Lost girls hidden

By Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... More

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 45- Divination

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By Bluethewolf

Undead King's Estate

King Erik sat in his chair at the dining room table. Across at his side were Grand Alpha Axel and his Lady wife, Lyra. Tension had not left with the sisters' departure of his lands. Still, it intensified when one of his advisers had made a rude comment about Maya and her family, staining the royal family's name even further with their presence. That man did not live to utter another disrespectful word against Maya. Erik kept his eyes closed, leaning his forehead against his fist while Maya's parents stated their reasons for leaving after them. 

"Grand Alpha, as your daughter made clear. I intend to keep your family safe. I gave her my word," Erik reminded him of Ace's last request and threat.

"King Erik, it's taken a great deal of me to not rip yer throat out with my teeth. Do not utter what your intentions that involve my daughters." Axel growls. Lady Lyra merely glances at her husband. The fury of the wolf disappeared in seeing her worried eyes. Axel took her hand into his.

"We will stay; the other leaders want to blame us for this attack on the town. I cannot run as I did before it's time I addressed this as Luna and Lady to my Lord and Alpha but also to my family." Lyra spoke out with graciousness. This amazed King Erik. He couldn't deny it.

The Luna and Enchantress and the Faes and the Mayor of the city are looking for who to blame. Better the sisters left when they did only now comes the matter in dealing with the aftermaths.

Aaron passed the grand dining room. He had spoken to anyone when his sisters left. Their words plague his mind, and it torments him. He walked endlessly on the grounds and the halls of the estate.

"Aaron?" Lyra calls out to him; he stopped for a moment, ignored his Mother's call, and walked but two steps forward.

"AARON!" Axel roars out to him; this scared everyone in the household. Reagan's cries overheard after the roar. No choice, he walked back to the grand room. Facing his parents Kat and Maya's words echoed in his mind. Lyra came over him, trying to look into his eyes, but he avoids them.

"Aaron lobo loco mírame." Lyra called him by his nickname. Aaron hadn't heard it in so long that his Da can't pronounce it the way Lyra did. It causes his heart to ache, and the voices spoke louder. Lyra tiptoed to her son and kissed his forehead, the voice silenced.

"Wha-?" Aaron exclaimed, feeling the tingling of magic off his forehead. Lyra tips down.

"Your Ñañas accidentally jinxed you. The voices are gone now?" She mentions Aaron nodded.

"Don't blame them. Your sisters are still coming into their powers. Getting stronger every day."  She stated to him, Aaron overwhelmed with all that's happen.

"Mom, I-I knew what you and Da had to do for all our sakes. But for so long you suffer from Ñañas," He responded in sadness she embraced her son close.

"Aaron, come here. It's bout time I told you how this all came to be," She stated Aaron never heard about the story only that his father kept telling hi the past stays in the past.

"Lyra, I'm not sure," Axel interjected but Lyra took his hand and her son's holding them both.

"Axel, we kept this from our children long enough it's time. Mami's right; we failed our son and our daughters by keeping this from them. It was my decision, and you supported me in it." She reveals. King Erik clears his thaort and bowed his head slightly to the Lord and Lady and their son.

"If I may, Lady Lyra entrust something to you." He asks politly "You may,"Lyra responded 

"When Maya was in my care, at night she would talk in her sleep muttering a language I couldn't understand." He stops to remember then rephrases the words.

"Olvidé tu identidad. . . La magia y la naturaleza de tus tres líneas de sangre. Borrar los recuerdos de nuestras vidas antes de este día." (Forgot your identity. . . the magic and nature of your three bloodlines. Erase the memories of our lives before this day

"Suyal, poma, qispi," Lyra mentions in her native language. Aaron understands the meaning of the words.

"Hope, powerful, free." Aaron translates these words. Lyra was proud of her son for remembering them. They walked back to the table; Axel's hands shook the first time Aaron seen it; Lyra wraps her hands over them, kissing his knuckles.

"Chaska, Inti, Killa." She called Aaron knows them well, including Axel. It's the only one he knows personally. Erik sat down across from them as Aaron sat beside his parents.

