Crisis Of Desire

De shiaraxo

2.1M 34.3K 59.5K


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21.2K 451 1.6K
De shiaraxo

Cataleya Valentina Velez:

I follow Neveah and Celine through the house and look at them when we stop in front of Celine's bedroom door. 

'Why are we here?' Celine opens the door and steps into her room. 'We need to talk to Kai.' 'Why?' 

'I honestly don't know, I just followed Celine.' She chimes, making me chuckle as we also step into the room. 

Kai is laying in bed and slowly turns to us. 'Why are you still in bed?' 

'Do I have a reason to be out of bed?' Celine turns to me and rolls her eyes, before turning back to Kai.

He has been acting like this ever since we got here. Sleeping more than usual and not doing much around the house, besides following Celine around. It's fine with me. 

But I don't understand why Neveah and Celine need him to get up. 'It's already past twelve and we need to get everything ready.' 

She walks past him, towards a bag on the ground, and crouches down so that she can probably grab his clothes. 

'Why do we have to get everything ready?' 

'They're coming back today.' Celine says, pulling something out of her bag. 

'Is that today?' I ask a little startled. Neveah and Celine look at me and nod in sync, making my heart beat like crazy. 

It has been thirty-eight days since we last saw the Curzio's. 

Thirty-eight days since I've last seen him. 

And today they're coming back. Both of them are. Shit. 

I was not prepared for this. Not today. I mean, I should be fine but I don't think I can face him yet. 

I've been doing better, still not sleeping the best, but fine. And now, today, they'll be back. I'll have to face Rio again without wanting to shove my fist so far up his fucking ass-  

'Cataleya?' Neveah looks at me, almost stumbling over her own feet. 

The moment I got a little better, she got worse. 

She was sick a few days ago, a little cold according to Celine, but she's doing better now. I think. 

I hope. 

'Yes?' 'You forgot didn't you?' I nod and slowly walk over to her, just to make sure she doesn't fall. 

I honestly forgot because I didn't want to be reminded of it. I didn't need to keep thinking about it. So I didn't think about it at all and tried to enjoy my days with the girls. 

And Marco, Brandon, and Kai of course. 

They've been sweet the entire time and Brandon slowly started to get back to normal. As far as normal goes. 

'Anyways, they'll be here in an hour. So get out of bed and get dressed.' Celine states, throwing some clothes towards Kai. An hour. 

I have to prepare myself in an hour. 

Her arm is healing pretty quickly and she can almost take off her cast. At least, that's what she said. 

Celine looks at something in Kai's bag and crouches down again. 'Why did they have to stay in Italy again?' 

'They had some business to attend if you want to know ask them.' Neveah chimes, walking over to the bed. She looks like she's about to puke again. 'Are you okay?' 

'I'm fine, just need to sit down for a second.' I nod and stay close to her, in case she falls over. 

'Why do you have a bottle of Doxapine in your bag?' Celine asks, making all of us turn to her.

She's holding a little orange bottle of pills, which is almost empty.

'What the fuck is Doxapine?' Neveah asks curiously. 'Sleeping pills.'

We all turn to Kai, waiting for him to respond. 'I have trouble sleeping.'

'Sleeping or staying asleep?' Celine asks a little hesitantly.

Something is going on between the two of them and I'm hooked.

It's better than thinking about Rio the entire time.

'A bit of both, but don't worry. I stopped taking them a while ago.'

Celine sighs deeply and throws the bottle of pills back into the bag.

Maybe I'll need to take those pills. I mean, if I keep having those nightmares, I might as well try to take them. Maybe that way I'll be able to stay asleep or something.

'Go get changed, we'll be downstairs with the others.' Celine walks back to Neveah and me, before smiling at Kai. 

We all head downstairs, towards the kitchen, since that's where the others are. 

'Where the hell is he?' Marco asks a little annoyed. 

Ever since we got here, he has been in charge. Kind of. 

Celine's still the boss in here, but since she was still recovering a little, he has been taking charge of the house. Not that it really mattered, because we still did whatever we wanted anyway. 

'He was still in bed, he'll be here in time.' Marco sighs and turns back to me, smiling a little. I nod and help Neveah to one of the chairs. She doesn't look so good. 

