Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities

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By Bluethewolf

Axel's pov

We've been staying in the Undead King for a matter of weeks now. Lyra and her family, alongside the pack, have been processing and helping the community of Oregon. Rebuild the town; I've made sure Lyra and her family have stepped out to speak to the public despite the other leaders demanding an audience with us equally.

I awoke in the guest bedroom, hoping to feel Lyra next to me, but I found it empty.

"Lyra?" I called out to her, "I'm in the shower, come!" She hollered, and I got up and went into the shower; she always liked the water extremely hot to nearly boil, so as much as I liked to have my wife close.

The water burns my skin. "Love, why are you up so early?" I whimpered, my back pressed against the shower tile.

"I decided it's time to return to my duties. The pack, you, and Aaron need my guidance, and being in this estate with my family is getting tiresome." She declared, turning off the water.

"Lyra, I told ye," I tried, but Lyra stepped into my arms.

"Now I'm telling you. I have to do something, and the leaders are spreading lies and deceiving the people. We've helped in saying our daughters caused this mess. I cannot sit by when they're not here to defend themselves." Lyra stated, holding me close. I stayed silent for a moment, feeling her skin and watching the steam from the hot shower.

"Axel, no one could have made them stay," Lyra assured me, burying her face within my neck.

"I vowed never to fail them again," I told her, staring into her eyes.

"Amor, our daughters have my stubbornness and yours. Our strengths combined, they are stronger." Lyra explained to me. Her words held the truth as she spends years by their side, even learn of them after the separation.

"I never wanted them to suffer, Ly," I growled, dropping my head against her chest.

"I know there's always a price when dealing with magic. Our daughters paid my price; it's my decision, my regret." She reminded me, holding my shoulders.

"We do not know where they are,"

"We do, even when he was angry and gave me a good slap in so many years. He reassured me that he'd update us about the girls," She concluded. I admit I was angry at the moment, but it took me back when we were younger when she fought tooth and nail with the women of the court who tried to seduce me or take Aaron from her. I was never more proud to call her my wife.

"Now, let's get dressed. There are many matters to attend to," Lyra kissed my lips. I stroke her face with my fingertips, reminding her that this was not a dream I've always wanted, only wanted my daughters beside us. Still Lyra by my side, we can face anything.

We got dressed and watched as she dressed in a blouse and tailored pants; her nails nicely polished and painted her makeup made her eyes draw attention alongside the shaded pink on her lips. She wore her hair loose, and her hair had white highlights.

Her eyes narrowed with determination somewhat turned Maya had the same look as Lyra.

"Let's have breakfast." She told me, taking my hand holding it as we walked out of our room. How long have I had the urge to walk beside her as we did back home in Dire castle, standing equality in power with esteem-.

Aaron, Luke were wrestling outside, teaching Manuel, Santino, and Henry some fighting techniques that we wolves use in human form. We're teaching them how to avoid wolf attacks. In case anyone has the guts to attack Lyra or my in-laws.

"Alpha Axel, our King has prepared a breakfast table with him in his office," I growled, but Lyra accepted the invitation and informed Aaron not to rough house with his cousins. They're not used to training early in the morning. I looked over Adrian; he and his wife had sleepless nights ever since their house burned down. I'm not sure what plans they have in the coming future, but I told them they could return to New York with us. I have several properties in my name and Lyra's for them to live.

We went to the King's office; there were items of the time of my Mother. I know that my Mother was one of the Viking tribes, the eldest daughter of an Earl. Her betrothed with my father brought peace between our wolf packs. I was the peace offering, a union in alliances, nothing more.

"Grand Alpha and Grand Luna Farrell, thank you for coming," 

"Well, King Erik, by the fact you made a deal with my daughter, I don't see where my husband can deny this bland ass food,"Lyra stated I cleared my throat to keep myself from laughing; I know where Kathryn gets her sharp tongue. Lyra sat beside me. I winked at her for the remark.

"We have much to discuss," I noted King Erik taken aback from Lyra's comment.