"Star, Sun, and Moon," He reveals. Lyra nodded. "I was still young in a new land, and it's people I recently married a stubborn hot-headed wolf and Laird of the land. It made my position even more difficult. Many were against our marriage, his family and the church suspected me a witch." Lyra explains as she continues the viewing of the room changed before anyone knew it.

The scenery changed from the grand hall to stone walls and old tapestries and furniture of old century decor. Lyra looked precisely young and but her face filled with agony and worry.

She was crying and holding her belly, for she knew and felt it earlier that day. They can hear heavy footsteps running up to the room; she stood up.

"Lyra!" A younger Axel came into the room, embracing Lyra in arms. "I've received news from Mum. I'm so happy, Lyra. We'll have a child. We can raise them here together a-and," The door slams open, and Aaron gasps in seeing who it was.

"Axel, witch, I've just heard the news. Is it true are ye with bairn?" Aciel Dire, Laird of Dire castle and Alpha of the pack during that time. Who had Axel with Iona Lady Dire to bring peace between their pack over the lands.

"Yes, Laird, I felt a kick this morning, and Lady Iona confirmed it," Lyra explained to him Aciel glares down at Lyra, and he can hear the heart being within Lyra's body. He was displeased.

"Mm Lady Iona has prayed for your blessing of a child. So right now, Axel, I brought you the daughter of the Alpha from the west; I brought her here so she can provide you a proper heir to inherit. A full-blooded heir for our clan," He announces. Axel stood there stunned, and Lyra slapped Aciel across the face.

"Lyra," Axel grabbed her and pulled her away from Aciel, quickly putting her behind him.

"Ye old fool, I married Lyra our bairn is legitimate to our laws of this land. Having a child out of the bounds of marriage won't sit well with the church," Axel reminds him. His argument only made Aciel smirk and chuckle.

" 'Tis, I, the fool? Axel Ye is marrying a witch and a half-breed at that. Ye, yerself condemned her to the fire and that of the innocent bairn. Ignoring that our people or I will not accept the bairn. Be merciful like the peasants who leave their child to die in the woods."

"I won't abandon my child, never." Lyra snarls at Aciel over Axel's shoulder. Aciel takes only a step towards them, Looking down at her.

"Ye are a smart lass witch, even ye know to be the sense of reason for me son's mistake," Aciel noted, leaving the room closing the door behind him; Lyra collapsed on her knees, Axel took her in his arms.

"Don't listen to the old fool, "He told her and had shouted down to have fresh water delivered to their room. Lyra's tears run down her cheeks. She looks at her husband.

"He's right, Axel. You can't deny it either," Lyra stated. A maid who came to deliver the water was frightful upon seeing Lyra and nearly dropped the water. The maid's fear angered Axel more. He grabs the water from her.

"Leave us!" He roared. The poor maid ran off scared; Axel slammed the door close. He took one of the small rags that were clean, soaking it in the water—wiping gently on Lyra's face.

"I'll change the laws and enforce it. Our child will not suffer as ye did when arriving here," Axel yelled out to him. He believed with his power, he can change and fight against the British against Aciel and the land laws.

"Axel, I was washed ashore here five years ago. Even before we married, I had suffered on this land trying to make a living and faced trials long before I became your wife. Still, even with your title, nobles utter slurs and consider my race inferior," Lyra informs him. Axel places the water down on their bed.

"Who! I'll rip their heads off their bodies for insulting you!" He roars out, panting his fangs exposed; Lyra stared at him and got up and hugged Axel close to her.

" Axel hears my words," Lyra told him, calming him down. He listened to his wife and by hearing their child's heart beating strong. He embraced her carefully and kneeled to her, his head on her stomach, kissing her belly, looking up at her.

"I will protect this child no matter what, Ly, I promise." Lyra cries, hugging his head close to her. The scene disappears to where Lyra and Axel were attending a gathering. Everyone came in paying tribute to the newlyweds and their coming arrival. Lyra forced herself to smile and be a hostess to the noble families, and Lady Iona hated Aciel for forcing her to do so.

"Lyra comes here, darling," Iona beckons her to be seated by her. She knew Lyra had much on her mind. Axel and his brothers Lyam and Fergus talked to other noble sons and Fathers about the campaign in rebelling against the British.

