The Void (Rainbow 6 Siege x O...

By voidlupusofficial

7.5K 128 34

Logan Whitman is the most valuable asset of The White Mask. When a certain op goes south, Logan is captured... More

The Op
Where Am I?
Night One
A Choice
A New Life
The Fight
A Mission
Operation 'Oh Shit'
Well, that's not very nice (1K Special)
Getting to Know Her


114 4 4
By voidlupusofficial

A/N: I didn't really know how to do this because the story is getting kind of bland, I had an endpoint in mind, but I didn't know how to get there.  I haven't uploaded on my YouTube channel in a while because my clips in Premiere Pro are very grainy when I put them in the timeline.  It is what it is.  Thanks for reading. (TW for self-harm this chapter)

Once again, Logan Whitman was standing in a field of grass, nothing as far as the eye can see.  He chose a random direction, and started walking.  Still, after what felt like an eternity, there was nothing.  He felt hopeless.  There was nothing.  His dreams were just as empty as his soul.  The soldier laid on his back, and tried to forget.  Forget the horrors of his life.  Forget that he killed his own father.  Forget that he left his mother to die.  Forget that he pulled away from Taina when she needed him the most.  He closed his eyes and tried to forget.  

His eyes snapped open as Logan felt a weight slam into his back.


Logan groaned and turned his head to see who jumped on him, and of course, it was Hibana.  For the past month that he's been back, she slowly stopped acting like a mother hen and went back to her regular, playful self.


"Don't be a baby.  Get up, I want to get breakfast."

"What time is it?"


"Four?!  As in morning or afternoon?"


He moaned in despair and wormed his way out of the bed.  He dropped to the floor with a grunt.


"I'll meet you there," Yumiko remarked before skipping away.

Logan laid on the floor for a few minute before his memories started to rush in.  For the past 20 years, he'd been pushing them down and burying them but, it never worked.  He'd been reminded of everyone he's ever let down, all the ones he'd disappointed.  All the ones he left.  Logan got up before his brain could wander too far, and walked to the bathroom with his karambit knife.

Logan dressed his fresh wounds, and got dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie.  He stuck his knife in his pocket and put on his timbs before walking down to the cafeteria.  He found Hibana at her usual table, and sat down after he got his breakfast.

"Good morning," Yumiko sang.

"No, bad morning," her SAT counterpart, Echo, responded.

Smiling, Logan bit into a strip of bacon.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Siu dumped me," Echo mumbled.

Hibana gasped, "She didn't!"

"Mm-hm.  She thought I was cheating on her with Grace."

"But that's not entirely why you're looking like this, is it, Masaru?" Logan noticed.

Echo sighed, "No, she broke Yokai."

"THE BITCH!" Yumiko barked.  "I'm going to go give that asslicker a piece of my mind."

She rose to her feet, searching for the Chinese woman.

"Hibana, sit down," Logan tugged on her pant leg.

"No, no, I just want to talk to her."

"Yumiko, no," Echo insisted.

The Japanese operator ignored them and walked over to where the epileptic abusing operator was sitting.  Seeing the shadow over her plate, Ying looked up from her position and saw a very angry, very short Japanese woman standing over her. 

"Can I help you?" Siu asked nastily.

Instead of responding, Hibana drew her arm back, and let her fist find a new home, directly in the middle of Ying's aloof face.

The whole room went silent.

"Oh. . ." Echo whispered.  "Damn."

"I didn't think she'd actually do that," Logan rubbed at his eyes as if what he was seeing wasn't real.

"Should we break this up?" Echo inquired, suddenly concerned.

"No, no.  I want to see how this ends," Logan said as he pulled Castle down into his seat.

Ying slid out of her seat, and tried to army-crawl away as quick as she could, but Hibana grabbed the Chinese operator by her ankle, and dragged her back.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Turning the smaller woman over, Yumiko raised her fist to slam it into Ying's face again.  As it went down, Siu caught Yumi's wrist and twisted.  Hard.  There was a loud pop as her left wrist was dislocated.

"FUCK," Hibana shrieked.  "You stupid bitch!"

Hibana grabbed Ying by the collar with her good hand and slammed her down on the nearest table, which just happened to be full of hot coffee cups.  They tipped over and burned the Chinese woman, and the screams she emitted would make you think she was a demon sent by Morningstar himself.  Again, and again, and again, Hibana kept picking Siu up, and slamming her down.  It was only when the dents in the table started to become more noticeable, the screams from Ying stopped, and the blood started to seem like too much.

Both Castle and Logan had rushed over to Yumiko, pulling her back.