"Yes, we do. I believe Alpha that we should address the public on regard to the hybrids they've kept prisoners,"

"I do believe I was here as well, King Erik, otherwise. Why should I be here where I'm a hybrid and the matter that concludes hybrids done by full-bloods and only men when half of the survivors are female," Lyra declared it was her family that clothed and fed the prisoners that they were treated with some dignity.

"My apologizes Lady Lyra,"

"Grand Luna Lyra," I corrected him," I hold the same rank as my husband," I did not speak for my wife. She had her voice even when there was a time man foolish to hear an ounce of knowledge.

"That's better now, King Erik. Regarding our packs and my involvement with those hybrids, Axel and I will be the ones handling this. Therefore, regarding the leaders of this land, we will arrange a certain time, place of our choosing; whether they chose to come or not is entirely up to their ignorance or stupidity. Not sure which one it is yet," 

That cold dept of delivering is startling, almost exactly like Ace. It makes me proud grining when I see the similarities of myself and Lyra within them. It would be entertaining now to see how The Four Leaders will challenge Lyra. 

"Axel, we'll need to have a meeting with the pack. I believe the dining room will work," Lyra suggested. I agreed. I took one bite of the food and no seasoning, and I preferred cooking my in-laws anyway. The Undead food is tasteless.

"Agreed, I'll have them there now, King Erik, Lyra, and I will take our leave," I got up and opened the door for her; Lyra walks out, taking my hand and the rest of me out of the room. I grinned at her. I knew what she was doing.

"Reminds me when you were first presented to the court," I mentioned. She sighs, remembering she felt regret for scaring the hell out of my Mother the first time they've met. Still, that win my Mother over, and she accepted Lyra as my wife.

"Axel, I nearly burned the court down. This time is far from it," She noted still. It made me smile. She made those days of courts and politics worthwhile. Plus the town was already burnt down.

"Still, yer strong-headed and strategy worked many feared and respected ye from then on. Proved yerself in being a leader, and without ye, many would've died off in the long winter." I praised her. She tsks and leans over to me, her eyes glowing.

"Are you suggesting that I burn them?" She asks quickly. I know she struggles with the urge to burn people alive and using a more nonviolent approach.

"No, my love, as much as I like to watch them quiver in yer power. We need to strategize our leave here. I wish to accommodate your family and have them join the meeting with the pack," I suggested to her. She groans, rubbing her forehead. She did that when she had to introduce me to my in-laws.

"Axel pack and my family are two different things," She replied. She had a point since her family are not wolves, it can be more difficult to explain our ways, yet still, Lyra and her family are more connected with animals and nature. 

"Not when it comes to Aaron right now. He's part of yer family and the pack," I referred to her. She looked at me, frowning her head lowered as I approached slightly, pushing her head upwards.

"I worry for him after we showed him," She whispers. I let her go; she kept her head up."He's been with the boys, and I know that Adrian, Paula has no home the fire burned their entire lives here," She shook angrily. I embraced her to calm her nerves she breathes in and out. I can hear her heart beating fast. I rubbed my cheek into hers, reassuring her.

In packs like in the wild myself and Lyra, what is known as dominant pair, our word and approach is law within the pack. Bonds over blood. Her heart calmed down. She breathed easier.

"Ly looks at me it was not yer fault, we can suggest to them one of our properties in New York," I proposed the idea to her; she groans and looks up at me, not leaving my arms.

"Axel, my Mama, and Papa will never accept it, nor will my brother or his wife," She reveals to me she had a point my father-in-law is a proud man and will not accept help easily.

"Still, Henry and Lydia still have a home in the next town over, then there's Lyla," She informed me as we walked the long halls towards the dining hall. All members of our family and pack were forming in.

"Lyla is a nomad; she won't stay for long. I can see her itching to leave. But Henry and Lydia already have Reagan, and the best option, for now, is to keep the family close." She insisted I stopped walking. She stopped as well.