'Neveah, are you okay?' Brandon asks, handing her a bottle of water. 'I'm fine, just excited I guess.' 

I stare at Celine, who looks at Neveah curiously. She notices that something else is wrong. 'Neveah have you been taking the pills?' 

'Yes, but I'm fine. I promise.' She declares, sipping from the bottle before smiling at us. 

She looks better than yesterday, but not as good as I thought she was. She was all smiley earlier and now she looks like she's about to puke any second now. 

But maybe she's right. Maybe she's just nervous to see Leon again. 

'I bet you and Leon are going to fuck when he gets back.' Brandon jokes, poking her in her arm before smirking widely. 

Her eyes widen and she tries to hide her face, but it's the truth. 

She hasn't said it, but I could tell that she missed him. Even when she told me that she hated him for doing this to me, to us, she missed him. 

Because she loves him. And her love for him is something I don't think will ever fade away. 

No matter how many times she tries to deny it. 

I just hope they'll talk when they get back because I know that they need to. Especially since I kind of ruined their little moment last time. 

'You missed him, didn't you?' She looks at me and shyly nods as if she has some silly crush on Leon and no one is allowed to know. 

But we all know it runs deeper than that. We all know that her feelings for Leon are all over the place, but they always end up with love. 

'Fine with me.'Wait, what? I look at Marco who jumps up from his chair and heads to the hall. 'Where is he going?' 

'He's going to open the door.' I got that part, but I don't understand why. 'Cataleya they're here. If you want to-' What? 

But they just said they wouldn't be here for another hour. 

'You can go to your room.' Celine says, looking at me. 'But they wouldn't get here for-' 'Well, somehow they did and they're almost here, so you better decide quickly.' 

Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't know if I'm ready to face him yet, but I don't want to run to my room and lock myself up either. 

I'm done hiding. But I don't know. It's just- 'Neveah!' Shit. 

I can hear Marco shouting from down the hall and freeze when she slowly climbs out of her chair. The front door opens and I slowly get up as well, following her into the hall. 

I stay as close to her as possible and keep my eyes on the door. 

The sound of car doors closing and suitcases being rolled onto the ground echoes through my mind. 'We're back!' Leon shouts, even though he's not even in eyesight yet. 

Neveah smiles and waits for him to walk up the stairs. She looks like she's ready to run over to him as soon as she sees him, and I can't stop smiling because of it. She sure missed him. 

Leon steps in first, shoving his bag to the side to take Neveah in for a second. 'Ciao, cara.' 

They both look at each other for another five seconds, before she runs over to him, pulling him down just enough for her to reach his lips with her own, and kisses him deeply. 

My heart flutters at the sight of them, but it stops as soon as I see who's behind them. 

It's Rio. 

It's his eyes. His dark and bewitching eyes burn through me again. My body heats up, but not out of lust or love. Out of hate. 

His face looks just as perfect as the last time I saw him and I hate it. I hate that he doesn't look as bad as I did a few weeks ago. He looks perfectly fine. Divine even. And it stings. 

The only thing that changed is his beard. It grew. A lot. 

But it suits him, making him look older and more professional than ever before. 

His broad shoulders make me feel so small. That's because, compared to him, I am. 

Marco shakes Rafael's hand and pulls him in for an awkward hug, but a hug nonetheless, and smiles. 'Welcome back!' 

'Is everything ready?' He instantly asks, keeping his eyes on me while talking to Marco. 'Everything is ready.' Kai states. 

I didn't even notice he was here as well. 'Okay, so we have to talk. But first, I'm going to sleep for a few hours.' He groans, stepping further into the house. 

A girl, no, a woman. Scratch that. The woman steps into the house, huffing because of her heavy bag. 

'Rafael, you are not helping me at all?!' She grunts, turning to Rio with anger in her eyes. 

It's her. The woman he slept with that night. 

'Who the fuck is that?' Neveah asks, stepping closer to me again. Leon sighs and stares at Rio, clearly angry that he didn't tell us about the new female joining the house. 

'That's none of your business, North,' He sneers, slowly turning back to the woman in the middle of the hall, 'I told you, I am not your slave, you can carry your own bags.' 

She huffs and runs up the stairs, leaving her bags right at the door. 