"Hey, that's enough, Yumi.  She's practically dead," Castle said calmly.

"Holy shit.  This doesn't look too good, Miles," Logan worried.

Castle turned to Rook, who was sitting a couple tables away, "Rook!  Where's Doc?"

"Still in medbay, helping out Eliza after her last op."

"Get him for me.  Now."

The French operator nodded and jogged to the medical wing.

Hibana had squirmed out of Castle's grip and turned to look at Ying's unconscious figure with disgust.

"She had it coming," she spat, nursing her wrist.

"So what?" Castle and Logan said in unison.

Logan continued, "Just because they needed to be knocked down a peg or two, doesn't mean you need to murder someone.  You didn't see me beating the everloving shit out of Oliver, did you?"

"IT'S OLIVIER," Lion called.

"Shut it, Frenchie!"

Hibana huffed before turning on her heel and walking to their room.

At this time, Rook had returned with the designated medic of Team Rainbow.  Doc pulled on a pair of medical gloves and checked Ying's pulse.

"Shes' still breathing.  Ba-" Doc caught himself and cleared his throat.  "Rook, please get me some anesthetics, alcohol, cotton pads, and a stretcher.  Whitman, you go with him."

They nodded and ran off.

On their way there, Logan watched Julien out of the corner of his eyes.  Once they were at the medbay, he leaned on the doorframe, and waited for Rook to look at him.

He finally noticed after gathering all the materials.


"I'm just thinking of how Gustave caught himself before he outed your relationship together."

Rook's breath caught, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about.  You and Doc are a thing.  Aren't you?"

The French operator looked across the hall to make sure no one was in earshot.

"Not a word to anyone.  Okay?"

"My lips are sealed."

Julien sighed and handed Logan the stretcher before they ran back to the mess hall.

It wasn't five seconds after they left the medbay that they heard an explosion that rocked the entire building.  Logan was thrown off his feet as Rook grabbed his P9 pistol that he always kept in his waistband.  He ran to the Irishman, helping him up.  They looked into each other's eyes and came to a silent conclusion.  Their loved ones are in danger.

The dropped the supplies and sprinted as fast as they could to the mess hall.  Turning the corner, Logan saw a massive hole in the roof, concrete slabs still falling, and hundreds of White Masks rappelling in.  The worst part of it all was, while everyone had evacuated, Ying and Doc were still there.  Doc's leg was trapped under a stone slab, while the table that used to have Ying resting on it was obliterated by a massive concrete slab.  There was no way Siu could have gotten away.  Logan's eyes rested on what remained of her.  A severed foot.  The blood splatters everywhere froze him in place.

Ying's . . . dead. 

Rook's yells snapped him back to the moment as he ran towards his lover.  Logan grabbed his karambit knife, stashed in his pocket, and unsheathed it.  Stained in his own blood, he rushed the nearest terrorist.  He grabbed the muzzle of the 552 Commando and pushed it away from him before ripping out the terrorist's throat.  Bloody and surprised, the White Mask dropped his gun and clutched at his throat, gargling blood while Logan watched with a sick satisfaction.

Whitman put his knife away and picked up the Assault Rifle and started unleashing on the intruders.  Not long after, Buck and Jackal joined him, still in full combat gear from their recent operation with Ash.  They ripped the White Masks a new one, while more and more operators joined the fight.  Echo, Mira, Ela, Zofia, and Vigil, ran in with their weapons and unleashed Hell on the invading forces.  It wasn't before long that most of the operators were in the mess hall, releasing an un-ending wave of lead.  Two or three more operators went down, but none with serious injuries.  Logan made his way to where Rook was still trying to pry Doc out of where he was trapped.

"Rook!  We need to do this together," Logan barked over the sound of gunfire.

He nodded in assent before dropping his pistol and putting his hands on the underside of the debris.  Logan dropped his empty 552 and did the same.

"3, 2, 1, NOW!" Logan shouted.

They grunted under the weight of the slab but were able to lift it a foot above Doc's leg.

He dragged himself out just in time.  The two couldn't hold it up any longer and were forced to drop it, where it slammed against the floor where Doc was not half a second ago.

Logan pulled out his knife again before grabbing Doc by the hind grip on his gear and dragged him to safety while Rook watched their safe retreat with his pistol.  When they made it to where the other operators were, Zofia tossed Logan her very own M762 Assault Rifle and four dual-sided mags.

"Isn't this yours?"

She smiled before showing off her LMG and walking back to her position.

Logan chuckled before loading the rifle and training it on the White Masks.

To Be Continued . . .

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