"But for how long?" I turned and asked her. She took my hand, "Until the girls call out to us," She told me it was something Lyra had faith in the magic she gifted by her family and her fate in our daughters' lives. I should know by now; it still surprises me.

"With their decision, and we will face them together," I told her. She nods, smiling at me. "Always," She replied. I kissed her cheek she returns it onto my lips that awaken my wolf.

"Ugh, Ma! Pa, please, everyone's waiting," Aaron groans in disgust, catching us in the act. "Oh, lad trust yer old da that when ye find yer mate, it's hard to keep yer hands off each other," I teased me boy pretend to hurl in the corner of the door. I grabbed my wife and dipped her kissing her wholeheartedly. Lyra is giggling against my lips.

Aaron groans; we entered the dining room, coming to order the pack of the left, and the family of the suitable two chairs stood at the end where I sat on the left and Lyra on the right.

Aaron sat beside Tyler and Grace; on Lyra's side sat Pacha and Fernando. Therefore the meeting began.

In San Franciso

Kat's pov

"Ugh," I groaned, staring at the ceiling for many hours. Anytime I closed my eyes, I can see them in my mind, and I started panicking. I can't close my eyes nor rest, not without the help of drugs and alcohol. Not that I was able to find anything of them here in the building.

It still wasn't half the problem; my hearing got way better than I could hear the number of people in ten blocks breathing and every nook and crank each thing makes. I wished it was easier when my senses were limited.

I quitely peek from under my pillow, seeing Sean and John hold each other with an embrace that I've never seen one of protection and love. Crap you see in movies, I always thought leaving the room not to disturb them. The hearing came in handy when avoiding the patrol guards.

The door had a keypad, and my skills are excellent at cracking old safes but not a keypad. I lean myself at the nearest pillar away from cameras but close enough for my ears to pick up the beeping of the machines and Ace's breathing.

"Ace," I sighed her name my eyes became watery. I always protected her, kept her close, held her hand so she'll never get lost; she can't find her way back to me, to us, her sisters. I have to hold her hand to bring her back to us. 

I reacted to the sound of footsteps and climbed up the pillar using a minor crack to hold myself to the ceiling seeing them walk inside with ease. A skyline had its window open, so I jump up, pushing my legs up first, breathing city air compared to the woods. I saw another skyline window into a room, and I take small steps to see her. The room was a loft big enough to fit a whole family with a few bit of belongings.

Ace's body in a hospital bed. Her stability is monitor by the ugly one called Tilo as the other two, Quan and Bao, help wash her arms with a cloth and change her iv bags. I step back, sighing with relief, glancing back to the city, and thought for a moment.

"Drinks and drugs," I replied, retrieving the stack I taped to my stomach, counting the bills in hand.

"six, seven thousand," I muttered, putting the bills back in their hiding place. I suspect this gang runs this whole block, so picking the one somewhat close and underground seemed the best one to hide till dawn.

I held on to the fire escape kicking the notch to let me down the ground level interrupting a hooker and some poor bastard nearly getting his dick chopped off when she saw me. I ignore the screams and eye the neon sign with strange letters. I walk down the stair into the underground, seeing two fully built bodyguards with colorful tattoos.

They scoff a chuckle at the sight of me, but I held out the stack of bills waving it to them like a bone to a starving dog. "Money speaks more let me in," I stated, and they comply and let me inside. It was early way early for a bar to be open.

Still, I needed liquor and a lot of it and found me some drugs to take in, and hopefully, I'm somewhere else from my problems.

"ēsu okaeridesune aitakattadesu!" A young Japanese pretty boy came out of nowhere, grabbed my shoulders, and pulled me in; he kissed me full-blown on the lips. He slid his tongue into mine; his taste was of strawberries, my eyes were wide open. He broke the kiss I breathed in.

"Wha?" I licked my lips from the kiss, tasted strawberries, "Why do you taste like strawberries?" I asked him in English. He stopped, stunned, and came in close.

"Hey, hey, I let you off that one time. Try it again, and I bite you," I warned the strawberry guy. He smirked at me,

"Then again, I think you might like it," I noted. The strawberry guy nods and bows his head low to me.