She has long, dark hair that falls perfectly over her shoulder. And her beauty angers me. Not because I'm jealous, but because she looks new. 

The woman looks like a fresh, new toy for Rio to use and I hate it. 

I hate that I've been feeling like shit, trying to pull myself together for the past weeks, and he's been enjoying life with his new toy. 

'Neveah, can we talk?' Neveah looks at me instead of answering Leon, wanting to see if I'll be fine. And I will. 

Seeing Rio doesn't hurt as much as I assumed it would, but it does anger me more than I thought it would. 

'I'll be fine.' Especially with that new toy of his. 

If she's going to stay, I'll have to take some therapy because I'm going to fucking kill him otherwise. 

'Okay.' She nods and slowly turns back to Leon, wrapping her arms around him as they head up the stairs. 

'They are so going to fuck.' Brandon chimes from beside me, making me nod. 'They so are.' 

Celine wants to say something as well, but her phone rings and she heads back to her office to take it. Oh god... 

'I'll be in my room. I need to finish this design for Carla Dubroviq.' He sighs, a little annoyed. He's been working on that dress for a week and it's the most annoying thing ever. According to him. 

He hates the sketches, he hates the outline, he hates the concept she wanted. He hates it all. But she's going to pay him two million dollars if he finishes it by the end of the week. 

Easy money. 

Kai and Marco make their way down the hall, towards one of the offices, leaving me alone with Rio. No. 

He opens his mouth, but I simply look the other way and walk past him, through the front door. 

'Where do you think you're going?' I hear footsteps coming after me and keep going forward, wanting to create as much distance as possible. But I know he could throw me over his shoulder if he really wanted to. 

But I don't think he will. 

I hope he won't. 

Well, actually. I hope he will. Because then I would have a reason to hit him, even though I already do. I would smack him so hard and not regret it this time. Asshole. 

'I'm talking to you.' He's still coming after me, but I don't get why. He could easily go for the woman he took with him, but no. He's following me. 

'So you're just going to be childish about it?' Childish? I turn around and glare at him, wishing I could hurt him by simply looking at him. But my anger doesn't hurt him at all. 

It simply amuses him. 

'Childish?' 'Yes, childish. I think you're smart enough to know what that means, right?' I roll my eyes and walk back to the front door. 

Wasting my breath on him will only make it worse. It's exactly what he wants. 'I am talking to you. So I suggest you stop walking and listen to me.' 

I freeze at his suddenly deep voice and slowly turn back around. 'Do you want me to call you master as well?' 

He steps back, almost laughing when he realizes what I just said, but I don't find it funny. Not at all. 

'Don't think for a second you can command me around like some animal again. It won't happen.' 

'You're jealous, aren't you?' What. The. Fuck. Out of all the shit he could've said, this is what he says. 'Go to hell.' 

'She's just here temporarily and-' 'I don't give a single shit how long she stays, so don't even try rubbing it in.' I sneer, stepping back into the house. I want to slam the door in his face, but that would give him another reason to run after me, so I decide not to. 

I simply run up the stairs, hearing him slam the door instead. 'You are very childish Valentina!' 'I don't care!' 

I slam my bedroom door though, almost shoving the dresser in front of it since this door doesn't have a lock. But I know that he'll simply shove it aside, so I don't. 

That motherfucker actually took that bitch back here. 

He just wanted to rub it in my face. Asshole. 

And of course, of-fucking-course, Rio burst through the bedroom door and strides over to me, grabbing me by the back of my neck so that I have to look at him. 

'You seem to forget who's in charge here-' 'Fucking piece of shit, you better let go or else-' He drags me to the wall, slamming me against it, knocking all the air out of my lungs. 'Or else what?

I can't kill him. Not because I don't want to, but because it won't help. If I kill him, Leon will hate me and a lot of people will want to hunt me down to kill me instead, so it won't get any better if I do. 

Hitting him will only anger him more, and it's not like that will help me. But I want to anger him. 

The only thing stopping me from hitting him is Rio himself. His grip on my wrists is killing me and he doesn't seem to care at all. 

'I hate you.' His lips slowly curl up into a grin, showing me that my words only amuse him in a way that they shouldn't. They should anger him, but they don't. 

