I Fell For My Geeky Best Frie...

By little_angel_

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Eric and Lori have been best friends since they were in diapers. Lori is the typical tomboy who loves to be a... More

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend


6.8K 118 20
By little_angel_

SOOOOO here's another chappyy!! :D Hope you enjoy. please don't forget to comment and vote

-Mercedes <3

also there's a picutre of Delilah on the side ------>


“TRY-OUTS!” Dylan shouted in my ear while I was at my locker getting my books.

“Ow!” I said grabbing my ear. I playfully slapped his arm and headed off to class. I had biology first period. I was extremely excited about dissecting frogs today.

I walked into the room to see some girls whining to each other.

“I don’t want to dissect frogs. That’s like utterly gross” I heard one wail. I rolled my eyes and took my seat next to David.

“Ready for today?” I asked him.

“I was born ready” he smirked at me. I sighed and watched as Drew casually walked into class a second before the bell rang.

We got to choose our own groups. David and Drew instantly linked arms with me. We walked over to the table and there was a dead frog on its back in a tray and tools beside it. David, Drew, and I all got to work.

We were done before everyone else so we sat down and watched everyone else freak out. I covered my mouth from laughing too loud when a guy fainted when the frog guts got on his shirt.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. The realization of soccer tryouts was only 30 minutes away.  I was so nervous and excited at the same time. 

Finally the bell rang and I rushed to my locker to put my books away. I grabbed some pair of shorts and a t-shirt and my soccer cleats and went to the girls’ locker room to change.  When I walked in I saw Delilah putting away her clothes that she wore today and had her try-out clothes on.

“Hey, you ready to kick some butt out there today?” I asked changing into my shorts.

“Totally” she smiled. I finished changing and put my stuff in my locker before heading out with my best friend. When we walked out on the field it was divided so that the boys were on one side and the girls on the other.

Delilah and I were warming up and kicking the ball back and forth when Eric came walking over to us.

“Hey guys” he said with his head down. “The list came up today” he said with his head still hung down.

“Oh Eric, I’m so sorry.” I came over to him and gave him a hug. That’s why I didn’t want him to try-out in the first place. I don’t like seeing my best friend this hurt.

“Why?” he looked up smiling. I gave him a confused look.

“I made the team” he picked me up and twirled me around

“Jerk, you tricked me” I laughed. He put me down and hugged me again. Then he turned to Delilah and hugged her too.

 “I’ll be on the bleachers cheering you on.” he winked. He gave me one last hug and kissed my cheek before heading up to the bleachers. I watched him as he went over and sat beside Dylan, and… Christopher? What was he doing here? Before I could question any further Drew came over.

“Good luck, though you two won’t need it, you’ll kick ass” he smiled at Delilah and I.

“Thanks Drew, you too” I smiled and gave him a hug. Delilah gave him a hug too before he went back over to his side. After he was gone she turned and looked at me

“It feels like grade 6 all over again” she joked referring about Drew when he wasn’t a jerk.

“Yeah well something tells me that grade 6 is coming again” I smiled looking in Drew’s direction. I saw David and waved at him. He saw me and waved back. Delilah turned around and waved at David as well. He saw her and his face lit up. He waved back at her before kicking the ball to Drew. I looked over at Delilah who was blushing. I shook my head and laughed.

“What” she said still blushing

“Nothing” I smiled and kicked the ball. We continued doing this for the next five minutes before Coach Martinez blew the whistle signaling us to come and circle around her.

“Alright girls we’re going to start by doing some laps around the field. Then we’re going to do some skill testing and end off with a mini game” she cheered. We broke out onto the field and started our jogging. Delilah and I were in the front. We kept an easy past but we were way ahead of the others. We finished our laps in no time. The rest of the try-outs Delilah and I dominated. We were put on the same team when we were playing our mini game. By the end of try-outs Delilah and I were sweating up a storm. Coach called us back into a huddle.

“You girls were amazing today, which is only going to make my job harder” she sighed. “The list will be posted up on Friday. Okay that’s it, you guys can go change.” We headed for the locker room and on the way we congratulated the girls that tried out.

“That was great” I exclaimed as I was changing. Eric, Dylan and Christopher were there when we got out of the locker room.

“You guys were amazing!” Eric smiled. I ran over and jumped on him. He caught me effortlessly and twirled me around. He put me down after a while and gave Delilah a hug. Dylan came up from behind Christopher and gave both me and Dee big hugs.

“I’m so proud of my girls” he said still hugging us.

“Stop embarrassing me Dylan” she blushed. My face held amusement. Since when has Delilah ever been embarrassed, especially by Dylan? I looked over to see David heading over towards us and raised an eyebrow. Now it all made sense.

“Did you guys kick ass?” David asked as he approached us.

“For sure” I told him giving him a fist pound. I saw Drew heading in our direction.