"Sorry, thought you Ace-chan," He muttered in broken English. I wish I were as fluent as Ace. His accent was cute but hard to understand. He got close, looking into my eyes, his nose crinkled, giggling at me. 

"Blue eyes, kirēna made sure koto."(pretty eyes) He winks at me, licking his lips; I saw a tongue piercing. I gave him money, and since I'm clueless in Japanese, I used sign instead.

"Drink booze," I mouthed with signing it. Strawberry guy shrugs his shoulders and nods, going over to the bar. I see blackboards blackened out the bar and lighted by neon lights and spotlights from the dance and DJ's booth. There were mirrors above the ceiling where everyone can see their reflection from above.

"A full bottle of whiskey and a bottle of tequila and scotch, pretty boy," I ordered, turning the stool for me to straddle, watching the boy who tastes like strawberries bring the bottles with a glass. I take the scotch using my teeth to pull the cork, spitting it to the side.

"Cheers," I winked at him, raising the bottle to my lips igniting the blood in my belly for a night of trouble and hopefully drunk sleep. I kept at it drinking bottle after bottle.

Maya's pov

Several sleepless nights have left me reacting to any sound the city held since returning to my forgotten senses as a wolf. With Sam sleeping beside me, it doesn't rest the wolf within me. In my dreams, my wolf protects my human self since we entered an unknown location.

"Maya?" Sam calls out to me. I hissed at the sharp ringing from a garbage truck six miles away.

"Ugh," I groaned, covering my ears. Sam held on to me and grabbed something from his bag; he stuffed something soft against my ears. Sound muffled but didn't drown out the sharp ringing. Sam placed me down on the bed across the room. I held onto my ears.

"Here, Maya," I heard him say. He places a brutal cold objected in my ears. It canceled out the noise the pain stopped. I looked over at him and can see his mouth moving. Then he stops and starts signing to me.

When did you learn sign? I signed over to him. He took a few moments before he walked over to his bag again; luckily, we had two beds separating us. He showed me a book, and I remembered it the same one I gave him when I first arrived at Oregan.

There's a knock on the door; I felt the vibration coming from it—Aulia, Tilo's wife, with her daughter Budi and Guang's wife, Intan. Sam opened the door and bowed towards them.

"Mom asked if you like to come with us to the market. We need the extra hands," Budi asks us. Sam and I agreed a chance to explore the city. Budi saw the book on the bed.

"Oh, I have one too," Budi informed us and signed that we were going to fish market and then get vegetables. I wondered when my sister was here, did she started signing here? Did they help her learn? I gathered some of the money that Kat split between us when we first arrived in Oregon, but of course, I had a lot more since I've saved and cash deposit on the checks from the academy.

Before heading out, the kids had to go to school. It was cute seeing them line up at the door as Auila and Intan placed their packed lunch boxes in their bookbags. Drake held my hand the whole way to school. I didn't mind. The kids were thrilled to have us at the house. I didn't know where Kat left to, but John and Sean told me not to worry since she doesn't know her way around so that she wouldn't have gone that far.

I had hope I could patch things up with her and look after her before she did something reckless. But of course, Kat did not want to speak with me since bringing Sam along. He partnered with Budi checking out some fish. I smiled at the sight of him in broad daylight doing errands. Across the street, there was a deal for some onions, just as I was about to cross the street. Aguila stops me.

"Maya, please don't wandering off, please." She pleaded me almost begging, taking my hand into hers. Suddenly, I felt eyes on me. Why didn't I pick it up before? So far, my sense of smell has multiplied, which helps in looking for good products, and the seller won't sell us anything terrible.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologized to Aguila. She shook her head, waving her hand. "I know, sweetheart, it's just Tilo's watching, and he's very protective of everyone, including you," Aguila mentioned and I'm sure that he doesn't want anything unpredictable happening in his area. Especially with his family.

"I was hoping to speak with Tilo and Guang, but I think I might've overstepped in bringing Sam with me," I admitted having him, Kat, and Ace to protect.

