Bonds Tested

By AnyaKing97

11.1K 292 5

Some time away has left Carlotta Bellway better off. With an unlikely deal made with Crowley, the cheeky cros... More

The Kids Are All Right -- Lisa
The Kids Are All Right -- Den Mother
The Kids Are All Right -- Together
Bad Day At Black Rock -- Ruby
Bad Day At Black Rock -- Rabbits Foot
Bad Day At Black Rock -- Bela
Sin City -- Gamble, Gamble, Gamble
Sin City -- Richie's End
Sin City -- Liberation
Bed Time Stories -- Strange Attacks
Bedtime Stories -- Callie
Bedtime Stories -- Ravage
Red Sky at Morning -- Drowning
Red Sky At Morning -- Stench of Sex
Red Sky At Morning -- The Hanged
Fresh Blood -- Gordon, Again?
Fresh Blood -- Vampire
Fresh Blood -- Reckless
A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Holiday Seasons
A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Saint Nicotine
A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Madge and Edward
Malleus Maleficarum -- Witches
Malleus Maleficarum -- The Coven
Dream A Little Dream of Me -- Bobby
Dream A Little Dream of Me -- Dream Walking
Dream A Little Dream of Me -- Thief
Mystery Spot -- Tuesday?
Mystery Spot -- How Many Times Does Dean Die?
Mystery Spot -- End the Loop
Jus In Bello -- Henriksen
Jus In Bello -- Trap
Ghostfacers! -- Ed and Harry
Ghostfacers! -- Corbett
Long-Distance Call -- The Call
Long-Distance Call -- The Choice
Long-Distance Call -- Crocotta
Time Is On My Side -- Zombies
Time Is On My Side-- Rufus
Time Is On My Side -- Doc Benton
No Rest For The Wicked -- The Deadline
No Rest For The Wicked -- Convoluted Plan
Hells Bells -- A New Friend
Hells Bells -- Mary Sandra

Jus In Bello -- Sitting Ducks

203 6 1
By AnyaKing97


"We're like sitting ducks in here." Sam sighs.

"I know." Dean grunts as he keeps the towel pressed tightly against his wound. "Would it kill these cops to bring us a snack?!" Dean shouts.

"How many you figure are out there?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean sighs.

"However many there are, they could be possessing anyone." I mention. "Anyone could just walk right in."

"It's kind of wild, right?" Dean mentions. I turn around and gaze through the cell door, my eyebrows raised. "I mean, it's like they're coming right for us. They've never done that before. It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome."

I flinch and try to stand up, but my legs are like jello. The sheriff is striding in. "Get up." He grunts.

"Well, howdy there, Sheriff!" Dean chirps as I stumble to my feet, bracing myself against the wall.

"Uh, Sheriff?" I murmur as he opens up their cell.

"It's time to go boys." The sheriff mentions.

"Uh, you know what, we're just comfy right here. But thank you." Dean mentions as I slink back against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" Henriksen asks as he approaches the cell. I just gaze at him with wide eyes.

"We're not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it." The Sheriff snaps.

"It's safer here." Henriksen snaps.

"There's a swat facility in Boulder." The sheriff says.

"We're not going anywhere." Henriksen reiterates.

"The hell we're not--" Henriksen cuts the sheriff off by shooting him.

We leapt into action and force Henriksen's head into the toilet bowl-- which Sam had blessed with the rosary I'd gotten. I begin reciting the exorcism.

"Stay back!" Dean barks as a cop rushes in. "Hurry up!" Dean urges as Sam struggles to keep Henriksen down.

"It's too late!" Henriksen's voice rings out. "I already called them. They're already coming!"

I finish the exorcism and his head flies back, the black smoke pouring out and going straight back to hell. I slump against the cell wall, breathing out raggedly. "Is he... Is he dead?" Nancy asks meekly.

Henriksen coughs roughly, rousing from his possession. "Henriksen. Hey. Is that you in there?" Sam asks breathlessly.

Henriksen pulls himself onto the cot, his breathing evening out. "I... I shot the sheriff." He murmurs in disgust.

"But you didn't shoot the deputy." Dean takes his opportunity. Sam and I glare up at him.

Dean purses his lips and has the decency to look ashamed. "Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then--"

"Let me guess-- some nasty black smoke jammed itself down your throat?" Dean finishes.

I struggle to stand. "You were possessed." I explain.

Henriksen glances between the three of us. "Possessed, like..." He gestures with his hands. "Possessed."

"That's what it feels like. Now you know." Sam mentions.

"I owe you the biggest I told you so ever." Dean states.

I smack him upside the head. "You can be sassy later." I snap at him. I snatch the gun from Dean's hands and hold it out for Henriksen.

He takes is slowly before grunting as he tries to stand. "Officer Amichi. Keys." Henriksen orders.

Amichi hands them over. Henriksen uncuffs us-- well, he uncuffs the broken cuffs on me. Not like they were bothering me.