“I saw you two dominate out there. Way to be guys – girls” Drew joked. I looked over at Delilah to see her staring dreamily at David. I stifled at laughter. Eric saw me looking at Delilah and looked over at her. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at me. I shook my head and smiled. He knew I’d explain later.

“Oh my look at the time” I said looking at my watch less wrist. “I’ve got to get home and start on my homework. Drew, Dylan, Eric walk me to the parking lot?” I smiled angelically. Dylan gave me a confused look but didn’t argue.

“Alright, come on Delilah” he said clueless. I smacked my forehead and grabbed his arm.

“Something tells me that Delilah isn’t finished telling David about try-outs. See you guys later” I rushed as I pushed the boys towards the parking lot. Chris sauntered after us. 

“What the heck is going on in your head woman” Drew asked.

“Nothing” I smiled.

“Who wants to get some ice-cream?” I asked

“I'm headed over to Drake’s so sorry I'm going to have to bail on this one” Dylan said sadly.

“It’s alright buddy” I told him then turned to Drew.

“I’m not busy” he smiled at me. I heard Eric growl low at his response. I put my hand on his chest to calm him down. Eric isn’t as willing to give Drew a chance as much as I am.

“Actually we have band practice” Christopher reminded him.

“Oh crap I forgot, sorry I guess we have to do this another time then” Drew said hopefully. I smiled and nodded my head. His face lit up and gave me a hug. He released me and left with Chris.

“Well I guess it’s just me and you buddy” I smiled as I turned to face him

“I’m so okay with that” he beamed. I rolled my eyes and headed towards my house.

Eric and I did nothing for an hour and a half.

“I’M BORED” I wailed. I was sitting upside down on my couch with my head almost touching the ground and my legs resting on the couch. Eric was sitting upright staring at the blank T.V. screen.  Eric and I barley had any homework and were done it in mere seconds. I wish I had taken longer time doing it. It was silent and we could hear the annoying tick – tock from the clock. There was nothing on T.V. There was nothing to do period.

“Want to go outside and do something… before I DIE!” I shouted the last part.

“It looks really murky” Eric said concerned as he looked out the window. “Are you sure you want to go outside. It looks like it’s going to rain. If you really want to go out go get a jacket” he said strictly

“What are you my father” I teased

“No I’m your best friend who’ll be very upset if you get sick.”

“Aw, I’m touched you care so much about me” I said sarcastically.

“That and I don’t want to have to take care of you” he smirked teasingly.

“Name one time you took care of me when I was sick” I pressed.

“How about when you had your tonsils taken out and I bought you all the ice cream you could eat and was by your side every minute – well not every minute. They wouldn’t allow me in when they were taking your tonsils out, but I was by your side in the hospital ‘til you got out. Or about the time when you had the chicken pox, who was there to scratch the places you couldn’t reach, even though I told you shouldn’t scratch them because you might get scars. Or how about the –” 

“Okay, okay, you’re the best. I get it” I said getting up. I went to my room and got my jacket. I went back downstairs and Eric was waiting for me by the door.

“Okay let’s go” I smiled                

“After you my lady” he said attempting to do a British accent. 

“Great accent” I muttered before heading outside. I looked up and the sun was covered with dark clouds. Eric was right the sky did look “murky” The wind made my hair blow in all directions. I probably looked like Medusa. Eric came from behind and grabbed my hand. I didn’t notice until Eric took my hand that they were freezing. He started rubbing them while we headed to the park. We didn’t even make it pass the end of the driveway before rain started pouring on us like there was no tomorrow. I looked up at the sky. Rain was coming down extremely hard. It felt like God was pouring a bucket of water on us. I heard Eric chuckle lightly as we headed back inside.

“You think this is funny” I glared at him.

“Only a little” he smiled. We went back inside soaking wet. I sighed; I’m back to square one; being bored. Eric went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I followed him reluctantly. It was only 7:00 and I didn’t know what to do.

“Let’s go to the game room” Eric suggested. I let out a deep exaggerated sigh.

“I don’t want to” I whined. Eric sighed and closed the fridge door.

“What do you want to do then” he asked sounding wary.

“I don’t know” I sighed miserably. Then an idea came to my head.

“What came first the chicken or the egg?” I asked. He looked at me amusement all over his face.

“The chicken obviously came first” he smiled. I opened my mouth to say something but he raised his hand.

“Seriously are we actually having this conversation” he smirked. I huffed and patted my wet hair.

“I'm going to go take a shower” I told him. We both went to my room and I went to take a shower. When I came out Eric who now was in dry clothes was watching T.V. I sat down next to him on my bed and he put his head in my lap. I smiled as I looked down at him. He seemed so helpless and fragile. My Eric. The thought made me smile even more. I started to run my hands through his hair and I felt him shiver. I thought he was cold so I pulled the cover up on him. He shrugged the cover off and sat up. He looked at me with intensity in his eyes.

