The Two Rangers (Mighty Morph...

By redwolf220

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Scarlett Monroe a normal teen that grew up with Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, and Z... More

Chapter 1: About the Sisters
Chapter 2: Backstory
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family! (Season 1 Start)
Chapter 4: High Fives?
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 7: Different Drum
Chapter 8: Food Fight
Chapter 9: Big Sisters
Chapter 10: I, Eye Guy
Chapter 11: Cave of Doom
Chapter 12: For whom the Bell Trolls
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Zack!
Chapter 14: No Clowning Around
Chapter 15: Power Ranger Punks
Chapter 16: The Scarlett Scream
Chapter 17: Peace, Love, & Woe
Chapter 18: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter 19: The Dark Warrior
Chapter 20: Switching Places
Chapter 21: Green with Evil Pt. 1
Chapter 22: Green with Evil Pt. 2
Chapter 23: Green with Evil Pt. 3
Chapter 24: Green with Evil Pt. 4
Chapter 25: Green with Evil Pt. 5
Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter 27: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter 28: The Splitflower
Chapter 29: Life's a Masquearade
Chapter 30: Gung Ho!
Chapter 31: The Taken Voice
Chapter 32: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 33: Island of Illusions Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The Rockstar
Chapter 36: Clamity Kimberly
Chapter 37: A Star is Born
Chapter 38: The Yolk's on You
Chapter 39: The Green Candle Pt. 1
Chapter 40: The Green Candle Pt. 2
Chapter 41: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 42: Clean-Up Club
Chapter 43: A Bad Reflection on You
Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1
Chapter 45: Doomsday Pt. 2
Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter 47: A Pig Surprise
Chapter 48: Something Fishy
Chapter 49: Lions and Blizzards
Chapter 50: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter 51: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter 52: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter 53: Plague of the Mantis
Chapter 54: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Grumble Bee
Chapter 57: Two Heads are Better than One
Chapter 58: Fowl Play
Chapter 59: Treak or Treat
Chapter 60: Second Chance
Chapter 61: On Fins and Needles
Chapter 62: Enter the Lizzinator
Chapter 63: Football Season
Chapter 64: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Chapter 65: An Oyster Stew (Season 1 End)
Chapter 66: The Mutiny Pt. 1 (Season 2 Start)
Chapter 67: The Mutiny Pt. 2
Chapter 68: The Mutiny Pt. 3
Chapter 69: The Flower Disease
Chapter 70: The Wannabe Ranger
Chapter 71: Putty on the Brain
Chapter 72: Bloom of Doom
Chapter 73: The Green Dream
Chapter 74: The Power Stealer
Chapter 75: The Beetle Invasion
Chapter 76: Welcome to Venus Island
Chapter 77: The Song of Guitardo
Chapter 78: They Take Purple! Pt. 1
Chapter 79: They Take Purple! Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Green No More Pt. 1
Chapter 81: Green No More Pt. 2
Chapter 82: Missing Green
Chapter 83: Orchestral Movements in the Park
Chapter 84: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 85: White Light Pt. 1
Chapter 86: White Light Pt. 2
Chapter 87: Two for One
Chapter 88: Opposites Attract
Chapter 89: Zedd's Monster Mash
Chapter 90: Ninja Encounter Pt. 1
Chapter 91: Ninja Encounter Pt. 2
Chapter 92: Ninja Encounter Pt. 3
Chapter 93: A Monster of Global Proportions
Chapter 94: Zedd Waves
Chapter 95: The Power Transfer: Pt. 1
Chapter 96: The Power Transfer: Pt. 2
Chapter 97: Goldar's Vice Versa
Chapter 98: Mirror of Regret
Chapter 99: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Chapter 101: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 102: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 103: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 105: Forever Friends
Chapter 106: A Reel Fish Story
Chapter 107: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 1
Chapter 108: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 2
Chapter 109: The Wedding Pt. 1
Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2
Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3
Chapter 112: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 1
Chapter 113: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 2
Chapter 114: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 3
Chapter 115: Best Man for the Job
Chapter 116: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 117: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 118: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 119: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 120: Blue Ranger Gone Bad (Season 2 End)
Chapter 121: A Friend in Need: Pt. 1 (Season 3 Start)
Chapter 122: A Friend in Need: Pt. 2
Chapter 123: A Friend in Need: Pt. 3
Chapter 124: Ninja Quest: Pt. 1
Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2
Chapter 126: Ninja Quest: Pt. 3
Chapter 127: Ninja Quest: Pt. 4
Chapter 128: A Brush with Destiny
Chapter 129: Passing the Lantern
Chapter 130: Wizard for a Day
Chapter 131: Fourth Down and Long
Chapter 132: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 1
Chapter 133: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 2
Chapter 134: Final Face - Off
Chapter 135: The Potion Notion
Chapter 136: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Chapter 104: The Great Bookala Escape