"Yes, Mama Iona" She and her have an excellent relationship prefer her over the other women her son had slept with over the years. Lady Iona respected Lyra in surviving in an unknown land, heard of Lyra's magic, and brought her to court.

"My girl, I know of what Aciel said and even bringing the girl to this gathering. Insults you, I do not mind if you're able to cast a small curse over the old fool," Iona advised; they giggled, and Lyra held her hand over her swollen belly, stroking her belly. The baby moved.

"I cannot. It's against what I believe, Mama Iona, plus he's the father of your children," Young Lyra concluded. She felt terrible that she couldn't use her ability to bring love between her father and mother-in-law. Most arrangements are loveless.

"Me dearie girl, I told ye I do not hold a sense of love for the man. Marriages are many things, but mine and his are an agreement for the terms of peace. Axel, Lyam, and Fergus were a result of that. But I see the way ye and Axel love each other that is a blessing." Iona commented, holding onto Lyra's hands and stroke her belly softly, imagining the child walking and running through the great halls.

"I do hope it's a girl," Iona expressed. Lyra giggled happily, and then she spotted Kazaf, her longtime friend studying under a great Druid, the last of the significant magical era.

"My lady, I heard of your condition, and I'm here to present you with a gift if I may," Kazaf expressed. Iona was always fond of him and the excellent gentleman manners he had when with Lyra. But Lyra, not used to the court life, got up and hugged Kazaf in front of everyone.

"It's great to see you, Kazaf," She expressed. He frowns on letting her go. Many of the nobles were disgusted by her actions, with the mage no shame that her husband was there. It was customary for hugs in her tribe and the mountains.

"I wish it was the same for me. I heard of the news that Laird Aciel brought the daughter of the west Alpha here to produce a proper heir. I'm sorry, Lyra," Kazaf heard it announced to the village and other neighboring towns and mountains, highlands.

"It's alright; Axel told Tyler his second to distract her while she's here. A polite girl to I thinks her name is Ginny her grandmother came as her chapter to Ginger they called her. A healer, I think," Lyra was talking fast but knew she was overthinking again.

"So her being here isn't getting to you," Kazaf adds, helping make Lyra a plate of meat and pies for her. Seeing the grand table shake by an unknown force.

"I mean, it could be me being pregnant, but I think snapping her neck and drinking her blood will properly make me sick," She commands as Kazaf hands her the plates she dug right in her favorite apple pie.

"Good to know your sharp wit didn't lessen," Kazaf teased at her Lyra gobbles the pie and meat whole. "As a soon-to-be Mother gotten worse. You got me a present, what is it?" Lyra asks, putting the plate down on the table wiping her face and fingers with a napkin.

"Oh, it's um something that I've found upon my studies with the Druid. And it might help you and -him with Laird Aciel's intention with your child." Lyra stops, and then Axel came up behind Kazan. It's no secret that Axel had fun teasing or fair bullying Kazaf, but without him, he would've never have been able to marry Lyra.

"Kazan, where have ye been head stuck to yer books again?" Axel teases Kazaf as a powerful mage, but due to his marriage to Lyra, her magic protects him and his family; therefore, his spells will reverse onto him, and he doesn't want to prove the theory.

"Ah, Axel, I've come to my dear friend's aid. Considering ye placed her in this position," Kazaf remarks, Axel grabs him by his collar, knowing fully well of Kazaf's feeling towards Lyra.

"Enough, Axel let him go," Lyra held on his hands, loosening his grip on Kazaf's. Axel angrily leaves them already angry with his father, and maybe a quick hunt with the packmates would clear his mind. Kazan and Lyra went to her tower that belongs to the healers. The tower is a gift to Lyra as a gift from her mother-in-law and Axel.

Kazan brought a giant ancient and dusty book that Druids wrote in the ancient text of magic. That can old be read by those who possess magic. Included Lyra, she read of the contents of the spell.

"To extract hereditary from an unborn vessel, therefore, creating a primal heritage." She read the page looking over at Kazan. Lyra raises her head from the page. "Is this possible?" She asks, holding onto her breath.