“You’re my best friend,” he smiled. I raised my eyebrow. Where did that come from?

“I know, and you’re mine” I said still confused as to why we were even having this conversation. He smiled sadly before he rested his head back in my lap. I paused for a second trying to decipher his reason as to why he would bring that up at a time like this. I gave up and continued playing in his hair.

Time drew on and it felt like hours Eric and I stayed there, him lying on my lap while I played in his hair. I don’t know how longs it’s been but after a while Eric started snoring lightly. I felt myself become heavy with sleep as well. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back on the backboard of my bed.


I woke up to warm soft hands on my face. My eyes fluttered open to see Eric smiling down at me.

“Wake up, love” he teased. At first I was dazed and thought this was a dream, but then everything became clearer. I got up and stretched yawning in the process.

“Go take a shower” Eric ordered. I looked at him then smelled under my armpits.

“I don’t smell bad” I defended.

“No you smell revolting” he smiled. I gasped and looked at him.

“I’m kidding, you smell delicious” he commented.

Delicious” I mocked. He simply nodded his head. I shook my head amazed. I always knew Eric was a flirt but this boy was getting worse by the second. I looked at him for a while before sticking out my tongue. I got up and got my things for school. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I walked back to my room dressed and ready to go. Eric had left to go get ready himself. I went downstairs and heard low murmuring. The chattering stopped when they heard me enter the kitchen.

“Sup,” I said simply. Mom raised an eyebrow and dad pressed his lips together trying to suppress his laugh.

“Sup” they both joked. I smiled and kiss their cheeks.

“So what were you guys gossiping about before I got here?” I smiled suspiciously. Both my parents face went serious.

“That’s for future reference sweetheart.” My dad said in a monotone voice. I was about to question more but he just held up his hand to silence me. He got up and cleared his throat.

“It’s nothing to worry about… for now” he said the last part to himself. I was beyond confused. There was no point for me to make sense of this – of anything. I simply nodded my head in hopes that my brain wouldn’t fry trying to unravel what they are hiding from me. I looked into my mother’s eyes.  Her big blue eyes held sadness. Her beautiful face with love and compassion held distance.

“Mom” I called. She came back to me and blinked away the sadness. She smiled at me reassuringly.

“You got to get going missy, you don’t want to be late” she smiled. I looked at dad and he smiled. Why were they acting like this? She came from around the counter and kissed my hair. I gave her a big hug then turned to my sweet- loving goofy father and gave him a hug before leaving for school. Eric was waiting for me by his front porch. When he saw me his smile dropped.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned automatically concerned. I looked up into his gorgeous green eyes and smiled, but the smile didn’t reach my eyes. The conversation my parents and I had this morning was bothering me. I was worried even though they told me not to be. I looked at Eric again. I didn’t want to overwhelm with nothing – especially when I don’t even know what is happening. 

“Nothing buddy, don’t worry about it” I patted his shoulder. He looked at me for a long time before taking my hand and walking to school. It was a silent walk to school mainly because my mind was far away from the present. I didn’t even notice when we entered school. Eric kissed my cheek and headed off to industrial arts and I headed off to music. Drew was sitting next to my seat this morning rather than the sitting in the few rows back. I smiled as I sat beside him.

“Hey Drew”

“What’s the matter” he said the instant I sat down. I looked at Drew and he stared patiently for me to answer. He looked into my eyes knowing that I’m not a good liar. Drew always knew when something was wrong. He and Eric were the same but Drew wasn’t afraid to get what he wanted out of me. I took a breath and exhaled.

“My parents were acting weird this morning. The look in my mom’s eyes, she seemed so distant and sad, and my dad looked sad as well but not as sad as my mother. They told me not to worry about it – for now – What could this mean?” I asked facing him. He sighed and ran his hand through his short black hair.

“If you’re parents said it’s nothing to worry about, sometimes it’s good to listen to them and not worry about it. In time you will know what is truly happening” he explained. I sat there and took in what he said.

“Thanks Drew” I said and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him hesitate before hugging me back. I let go and smiled at him. He smiled back then his face turned hard and emotionless

“This doesn’t mean I’m some nice kid going around throwing flowers everywhere” he said.

“Don’t worry I know” I laughed. His face softened into a smile.

“Remember students you’re song is due Monday” my music teacher reminded us. I got my guitar and started perfecting my song. Music class calmed me down and by the time music was over all my problems and worries drifted away. Drew and I headed over to English. Eric was already there – as usual – waiting for me with a smile on his face. But when he saw me walk into class with Drew his smile dropped. Drew cautiously walked around Eric to get to his desk as I sat next to Eric. I looked over at him and his soft happy face was rigid and distant. I sighed and looked in front me. I wish Eric would forgive Drew and stop being so hard on him. Drew is trying to change I can feel it, but he needs help and it doesn’t help when Eric is being a jerk.