188 7 0
By redwolf220

(Author/Red: This is what Lily is wearing in this chapter! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. She also has the bracelet Tommy gave her, bracelet given to her by Scarlett, and locket of her family.)

Lily's Point of View

I didn't know what to say after hearing the news from Scarlett last night. She explained to me that during practice for a scene, Jared did something stupid that later dealt with Scarlett getting injured and lose both of her and Jason's kids.

Jared, you are so STUPID for hurting her on set!

But I have to keep my cool for my sister, yet I didn't even know if she told Jason or not.

Yet I knew that he would be really mad at Jared for hurting someone he loved. My own sister!

I don't blame her for not saying anything for a while. I'm just mad at Jared right now. I can't be mad at my sister for it, I don't have the heart to. But to get her mind of it, I think Jensen and his wife were with her right now.

But to get my mind of this, I was at the park playing Frisbee with Adam, Billy, and Aisha.

"Alright Billy, over here." Aisha tells Billy as he throws it at her and she catches it.

"Heads up Lily." Aisha tells me and she throws it to me next. I happily caught it as I looked over at Adam.

"Adam, you're next!" I tell him happily. I threw it at him the Frisbee next and he catches it. I then looked up to see something flying near us.

"Look out!" I shouted. The three turned around and then ducked to see some kind of small aircraft flying near us.

"Woah, it nearly gave me a haircut." Aisha says as she stands up.

"What was that?" I asked as I still see it flying away. Soon it come back over to us.

"Here it comes again." Billy says.

"Duck!" Adam shouted, it comes near me, and I dropped to the ground.

The small flying aircraft crashes into a nearby tree and the four of us ran over to it. Soon we stopped right in front of it.

"It appears to be some kind of extraterrestrial transport." Billy says.

"You mean a spaceship?" Adam asks.

"Yeah." Billy answers.

"I knew the day would come that they'll find their way here." I say to them.

We started to walk towards it, I was curious on what this thing was doing here. Adam touches it and then took his hand right off.

"It's hot." He says. I looked inside to see something small inside of the cockpit.

"That's weird." I stated.

"It's a doll." Aisha says.

"Well, the monitor would suggest there's a heartbeat. Perhaps he's hibernating. Maybe he's been on a long space voyage." Billy suggests.

"Yeah, but for what exactly?" I asked.

"You mean it's alive?" Aisha asks.

"I mean if it says he's breathing, then yeah." I said.

"Wow." Billy says as he looks closer at it. He touches this diamond on top of the spacecraft.

"The diamond power source." Billy says.

"It's beautiful." Aisha syas.

"Should we take it to Zordon?" I asked them still looking a bit at the spacecraft.

"That's a great idea Lily." Billy tells me. He then puts the communicator up to his lips.

"Zordon, a spaceship crashed in the park." Billy says through it.

"This would explain why Serpentera is approaching the city. Bring the alien craft here to the command center at once." Zordon tells us.