'You said that last time, now look how that ended.' I almost spit in his face again, but it would be a waste of spit. 'Fuck you.' 

He sighs deeply and loosens his grip on my neck, allowing me to look in another direction, and slowly lets go of me entirely.  

I can run out of here if I wanted to, but where am I supposed to go? 

This is his house so he'll find me eventually. 

'Get out of my room.' He keeps his eyes on me, not caring about my demand at all. Nothing new. 'You were tired, so go to bed and get the fuck out of my room!' 

'This is still-' 'Your house, I know! But this is my room and since you have a girl waiting for you I suggest you go to her for whatever the fuck it is you came here for.' He tilts his head a little, looking at my face. 

No. At my lips. Goddammit. 

'I am going to tell you one more time-' 'Adriano leave her alone.' Leon is standing in the doorway and looks at his cousin. Rio sighs deeply and slowly turns towards Leon. 

'What do you care?' He asks, stepping closer to me. I step back and keep my eyes on him, trying to make sure that he doesn't get too close again. 'It's not fair.' 

'Shouldn't you be fucking North or something?' Leon rolls his eyes and turns to me. 'How are you feeling, little one?' He walks into my room, acting as if Rio isn't glaring at him at all. 

If looks could kill, Leon would've been buried deep into the ground by now, but Rio doesn't move at all. 

I'm thankful that Leonardo showed up because I don't know what I would be doing if he didn't. 

'I'm fine, what about you?' Rio rolls his eyes and turns back to Leon, who's trying to create some distance between his cousin and me. 

'La famiglia prima di tutto, you seem to forget fratello.' What? Leon sighs deeply and takes a seat on my bed. 'This has nothing to do with family, you're just being unfair.' 

'Unfair or not. She needs to-' 'You need to leave her the fuck alone. Don't you have better shit to do?' My eyes almost widen at his tone, I don't think I've ever heard Leon talk to Rio like this. At least not when anyone was around. 

'Since when did you become besties with her?' I almost laugh at the word besties coming out of Rio's mouth, but don't because Leon throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer. 'We've always been besties, right little one?' 

I smile at Leon and nod, internally flipping Rio off, and wrap my arm around Leon's waist. 'Now get out, I need to talk to her.' 

Rio glares at his cousin for a solid minute, before rolling his eyes and stepping out of my room. I bet he realized that Leon isn't leaving, so he gave up. 

'Now tell me how you really are.' Leon states as he closes the door behind him. 'I'm fine and thank you for that, he really wasn't going to leave.' 

'Ignore him for a few days and everything will be fine.' He chimes, jumping back on my bed. 'But he was right, aren't you supposed to be with Neveah?' 

'Celine is giving her some pills and she asked me to check up on you. But I'm happy that you're feeling better.' I smile and nod, wanting him to believe every word. 

I feel like shit and can't wait to be alone in my room again. 

'If you want, I'll place a lock on your door later?' He asks, making me nod instantly. A lock would be amazing. That way I'll be able to keep Rio out just in case he tries something like this again. 'Okay, I'll get it done after dinner.' 

Dinner. The food we ate earlier is still floating through my stomach and the thought of food is making me feel sick already. 

'Sure.' He nods and climbs back up. 'I'll go see if they're done, text me if he's bothering you again!' 

'Thanks, Leon!' He stops at the door and turns around to face me. 'Always, little one!' Leon winks and rushes into the hall. 

Brandon was right... They are so going to fuck. 

For the next two to three hours, I stay in my room, making sure to keep the door in sight just in case. 

But Rio doesn't come by again, probably because Neveah and Leon come by from time to time. 

Celine brings me a plate with food for dinner, but I keep it on my nightstand, still not hungry enough to eat anything yet. 

When the sun sets, I grab my laptop to look for something entertaining to watch, I hear a soft knock on my door. It's Marco. 

'How are you feeling?' He asks softly, instantly regretting it.

I don't have to tell him how I feel, it's obvious. I look like a mess and I feel like one.

'Dumb question, what are you doing?' I shrug and close my laptop. 'I wanted to watch a movie, but forget it.'

'So you're doing nothing?' I nod and wait for him to come closer.

He's still standing at the door as if he needs permission to get in. 'You can come in Marco.'

