Video Game High

By TheDJGoomba

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A high school kid must survive anything that comes his way, bullies,friends, foes, and dating?! Find out who... More

Chapter 1: A New Level
Chapter 2: The Sleep Hangout?
Chapter 3: A Not So Secret Admirer
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: The Look
Chapter 6: A New Goomba
Chaptr 7: The Plan
Chapter 8: Cold Swimmer
Chapter 9: The New Boo
Chapter 10: Power Ups
Chapter 11: Get Ready To Smash!
Chapter 12: Black and White
Chapter 13: The Polterguist
Chapter 14: Tyrone and Jacob's Treasure Tracker
Chapter 15: The Prom
Chapter 16: Minion Football
Chapter 17: The Cake is a Lie
Chapter 18: Dr. Mario Party
Chapter Christmas: A Koopsmas Carol
Chapter 19: Game Genie
Chapter 20: Warp Whistle
Mii Invasion Preview
Chapter 21: Mii Invasion
Chapter 22: Jacked Up Problem
Chapter 23: The Paintbrush
Chapter 24: Chris's Mansion/ Tyron Sunshine
Chapter 25: R.O.B.inator
Chapter 26: Goomba Appreciation Day
Chalter 27: Life of Minions
Chapter 28: The Race
Chapter 29: Murder Mystery
Chapter 30: Are you ready for Freddy?
Chapter 31: Body Switch
Chapter 32: Bootleg World
Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 1
Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 2
Chapter 34: Detention
Chapter 35: Chris's New Shell
Chapter 36: Pokemon Quest
Chapter 37: Get Ready For A Death Battle!
Chapter 38: Behind the Mask
Chapter 39: Dreams
Chapter 40: The Weapon War
Chapter 41: Tyrone's Goompa
Video Game High The Movie Preview
Video Game High The Movie: Heroes Of The Stars
Chapter 42: Gender Bender
Chapter 43: Valentines Day
Chapter 44: Doodle
Chapter 45: The Savior
Chapter 46: The Pet
Chapter 47: Majora's Mask
Chapter 48: The Internet
A Goomba's Best Friend
Two New Books!(Cancelled)
Chapter 49 : Stupid 64 Jacob's New Girlfriend
Special Chapter 50: The Trio's Fight
Chapter 51: Shorts Original Edition
Chapter 52: The Bake Off
Chapter 53: The Mystery
Chapter 54: The Star Cures
Chapter 55: The First Star Cure
Chapter 56: The Second Star Cure
Chapter 57: The Third Star Cure
Chapter 58: The Deal
Chapter 60: The Rivalry Ends
Chapter 61: The Sleep Hangout 2
Chapter 62: Heart Container Day
Chapter 63: Stupid 64 The Stupid Robot
Chapter 64 Special: Come Stay A While
Chapter 65: Shorts Randomness Edition
Chapter 66: Goo's Life
Chapter 67: Star Fox
Chapter 68: Underwhere
Chapter 69: Overthere
Chapter 70: The Pipe Portal
Chapter 71: The Truth
Video Game High The Movie 2: Partners in Time Preview
Video Game High The Movie 2: Partners in Time
Never Coming Back, Sorry
Maybe Come Back?

