Pessimistic [Completed]

By Neuro-Divided

16.9K 586 437

Pico was running. From what, he wouldn't tell anyone. He wasn't even completly sure if he knew. Nevertheless... More

Read This Before Reading!
The Rewrite


487 21 9
By Neuro-Divided

Sorry for not updating again, motivations a little whiny annoying bxtch.

It had been two weeks since Pico asked Keith on a date, and the day had finally come. Nene drove them to the fair on an early June day (after much struggling that morning, most of which was trying to get Pico to wear a T-shirt rather than a sweater).

The air was practically buzzing with excitement. The fairgrounds were stuffed already.

"You two have fun, I've got to meet my date." Nene ran off before either of them could respond.

"Any idea what we should do first?" Pico was already worrying. This was already a disaster, wasn't it?

"Not sure. Usually whoever I'm with chooses what we do."

"Well I'm not help, I've never been to a fair before."

"Why not?"

"My dad never really wanted to go, he was always to paranoid. He never liked crowds."

"Oh, well you'd better try everything then! Theres so much to experience!" He tugged Pico's arm and the two ran off, Keith practically dragging him behind him.

Noon had long since past. The sky had went from a beautiful blue into a warm yellow-orange.

"So, We've gone on almost all the rides, tried all the games,"

"Almost all the rides? I was sure we went on all of them." The games and rides were fun, and he was enjoying himself, but he couldnt help but feel out of place. He wasn't used to being around people, and froze up if anyone said hello to him.

"Nope, theres still the ferris wheel."

"Right." The two men walked toward the ferris wheel.

The line was fairly short, and within minutes they were on the ride.

The door slammed shut next to them, and Keith winced. "Ow-" He grabbed his pinky.

"Are you okay?" Pico looked at Keith, worried.

"No, I guess my finger got in the way of the door." Blood was seeping out from his fingers. "Fucking hurts, that's for sure."

"Let me see." Pico grabbed his wrist gently.

Keith took off his hand. There was a large gash on his finger.

"I don't want to have to get off the ride or anything."

"We don't have to." Pico tugged at his sleeve, ripping it off. He wrapped it around Keith's finger, knotting it gently. "It should be fine until we get back. Just be careful."

"Where'd you learn to tie knots like this? This looks hella complicated.

"I used to be in boy scouts, before I ran away. I liked the survival skills. I was probably the oldest kid there."

"Why'd you run away?" Keith asked the question he was hoping to avoid.


"Don't keep problems in your brain, it just messes with your head."

"I'm not sure if-"

"Nobody else is here. Just trust me."

Pico sighed. How could he say no? "Its... pretty fucked up."

"I've seen plenty of fucked up, try me."

"There was this girl in my class. Her name was Cassandra. Quiet kid. She and a bunch of other goth kids decided that school was overrated and..." His hands were trembling already. "They shot up the school. A bunch of kids died, but it probably would have been everyone if I hadn't found a gun. I-I had to shoot them, it wasnt my choice." His voice cracked, hot tears welling up in his eyes. "I didn't want to k-kill anyone, but they would have k-killed me. Of course Darnell had skipped school that day. He hadn't called in sick or a-anything, he just didnt show up. I wish he was there, maybe then things wouldn't have been so s-serious, but that's just wishful thinking, isnt it?" He was spilling like a broken faucet. "He had heard what was going to happen, but he didnt warn anyone."

He paused for a minute, his breath shuddering. "I probably cant blame him for that though. I would have done the same. School reopened a day or two later. Cassandra was still there. She acted like nothing had happened, told the police she was possessed by an Alien or some fuckin' bullshit. I just didn't feel safe. I ran away." Pico exhaled softly, as if letting out the remained of his trauma.

Keith stared into the distance. They were at the top of the ferris wheel. "How didn't I realize? It was so obvious." He muttered to himself.


"I was there, I remember that. You were the popular kid! You saved my life- oh my god."

"You were there? I didn't see you though."

"I was hiding in my locker. That pink haired kid would have found me if you hadn't stopped him." He stared at him, a scared yet delighted expression on his face.

Keith suddenly grabbed the sides of Picos head, pulling him towards him.

"What are you-" Pico was cut off as Keith pushed his warm lips against his own.

He was suprised at first, but moment later he wrapped his arms around Keith, pulling himself closer as if he was going to run away.

They sat there for a minute.

The sun cast a warm glow over the two as they broke apart.

Pico didn't dare say anything. He just sat there, breathing heavily. Keith smiled at him.

"First kiss?"


"Was that your first kiss?"

"Oh. Er, Next question?" He was to exhilarated to think. He didn't care about the past, he just cared that Keith was right here with him. He didn't ever want to leave him.
"Is it to early to say I love you?" Pico looked down at the metal floor, his face getting warmer.

Maybe he shouldn't have said that.

"Its never to early to love." Keith set his hand on top of Pico's. "We can go at any pace you want."

Pico hesitated before speaking once more. "I want to be your boyfriend."

"Then I guess you're my boyfriend then."

A sense of overwhelming joy swept over him like a sheet of rain.

He didn't even notice his arm going numb again.

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