pt. 2
Chapter 87: Two for One
Chapter 88: Opposites Attract
Chapter 89: Zedd's Monster Mash
Chapter 90: Ninja Encounter Pt. 1
Chapter 91: Ninja Encounter Pt. 2
Chapter 92: Ninja Encounter Pt. 3
Chapter 93: A Monster of Global Proportions
Chapter 94: Zedd Waves
Chapter 95: The Power Transfer: Pt. 1
Chapter 96: The Power Transfer: Pt. 2
Chapter 97: Goldar's Vice Versa
Chapter 98: Mirror of Regret
Chapter 99: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Chapter 101: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 102: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 103: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 104: The Great Bookala Escape
Chapter 105: Forever Friends
Chapter 106: A Reel Fish Story
Chapter 107: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 1
Chapter 108: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 2
Chapter 109: The Wedding Pt. 1
Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2
Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3
Chapter 112: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 1
Chapter 113: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 2
Chapter 114: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 3
Chapter 115: Best Man for the Job
Chapter 116: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 117: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 118: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 119: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 120: Blue Ranger Gone Bad (Season 2 End)
Chapter 121: A Friend in Need: Pt. 1 (Season 3 Start)
Chapter 122: A Friend in Need: Pt. 2
Chapter 123: A Friend in Need: Pt. 3
Chapter 124: Ninja Quest: Pt. 1
Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2
Chapter 126: Ninja Quest: Pt. 3
Chapter 127: Ninja Quest: Pt. 4
Chapter 128: A Brush with Destiny
Chapter 130: Wizard for a Day
Chapter 131: Fourth Down and Long
Chapter 132: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 1
Chapter 133: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 2
Chapter 134: Final Face - Off
Chapter 135: The Potion Notion
Chapter 136: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Chapter 129: Passing the Lantern

146 5 4
By redwolf220

(Author/Red: Hello everyone! My name is Red or the Author!

This are the outfits that Lily wears in this chapter.

And I really hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you at the end!


Lily's Point of View

"So, how was the date with Nick?" Scarlett asks me over the phone on discord as she smiled at me, while I was chilling at the gardens the others told me that we will meet Adam and Billy at.

"It actually went really well! I actually had a GREAT time with him! He wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He even gave me the same flower as my name sake." I said rather happily as I smiled admitting that as I still had the flower in a vase here on my desk at home.

"See, Nick isn't a bad guy. And you know I heard that he really likes you~!" She tells me in a sing songy voice.

"No, he doesn't~!" I said blushing.

"AWW! You like him too! My little sister is growing up!" I hear Scarlett say probably smiling as I kept blushing and tried to hide my face as best I can.

"Don't be ashamed, I find it rather cute!" She admits to me as I sighed.

"Hey, I got to meet the others soon to film. I'll talk to you later!" She then says as she remembered that she had to film. I revealed my face as I smiled at her.

"That reminds me, I have to meet Tommy and the others soon too. I still have to see this lantern that Adam brought back from his family reunion." I tell her remembering that Adam just got back not that long ago.

"Oh okay, have fun! Tell the others that I said hi!" Scarlett tells me happily.

"Tell Jason and the others I said hi too! Later, sis!" I said happily to her.

"Will do! Bye sis!" She responds to me as we hung up with each other. Then I got up from the bench I was sitting on and started to walk to find the others.

-Time skip-

"Aisha, Rocky, Tommy! Wait up!" I said calling out to the three happily, while I ran to catch up to them.

"Hey Lily!" I hear Rocky greet me.

"Lily, there you are!" I hear Aisha say happily.

"How was your date with Nick?" Aisha asks me as I caught up to them smiling brightly.

"Really well actually. We went skating than we got some ice cream. It was really fun, and to be honest... I actually think I like him." I honestly tell them as we started walking to find Billy and Adam.

"Really now? You hear that Rocky, someone that she actually likes for who she is." Aisha says as I see that it made Rocky a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, the guy that is Jafar's kid. Isn't the character supposed to be evil?" Rocky asks annoyed as I rolled my eyes with Aisha and I laughing a small bit after that.

"Rocky, you know that is not true." I said as I see him smile to that.

"Okay, he is not completely evil like Jafar." Rocky finally admits as the three of us smiled. Yet I didn't even hear Tommy say anything while were all walking, which worried me.

I could tell that both Aisha and Rocky noticed as well while we all looked at each other worriedly for him.

"Tommy, are you okay? You haven't said anything ever since I got here." I asked him in worry.

"Lily is right, are you okay?" Aisha asks him, with her worried too.