"Right, we're on our way." Billy says, he hangs up the communicator.

"Come on, let's go." Billy tells us. Adam tries touching it again, but it was too hot for him.

"It's too hot." He says.

"Alright, get the blanket." Billy tells Adam, and he goes to get it. I stood up and peered more closer into it.

Something then crashes into the ground near me, and I fell to the ground.

"Whoa!" Billy and Aisha say together.

"Lily, are you alright?" Billy asks me in concern.

"Yeah, I'm good." I tell him as he helps me up.

"We've got to get out of here." Adam says as he puts the blanket over the spacecraft very quickly. Then the four of us carried the spacecraft.

"Teleport now!" Billy tells us.

I touched the buttons of my communicator and I teleported out of the park into the command center. Zordon had contacted the others and they soon showed up and Billy shows them the spacecraft.

"It's a spacecraft. It crashed in the park." He says as we take the blanket off of it.

"Zedd has been chasing it across the galaxy. It is powered by a rare lightning diamond. If Zedd gets the diamond, he can use it to give Serpentera an infinite power source, making Serpentera invincible." Zordon explains to us.

"Oh wow. We can't let that happen you guys." I said.

"Oh man, that's one headache we don't need." Tommy says and I agreed with him on that.

"We did see the diamond." Billy says.

"Billy, open the ship's forward hatch." Zordon orders him, and Billy does as he's told.

"We will attempt to communicate with the alien." Alpha says. Billy and Kimberly took a look at it.

"Wow. What is it?" Kimberly asks.

"He is called a Bookala from the planet of the same name. Everyone step back." Zordon explains. Yet I stepped back as Zordon says, thinking of what he would do.

"Now Billy, place the diamond in the cockpit, in the Bookala's hands." Zordon tells him.

He takes the small diamond and puts it into the Bookala's hands as Zordon had instructed him to do.

"Observe. The diamond's power will have an almost immediate effect on the Bookala." Zordon says as I see a lot of glittering diamond lights glowing on around the ship.

"Woah." I said as the doll inside the spacecraft was suddenly outside and it was big now. I stepped back amazed.

"Do not be alarmed. The Bookala is merely a traveler, journeying to his home planet many light years away." Zordon explains to us, yet Billy tales a good look at it.

"Whoa. A universal traveler." Billy says.

"A universal traveler." The Bookala says and I smiled.

"The Bookalas are very intelligent. He will imitate you and try to learn your language." Zordon tells us.

"Very stranger creature." Alpha says.

"Very strange creature." The Bookala repeats after him.

"He's learning already." Billy says.

"Learning." The Bookala says. Then the Bookala walks over to his spacecraft and sighs.

"Don't worry. We'll get you home." Billy tells it.

"Home." The Bookala says.

"Aww!" I said out loud.

"Aww!" The Bookala repeats after me, while everyone laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I still find it cute." I said with a small smile.

"Laugh." The Bookala says as he now looks at Alpha.

"Worry." He says.

"There is very little time. Zedd will try again to het the diamond as soon as Serpentera is recharged. He will stop at nothing, all of Angel Grove will be at risk." Zordon suddenly says.

"What is we make a fake Bookala, a doll. To distract Zedd? And when Zedd goes for the fake, Bookala can try and get away." Aisha asks.

"That's not a bad plan." I agreed with her.

"Good idea Aisha. Zedd's desire to obtain the diamond will become your ally." Zordon says.

"That's a good idea. It just might work and either me or Lily will make the repairs to your ship." Billy says as I nodded happily ready to help as always.

"Thank you." The Bookala says to Billy and I.

"I think Billy and Lily found a new friend." Kimberly says as I smiled slightly.

"Alright, we'll stay here with Alpha and keep an eye on Zedd. You guys can get going." Tommy says.

-Time skip-

But after a bit I was back at Command Center to check in on the others to see where Zedd while the others still worked on the Bookala's spacecraft.