"All right. So, how do we survive?" He asks us.


Sam and Dean set to demon proofing the police station, and I try to help. I really do, but I end up leaned against a desk, huffing out irritably as I try to catch my breath. I was exhausted. It felt like a broken record at this point. Nancy is hurrying over to me with a cup of coffee, and I have to decline it. The smell is making my empty stomach roil. "Are you all right?" She asks meekly.

I nod breathlessly. "Yeah. Just--" I suck in a deep breath. "Just tired. Feels like I've been up for a few days." I explain. "I could use something to eat, to be honest. Coffee makes me feel sick."

She nods and goes to her desk, and produces a little bag of candies. "I only have candy."

I wave off her concern and eat a little before continuing with the devils trap I started. "Well, that's not gonna do much good." I hear Dean mention.

"We got an arsenal in here." Amici mentions.

I snort. "You don't poke a bear with a bb gun." Dean retorts. "That's just gonna make him mad."

"What do you need?" Henriksen asks.

"Salt," I mention after I put the finishing touches on my devils trap. "Lots and lots of salt."

"Salt?" Amici echoes.

"What are you, hard of hearing?" I ask irritably as I approach Dean and start checking on his injury.

"There's road salt in the storeroom." Nancy mentions softly.

Dean and I share a glance before nodding. "Perfect." Dean nods. "We need salt at every window and every door."

"How are you holding up, Nancy?" I ask softly as she offers me a cup of water.

She smiles hesitantly and shrugs. "Okay... When I was little, I would come home from church and talk about the devil." She admits. "My parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I show them, huh?" I offer her a smile before setting my cup down.

"Thank you, for the water." I mention softly. She nods and steps away.

"Hey, where's my car?" Dean asks as Amici walks up with two bags of road salt.

"Impound lot out back." He responds. Dean hums as I reattach the gauze on his shoulder. "Hey, wait-- you're not going out there?"

"Yeah, I gotta get something out of my trunk." Dean mentions. "Stay here, baby." He orders and kisses my forehead delicately before hurrying out to the back of the station.

"Let's move everyone--" I snap quickly. "Salt the entrances and windows-- now!"


"They're coming!" Dean shouts as I keep pouring salt. I glare at the black smoke hitting the window in front of me and step back, dropping my bag of salt. The building shakes violently as the demons try to get in, but they're ultimately unsuccessful.

"Everybody okay?" Sam asks.

"Define okay." Henriksen mentions.

"All right, everybody needs to put these on." Dean orders as he tugs out the anti possession charms. "They'll keep you from being possessed."

"What about you three?" Nancy asks as she tugs the charm on.

Sam and Dean tug down their collars as I tug up my sleeve. "Smart," Henriksen comments as he gazes at the anti-possession symbols tattooed on our bodies. "How long you had those?"

"Not long enough," Sam retorts.

The night wears on, and my energy is still waning. "Hey, that's Jenna Rubner," Nancy mentions, snapping me out of my exhausted power nap.

Sam and I join her at the window and I recoil in disgust. Every single demon outside have such disgusting, rotting faces. Although, I was the only one to see them. "It's not Jenna anymore." I mention tiredly.

"That's where all that black demon smoke went?" Nancy asks softly.

"Looks like." I nod.

Sam grasps at my arm and tugs me away from the window. "You need to get some rest," Sam mentions. "This is not good for you. Either of you." He adds quietly.

I shove him off and glare. "I know that--" I hiss. "I'll get some rest when we get out of here!"

I stomp away from him and park myself on one of the desks. I tug my shot gun over and start loading it up with salt rounds. "Hey, baby," Dean hums as he walks over to me. "Can we talk?"

I glance up at him and smile. "Sure, what's up?"

Dean leans against the desk besides me. "When were you gonna tell me?" He asks softly. My throat tightens a little and I cock my head at him. "You haven't slept in the past few days. You should've told me your nightmares came back."

I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath. I just shrug. "We had bigger fish to fry." I mention. "It's not a big deal." Dean cups my face tenderly and gazes into my eyes.

"It is a big deal, Lottie." Dean states firmly. "When we get out of here, you're going to sleep. Don't use your powers to try and find Bela. We'll handle it."

I nod after a moment, and lean up to kiss him. We share a soft kiss, but the moment is cut short when we hear a window shatter.

Dean and I glance at one another before hurrying towards the breakroom. "How do we kill it!" Henriksen asks.

"We don't," Sam mentions.

"She's a demon." Henriksen retorts.

"She's here to help us," Sam states as he makes Henriksen lower his weapon.

"Are you kidding?" Amici snorts.

Ruby is breathing heavily as Sam approaches her. I grimace at her face as she speaks. "Are you gonna let me out?" She asks irritably. Sam leans down and scrapes at the devils trap until it's broken. "And they say chivalry's dead." Ruby pants. "Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here." She struts past us as if she owned the place.