"It is. I've seen it happen when unborn children develop rare disorders within the womb," Kazaf mention he had good faith regard to calculated formulas and proven theories. But for Lyra, she had faith in herself and those she deems notable.

"Were they human?" She asks, knowing most magic can complete work with only human children and affects species differently comparing their origins.

"Yes, but I'm sure if this the early stages of your pregnancy, there won't be any harm done to the baby." He reassures her, but Lyra knows she taught at a young age when it comes to more power; there's always a price why they stayed in the mountain until she came down from them.

"This can't be too easy with this kinda spell. There's to be a price? Creating life is one thing but completely changing and reshaping it is another matter." She phrases sensing something near her wards warned her. She placed them all about the castle.

"How clever of ye gal," A man with a hooded robe appears from the flames of the caldron Kazaf gasps, bowing his head to the Druid. Lyra stayed where she was reviewing the book.

"I-I Ancient Druid," Kazaf stutters upon the man's presence. Lyra remained calm and held her stomach.

"Silence Kazaf ye taking its book from its resting place was already a violation of me taking ye on as my apprentice. But the other mages, witches and warlocks and enchanters can sense the book." He mentions Lyra steps forth the Druid turns his attention to her power.

"Please, he brought it to me to save me from my position, not only I but my child," Lyra expressed, taking the book and walking over to the Druid, offering it back. The Druid examined her.

"Yer of two drops of blood heritage. How extraordinary and the child I can sense its blood as well, even more, astonishing _the first of its existence." He added she holds on to the baby, shivering, scared for her baby.

"An existence already targeted," She added this pique his interest. "How so?"The Druid walks forward; Kazaf got up from the floor, stays near Lyra in case of anything.

"My father-in-law warned me that my child's birth would bring disorder and rebelling due to my heritage. I placed my child and husband at risk and what they hold dear on this land." She stated the truth many opposite her marriage with the future Laird of the land and castle.

"Ye seem to care an awful amount of opinions," Druid asks Lyra stood her grown looking straight at the Druid, which not many did, for he held a high position of great respect even amongst the noble families.

"They are facts. Facts that I ignored when it was just my husband and me. I-I cannot and will not let my child go through what I had to." She declares, not breaking her glare of the Druid's eyes.

"Dear gal, ye don't know what you're asking for," He warns her Lyra chuckled, walking towards him with great effort.

"Kazan holds you in great regard in healing human children and alike within the species of immortals. I know my existences are looked down upon, but I have a choice to eradicate the obstacles that will cause my child harm," She declared out of love for her future child.

"Ye ask to take away a part of your child, ye want yer child to have only his father's hereditary and not yours," He notes to her. She raises out her hand to show him.

"Not entirely. Within my blood, there's a rare power even one such as yourself doesn't process." She knew what she was doing despite going against her mother and grandmother's warnings about sharing their secrets and abilities with those outside the family.

"Aw yes, Kazaf told me yer ability to gain control of someone's mind and use them," He added. She glares at Kazaf; she told him because he was her only friend there in the court and upon arriving on this unusual land.

"Only I can enter the minds of immortals alike." Druid falls silent, looking at her. "I know this spell comes at a price. If I offer you that ability, can you help me save my child," She appeals to him; her power alone cannot perform the spell.

"Mm, that can come quite in handy. Why don't you use this ability against yer father in law to protect yer child then? Why go through this in trying to change the natural course that we all have to go through."He wonders. Lyra laughs and knows it foolish admits it in full.

"Because I know the moment they know of my ability, they'll kill my child and me. I truly love my husband. They will say otherwise that I used my ability to brainwash him so that I can survive. That is the way I refused to use it," She reveals, frowning at her reasoning, sad that she still keeps her sense regarding the magic within her.

"Wise girl, but you do know that it will come back to you in full," He reminds her she took a few breaths when he mentions the payment. That didn't discourage her.

"I will deal with it myself; my husband gave me this child. But I will be the only one carrying it and withstand the pain of heaven and hell for it to survive. I was a hybrid who suffered alone, faced prejudice simply for being born as I am. If it's in my power, I change it for the child." Lyra monologed to them. Druid had lived many centuries seen many wars and deaths in these lands seeing the people and their invaders kill each other for power, land, and wealth.