Alpha informs us that Serpentera was almost charged up, so Tommy decided to contact the others.

"Come in Aisha." Tommy says through his communicator.

"What is it?" I hear Aisha ask,

"Alpha says Serpentera is nearly charged. You guys' better hurry." Tommy responds in worry as I was too.

"We're getting closer." I hear Aisha saying.

"Um you guys." I suddenly say as I looked at the viewing globe. Zedd's Serpentera was on Earth.

"This is not good." I said as I hear Tommy sigh from behind me.

"Come in Tommy." Aisha says.

"Zedd's approaching. We think he's locked on your location." Tommy says.

"We're out of here, we'll meet you at the park." Aisha says. We were watching what was going on with Billy, Aisha, Adam, and the Bookala.

"Oh man, they need our help." Rocky says.

"No kidding." I stated ready to go back over to them.

"You're right. It's morphin' time!" Tommy says.





We teleport to where the others were at. Later we were finally at the park as we ran over to them.

"Alright. Hey guys, we thought you can use some help here. Have you got everything ready to go for Bookala's escape?" Tommy asks.

"We've all set thanks to Lily's ideas." Billy answers as I slightly nodded remembering earlier.

"No one is going anywhere till I get that diamond. Hand it over or Mr. makeup here is toast." The monster says as he walks towards us.

"Look out Bookala! Take cover!" Aisha yells at him.

"How about a little hot foot!" The monster yells at him.

"NO!" I shouted as the monster shoots at the Bookala making him fall down. Billt and I rushed over to him making sure that he was alright.

"Bookala, Bookala!" Billy and I said in concern for him.

"Don't you ever mess with our friend again!" I shouted as Billy and I fired our blasters at the monster. Yet Billy and I destroyed it.

"Good shot you two!" Rocky says.

"Alright Lily and Billy!" Tommy says to the two of us.

"Yeah, looks like we're all clear." Billy says as I nodded.

"Gone monster is, yes?" Bookala asks us.

"Tommy, this looks like a good place for Bookala's escape, huh?" Kimberly asks him.

"You're right. Alpha, teleport Bookala to the command center right now." Tommy says.

"Bookala!" Billy says as we walked over to him.

"You'll be on your way home soon, our friend. We promise. We'll meet you back here, okay?" I tell him as Alpha teleports Bookala back to the coomand center.

"I hope this works." Billy says.

"Me too." I added.

"We'll put the spacecraft here and open it." Adam says as he puts it down onto the ground.

"Yeah, where Zedd can see it." Tommy says as he crouches down and opens up the hatch.

"Good thinking, Adam." Rocky tells him.

"I really hope this works." I said in concern.

"Here's the fake diamond. And here is the fake Bookala." Aisha says she hands it over to me or Billy at this point. I put the fake Bookala doll inside the cockpit.

"Excellent work Lily and Aisha. It looks just like him." Tommy says.

"Zedd won't know the difference." I stated.

"Until it's too late." Billy adds as I nodded to that.

"Hold it right there, power rangers!" We heard and I knew who it was immediately.

'Goldar!' I thought as I looked to see he had arrived with a few of his puttie friends.

"Hand over Bookala's lightning diamond or we shall destroy you all!" Goldar shouts at us.

"You won't get it without a fight, bucket head!" Tommy tells him.

"As you wish." Goldar says. Soon I was fighting the putties.

"You're next Goldar!" Billy tells him.

"You want me, you got me." He says. I got at Goldar, but he knocks me down to the ground. He then takes the fake lighting diamond.

"Ha! The lightning diamond! It's over, rangers! Serpentera will be invincible!" Goldar says as he starts laughing.

"He's got the diamond!" Tommy yells.

"We can't let him get away with it!" Rocky shouts.

"So long power punks!" Goldar tells us as he disappears.

"Hey, he's gone." Billy says.

"And so are theputties." I stated as I looked around.