"Frankly, I think they're always paranoid, but it's nice having them watch over us. But it can get difficult at times," Aguila confessed with a nod then warned me not to search for him. They're great at what they've done; those kinds of skills never let down.

"Did you know about us?" I wondered out loud, hoping they heard me.

"Yes, dear. Ace would tell us all about you three. How you would read her books and teach her how to read and write her name in English, and how Kat would beat anyone who looked at you and her," Aguila recalled with a bright smile.

"Have you seen, Kat? I don't know where she has gone despite our relationship now. Kat is still my sister." 

"No worry, Kat is being watched by someone we know. I do not know what goes on in Kat's head treating you the way she has," She wondered, getting some herbs and scallions. Her daughter got a massive bag of potatoes.

"Kat hates me beyond kinship. She always believed I chose the men to protected me over my family if I'd knew what had happened, I-" I paused thinking before declaring anything because in reality, even if I did find out of Erik's betrayal, what would've I done? 

"Sisters, I've seen it before; one minute I hate you next minute forgiveness," Aguila assured me pointing over to Intan. She was getting lemons and tomatoes along with eggplants, peppers, and other spices.

"Kat has never been one for forgiveness. I don't blame her. I just wish she would stop pointing out my faults. Sam is a good man. He saved us," I declared much to Aguila's satisfaction. She smiled as her daughter Budi joined us.

"Maybe buy Kat's favorite food?" Budi suggested and she had a good point. Besides sweets and fried food, what else can Kat eat; she hates anything with pasta and garlic.

"Kat always had an unbalanced diet, but she likes anything fried," I replied hopeful that we can find something to make. Aguila and Budi led me to a butcher shop seeing the lasting quality of meats and something smelling delightful.

"This is called korokke, and there's many to buy from like cheese tonkatsu and ham katsu. We buy enough for dinner," Aguila introduced and my mouth watered in seeing the meat.

As soon as they handed it to me, I devoured the meat, ripping and gawing them with my teeth and feeling the blood drip from my mouth and chin.

"Can I buy all the products please," I pleaded kindly to the butcher. He laughed at first until I gave him the amount of money to pay for all the produce. He and several other workers took their best products for us to take back to the house.

Luckily, we made room in the car. I had sit on Sam's lap since we had to put the back seat down for the groceries. Budi and her Mom sat in the front. We drove and parked in the garage a few houses down from our building. Someone was out front rapping against the door.

"Oh fuck," I cursed, seeing a poor guy holding my drunk sister from dropping to the ground. "Ay! Ay! Eres tan bonita y tienes sabor a fresas." (Hey, you're so pretty, and you taste like strawberries.) Kat told him in Spanish, and I'm hoping she didn't pick this guy up from the bar as she already reeks of alcohol.

"Oh, that's Yuta's bartender, hurry. Let's get her inside before Tilo, and Guang get back quickly." Aguila whispers and hurries us inside. Budi runs past my sister and the good-looking bartender. Budi opens the door quickly. Her mom and Intan pushed Kat and the man inside.

Sam shuts the door quickly, I ran to my sister and straddled onto her, so she doesn't move.

"Kat! Kat sober up now before they come back!" I begged her, trying to contain at least a bit of control. Kat chuckles and looks at my face, grabs my neck, and burps into my face.

"Fuck you, deserter," Kat spat me, shoving my shoulder. The anger rose in my chest, and I slammed my head against her nose. Blood burst over my forehead, she groans upon the ground. Then I noticed the blood was floating from Kat's face, the courtyard opening that shaped the building to the open sky. Tilo had arrived with Guang behind him above us, catching the drop of blood in a napkin.

"Hybrids should not spill a drop of your blood in this house," Guang announced and drops in. I helped Kat up quickly, putting her behind me. Tilo drops in greeting his wife and daughter in their language.

"She's just a girl, Tilo just let her sleep it off," Aguila pleaded with her husband.