For Lyra, she only cared for what she holds. Dear is her family and the child that will carry on her love and legacy alongside his father. Lyra had done the ritual with the Druid, where she had extracted her blood and her husband's blood where she obtained from his battles.

They were placing their drops of blood together over her belly, where the child was growing. The symbols of their signs, the moon for Axel and the sun, stars drawn over her womb. Lyra held onto her belly, holding it close.

"My child, when you are born, lead the full-bloods and respect the half-blood of your Mother. Forgive me, for I was born with misfortune. I'll save you from the life of misery." She cried, wiping away the tears and straighten herself up, going through with the spell.

The blood painted on her womb blacken the symbol of the moon remained glowing brightly, as Lyra started to sweat and felt a pain most likely to labor; seeing the Druid extract the blood of Lyra's mixed blood from her womb, she tried her best not to scream.

Axel heard her pain and ran towards her. The tower Kazaf bolted the door. With his rage, he ripped apart the door and slid through the broken pieces. Lyra passed out from the extraction, and quickly Axel goes to his wife and child.

"Ly wakes up, please," Axel gently shook her. Lyra's eyes snapped open, and only her eyes were white. She breathed in, and her eyes returned to normal.

"Uh Lyra, ye scared me," He said, holding her; he quickly turned to Kazaf and the Druid, who was holding the blood of the unborn child in the symbol of the sun and stars.

"I will wait until the child is born to return this to you," The Druid mentioned Axel was being held back by Lyra tightly. He was still fighting his instincts with protecting his mate and child: the urge to mangle and maw at the Druid.

"Can't you use it as payment?" Lyra asks, desperately groaning; Axel grabbed ahold of his wife's arm, helping her up. Axel looks down at Lyra.

"Ly- w-what did you do?" Axel asks Lyra tears fall to her cheek. The Druid took one of the glass vials and placed the blood within it, symbolizing the sun and stars engrained on the glass.

"I cannot say lass, not for this magic. Its outcome and price can't be predetermined," The Druid told her, walking over them, Axel growling and baring his teeth at him and the Druid not amused.

"I don't know what ye see in this mindless wolf, but for the sake of yer child, I hope ye don't regret the choice you made on behalf of yer child," He warns and disappears from the tower room. Kazan came over to help Lyra with her side effects; Axel threw him across the room.

"Axel!" Lyra cries out, but Kazaf couldn't breathe. Axel choked him."What did ye do to her!" Axel demanded to know Kazaf hits his wrist to try to get him to loosen his grip over his neck. Lyra whimpers the made Axel drop Kazaf and went straight to Lyra.

"Argh, ugh," Kazaf took a deep breath in; Axel looked into his wife's eyes. They were black, not her usual ruby red, and her fangs disappeared. Kazan got up and took some of the ale they had in the tower.

"Axel, when the moon is near, ye cannot leave Lyra unattended her immune system is not as strong as before. Ye must give her yer strength and power to her through the moon cycle." Kazan instructed them. He had to catch his breath.

"Mom?" Aaron calls to his Mom, crying. "Was I a hybrid?"

"You never were my son; I couldn't let it happen. You were born full blood with none of my magic born into you." She explained, and the scene cut towards her labor with Aaron holding the precious baby. Iona and Axel were present at the birth, the first male to see his child born.

It still brings Axel to tears upon remembering his son's birth.

"My son, my beautiful son," Young Lyra cries, stroking her pale son, who looks so much like his father. Iona cried, thanking God for a safe delivery and having a saint protect him. The room burst opens with Aciel and the daughter of the west. She apologizes to Lyra for barging in.

"So the child is born, give him to me," Aciel demanded. Iona stepped in front of Lyra and the baby.

"Ye will not touch our grandsire!" Iona warns him Axel climbed onto the bed holding his son and Lyra together; Aciel stares at Axel, ashamed his brothers heard the baby's cry and felt their Mother's heart beating fast.