Chapter 59: Enter the Mind

85 8 1
By TheDJGoomba

I said "Ok heroes, it's getting late so you two can sleep at me and Jacob's house." Chris and Billy Dee said "Thanks." I fell asleep while watching T.V on the couch with Jacob, Chris, and Billy Dee. When I woke up I was on a platform. I said "What the?" The roof of the platform ripped off, I gasped! A void opened up and thunder surrounded it. I was terrified, what was coming out?!" Dark Star came out and said "Hey there buddy!" He snapped and summonsed a hat and cane. He started tap dancing and said "Zap da dada dum zow!" I was confused how he was tap dancing without any legs. He said "Names Dark Star, nice to meet ya!" He tipped his hat and the world started tipping along with it! He said "Nice subcontinent you got here Tyrone." I said "What? Well, I've been wondering what do you know?" He said "Oh I know lots of things! You and Jacob have been friends since the begging of the year." Another Dark Star walked out and said "You thought that Chris was showing off in the begging of the year." Another Dark Star came out and said "And... Oh this is interesting, you spend a lot of time thinking about this blond haired goomba." I started blushing and one of the Dark Stars said "Oh give me details..." They started huddling up and one if them said "Oh that is terrible." I said "What do you want from me!?" He said "Oh right." They all fused back to together and a hologram picture of what he's talking about came out of his eyes. He said "This koopa named Jr wants me to, oh I don't know enter your friend Shroom's mind and steal the combination to his parent's castle or something. Take over the mushroom kingdom. I don't know, Kid has a lot of problems. But pretty serious stuff. Hey what's this?" He picked up a paddle ball and started playing with it. I said "Wait your gonna enter Shroom's mind just to get the deed?" "Yeah, just like how I entered your dream. Jr told me how many times you stopped him from doing it. Hey what's that?" He snapped and I looked up. I saw clouds and lakitus. I started screaming while falling! Dark Star said "So I bet your wondering if there's anyway to stop me? Well I don't wanna give you any hints but there may be a way for you to follow me into the guys head. Hey there's the guy's head now!" We saw a huge floating Shroom head asleep. He said "See you in your nightmares kid!" He winked and said "You can't tell that I'm winking my eyes are pretty close together if you look at it in this brightness. Ok later! Bye!" He jumped into a void and I was falling and about to hit the ground! I woke up and said "Phew, it was just a dream." Looked on my shoe and it said "The dream is real." I looked on my other shoe and it said "Look at what I did to Chris's hand." I looked at Chris's hand and it said "Look a turkey!" His hand had a turkey drawing on it. I woke everyone up and yelled "Guys! Dark Star is going to invade Shroom's mind! We have to save the kingdom!" Chris said "It was probably just a dream. Why does my hand have a turkey on it?" I said "Guys come on! You gotta believe me!" Jacob said "I'm going back to sleep." I threw his wizard stuff at him, threw Billy Dee his spear, and threw Chris his shell. I grabbed my headphones and said "Lets go!" They all groaned and we walked to the castle. When we got there we saw Shroom in a chair asleep. Chris said "See he's fine." We saw a dark shadow come down into him and his eyes turned red! I took out the journal and said "Here it is! On the 1st page! We just have to say these words and we should be able to help him!" Billy Dee walked out of the kitchen and said "Sorry guys, got board. Do you think I can bring these Chain Chomp Cheeseballs into Shroom's mind? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? You know what I'm just gonna bring them." We all touched Shroom's head and I said "Ok guys, say it with me." We all said "Meht evas. Em evas. Ginmoc seh. Mih pots ot yaw a dnif." We were teleported into Shroom's mind. Jacob said "Whoa, this place is huge! Why is it black and white?" I said "Because Dark Star is here." Someone said "Well someone wants to be a detective." Chris said "You! You leave our friend's head alone you monster!" He charged at Dark Star but Dark Star just absorbed him. He took out a watch and threw him back out. Chris said "Gotcha! Wait what?" Dark Star said "Well well well looks like you 4 actually came. Headphones, Wizard hat, Koopa shell, Spear. I had a hunch I might bump into you!" He shot a whole through my chest and I started screaming! Billy Dee put him arm through it and I said "How do you expect to get that deed anyway?" Dark Star said "Well, inside of the castle is tons of doors, representing your friend's memories. In one of them is him putting the deed somewhere. I just need to find it and Jr will pay me handsomely." Billy Dee said "Not if we stop you!" Dark Star said "Ha! Fat chance! I'm the master of the mind. I even know what your thinking