For the majority of the class I didn’t pay attention. My mind wandered to when Drew, Delilah, Eric and I were best friends. Life was easy for us then and didn’t have a care in the world. Life gets harder as you go along. Sometimes I wished I could just freeze in time and enjoy the good old days. I know that I will be able to get the old Drew back; I just need to have faith.  Throughout class I thought of ways that I could get the old Drew back. I was far into my reverie that I didn’t even hear the teacher call my name.

“Lori” I snapped my head in his direction. My face turned crimson red.

“Yes Mr. Chad” I answered innocently. I could see that he was trying to hold a serious face but I saw his face lighten up.

“Can you tell me the year Shakespeare was born?” he asked with a slight smile.

“April 26 1564” I smiled sweetly.

“Thank you Lori. Oh and next time you want to daydream do that after my class” he winked. I blushed and nodded my head. For the rest of the class I didn’t even dare to take my eyes off Mr. Chad.

The bell rang signaling lunch. I got my stuff and headed out the door. I was in the middle of the hallway when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Christopher standing inches away from my face. I backed up as a reaction to him being so close. I didn’t wait for him to say anything. I turned around and started walking again.

“Lori” he called after. I groaned and turned around. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I don’t know why Chris was suddenly so interested in me. Last year he didn’t even give me a second glance.

“What Chris” I asked clearly annoyed. He hesitated for a second before speaking.

“Um this isn’t any easy for me” he mumbled scratching the back of his head nervously. I folded my arms and waited for him to continue speaking. He inhaled and let out a heavy sigh before looking deeply into my eyes. I stood there my face clearly impatient. He blinked a few times before speaking.

“Are you any good at Spanish” he asked glumly like that wasn’t what he really wanted to ask.

“Yes” I said slowly. He sighed and stood up straighter his broad shoulder expanding as he took another deep breath.

“I know you don’t like me very much, it’s plain to see, but I need a little help in Spanish class and I was wondering if maybe you could tutor me” he said taking a step closer to me. I subconsciously took a step back. I stared at him for a long time. Part of me felt that Chris was up to his old tricks. I bet he just wanted to me alone with him so that he could take advantage of me. Chris is most certainly not dumb. He may act it for show, but he takes his education seriously. He’s almost as smart as Eric and me, but I’m smarter. I felt myself smile at that thought. I looked at Chris again his blue eyes begging me. I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes.

“Fine” I said heavily. He gave me a huge smile and took a step forward opening his arms for a hug, but I took another step back and held my hand up.

“But, we’re going to study at the library” I told him sternly. If Chris really was up to his old tricks and actually wanted to get in my pants I have to play it safe so what better way that to be out in the open.

His smile didn’t falter at all as I said this and thanked me gratefully. I nodded my head slightly.

“Ok so how about we meet at the library tomorrow around 4” I instructed. He nodded not saying a word.

“Good” I said before turning around and making a bee line to my locker. Did I really just agree to tutor Chris Hunters? I banged my hand against my head. I really am a dumb blonde.

When I got to my locker Eric was waiting for me. I smiled as I approached him and everything that just happened with Chris faded to the back of my mind. 

“Hey you” I smiled. I put my books away and we walked off to the cafeteria.

“It’s a beautiful day out, why don’t we go eat by our favorite tree” Eric suggested as I was in line buying a chicken wrap, a blueberry muffin, and chocolate milk. I turned and smiled to him.

“Sure. I’ll go get the others” I said but Eric stopped me and took my hand.

“I just want it to be us for today. Is that ok?” he asked.

“Sure buddy. Just me and you” I beamed and linked arms with him. We walked over to our favorite tree and sat down. I immediately dug right into my food. I was done eating within seconds. I took the last sip of my chocolate milk and let out a satisfied sigh. A burp came out and I patted my stomach. I looked over at Eric who was gawking at me.

“What?” I asked. He smiled and shook his head.

“You may look like a girl, but you’re a dude at heart” he laughed.

“Hey” I laughed along with him. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. It was peaceful just laying here under the tree. Eric rested his head on top of mine and took my hand in his playing with my fingers. It was silent for a few a while, just us sitting there peacefully.

“Do you like Drew?”  Eric asked out of the blue. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him. He was looking away averting eye contact with me.

“Yeah, he’s still an arrogant ass, but he’s not as bad as before” I answered.

“Oh” was all he said. It got quiet again and I was about to lie on his lap when he asked another question.

“You don’t like have feelings for him do you?” he asked sounding kind of worried. I let a laugh escape my lips.

“No” I said still laughing. “Why would you ask something like that” I asked raising my eyebrow.

“Nothing” he mumbled quickly.

“No tell me” I said poking his side. He was very ticklish and whenever I wanted to get something out of him, I would tickle it out.

“Stop” he laughed uncontrollably. I continued to tickle him nonetheless. He took my hands in his and climbed on top of me. He brought my arms over my head still holding a firm grip on my wrist.