He nods and steps in, walking over to my bed. 'Do you want to go for a ride?'

'A ride?' He nods and smiles at me. 'On my motorcycle?'

'You have a motorcycle?' I ask. I didn't know he was into that stuff. But I never really asked, so of course, I didn't know.

'I do.' He chimes as he waits for me to answer his previous question. 'I don't think that's a good idea...'

I know I should go, because why the fuck not. But I just don't want to get him to think of this the wrong way.

'Why not? You seem like you could use some freedom.'

'Use some freedom?' He nods, a little ashamed that he just said it, making me chuckle. 'I'm going to be entirely honest with you Cataleya.'

'Please be.' He nods and takes a deep breath, before turning to me.

'Look, I don't know what happened between you and Rafael,' So he did notice... 'but I know something went down between the two of you. Whatever it was, must've ended since he brought that girl Molly with them.'

Molly, that's her name.

'It's nothing.' He shakes his head and looks straight into my eyes.

His blue eyes are drowning out the deafening sound of the pain, trying to fight its way out.

'You don't have to lie to me, Cataleya.' he chuckles, making me flinch a little.

His chuckle wasn't filled with joy. Not at all. It was filled with pain.

My relationship with Rio hurt him. And I feel bad that he's talking to me about it.

'I'm sorry.' 'Hey, you can't pick who you fall for.' He's right. You can't.

You can't decide who you fall for, but that does not make it hurt less. It all makes it worse. Because I shouldn't have fallen for Rafael. I should've fallen for someone like Marco, a nice, decent human being.

But no. Instead I fell for someone like Rio. The cruelest, most annoying man on the earth.

'But that's beside the point. You need to get out, take a break from all of this.' He sighs, making me tilt my head a little.

'Ever since that night, you looked like a caged bird. As if you don't want to be here anymore.' And I don't. I don't want to be here anymore.

But I'm not leaving Neveah alone. And it's not like they're going to let me go anyway.

'When they sent us to Paris, you've been getting better. But now that they're back,' Now that Rio's back, 'you seem to be in pain again.' 

The fact that he has already noticed. Even if only a few hours have passed. 

'Being on a motorcycle might be freeing, you know?'

'I've never been on a motorcycle before.' I mumble, feeling a little foolish to admit it. 'This is your chance, come on.'

He jumps up and holds out his hand for me to grab. I stare at him for another second, debating if I should take this opportunity.

Maybe he's right, maybe I need to get out of the house again.

I can't keep sulking in my room all day, especially not now that I'm done with school.

I need to go out and celebrate life while I can, not cry about a man that will never love me.

'Fuck it.' I mumble as I grab his hand, letting him pull me after him.

He drags me through the house, into the garage, and opens the garage door.

There are more cars here than I thought, but there are also motorcycles, bikes, and electric scooters. 'Go grab those helmets over there, while I set everything up.' He points at a rack filled with different helmets and moves towards one of the motors.

I walk over to the helmets and grab two of them, trying to see if they will fit.

'Almost done?' I sigh and head back to Marco, handing him the bigger one.

He puts on the helmet and rolls the motor onto the driveway.

'Put yours on and climb on.' I do as he says and climb on the back of the motor, almost falling off on the other side.

But he helps me and we both chuckle when I'm trying to stay put.

'Just hold onto me.' He states. I can already see him grin through the little opening of the helmet. 'I won't bite.'

'Idiot.' I chuckle, before awkwardly wrapping my arms around his waist. 'Hold on tight.'

I hear the engine roar underneath me and hold onto him for dear life as he races out of here.

The feeling of the wind is amazing and I already feel better than when I was inside.

He drives on a long road, straight onto the highway, racing between all the cars because we can.

People honk because of his reckless driving, but he simply laughs at them.

'Where do you want to go?' He shouts so that I'll hear him. 'Where ever you think is right.'

He nods and races up a mountain, simply driving past the line of cars that are stuck in traffic.

He drives all the way to the top, as far as the road goes, and stops. 'We're here.'

I climb off and look around. We're in the middle of nowhere, on top of a mountain, surrounded by trees.

'Where is here?' We both take off our helmets and he places them on the steering wheel, not caring about the fact that people might steal them at all.

'You'll see.' He grabs my hand, startling me a little, before walking towards the edge.