right now!" "That's impossible no one can guess what I'm thinking!" Dark Star snapped and Robotnick and a meme came out. Robotnick said "What is this?" Meme said "Lol!" Billy Dee said "You guys are real!" Dark Star said "Your out of your league kid! Turn around now before you see something you might regret. Later suckers!" He went inside of the castle and I said "We're going in. Billy Dee can we leave those guys out here. There kind of... Stupid." Robotnick said "Are we snooping around as usual?" Meme said "Snooping." Billy Dee "No! They can help us!" Robotnick said "Of course!" Meme said "Trolololol." I groaned and we walked in. When we got in Jacob said "Wow look at this place! It's all of Shroom's memories!" I said "Lets get searching!" I opened one door and Shroom said "Ok, world 1-1 I can d-." A goomba killed him. I closed the door and said "Nope." Jacob opened and said "Whoa! Shroom on a date!" Shroom said "So Uh... Nice weather Huh?" Amanda said "Its like an ice world outside." "Haha... Non pacific excuse!" He flipped the table and ran outside. Jacob said "Yeesh." Chris opened a door and Shroom said "Sir, would you like to buy a Shroom Vac vacuum? Shroom Vac, it sucks more then anything." The man closed the door and Shroom said "Gotta work on that." Chris said "Nope!" Billy Dee opened a door and Shroom said "That's why my dad is the best character ever!" Billy Dee said "Boring!" We walked by a door and it said "Friendly memories." I said "Guys look stuff about us." Jacob said "I don't think we should open it." "I just wanna know what Shroom thinks of us." Chris said "We already know how Shroom feels about us. He's our friend, he's great." Billy Dee said "Yeah, let's get moving." Robotnick said "Oh I love moving!" Meme said "Please tell me how moving ever helped you." They kept going but I stayed behind and went inside the "Friendly Memories" door. I saw memories of all the adventures I had with him and others. Then I saw one door and said "Just a quick peek." I opened a door and Shroom was on the bus with Goombella. He said "So, why do you love Tyrone?" I was asleep in the other seat. Everyone on the bus surrounded them and Goombella said "You all wanna know well-." I didn't hear much but what I did hear was "He could be better, he plays video games to much. Sometimes I just wanna get rid of him." I slowly closed the door and started walking away.
Jacob said "Oh no! What if Dark Star finds the deed before us!" Chris said "Your right! Where could they be? If we wanna find the deed we gotta think like Shroom." Jacob said "So like how he always hides stiff behind statues?" Chris said "That's it!" He pushed a statue out of the way and opened the door. Shroom said "Now to put in the code to this safe, which the deed is in. Let's see M U S H R O O M and finally-." Chris closed the door and said "We did it!" Jacob said "So what now?" Chris said "Lets just destroy the door before Dark Star can get it!" Chris grabbed a spear from the Toad statue and Jacob said "Wait! My boo arms can destroy this thing. Maybe I should do it?" "Oh, ok." Jacob put his arm out and the door started glowing. He ripped it off the wall using lowers then another Jacob ran in and said "Guys! I just saw Shroom roller blading in short shorts. Didn't look half bad... Hey something's going on here." The other Jacob started laughing and formed into the Dark Star. He said "Boy you kids sure are gullible! I knew you would lead me right to the code! Ahahaha! Mwahahaha! It's funny how dumb you are." Billy Dee said "Oh yeah well, your a dumb face!" Meme said "Awesome come back! Feels good man!" Billy Dee said "Don't treat me like a child Meme!" Dark Star said "Later suckers!" Jacob said "Come on! We gotta save Shroom!" I said "Why should I save him? You know I do so much for Goombella and this world but all she says is she wants to get rid of me!" Jacob said "I'm sure that's not true." "I saw it in one of his memories! You all knew about it too! Goombella hates me!" Everyone gasped and Jacob said "It doesn't matter now! If we don't stop Dark Star then we'll loose the kingdom, the castle, or worst!" "No! You know what! This is one of the world's problems I'm not gonna fix." "Fine lets go guys." Chris said "You know this isn't cool." They all walked off and I felt a little guilty.
Dark Star was flying though Shroom's head until he thought he was safe. He started buzzing and answered. He said "Hello?" Jr said "Do you have my deed?" "Relax short stack, I got it right here." "Perfect! Now you give it to me and I'll refill my end of the bargain." "Ok it's, you gotta pen there? It's Mu, Sh-." An arrow hit the door out of Dark Star's grasp into a memory. Shroom said "This here is a bottomless gap, which you can see here is bottomless. Wow whatever that was its gone forever." Jacob had a bow in his hand and said "Boom!" Meme and Robotnick said "We did it!" Chris said "The kingdom is saved!" Jr said "The deals off!" Dark Star said "No wait wait!" "I'm switching to plan B!" Dark Star became red and said "You! You have no idea what you just costed me! Do you have any idea what I'm like, when I'm mad!" They started floating on a huge Shroom head. Dark Star started growing and Billy Dee said "I guess he's really mad when he gets mad." Dark Star yelled "Eat Nightmares!