“Are you going to stop?” he brought his face close to mine, smirking slightly at me, peering into my eyes. A blush was forming on my face at how close he was.

“Fine” I let out a breath.

“Hey why don’t you two get a room” I looked over to see some guy who made the comment and his buddy howling at us. I looked over at Eric who didn’t even budge.

“Want to go get a room” he smirked. I felt my face get red hot and my eyes bulged out of my head. Where did that come from? Did my Eric just say that? Ugh there I go again. I don’t own him. He’s not mine. And why in heavens does he have to look so hot when he smirks?  I composed myself; this is my best friend.

“Get off” I mumbled. He laughed but got off me. He stood up then held out his hand to help me up. I gladly took it and pulled making him fall back down. I stood up quickly and laughed at his expression.

“Hey” he whined. I continued to laugh but helped him up. He was smart not to pull me back down.

Eric and I started walking back inside the school. When we got to our lockers David tackled me.

“There you are where did you go” he asked

“I went to go have lunch with Eric outside by our favorite oak tree” I explained to him.

“Oh well anyway Delilah was looking for you. She was coming up with crazy ideas that you were abducted by aliens, or kidnapped and left somewhere to die” he laughed to himself. I saw his eyes twinkle when he mentioned Delilah. I laughed along with him. Delilah can be overdramatic sometimes.

“We better get to calculus or we’re going to be late” Eric said trying to usher me away from David. I looked at the clock that was in the hallway.

“Eric, there’s five minutes left before the bell rings” I told him.

“Oh my watch must be fast then” he mumbled. I looked at him and his eyes held sadness, but mostly anger. He was clenching his jaws and breathing in slowly.

“Eric, are you okay?” I asked worried.

“Fine” he forced a smile. I raised an eyebrow but decided to let it drop. I turned back to David who was also looking at Eric with confusion.

“So are you excited about the list being posted up tomorrow” David asked. I gave him a look of confusion, then understood that he was talking about soccer.

“Yeah, I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I mean those girls were really good. I’m not so sure that I made the team anymore” I said looking down at my feet doubt rushing through me.

“Lori Stewart, don’t you ever say that. Look at me” he said. I was still looking at my feet. He put his fingers under my chin and gently lifted it up to make me look at him.

“Both you and Delilah did exceptionally well. Don’t doubt yourself. I know and you know that you both are going to make the team” he said smiling encouragingly.

“Thanks David” I smiled and gave him a hug. I let go and saw Eric walking away.

“Hey wait up” I called, but Eric didn’t slow down his pace. I gave David a confused look and ran after him.

“Eric what’s the matter with you.” it came out a bit angrier than I wanted, but I was frustrated with him. Ever since David shown up at our lockers he’s been acting strange.

“Eric look at me” I demanded. He stopped but didn’t turn around. I ran in front of him and took his face in my hands.

“What’s wrong buddy. You don’t look so good” I said suddenly aware of his face turning pale. “Come on, let me go bring you to the nurses office” I offered, but he didn’t move.

“No, I’m fine. But can you tell Mrs. Guttenberg that I'm going to be late for class because I’m in the bathroom” he told me and with that he turned and disappeared into the crowd. I stood there staring after him. David walked up from behind.

“What happened” he asked

“I don’t know” I whispered.


I walked into the bathroom – more like barged in. The bell just rang. I stood by the counter and took in deep steady breaths. My mind was roaming and I wanted to break something. Watching Lori talk to David like that made me want to rip him to shreds. But why? The poor guy didn’t do anything to me. But the thought that ran through my mind made me want to kill him. What if Lori liked him? She hugged him for what seemed like an eternity. And how come she never told me about her doubts about soccer. I’m more capable of comforting her that him.

I let out a sigh. Why am I acting like this? This is ridiculous. I’m being irrational. I love Lori with all my heart, and the thought of her liking another guy scares me. What if I don’t get the chance to tell her how I feel? And what if I do but she laughs in my face. My stomach churned and I wasn’t feeling well. I went over to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. I remembered me saying to myself that being with Lori is all I need… even if it means just being her friend. And right now I wasn’t being such a good friend. If I don’t control this jealousy, maybe I might lose what I never lost.  I didn’t like feeling like this. I feel like a jerk.  I feel like Christopher.  I shuddered at the thought of me being like Christopher.  I splashed some more water on my face again before headed to class. I walked in 10 minutes late and interrupted Mrs. Guttenberg’s teaching. She looked away from the board and instead of glaring at me to my surprise her eyes held concern.

“Are you feeling better Eric” she asked concerned.

“Um y-yeah, thanks” I stuttered awkwardly before taking my seat next to Drew. I could see in the corner of my eye that Lori was staring at me. I would have sat next to her but she was sitting next David. I could feel the blood bubbling inside me. I clenched my fist together and took slow steady breaths. I looked over and saw Drew staring at me.