I take a deep breath and almost gasp for air at the gorgeous view. The Eiffel tower, the city at night. Paris.

'What do you think?' 'It's amazing.' I mutter, stepping closer to the edge. He grabs my arm and pulls me back a little. 'Don't get too close to the edge now.'

'Sorry.' I turn back to the horizon, taking it all in before I turn back to him.

'Thank you, Marco.' He nods and smiles at me, his lips lining up perfectly.

'I really needed this.' I sigh, taking a deep breath to really imprint this moment in my mind.

Whenever I'll feel down, I'll think about this. I'll think about this night. The night where Marco took me to a mountain, to enjoy the view.

'I'm glad you like it. I thought... before I go-' Before he goes? 'Where are you going?'

He looks away, regretting that he said anything. 'Brandon and I will be leaving tomorrow.' What?

'Since-' 'It was a last-minute decision, our uncle is sick and we need to help at the house. Plus, the others are back so we're allowed to go.' Oh...

'When will you get back?' He shrugs and closes his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath before opening them again.

'I don't know. Not for long, I think.' Great...

'But that's not a bad thing, you still have Neveah, Celine, and I could always ask Leonardo if he can take you out of the house as well.'

I nod and softly smile at his idea. 'I don't need that, but thank you.'

He nods and turns back to the view in front of us.

'I'll miss you, Marco.'

His eyes widen a little and I can see the desperation in his eyes. He wants to touch me, to wrap his arms around me, and tell me that he'll miss me too.

But instead, he simply smiles cheerfully, and says: 'I'll miss you too Cataleya.'

'You better come back.' I chime, pushing him a little. He chuckles and nods, pressing his hand on his chest, right on his heart. 'I promise I'll be back.'

The joy in his eyes is real. It's true happiness this time. No fake shit.

All because I told him I'll miss him.

But I don't want him to take it the wrong way, even though it might be too late for that.

'Marco, I-' And then it happens. He steps closer, pulling me up a little, before pressing his lips against mine.

His lips are tender and sweet, sending butterflies through my body.

It feels wrong to do this, but I'm not ready for it to stop just yet.

So I let it happen. I let the moment take me away. I let all of it happen.

I let his arms wrap around me, so he can pull me up a little more. I let my hand go through his hair, almost unleashing it from the loose bun he always keeps in.

I let it all happen. Not because I have to, but because it feels right. For now.

It feels right. For a good ten seconds.

Because as soon as I realize what we're doing, I regret it.

I regret it because I don't feel the fire rush through me like I did with Rio. I don't feel the warmth tingling through my entire body like it did with Rio. I don't feel the heat like I did with Rio.

And I hate myself for it.

I hate myself for comparing Marco, the most perfect guy for me, to Rafael, the monster that does not, and will not, want me.

'Wait-' I step away, trying to catch my breath, and cover my face with my hands.

I'm ashamed. Ashamed that I didn't push him back immediately. Ashamed that I kissed him back. Ashamed that I let this happen.

I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be thinking about Rio right now, he doesn't deserve any second in my mind anymore. He slept with someone else, just because I told him I loved him. I shouldn't feel guilty for kissing Marco. 

But I do. 

'I'm so sorry- I-' 'It's okay.' He smiles, nodding before he steps back, allowing me my own space. 'I thought-' 'Cataleya, it's okay.'

I want to believe him. I want to believe that he doesn't take it personally, but he does.

He might say it doesn't matter, but it does. I can see it in his eyes.

'We should probably go back... Before they start to worry.'

'Right...' I sigh, taking a deep breath. Whatever just happened, ruined everything.

'Come on, let's go back.'

He heads back to the motorcycle, waiting for me to climb on first. He helps me, since I'm all over the place from what just happened, and chuckles when I wrap my arms around him this time.

'Ready?' I nod and hold onto him a little tighter, hoping that it'll help with the pain he's feeling right now.

The streets are almost empty, yet he drives safer, slower than he did before.

'Do you trust me?' What? I look at him through the little mirror, seeing him smile at me. 'Do you?'

'Yes.' I state, keeping my eyes on his. God, he's handsome!

But I can not lead him on anymore.

If I do that, I'll be hurting him for no reason. And he does not deserve that.

