Loving You is a Losing Game

By remysratcolony9

6.2K 74 67

"ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʟᴏꜱɪɴɢ ɢᴀᴍᴇ" 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐢... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
Parting Words

chapter twenty-four

123 1 1
By remysratcolony9

"Agent Reid, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to step back. We're being her into surgery now, you can wait outside until she's finished alongside the rest of your team but I suggest getting yourself checked out first", the doctor said again.
Spencer POV:

I walked over to the bathroom in a daze- wondering how such a thing could happen, how there was a chance I could once again lose someone I loved so deeply. My face in the mirror before me, a distraught reflection of myself.

After taking a minute to collect myself, I walked back out to my team. Their eyes all focused on me with solemn expressions upon their faces.

JJ walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me before saying, "Spence I- How are you, really? Do you or the girls need anything?"

"I'm uh, I don't think I'm okay but I need to be right for the girls. I just- what am I going to tell them, how do I explain this to them- that they're mother is in the hospital on the brink of death and it's all my fault."

"Don't say that Spence, this is in no way your fault."

"Jennifer if I hadn't kept pushing him he could've let her go, maybe she wouldn't be the one in that hospital bed."

As soon as I said that I was brought back to what had happened not long ago.

"Thomas please, me for her", I said in a desperate last attempt.

"SHUT UP!", Thomas said bringing his finger closer and closer to the trigger.

I flinched, staring back up at a concerned JJ.

"I think we should both take a seat before I say this", she said.

She continued after we sat, "Would you have rather been in that hospital bed? I never thought I'd have to tell you this but be logical Spence, there's no way to know that he would've let her go."

"I want to know that, but my brain needs to blame someone and I can't blame Thomas now that he's dead and I feel at least some bit responsible."

"I get you Spencer, I do. Just know that I'm always here and so is the rest of the team okay."

"Thank you."

"Of course"

Seeing that JJ was no longer talking to me, Emily walked over.

"Spencer..", she said, "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now."

"Thank you Emily, Im trying to feel better but you know how it is. They told me to wait out here and I just feel so powerless- if I could do anything I would."

"I know Spencer, I know. That's one of the things we all love about you but right now there's nothing you can do, we just have to wait for her surgery to finish and hope that all goes well."

"I know, you're right. Excuse me for a second."

I walked across the waiting room to Luke who was sitting alone and in a similar state to myself.

"Hey Luke. How are you?"

"Not too great but I know you're feeling the same, I mean I've known her since we were kids and then the two of you have kids together. Speaking of, are they still with Garcia and do you think you'll tell them?"

"They're still with Garcia because Y/N's parents haven't been able to fly down yet and to answer your question, they're about to turn three so I don't think they'll understand it fully. I think I'll just bring them to see her once she's stable and try to explain it in a way where they would understand."

"No yeah I get you. I would do the same. You know, I just remembered when Y/N and I met for coffee back at the beginning of your relationship and she said that she knew you were the one for her the second you met. It's wild how things work out isn't it."

"It is, I had no idea she thought that. Luke I really don't know what I'll do if she isn't okay."

"I know but we'll figure it out together okay, her two confidants."

I nodded and was about to respond when I saw the doctor walk over.

"Mr. Reid, she was brought in just on time. The surgery was successful and you can come in to see her if you'd like. She should be waking up sometime soon."

"Of course, thank you so much doctor."

"It's no problem."

After filling in the team on her status, Luke and I walked into her hospital room and found her asleep so I sat down in a chair next to her bed, Luke asking for another so we could wait for her to wake up. A few minutes went by before she opened her eyes.
. . .

My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was Spencer and Luke.

"You woke up!", he said with tears streaming down his face.

"Spencer? Luke? Why am I in the hospital?"

"You don't remember anything that happened today?", Luke said.

"Not all of it but it must've been bad if it landed us here. Are my girls okay?"

"Yes, they're safe and sound with Garcia", Spencer said, "What is the last thing you remember?"

"I was sitting by the car with Tara when Emily came over saying I had to see Thomas in order for you to be let go but then he put a gun to my neck and-" she said sitting up in the hospital bed, "What ended up happening to Thomas, was I the only one hurt?"

"I'm so sorry my love, I'm just glad you're okay. Thomas was shot in the chest and didn't survive his injury. We were just just let in to see you so we're still not one hundred percent sure what state you're in right now."

Seconds later the doctor walked into the room.

"Speak of the devil", Luke said.

"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Reid, agent", the doctor said, "As you all know she was shot and required emergency surgery and we were able to remove the bullet. We performed some preliminary examinations to her surgery and found something I felt the need to mention."

"Yes ?", I said.

"Well one of the examinations tests for the HCG hormone and it showed that you had increased levels. Congratulations Y/N, you're pregnant and it seems to be around 5 weeks."

I froze, Spencer and I making eye contact with shocked expressions upon both of our faces.

"I uh- Really?", I said.

"Yes, I can show you the results if you'd like."

"That would be great."

I waved them over and we all stared at the sheet of paper.


My world turned. Would we want another child?

I looked up from the paper and asked, "When exactly can I be discharged?"

"I would say within a few days just to give you some time to rest and recuperate, especially with the recent news."

"Right, thank you doctor"

"No problem", he said before exiting the room.

"Wow so um I'm going to leave the two of you to talk about all of this. I'll be back tomorrow guys", Luke said as he leaned over, giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek before waving Spencer goodbye.

"So", Spencer said, "Do you want to keep it? I know this is a lot for you, my just coming back along with Thomas, the twins, and now adding a new baby into the mix I-"

"Spence, I know it's a lot but if I could handle the twins alone I think I could handle one more with you by my side. You better not go anywhere Mr. Reid"

He stared down at you with smile on his face, "Never Ms. Reid"

"Spencer I swear to god if you propose to me right now in my hospital bed I'm blocking your number", you joked.

"I wouldn't be THAT obvious, you'll just have to wait and see."

"Well then", you said with a slight smirk upon your face.
. . .
There was now only one day until you were able to leave the hospital and you asked Garcia to bring the twins over for a bit as it had been over a week since you'd last seen them.

As soon as they entered the hospital room they ran towards you and Spencer, him picking them up and hugging them before allowing one on the bed at a time.

"My loves, did you two have fun with Auntie Pen?"

"Yes!", little Spencer said.

"We painted and movies!", Sydney said.

"Wow! Did you bring us some of your artwork or do we have the privilege of seeing it when we get home?", said Spencer.

"Well I figured a little bit of both would be good so I asked them to pick their favorite drawing each and bring it with them. Are you ready girls?", Garcia said.

Sydney and little Spencer then grabbed their pieces from Garcia and handed them over to you.

"Wow you two, this is so good!", you said.

"I suggest we hang it in the house", said Spencer.

"Good idea Spence."

Little Spencer stared up at you for a moment before deciding to ask about why you were in the hospital. You and Spencer then tried to explain it to her and her sister in the easiest way to understand.

A good amount of time went by and it was time for the twins to go, you and Spencer hugging them and Garcia goodbye for the day. You fell asleep shortly after, excited for your discharge from the hospital in the morning.

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