“Are you okay man” he asked. I looked at him astonished. Maybe Lori was right, about Drew beginning to be his old self again. But it’s going to take a lot more than an ‘are you okay’ before I let him back into my life.

“Fine” I said in a monotone. I looked ahead of me and stared at the board. But the whole class, my mind was on Lori.


I jumped when the bell rang. I looked at the clock. 3:03. Wow. I didn’t pay any attention at all in biology because all I could think about was what was going on through my best friend’s head. When the bell rang at the end of calculus class Eric got up and booked it out like there was no tomorrow. He didn’t even glance in my direction. I sighed as I thought about why Eric was acting strange in calculus as I walked to my locker. When I got there I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t see Eric waiting for me there. I got my stuff and slowly exited the school. I looked out and the sun shone brightly in my face. I scanned the area hoping that maybe he stuck around for me. I made my eyes wonder over to the oak tree and what I saw made my heart skip a beat. Eric was leaning against the tree smiling at me. The sun made his golden hair shine in the light. He looked like an angel. I ran over to the tree opening my arms along the way forgetting about our weird fight. I tackled Eric into a big hug causing him to lose his balance and fall on the ground with my on top of him.

“Hey” I smiled.

“Hey” he said and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I felt all the weight lift of my shoulders. I sighed in content and rested my head on his chest for a moment. My best friend is not mad at me and we’re good. I wanted to know what his problem was today but I was scared that we might start arguing about it.

“Are you ready to go or do you want to use me as a pillow still” he joked. I lifted my head and stuck my tongue out. I got up and held out my hand for him to take. When he got up I linked my arms with him and headed home.

On the walk home Eric wasn’t talking and worry took over me again. I opened my mouth to say something but Eric beat me to the punch.

“I’m sorry” he rushed out. I gave him a befuddled look. He glanced over at me and saw my bewildered expression.

“About today” he explained. I kept looking at him waiting for him to go on but I understood what he was implying.

“I didn’t mean to blow up at you like that; I just had a lot on my mind. I am truly sorry that I took it out on you. That wasn’t me being a good friend.” My face softened and I gave him a small smile.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s all in the past” I said and linked arms with him. His face shone with happiness as I said this. I let out a laugh and continued to walk.

Before I even got to step foot into my house my phone buzzed inside my backpack. I dropped my stuff and frantically searched for it. I found it and hit the accept button.


“Lori, honey, are we still having that sleepover” Delilah squealed. I smiled. It felt like ages since Delilah and I hung out together even though we just had soccer try-outs yesterday, it felt like Delilah and I haven’t spent that much time since school started.

“For sure, let me just get my stuff ready and I’ll come over in 30 minutes okay” I promised.

“Okay, see you then” she said and hung up. I put my phone in my back pocket and went inside. Eric followed in pursuit.

“Who was that?” Eric asked as he dropped his backpack by the door.

“Dee, I’m going over to her place for a sleepover” I explained.

“Can I tag along for a little while” he asked innocently. I smiled and nodded my head. I went to my room and got my duffel bag. I started packing clothes that I was going to sleep in and also tomorrow's outfit and went to the bathroom to get my bathroom necessities like toothbrush, toothpaste and other stuff. I came out and saw Eric sitting on my bed holding up my red lacey lingerie underwear and matching bra. He looked up at me and was smirking. My face was on fire of embarrassment.

“Wow” he said. “I can’t believe you have more of these. When you walked around that one time in your black underwear I thought that was only it” he sounded astonished. I stood there looking like a tomato. He got up and went to my drawers. He opened it up and went searching through it. My brain was still in shock so it didn’t quite register what was going on. Eric stopped digging and slowly turned around holding a purple silky negligee in his hand. His mouth was slightly open and his face held a combination of amusement and surprise.

“You sleep in this, since when” he asked astounded. 

“It was when we went to Florida my sister bought for me as a joke – well not really a joke, she actually expected me to wear it, but there’s no way I’m putting that on – hey what were you doing snooping around in my stuff anyways?” I said my brain finally beginning to kick in. Eric took a step towards me still holding my nightgown and completely ignoring my question. He came closer until he was a centimeter away from my face. He held a smile the whole time obviously enjoying this.

“I’m trying to picture you in this right now, but I can’t” he pressed his lips together trying to hold back a laugh. I glared at him.

“You think I can’t pull this off” I hissed.

“Yep” he laughed.

“Oh shut up” I grabbed the nightgown from him and continued packing.

“Just kidding, geez don’t get your lingerie in a twist” he snickered. I turned around to glare at him. He was clearly enjoying this.

“I’m shutting up now before you kill me” he held up his hands backing away from me.

“Wise choice” I said. I turned around to finish my packing. I felt Eric wrap his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind. I smiled for a second before putting on a serious face.