"Okay everybody, so far so good. We ready for the next phrase?" Tommy asks us as wecame together. Then I stood in between Adam and Kim.

"Yeah, let's do it." Rocky says.

"Okay Alpha, send Bookala back. Now is the perfect time for his escape. Alright guys, this is it. Be ready." Billy says to us and Alpha.

Then Bookala arrives. We had taken out helmets off and stood around him.

"Zedd has the fake diamond. Your plan is working perfectly. It is time for Bookala to go." Zordon informs us.

"Well, if you're ever on this side of the universe again just..." Kimberly begins to say.

"Stay clear from us. Oh, just kidding." Aisha says.

"We're going to miss you." Adam says.

"Hopefully, we'll see each other again." I said to him.

"I too will miss friends." Bookala says.

"Rangers, you must hurry. Sensors indicate Serpentera is approaching Earth." Zordon says as Billy and I walked up to Bookala.

"Someday, I hope to see the universe." Billy says.

"We both do in a way." I added.

"Oh Bookala, a home has you two always." Bookala says to us.

"Aww, this is really cute." I said as Billy nods to this.

"We won't forget you." Billy and I say to him.

"And I you two." Bookala says. Then Bookala waves his hands, and something starts falling from the sky.

"A gift for you two now." Bookala says.

'Snow I have never seen snow before.' I thought happily to see snow for the first time. I tried to catch snowflakes coming down and started laughing a bit.

"Now small I must be." Bookala says as I turned my attention back to him. Then he becomes small again and goes inside the cockpit of his spaceship.

"Take care our friend." Billy and I say to him. I looked up as the spacecraft starts flying. So, do the others.

"Again, see you two I someday will." Bookala tells us as I waved goodbye to it.

"Bye!" I say to it as it flew away from us. Suddenly the fake Bookala doll grows up to be big. Zedd must have figured out we had tricked him.

"Go home, you'll wish you could when through I am with you." The bad Bookala says.

"You're not the real Bookala." Aisha says.

"He's an imposter!" I said nodding with her as he starts growling at us.

"Let's impose this imposter right now." Tommy says.

The bad Bookala takes something and throws it onto the ground. Now he was now giant. Then we started calling our zords.

"Mastodon Lion Thunderzord power!"

"Pterodactyl Firebird Thunderzord power!"

"Triceratops Unicorn Thunderord power!"

"Saber-tooth Tiger Griffin Thunderzord power!"

"Velociraptor Phoenix Thunderzord power!"

"Tyrannosaurus Red-Dragon Thunderzord power!"

We got into our cockpit of the Megazord as soon as it had assembled.

"Thunder Megazord battle ready!" We all shouted together.

"Alright, time it is to mangle some Megazord." The bad Bookala says.

"Alright guys, let's do it." Rocky says.

"Come on then, power rangers. Defeat bad Bookala you think you can?" The Bad Bookala says as it laughs at us.

"You think I'm like your little friend in his spaceship escaping. For this mistake, I now sentence you to a severe tongue-lashing." He says as he sends a big tongue out towards us and it starts holding us.

"We've got to break free to get rid of that thing." Rocky says.

"I got it!" I said as I pressed a button. Suddenly the tongue gets loose as I sent sparks flying through it from my zord.

"Alright, way to go Lily!" Kimberly says.

Then Rocky decided to take out the sword and sends this big tornado like wind at the bad Bookala, which sends him to the ground.

"Thundersaber, power up!" We shouted. We slashed down the bad Bookala with the Thunder saber and it gets destroyed.

-Time skip-

Now I was just at the Youth Center watching the guy's train when Kimberly and Aisha come in running.

"Guys, guys! Look who wrote to us." Kimberly says very excitedly.

"Who?" Tommy asks as I stood next to him.

"Trini and the guys." Kimberly says.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Really, what'd they say?" Tommy asks seeing how excited to see what Jason and the others had to say.