"Dia tidak hormat dan bau seperti bar. Untuk semua yang saya tahu kebodohan mereka menyebabkan pengusiran adik mereka. Keduanya,"(She disrespectful and smells like a bar. For all I know their foolishness caused their sister's condiction. The both of them,) Guang hissed at us and moves pass Aguila.

"No, Tilo!" His wife yelled out. Sam quickly tries to run over to us, but Guang already has yanked me away from Kat as Tilo grasped her neck, dragging her from the room.

"He won't hurt her," Aguila told me. Then I heard water running and a tub filling up. I luge towards the door but Guang snatched me by my waist. I fought against his hold, slamming my shoulder through the door.

"No, no, please don't! Kat is scare of water, please! Let my sister go!" I begged Guang who picked me up from the floor.

"AHHHH!" Kat scream piercing through  the earbuds destroying them. It bursts inside my ears and all the forces of sound had engulfed my senses. I yelped in pain, slamming my hands against my ears. Sam ran over, checking my ear. I was OK; the blast didn't break my skin.

Kat's pov

I should've jumped out the window the moment I heard the water turn on, but the bastard had punched me hard in my stomach the moment I sat up, puking all that filled my stomach.

"You hurt yourself for drinking," I heard him say, hearing the banging on the door as he yanks me by the scruff of my shirt into a bath of warm water. In fear, I held on to the edge of the bath bringing back Viktor and Marie biting and attempting to drown me.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed; the guy pushed me into the water, I tried to breathe, but I only drank a bunch of water.

"Stop fighting," I heard their voices say while laughing. Then I felt someone pull me up from the waters. I cough out water and breathe in profoundly; Tilo held onto me.

"How long will you let them torture you?" Tilo questioned, shaking me away from my memory, and I held on to his wrist to make sure this isn't a dream.

"They made me what I am! I can't tolerate another soul touching me unless it's through violence. I can't even hug the men in my family. Those vampire fucks tainted everything. I can't fucking sleep!" I sobbed. He helped me out of the tub. Then I heard the door swing open.

"I can't sleep! Not without Ace! She made me feel safe!" I cried, collapsing on the floor, soaking wet cold from the winter air coming from the door. I felt towels on top of my body with soft hands tugging at my wet clothes.

"Get out! Get out!" His wife had yelled on the top of her head as her daughter held a towel over my head. I stare around, seeing the ceiling cracks and walls nearly in ruins, but somehow it stayed intact.

I can overhear John and Sean yelling with Tilo and Guang.

"I'm sorry," She apologized to me still; his words remained in my head until John and Sean held clothes in their hands and help lift my shirt off my head, and I cover my chest, ashamed.

"You got nothing I ain't seen before, honey," John replied, helping a shirt over my head that felt soft and warm. I quickly disregard my wet bottoms and underwear before they tried helping me with that.

"You've slept with women before?"I asked, taking the rest of the clothes breathing through my nose.

"Sleep yes but making love that's a forbidden fruit I'm not interested in," He jokes, and I shake my head.

"I guess you heard what I said," I sighed, collapsing on my knees, and Sean knelt beside me, holding out a pair of headphones. He placed it over my head adjusted it to my head. I heard Broadway musicals.

"We can try to help you, Kat, if you let us?" John offered. I chuckled at them, " I had help didn't work, shrinks, my Tio and Lyra tried none of it worked _ I need my sister." I repeated, and they stare at each other.

"We'll see what we can come up with a job. At the moment, cool off at the garden," John suggested holding out his hand but even a gesture as simple as this. I can't hold on to his hand.

"Can you walk?" Sean asked. My legs felt like weights, but being in a bathroom with running water made me anxious.

"Let's keep the headphones on and close your eyes," John explained, putting the headphones on my head as I continue to hold on to the towel wrapped over my shoulders. I shut my eyes clothes, and I felt the tug at the towel, replacing it with a soft blanket carrying me out from the bathroom. Intan brought some warm tea for me to drink. I thanked her.

I can only smell the lavender from the blanket. Sean took me up the stairs. I was chewing my thumb, biting my skin, not feeling the pain of it.