“Don’t think for a second that I forgive you” I mumbled. Eric let go and gently turned me to face him.

“Okay, you’re beautiful and look amazing in everything” he smiled giving me his lopsided grin that makes my heart speed. I rolled my eyes.

“Fine” I sighed. At least he tried. He smiled and hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

 I laughed to myself and zipped up my duffel bag. I picked up my phone and went to call Delilah.

“Hey Dee, I’m coming over right now and Eric’s coming too” I told her.

“OK, see you guys in a few” she beamed. I smiled and hung up. I grabbed my duffel bag and headed down stairs. I left a note on the fridge for my mother letting her know that I was spending the night at Delilah’s.

Dee lived a few houses down from Eric and I so we were there within 5 minutes. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. I heard trampling down the stairs and Dylan and Delilah both shouting at each other.

“Dylan go away, it’s Lori I got it” I heard Dee shout.

“So what if it’s Lori, she’s my friend too”

“Did she come for you?” I heard Delilah hiss. I laughed at their stupidity and looked at Eric who was amused as well. I rang the doorbell again.

“Coming Lor” Dylan and Delilah shouted at the same time. I chuckled as I waited for someone to answer the door.  The door flew open and out came Delilah.

“Lori!” she beamed. She flung the door open and ran out onto the doorstep tackling me into a big hug.

“Delilah” I laughed as I hugged her back. After we let go she gave Eric a big hug then took my hand and brought me inside. I dropped my duffel bag by the door and went over to Dylan giving him a fist pound. Eric and Dylan did their guy handshake. I grabbed my duffel bag and headed to Delilah’s room leaving the two boys to bond.

Delilah’s room looked identical to mine. We both had everything in the exact areas. The only difference was her walls were purple; mine were light blue but covered in band posters.

I plopped myself down on her queen size bed.

“So who else do you think made the soccer team?” Dee asked as she sat across from me crossed legged. I sighed and rested my head on her lap and put my feet on the backboard of her bed. She started playing in my hair while waiting for me to see who else made the team.  

“Natalie was really good” I commented remembering how she did great at try-outs.

“Yeah you’re right” Delilah agreed. “I also remembered seeing Drew staring at her with that gaze in his eyes like the one Eric has for y-” she stopped abruptly and looked away. I heard her cuss under her breath.

“Like the one Eric has for who?” I asked intrigued. She still didn’t meet my gaze. I lifted my head up from her lap to face her.

“Who” I pressed. She started playing with her fingers and mumbling things under her breath.

“Delilah” she looked up at me worry in her eyes.

“Lor, pretend I said nothing” she laughed nervously.

“Is there something that you’re not telling me?” I asked suspiciously I asked raising my eyebrow. I thought for a minute, what she could possibly be hiding for me. Then my eyes widened.

“Did Eric tell you the girl he liked and not me?” I asked shocked.

“What, no” she laughed hysterically. I continued to give her an incredulous look. “All I have to say is if you open your eyes the answer is right in front of you” she said giving me a serious look.

“Huh? What’s up with the riddles?” I asked confused and a little annoyed. She smiled and pulled me back down onto her lap and started playing in my hair again.

“Don’t worry about it okay lollipop” she said calling me by the nickname that she came up with when we were kids. I closed my eyes and sighed.

“Fine” I dropped the subject.

“Come on, let’s go start our slumber party” Delilah squealed. She hoped off her bed and grabbed my hand pulling me down stairs. She brought me to the kitchen where Dylan and Eric were fighting over the last burrito.

“I’m the oldest, Dylan let go” Eric shouted.

“Exactly, and I’m a growing boy so I need more food than you” Dylan shouted back. I laughed at them. Eric and Dylan were not just best friends – they were like brothers.

“Why don’t you just share” Delilah offered. Eric and Dylan looked at each other then at Delilah and burst out in laughter. I rolled my eyes and walked up to them, grabbed the burrito from both took a bite into the warm delicious food.

“Oh so good” I taunted taking another bite.

“HEY” Eric and Dylan both shouted.

“Well if you two can’t share, then you both can’t have it” I grinned taking Delilah’s hand and walking out of the kitchen. I could hear the steam coming out of their ears. I took the last bite of the burrito before heading down in the basement with Dee.

Her basement was huge. She had a gigantic plasma screen T.V. and a lot of game systems. I sat down on her couch and waited for her while she popped in her favorite movie, The Notebook. She came back over and sat next to me. I looked over at her and smiled.

“Yes” she said cautiously. I batted my eyelashes and snuggled closer to her. She sighed and got up.

“Extra butter” she asked wearily.

“Yes please” I answered cutely. She stuck her tongue at me and went up stairs to make us popcorn. I loved Dee so much. She knows exactly what I want or was thinking. I pulled the blanket up to me and waited for Dee to come back with the popcorn. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Wow that was quick. I thought. Instead of seeing Delilah’s face I saw Dylan and Eric.