I started opening and closing memory doors saying "Exit? Hello?" I opened a door and Goombella said "He could be better, he plays video games to much. Sometimes I just wanna get rid of him." I said "Ugh, this again?" I stared closing the door and Goombella said "That's why I love him though." I opened the door again and Goombella said "He's really nice and courageous. Goombario was too but he wasn't like him. He stands up for his friends no matter what and even saved the world a few times. Goombario saved the world too though..." Another door opened up with Goombario beating Bowser with Mario and Goombella said "But after that he got to confident and clingy. Tyrone has a few mistakes and he can admit that. That's why I like him." I started smiling and fell into the memory! Shroom said "Whoa what are you doing here? Nice whole in your chest by the way, let's fix that up for you." The whole filled up and I said "What? How?" Shroom said "Word to the wise kid your in the mind. Anything is possible." I said "Well how about that." I heard Jscob, Chris, and Billy Dee screaming and I said "Oh no! What am I doing? I gotta save my friends!" Goombella said "Fighting for his friends."
On the stage
Dark Star said "One nightmare coming up!" Jacob said "Nightmare? I hope he's not talking about-?" He shot him and Jacob turned into a human with a boo shirt. Jacob yelled "Ah! It's everything I've ever feared!" Dark Star said "You!" He shot Chris and Chris said "I don't feel any different." He tried going in his shell and it was gone! He said "Oh no! My dignity!" Dark Stat shot Billy Dee and Meme and Robotnick disappeared! Billy Dee said "Noooooo! My happiness is gone!" Dark Star said "Now to end it!" They all yelled "No!" I flew up and said "Hey Dark Star!" He yelled "What the?!" I said "Take this!" I shot the middle of him with laser eyes and said "Guys! We can conceive anything we can think of in Shroom's mind!" Billy Dee said "What?" "Just think of cool punching things!" Dark Star said "What? Who told you that?! Don't listen to him!" Chris said "We can do anything?" He got his shell back and said "Like have an army of koopa troops?" Armies of koopa troops charged at Dark Star and kicked him off the platform. Dark Star fixed the hole in his chest and said "Enough games!" He almost shot us and Jacob said "Shield spell and boo spell!" He turned back into a boo and we all said "Shield spell!" The shot deflected and hit Dark Star. Billy Dee said "Now my memes, Attack!" All the memes you can think of attacked Dark Star and I said "Now for your worst nightmare! A portal out of Shroom's mind! Everyone together!" We all thought of a portal out of Shroom's mind. Dark Star said "No no no! Enough!" The world went white and we were floating over nothing. Dark Star color was back to black and be said "You know you 4 are really good, especially the small one." Billy Dee nudged me and said "He's talking about you." Dark Star said "I'll let you live for now and get out of your hair. But know this! A darkness will rise! A day will come in the future where everything that you know and love will change! By the way, that wheel was fake, there are more heroes like you. You'll never find the author of that journal Tyrone. If you keep looking you'll meet a dark fate! Until then I'll be watching you! I'll be watching you..." He disappeared and I said "So I guess Jr isn't a friend anymore." We started glitching out and I said "Shroom must be waking up!" Billy Dee went to Robotnick and Meme and said "Will I ever see you guys again?" Meme said "In your dreams." Robotnick said "P-" I said "This is a rated PG game! We are not doing that!" We all disappeared and woke up in Shroom's castle. I said "We did it! We beat Dark Star!" Shroom woke up and said "What? Dark Star? What are you guys doing here?" I said "We just saved your kingdom!" Chris said "Do you guys hear th-?" The wall exploded and Jr walked through it. He said "Oh hello Mushroom residents, did I wake you?" I said "But we defeated Dark Star." "Dark Star failed me! So I went to plan B, Bomb-Boms." Shroom said "What are you guys talking about?!" Jr said "Spoiler alert Princy, I got the deed to the castle and kingdom! So get off my property!" He grabbed a koopa phone and said "Daddy, bring it around the front." I said "Don't worry guys, it's all apart of the dream. Right.... Right?" We saw a giant airship charging to the castle with the whole koopa troop on it! We all ran out quickly and Bowser Jr blew part of the castle to parts. We all gasped and Shroom said "Tell me I'm dreaming...."

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