"Oh, um- Yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking for a moment. But yeah, I'm okay." Tommy says putting on a small smile. But to me it felt fake, and I just rolled with it for now.

"Oookay. Anyways, I heard that Kim was practicing for a gymnastics competition coming up. How is she doing by the way? It must be exciting for you to be in the same house." I asked Aisha knowing that she was staying at her place after what happened with her and her mom.

"She's been doing well, she has been trying to start up a garden at my house, which my parents and I are really happy to help her when she needs it." Aisha tells me as we walked in front of the guys.

"That's actually really good, if you guys need help with the garden, I'll happy to help." I offered and Aisha nods smiling.

"Thank you, Lily." She says smiling.

"No problem!" I said smiling back.

"Also, guys Scarlett and the others said hi by the way. I was just talking to her not that long ago." I informed them while still smiling.

"Really, we have to say hi to them next time you call them." Tommy says trying to add something into the conversation.

"Yeah, we do! I'll like to get to know her and Trini more." Aisha says wanting to know the two.

(Author/Red: R.I.P. Thuy Trang!)

"Same, I would have liked to meet Zack. But Jason still kind of scares me-" Rocky says slowly getting scared hearing Jason's name being brought up so soon as the rest of us laughs at him.

"Come on man. You would've loved meeting Jason. Or meeting Scarlett." Tommy says with a sly smile on his face.

"NO, I wouldn't! I'm more scared of Scarlett than of Jason." Rocky says even more scared now.

"So, we are meeting up with Adam and Billy?" I then asked all of them now changing the subject while still smiling.

"Yeah, Adam as a cool lantern that his family gave him during the family reunion." Tommy informs me smiling too.

"There they are." Aisha says as we all spotted the two sitting down.

"Hey, Billy, Adam." Rocky says getting their attention now calmed down as he can be, while Adam and Billy waved at us.

I can see the lantern that the others were mentioning earlier that Adam was given from where I was which is cool. Then out of nowhere, tengas appeared in front and behind us.

"TENGAS!!" Tommy yells as I got into fighting stance now seeing Rito and Squat appear with them.

"Ranger Ninja Power Now!" Tommy semi-yells as we all morphed and started fighting the tengas.

After I knocked a lot of them down myself, another one almost knocked me down out of nowhere. Then I see Tommy get it away from me as I nodded at him smiling.

"Thanks!" I said happily.

"No problem!" He responds with a bit of happiness in his voice. Soon Rito, Squat, Babboo, and all of the tengas disappeared after a while.

"Yeah!" I hear both Rocky and Adam say together.

"Alright!" I said happily as we gathered around each other.

"Okay, guys, let's Ninja power down." Tommy says as we unmorphed and looked around each other to see if there were any more tengas or monsters around us still for a moment.

"Everybody okay?" I asked them in worry.

"Yeah." Adam and the others responded to me.

'Thank goodness.' I thought happily seeing that the others are okay. Then we all ran to see where the lanterns were since we all saw that Squat and Baboo took a lot of them earlier.

"Oh, no! Rito still my lantern, it's gone." I hear Adam say as I looked around us sadly seeing that a lot of the lanterns that are gone, even Adam's.

"I'm really sorry, Adam." I hear Billy say trying to reassure him.

"I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to it. I swore it in front of my family, and now it's gone." Adam tells us sadly.

"It is not your fault." I started to tell him.

"Yeah, do not be so hard on yourself." Aisha says agreeing with me on trying to reassure him.

"I shouldn't have let it out of my sight. I can't believe Rito would steal all of those lanterns." Adam says until we see two idiot rookies appear from behind some nearby curtains.

"Steal? Did somebody say steal? Steal what? Money? Jewels?" We hear Bulk ask coming from behind the certain.

"Food?" Skull asked looking at us tiredly as I rolled my eyes in a bit of annoyance.

"No, several irreplaceable lanterns have been stolen." Billy responds to them as Tommy, Rocky, and I gave each other looks for a moment.

"Oh, yeah? What's with him?" I hear Bulk ask us as I sighed.

"One of the lanterns was his." Aisha explains to him, and I do really feel bad for Adam.

'I mean this is a family heirloom. It really means something to him.' I thought as I looked at Adam sadly.

"Oh... We'll get back the missing goods but let me make a suggestion. Forget the lantern. Come into the 2000's. Ever hear of a flashlight?" Bulk asked annoyingly as I was just giving the others a really mad look after hearing what Bulk has told him.

"Flashlight!" Skull repeated annoyingly.

"That's great!" Skull then adds as the two were laughing.

"Come on, let's go." Bulk tells Skull with the two heading off.