'Put your hands in the air.' What? 'Do you want me to fucking fall?'

'Trust me, squeeze your legs together and put your hands in the air.' I take a deep breath but do as he suggests, feeling like I'm about to fall.

'Marco-' 'I got you!' One of his hands holds onto my leg, making me smile a little.

I lean back a little more, letting the wind blow against my chest.

I've never felt this free in my entire life. And it feels absolutely amazing. 

'Oh my god!' I shout, throwing my arms up higher, enjoying the freedom it allows me to feel. It's amazing. Absolutely amazing. 'I know right!' 

He continues to race over the empty streets, back to the house. 

I wish we could keep driving forever, but we have to get back to the house. I can tell that Marco already took a detour back, just to give me some more time. 

We get back to the house and he helps me off of the motorcycle, smiling at me as he takes off his helmet. 

Marco parks the motor into the garage and walks back to me, leading me up the little steps to the house. 

There's a short silence between us, probably because neither of us knows what to say after the kiss, and we simply look at each other. 

'I'll see you tomorrow.' He nods and smiles at me as I head up the stairs, to go to my room. 'Cataleya.' 

I stop on the third step and slowly turn around. 

'Yes, Marco?' His bright eyes are glued to me, making my heart skip a beat. 'There's no medicine for a broken heart. There's no cure.' 

I tilt my head a little, taking in his beauty. He's right though. There's no cure for heartbreak. 

'You're right. There's no shortcut to getting over someone. But I'll be fine.' I whisper, smiling at him. 

'I know you'll be.' His lips slowly curl up into that perfect smile of his and I almost run back to kiss him again. 

But that wouldn't be fair. Not to him or me. 'Goodnight Cataleya.' 

'Goodnight Marco.' I turn back to head up the stairs but freeze when I see him. 

All the heat from our conversation is instantly replaced with coldness. Ice fucking coldness. 

Rio's eyes burn through me as he keeps his eyes on mine. 

Even though he looks angry, his fists are balled and his knuckles seem lighter than normal, the look in his eyes doesn't show a single hint of anger. 

Nothing but emptiness. 

'Did you do what I asked?' He growls at Marco, making me step back for a second. 'I didn't have the time to do it yet, but I'll get to it right away boss.' What? 

'You didn't have time to get Noelle, but you had time to take her somewhere?' Rio brushes past me, slowly inching closer to Marco. 

Whatever it is Marco had to do with that Noelle, must've been pretty important for Rio to get this angry.

And he didn't do it because of me. 

'It's my fault.' I state, instantly regretting it. Rio slowly turns back to me and scoffs. 'Meglio tardi che mai.' What? 

'It's fine. I'll do it right now.' Marco states, making Rio turn back to him. 'Go to your room Leya, I'll talk to you in the morning.' 

I nod and slowly step up the stairs, before turning back around. Payback. Rio's eyes are on me. I can feel it.

'I had fun tonight.' Marco gulps at the seductive tone in my voice and tries not to freak out. 'So- So did I.'

My lips curl up as I try my hardest to focus on Marco. 'We should do it again when you get back.'

Rio's eyes widen just a bit. You didn't care, right?

'We... uhm we will.' Marco stutters. Rio is in my view, but I don't dare look at him straight. Even though I shouldn't mind looking at him. 

I can't look at him. 

Not after what he did. Not after what I saw in Barletta. Not after I saw him take Molly back here. 

As soon as I reach my room, I close the door and look at the empty bed. It looks like someone was sitting on the edge of the bed, and when I take a deep breath, I can smell his cologne. 

He was in here. 

Rio was in here. 

He was waiting for me to get back, but why? Was he going to shout at me again? Was he going to try something with me again? Was he going to rub it in my face how good Molly was for him? Why? 

I hear footsteps down the hall and turn back to the door. Leon placed a lock on the door and I instantly lock the door, making my heart skip a beat when I hear the footsteps going deeper down the hall. 

I just hope Marco didn't get in too much trouble... 

But by the looks of it, he'll be fine. Right? 


A/N: A little cute Marco and Cataleya moment, because why the fuck not!! 

So Molly... What do we think about her so far? 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time! Don't forget to vote and comment on what you liked most! 

Continue lendo

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