"Stop that, Kathy, you'll ruin your beautiful hands," John said; pulling my hands away, I open my eyes.

"It's a habit," I responded, and he held out a lollipop wrapped in plastic. I take it trying to read the lettering seeing a small strawberry.

"A cute-looking bartender wanted to give this to you. Tilo is going to discuss how you and Maya will carry your weight around here, no arguments. No more drinking, Kathy," John explained Auila decide to make dinner, not in the central kitchen, which is downstairs.

"What's there for me to do? I'm pretty handy in stalking and getting a slip up on people?" I mentioned to them they both looked at each other.

"No, for once, you kids need something normal. Have you worked at a daycare?" He asked he was getting some dinnerware and pots from the central kitchen to take up to their loft. All the members besides Guang and Tilo will be having dinner there.

"Fuck that, have the palace maid work in that," I growled. "Alright, we'll discuss this later," They groaned while helping Budi and Intan and Auila with several groceries to have upstairs.

"Hey, how did that guy know where to take me?" I hollered up at them going up the stairs. I heard some noises upstairs.

"Oh, that's Yuta's bartender from Japan, his name to Jiro. Next time you see him be sure to thank him," He told them as Sean was coming down from the stairs to collect me for upstairs. The numbness left my legs, thankfully.

"I will," I told them as Sean approach Maya came out from her room on the bottom level. "Kat?" she calls out to me. I got up to ignore her, then the headphones volume grew louder, and I took them off, then the music changed.

"I see the moon, the moon sees me. The moon sees somebody I wanna see," We both frozen in hearing the song play both of us stared at each other and a calmingness. There was this mist appearing over us; it didn't have a figure. It was just an aura before disappearing.

"Hey, did you feel that?" I asked as the playlist reverts to broadways classics hits. I went upstairs, and she followed me upstairs, going over to where Yuta and the rest of the squad were gathering my actions.

"Can one of you check on Ace?" Maya pleaded and I simply shut the door in her face when she turned to look at me. She groans, muttering a bitch under her breath after she leaves downstairs.

"Why are you harsh to your sister?" Sean asked, and I sank low, holding my knees close to my chest.

"Cause unlike Ace and me, we don't go chasing and bringing men into our mess like her,"

"You'll be surprised on the score of men your sister was able to achieve. I mean, Jiro was one of them,"

"Wha?" Then I thought back on it. He kissed me because he thought I was Ace. "Wait, you mean he hooked up with Ace?"

"I mean, he was one of the people she liked."

"Damnit all to hell, didn't know her master allowed her to meet men?" I questioned him.

"No, it was afterward when she gained rank. Guess your Don wasn't the same with you," Sean teased, and I roll my eyes, staring at the ceiling.

"Heh, never they stayed with their kind. That's what the mob told me," I replied, needing a cigarette.

"Mmm, well their lost, Kathy. See you beautiful woman who is tough as an ironwoman a bonus,"

"To some. You both knew Marie and Viktor had me in their clutches. They did their damage, but I can't do anything without wanting to kill them," I confessed. John opens a window and hands me a pack of Marlboros.

"To the roof one a day and don't be greedy," John replied, handing over a lighter.

"Just don't gossip about my lack of workability," I begged, using the storm drain to climb up the roof. The breeze felt nice, and the old classics turned to old ballets, but I studied the songs and noted Cher as the top favorite for Sean, and John enjoyed Barbra Streisand.

"Jesus, where's Sinatra or Nat Cole," I groaned, settling on good ole Nina Simone listening to her famous lilac wine song. I hum along the melody staring at the city while lighting the cigarette, wondering about the life Ace lead here. How my sisters' wasted their lives on that of our masters, but Stefano was more than that to me, not someone who took advantage.

" Shut up, stop thinking," I told myself, rubbing my head with my forefingers. Stefano is better off getting rid of a nuisance like me and good riddance, another moment spent away from life, but Marie and Viktor are still alive, at least I think in my head.

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