-Time skip-

Once we met up with Kimberly at the Command Center to look for Adam's family lantern, we knew that we had to ask Zordon and Alpha about it.

"I believe that Zedd was after Adam's lantern and not the others." Zordon tells us after what we told him.

"What would Zedd want with Adam's lantern?" Kimberly asked since she wasn't there with us and unsure.

"According to your family, the lantern possesses great powers." Billy starts as I started to see where he was going.

"Maybe Zedd and Rita want to use that against us." I said finishing what he was saying, and he nods to that.

"An excellent deduction, Billy and Lily. If this is the case, we must get it back before Zedd can harness it's energy." Zordon tells us as we all agreed to that.

"Ay-yi-yi, Rangers. There's no telling what Zedd's done with that lantern by now." Alpha tells us worriedly as I looked even worried.

-Time skip-

When I was helping Alpha look, we suddenly hear Adam call from his communicator.

"This is Adam. You guys there?" We hear Adam ask us as I was even more worried after what the two have found.

"Adam, this is Lily. Come in." I said pulling up my communicator to my lips.

"You see anything unusual in the viewing globe?" Adam asks us as we all turned around to look at the viewing globe. Soon we see a lantern looking monster, but it doesn't seem to be Adam's at all to me. It doesn't have the sense of powers that Adam's lantern would have.

"Ay-yi-yi! Zedd and Rita's lanterra monster is loose." Alpha says worriedly as we all see the monster on the viewing globe.

"Adam, we are on our way!" I tell him as we all nodded to that.

"It's morphin time!" I yelled out this time.

"White Ranger Power!"

"Pink Ranger Power!"

"Blue Ranger Power!"

"Purple Ranger Power!"

"Red Ranger Power!"

Later meeting up with Adam and Aisha back at the park to see the lanterra monster.

"Heh, looks like Zedd's customized your lantern, Adam." Tommy tells Adam as we all got to the two's side.

"En Garde, Rangers. Lanterra has arrived." The monster says holding out a small lantern at us.

"We'll turn your lights out." Rocky says to it.

"Do your worst." The monster says taunting us.

"Fine." Rocky says as Adam stops him.

"No, wait. Don't attack yet guys. Maybe there's a way to stop that monster without destroying it. That lantern's important to my family. I have to try and save it if I can." Adam tells us as I nodded wanting to follow his lead on defeating a lantern.

"I heard someone lost a lantern. Well, you're in luck. I'm your replacement. I'll look great in your rec room after I've wrecked all of you." The monster says laughing at us.

"What do you say, we warm things up a bit?" The monster asks firing at us, which hits all of us.

"How dare you use the powers that way?" I hear Adam ask when all of us were back on our feet.

"Then how about this?" The monster asks firing again at us.

"This monster does not have our best interests at heart." Aisha says annoyed.

"That's one powerful lantern, alright." I stated annoyed while getting back up.

"You think that's bright? Wait, till I turn on my high beams." The monster taunts us.

"We've got to fall back and regroup." Rocky starts to say.

"That won't work, this thing will come after us." Billy tells him.

"I've got it- The inscription said, 'It's the soul that lights the way.' That means the power's inside of me, not the lantern." Adam says and we all got behind him on that.

"Oh, you need another demonstration of my power, eh?" The monster asks taunting us.

"The lantern's just an object. It can only remind me of the strength I possess. " Adam says as we all got into fighting stance again.

"Watch it! Some of my best friends are objects." The monster says coming at us.

"Let's dim this light." I said as we all started to fight the lanterra. After the others started to fight the lanterra, Tommy and I started to fight it. But it knocks both of us down in the process.

"You're just a worthless walking lamp shade." I hear Adam say as I see him start to fight it again.

"See? What'd I tell you?" Adam asks in fighting stance after knocking the lantern monster down.

"Make light of me, will you?" The monster asks as Adam was still fighting it, and Adam finally knocks it down once again.

"Good job, Adam!" I said happily with the others by Adam's side.

Later we see the lantern monster get bigger by Rita and Zedd's magic.

"Oh, man!' I hear Rocky said as I had them all back up.

"We're going to need some serious help to bring this lantern down." I said as the others agreed with me.

"We need Ninja zord power! Now!" We all yelled ready to bring out the ninja zords with us seeing all of the zords coming out of their hiding places.

"Power up!" I hear the others say as the megazord was partly complete. After seeing the others get damaged, I get to call Ninjor to help them until Tommy and I can get in there.

"Greetings, rangers. Me and one of you thought you could use a little assistance." Ninjor says getting into the size of the megazord.