"They say... 'Hi guys, we've seen incredible things, too much to tell. The people are the best part! No matter where they come from, we all have the same dreams. We wouldn't trade any of this for the world, but we miss you guys. There's no place like home.'." Kimberly finished reading.

"Even if it is 10,000 light years away." Billy says as I nodded to that smiling a small bit.

"Also, Lily! Your sister has sent something to us too!" Kimberly states happily as she pulled something out like how she had the others.

"What did she say?" I asked more excitedly since it's my sister, but mentally really worried after the call we had.

"She says, 'Hey guys, have met and worked with so many people. Even have seen so many things. Way too much to tell you! Yet no matter who they are or where they came from, everyone has the same dream in a way. Wouldn't have traded this for the world! But I still miss everybody back home. Nothing beats being home with people you love the most. I'll see you all again soon. - Scarlett'." Kimberly finishes.

But before any of us could say anything, we hear...

"Ladies and gentlemen..." We heard as we see Bulk and Skull arrived.

"We traveled high and low..." Bulk says.

"Far and wide." Skull says.

"Looked danger in the eye, braved the head and cold all for this..." Bulk says as the crowd didn't believe them.

Skull brings out this big envelope that says 'photos' on it.

"What's that you have there? Your birth certificates?" I asked jokingly as I hear my friends laugh at my joke.

"No, what we have here are the true identities of the power rangers, who we caught in the park yesterday." Bulk says.

"Yeah right." I tell them.

"Show em' man." Bulk tells Skull, who opens up the envelope and shows us the pictures they had.

"The park is far and wide." Aisha tells them, which I agreed to.

"Aw, come on. Show us!" Someone shouts, it was just a picture of Bulk and Skull.

"That's not the power rangers!" Someone shouted and everyone around us starts laughing. The two were looking through the photos with no success.

"Nice try!" Someone shouts at them.

"Well, I'm bored. I'm going to look through some things Scarlett sent me from Vancouver." I stated, which I think was more drawings.

The guys had decided to train again, and the girls sat at a table nearby. Everyone had dispersed and went back to doing their own things.

"Think we'll see Bookala again?" Billy asks me as I looked up to see him sitting next to me.

"I believe we will." I tell him with a small smile on my face with Billy smiling as well. I looked up at the entrance when I see someone I didn't recognize and another person I kind of recognized.

One person had shoulder length black hair with some grey in them and the other one had shoulder length blonde/brown hair entering the Youth Center. Then I see Ernie go near them with a small smile as he leads them to his office I believe.

"Who are they?" I hear Billy ask me and I shrugged.

"I have no idea. But Ernie seems happy when they are here." I honestly answered as we kept watching the guy's train for now.

Ernie's Point of View

"Brother, it's nice to see you again. But what is so urgent to call us from space?" I hear Liu ask me as I had my theories about my nieces.

"It's about your daughter." I stated to him looking at the picture of Scarlett, Lily, and myself.

"What is wrong with Caera? Did something now happen to her? But what about Esmeralda?" I hear my son ask me in worry.

"Andros, both of them are okay in a sense. Esmeralda is also fine but she just needs to find herself around Tommy. As for Caera... I feel like she lost two important little ones... I just hope both her and Jason can make it out okay." I suddenly say picking up the picture.

"But what does it have to do with us? I know the two will be okay." I hear Liu ask me with uncertainty.

"...." I started to think for a moment.

"They might have to meet their cousin soon enough. I know Caera will see them in no time. But not sure with Esmeralda now." I answered as I put the picture down.

"How can you be so certain dad?" I hear Andros asks me now curious on how his cousins will meet him and I knew Liu was looking at me too.

"I may have a theory that Caera and Esmeralda are both the power rangers here on earth. I know Caera met you first, then Esmeralda will soon follow in meeting you." I answered them rather sternly.

(Author/Red: Ooooo! Who do you these two are? And how is he alive? What are your theories? Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Buh-bye!

Theme Song: It's Ok by Tom Rosenthal

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