"Having yer mother as a shield. I raised ye, not a coward." Aciel insulted him; Lyra didn't have the strength to hold on to her son; she was exhausted. She fainted silently, her eyes on her baby.

"Move, Iona, "Aciel warned her. She didn't obey, so he pushed her aside. Axel jumped off the bed, slammed his father into the ground, and started to punch him over and over again. Aciel stopped Axel's fist. Throwing him away, Axel quickly grabbed his ankle to keep him from going near them.

The daughter of the west came to Lyra's aid. "Luna Lyra," She spoke out to her. Aciel hovered over the baby, smelling him, examing him, then took his little hand and slid his claw down, cutting the poor thing.

The baby wails out in pain, Aciel smelled the blood. Lyra's powers returned to her; she awoke and stood up. Her eyes were ruby red, Aciel stared at her. Lyam and Fergus helped Axel and Iona off the ground.

"How is he a . . . fool-," Aciel stops Lyra has him in her command," Apologize for_ and wrap my child in my blanket. Kiss your wife's feet and congratulate your Axel," Lyra commanded him Aciel, the terrible husband and father, did as Lyra commanded him.

He gave the baby back to her.

She released him. He was stunned; Lyra soothes the child calmly. "Wise decision he'll be strong and won't be left in the woods to die. We now have an heir for our clan. Once his father deems worthy, we will train the lad." Aciel proclaimed, leaving the room. Iona runs over to Lyra and the baby.

"Thank ye," Axel bowed his head slightly to the daughter of the est and granted she join his pack and marry his second beta, a young wolf named Tyler. The scene ended with Axel and Lyra overhearing the cheers and celebration of their son's birth.

"Have you thought of a name?" Lyra asks Axel. He groans in holding his son," Wished he had yer eyes he can scare the banshee with a stare like yers." He mentioned Lyra sighs, heavily tried and exhausted from giving birth.

"It was for the best, Axel. Your father won't oppose you and him in his claim. Axel, the Conquistador, invaded my people, tormented and nearly wiped from the earth. He will survive, and his life will be better."

"Lyra, he's yer son as much as mine yers. We made him he should have all our great qualities, not just mine. But since ye decided for his sake, I can only support ye and him," He noted Lyra cried as he kissed her forehead. He looks back at the sleeping babe in his arms.

"Aaron 'tis his name," Axel mentioned. Lyra smiles, liking the name."It's beautiful," She mentions groaning from the pain of her lower body. She shouldn't have stood up earlier.

"Give him his middle name something of yer culture," He said. Lyra chuckled, thinking it over, mumbling a few words in her language."Since it means strength and brave." Lyra explains they were happy if only it could've lasted longer. Soon after Aaron's birth, he was baptized in a church, proving he wasn't a child born of a witch.

It was then the Druid came forth with a prophecy that came to him. He prophecized that beings born of three bloodlines will be tormented and forsaken by the world. They will inherit power beyond creation and destruction. They alone will determine if the world is worthy of them." He foretold them then the scenery became darkness, babies cried out to them, Axel and Lyra recognized the cries.

"Mihijas," Lyra calls out, then a figure steps forth from the darkness. It appeared before them with silver hair. Lyra reaches out to it; it was Ace stepping out of the shadows. Ace stood there smiling at them.

"Ace, I'm so sorry, please forgive me," Lyra cries out towards her; Ace steps forward, reaching out her hand a glow of dark and light emerged when she connected with Lyra. Ace kissed her Mother's forehead. Let's her go. She goes over to her father and brother, embracing them close.

She steps back from them and makes her hand into a fist, and rubs it in a circular motion across her chest. She was rubbing around her heart because she's genuinely sorry. The connection broke out from them.

"Ace! Ace! No mi hija!" Lyra cries out. Axel holds onto her. Aaron stared where she was standing there before her; the sign was she was genuinely sorry to them. Erik stood there amazed by what he witnessed. Aaron bent down to his Mother.

"She forgave you, Mami," Aaron told her; she cries out, hugging him. Axel held his son and wife in his arms. Erik gasps in realizing the real power of the Sinchi family. He'll keep the family safe until they are sent word to when they can travel on ahead. 

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