"Re-salt that window." I order sternly before following after the demon. "How many are out there?" I ask.

"Thirty at least," Ruby states. "That's so far."

"Oh, good. Thirty. Thirty hit men, all gunning for us." Dean scoffs. He blows out a breath. "Who sent them?"

Ruby casts a glance at Sam. "You didn't tell Dean?" She coos softly. "I'm surprised."

"Tell me what?" Dean asks.

I roll my eyes. "There's a new up-and-comer." I mention.

Ruby lets her gaze flicker towards me, a snide smirk covering her face. "So, you're shacking up with a demon, too?"

I shudder. "As if." I shoot back. "I know things-- a lot more than you think. I do my own research, and it wasn't hard to get answers from demons I've come across." I lie smoothly.

"Who is he?" Dean asks, referencing to the other statement.

"Not he." I roll my eyes again. "Her."

"Her name is Lilith." Ruby mentions.

"Lilith?" Dean retorts.

"And she really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. 'Cause she sees him as competition." Ruby explains.

"You two knew about this?" Dean asks irritably. Sam remains silent, and I gaze at him with a blank expression. "Well, gee, guys, is there anything else I should know?!"

"How about we talk about this later." I retort irritably.

"We'll need the colt." Ruby mentions as she gazes at Sam. He glances away, and she turns her gaze on us. "Where's the colt?"

"It got stolen." Sam explains.

"I'm sorry. I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you were stupid enough to let the colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy, idiotic hands!" Ruby growls. She gets up. "Fantastic. This is just peachy."

"Ruby--" Sam tries.

"Shut up." She snaps quickly. She's silent for a moment. "Fine. Since I don't see that there's any other option, there's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive."

"What's that?" I ask.

"I know a spell." Ruby states. "It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius-- myself included. So, you let the colt out of your sight, and now I have to die. So, next time, be more careful. How's that for my dying wish?"

"Okay. What do we need to do?" Dean asks.

"Aww... You can't do anything." Ruby retorts playfully. "This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue."

I groan irritably. "I got virtue." Dean mentions.

"No, Dean," I snap. "Virtue means pure. She needs a virgin, and I'm sorry honey, but neither of us fit the bill."

Dean snorts and chuckles. "Nobody's a virgin." Dean snaps. We all glance over at Nancy, and she's scratching at her neck nervously. "No... No way. You're kidding me. You're not--"

"What? It's a choice, okay?" Nancy snaps as a flush blooms over her face.

"So, y-you're never..." Dean trails off. I glare at him. "Not even once? I mean, not even.... wow."

"Dean." I warn him irritably. Dean shuts up immediately.

"So, this spell...." Nancy trails off. "What can I do?"

"You can hold still." Ruby mentions. My eyes widen. "While I cut your heart out of your chest."

"What?" Nancy gasps.

"Absolutely not." I snap as I push myself between them.

"I'm offering a solution." Ruby snaps at me.

"You're offering to kill somebody." I retort.

"And what do you think's gonna happen to this girl when the demon's get in?"

"We're gonna protect her that's what--" Henriksen snaps.

"Very noble," Ruby scoffs. "You're all gonna die. Look, this is the only way."

"Yeah, yeah. There's no way that you're gonna--"

Dean gets cut off by Nancy. "Would everybody please shut up!?" She yelps. "All the people out there..." She says in a trembly tone. "Will it save them?"

"It'll blow the demons out of their bodies." Ruby nods. "So, if their bodies are okay... yeah."

Nancy is silent for a moment before she nods. "I'll do it." She says softly, but firmly. We all begin to refuse. "All my friends are out there." She explains.

"We don't sacrifice people." Henriksen snaps. "We do that, we're not better than them."

"We don't have a choice." Ruby says.

I growl. "Yeah, well, you're choice is not a choice."

"Sam, you know I'm right." Ruby chirps to the ever silent Winchester.

"Sam." Dean states. "What the hell is going on? Sam, tell her."

"It's my decision." Nancy says.

"Damn straight, Cherry Pie." Ruby hums.

"Stop!" Dean barks. "Stop! Nobody kill any virgins! Sam, I need to talk to you. Lottie, you keep an eye on her."

I grumble and turn to her, my arms crossed over my chest. Her lips quirk up in a smirk. "You know, we could use an unborn fetus, too."

"Don't make me kill you." I snap irritably.

Ruby smirks. "As if you can even muster up the strength. I can feel it. You're about to fizzle out."

"Hold on, you're pregnant?" Henriksen asks.

"Shut up." I snap quickly. "I swear to god, if he finds out from some fed that's been coming after our asses for weeks, I swear, those demons will be the last of your worries."

Ruby snorted. "Careful, Lottie. I might start liking you if you keep talking."

I fire her a heated glare before stomping after Sam and Dean. "Please tell me you've got something."

Dean nods and glances at his brother before pulling me aside to fill me in.

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