“Hey guys, hope you aren’t still mad at me about the burrito.” I apologized sweetly. Then a small smile came upon my face. “Even though it was delicious” I smirked.

“Laugh all you want princess, but we will get our revenge” Dylan smiled deviously. I watched them warily as they came over to sit next to me.

“It will be a surprise attack, you’ll never see it coming” Eric explained. “It could happen now, tomorrow, in a few days, anytime” he shrugged. I nodded my head understandingly.

“But it’s not going to happen right now, right?” I asked. He looked at me then shook his head.

“Good” I smiled before resting my head in his lap. He chuckled but started to stroke my hair.

Delilah came down with the popcorn and plopped herself next to me. She pressed play. I smiled as I sat up and took some popcorn from the bowl that was on Dee’s lap. Dylan stretched over me in attempt to getting some popcorn as well crushing me in the process. I took the bowl and placed it on between me and Eric so it was an easy access between the four of us. When the movie started with a scene of a lake and a person was rowing a boat, and then the in-credits came on showing the actress Rachel McAdams name, Dylan grumbled.

“Are you serious, you guys are watching the Notebook” he spat the title.

“If you don’t like it no one’s forcing you to watch it” I said calmly, Dylan looked at me before giving one last grunt and turned his attention back to the movie. He didn’t say a word after that. 

Eric’s phone started ringing and he got up to answer it. After he was done talking to the person on the phone he turned around to face us.

“My mother needs me to go run some errands for her” he said. I nodded my head sadly. He came over and kissed my cheek and Delilah’s.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll be waiting for you two by our tree so that we can go check out the list together” he said to Delilah and I.

“Sounds like a plan” I beamed. “Bye bud” I hugged him again and kissed his cheek.

“Bye beautiful” Eric smirked.

“Shut it” I uttered. He stuck his tongue out before leaving.

“I hate the fact that she doesn’t remember anything” I cried blowing my nose into a tissue.

“I know” Delilah wailed. I looked over to Dylan who‘s shoulders were shaking slightly. I saw a tear run down his cheek. He immediately wiped it away and brushed it off like nothing happened.

“Dylan are you crying?” I sniffled.

“No, it’s my allergies acting up” he sniffled. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him.

“There, there let it out” I patted his chest. He grabbed a tissue and blew it loudly in my ear. I cringed away from him in disgust

Delilah, Dylan and I sat there bawling our eyes out until the very end of the movie.

“I will never get tired of this movie” Dee said wiping her eyes when it was over. I looked over at her and smiled. Her eyes were puffy from crying so hard.

“What good is a slumber party without the best romantic movie of all times” she beamed. I heard a groan next to me. I looked over to see Dylan wiping his eyes.

“I need to go do some guy stuff. Too much romance for one guy to handle” he grumbled.

“Dylan, it’s not bad to get in touch with your feminine side” I joked

“Sure, Sure,” he mumbled before getting up and heading up stairs. But before he reached the steps he turned around to glare at both Delilah and me.

“If either one of you tell anybody about this little event, I’ll make your guys’ lives a living hell.” He threatened playfully.

“Oh shut up Dyl, isn’t that what you’ve been doing your whole life” Delilah smirked. I giggled at her remark. He growled lowly before heading up the stairs. Delilah and I chuckled at his retreating figure.

For 2 hours we were in Delilah’s basement playing all the games that we laid eyes on.

 “So freaking tired” Delilah shouted as she plopped herself next to me, exhausted from all those games we just played.

“Same here” I agreed.

 Delilah and I dragged ourselves up the stairs. We both went to go take a shower. I took her bedroom bathroom, and she went into the bathroom in the hallway. After we were changed and ready in our pj’s we went downstairs to say good night to Dylan. After we finished bugging the crap out of him we headed back up to her room.

I climbed in on the left side and covered up laying on my back staring up into the ceiling. My eyelids felt heavy and they were dropping by the second. I was ready to be knocked out by sleep. Too bad Delilah had other things in mind.

“Hey Lori, what do you think of David” she asked propping herself on her elbow. I turned my head and looked at her.

“He’s a great guy. Why?” I asked knowing where she was going with this.

“No reason” she said before resting her head on my shoulder.

“You like him” I said more as more of a statement than question. Her head popped up and her eyes went the size of Jupiter.

“NO” she with so much force I swear a vain popped. I just nodded my head incredulously. I patted her cheek and smiled at her.

“Sure honey, I won’t say anything to David” I smiled. Her face was so red it made a tomato look pale.

“I don’t, now get off my back woman” she said playfully before resting her head on my shoulder again. I laughed before shutting me eyes.

“Night Dee” I smiled.

“Night Lor” she mumbled. It wasn’t long after that I heard light snoring. I chuckled. She falls asleep pretty fast. I shut my eyes again and soon drifted off to sleep myself.

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