"Good job for calling him, Lily." I hear Tommy yell me happily.

"Thank you, Tommy. Thought we could use a bit of help." I said happily back to him.

"You're just another target." I hear the monster tell Ninjor while laughing.

"Whoa!" The two of us heard the others say after the two of them got hit.

"Allow me to try." We hear Ninjor say.

"Alright, go get him Ninjor." I hear Billy tell him happily, yet I knew he probably got hit for a bit from what I heard.

"You're a dim bulb." The monster say to Ninjor.

"What did you say? No one calls Ninjor dim and survives to converse about it." I hear Ninjor say a bit angrily as he starts to turn into his megazord form.

(Author/Red: I almost liked Ninjor as a charcter for a small bit after he said this.)

"What a cheap trick!" The monster says not impressed.

"Ninjor is furious!" I hear Ninjor say as I slightly smiled after what I heard and seeing him doing a move on the monster, which thankfully hits the monster.

No One's Point of View

"Falcon zord, Power up!" Tommy says.

"Lion zord, Power up!" Lily then says with both of their zords combining with the others.

"We're locked on!" Tommy says as the two of us appeared with the others looking at the two of them.

"Everybody online?" Lily asked looking at everyone.

"You two got it!" Rocky says nodding to the two.

"All set." Kimberly adds nodding too.

"Alright, let's do it." Tommy says as all of them agreed.

"You punks will never get me." They hear the monster say to them.

"Let's pull his plug. Fire!" Tommy tells the others, and they all did the final move on the monster finally destroying it.

"Good work, Power Rangers! The evil lantern is no more." Ninjor tells us happily.

-Time skip-

Lily's Point of View

"How about I help you teach the class today?" Nick asks me as we were getting ready for the dance class to start since more students appeared. I smiled to that and nodded to him.

"Sure! Why not?" I asked happily to have him help me teach the last advance dance class of the day.

"Nice! Are we going to use the song called Senorita?" Nick asked me smiling as I smiled to that.

"Yes, we are! I actually needed a partner to help me it. You can help me with it if you want to help?" I responded happily as he smiles actually brighten to me.

"I will love to be your partner for it!" He responds as we got ready to start the class.

(Author/Red: This is the choreography that Lily and Nick taught to the class.)

"Good job everyone! Class dismissed!" I said happily to my students as they all clapped and high fived each other as soon as the class ends for today.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Nick!" I said happily as we see the students getting their stuff ready to leave.

"You're very welcome, Lily pad!" He says as we hugged each other for a moment. After we let go, we started to walk to a nearby table.

"Miss Lily!" We heard one of my students say as we looked at her.

"Yes, Alita?" I asked as I seeing one of my students come to me with a smile of her face.

"Miss Lily and Mr. Nick looks nice together." We hear the young one tell us as I was all flustered for a moment.

Tommy's Point of View

"I really do think that Lily and Nick are really cute together." I hear Kimberly say as I hear the others agree to that.

"It is nice to see her be with someone that makes her happy and the other way around." Aisha says happily.

"I just hope Scarlett, her parents, and Ernie approves of him." Billy admits nervous for Nick.

"Well, I mean. Her parents are warriors, and Scarlett and Ernie are protective of her here." Adam says worried from what he has heard from some of us.

"She still should've been mine. I can't believe her mom doesn't even approve of me. What does she see in this guy more than me?" Rocky asks annoyed as all of us looked at him with certain looks as we all walked into the Youth Center later seeing Nick and Lily finish a dance class.

"Okay, okay! I get it, geez." Rocky says seeing all of our faces defeated.

"But I do think she'll be better with one of you guys than him though." He then admits, we all looked at him confused.

"You mean-?" Adam starts to ask as a lot of us guys were surprised.

"She sees a lot of you guys like brothers, I doubt that would work Rocky." Aisha adds remembering what Lily said a while ago.

"Oh yeah, she did say that." Kimberly says sighing, but she looked worried for a moment as we all sat a nearby table.

"We'll have to see you guys, only time will tell." I tell them as I was trying not to show that I was actually really jealous of Lily and Nick's relationship now, while I see the others nod to that as we see the two smile.

'You are going to be mine Lily. One way or another.' I thought looking at Lily and Nick.

(Author/Red: Hello Everyone! My name is Red, or the Author and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Also, yes, I have included a bit more of a jealous Tommy sort of in this chapter after seeing Nick with Lily after both of them taught a dance class together.

I hope you all liked that!

And of course! I'll see you all in the next chapter!


Theme Song: Burn it Down by FabVL & Divide Music

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