
Od Eveleft13

214K 7.1K 1.1K

My girl saved me as I broke her. Fuck, that girl suffered. There is always more than one side to a story and... Vรญce

Author's Note:
Chapter 1.1: Drowning
Chapter 1.2:
Chapter 1.3:
Chapter 1.4:
Chapter 1.6:
Chapter 1.7:
Chapter 1.8:
Chapter 1.9:
Chapter 1.10:
Chapter 1.11:
Chapter 1.12:
Chapter 1.13:
Chapter 1.14:
Chapter 1.15:
Chapter 1.16
Chapter 1.17:
Chapter 1.18:
Chapter 1.19:
Chapter 1.20:
Chapter 1.21:
Chapter 1.22:
Chapter 1.23:
Chapter 1.24:
Chapter 1.25:
Chapter 1.26:
Chapter 1.27:
Chapter 1.28:
Chapter 1.29:
Chapter 1.30:
Chapter 1.31:
Chapter 1.32:
Chapter 1.33:
Chapter 1.34:
Chapter 1.35:
Chapter 1.36:
Chapter 1.37:
Chapter 1.38:
Chapter 1.39:
Chapter 1.40:
Chapter 1.41:
Chapter 1.42:
Chapter 1.43:
Chapter 1.44:
Chapter 1.45:
Chapter 1.46:
Chapter 1.47:
Chapter 1.48:
Chapter 1.49:
Chapter 1.50:
Chapter 1.51:
Chapter 1.52:
Chapter 1.53:
Chapter 1.54:
Chapter 1.55:
Chapter 1.56:
Chapter 1.57:
Chapter 1.58:
Chapter 1.59:
Chapter 1.60:
Chapter 1.61:
Chapter 1.62:
Chapter 1.63:
Chapter 1.64:
Chapter 1.65
Chapter 1.66:
Chapter 1.67:
Chapter 1.68:
Chapter 1.69:
Chapter 1.70:
Chapter 1.71:
Chapter 1.72:
Chapter 1.73:
Chapter 1.74:
Chapter 1.75:
Chapter 1.76:
Chapter 1.77:
Chapter 1.78:
Chapter 1.79:
Chapter 1.80:
Chapter 1.81:
Chapter 1.82:
Chapter 1.83:
Chapter 1.84:
Chapter 1.85:
Chapter 1.86:
Chapter 1.87:
Chapter 1.88:
Author's End Note:

Chapter 1.5:

3.3K 107 6
Od Eveleft13

"Tequila!" Anna was screaming and clapping her hands like a baby seal the second I hit the top step.

Tequila was such a typical girl drink. We never drank the stuff unless Anna was over. JD only ever kept it stocked because he knew it was her favorite. I despised the fact that we all had to suffer and appease her because she would make JD's life a living hell by whining at him all night if she didn't get her way. He was a big bad tough guy until she stepped foot through the front door. It was like he lost all the testosterone in his body if she was within fifty feet of him. I would never understand why someone would change themselves or do something they hated just because the person they were sleeping with demanded it.

It was an absolute fucking joke.

Riley walked around to the opposite side of the table and stared down at the liquor bottles like they were going to bite her. She gave me the impression that she might be a bit of a tequila girl too. There was definitely a type and she fit the bill perfectly. She was too quiet and reserved to not have a wild side hiding underneath. Get a few drinks in this girl and I bet she would be dancing on top of the furniture, flashing her juicy tits for anyone who would look at them.

"I should probably get back up to Brynn to check on her." Riley's sweet little voice whispered.

"Alcohol Abuse... er... I already poured you a shot. No chickening out now." JD bullied her and pushed a full shot glass in front of her.

I was curious to see what kind of girl she was. What was she like when she was pressured into doing something she didn't want to do? Would she stand her ground against her brother or would she cave in?

Her large eyes raised to my face. They got even wider somehow the second they locked onto mine. I hadn't even realized I was still staring at her. She shifted and lowered her head down to the glass like she was fighting with herself.

Her thin, delicate fingers wrapped around the glass and picked it up to bring it to her lips. I sat back and anxiously waited for her to swallow it down.

"Cheers." She held up the glass to me, growing bolder by the second. She threw the drink back while looking me directly in the eyes. Fuck, she was a little more feisty than I originally thought.

Riley had a little bit of an attitude. I would be lying to myself if I said that little move she just made wasn't a huge turn-on. There was a tiny bit of defiance in every look she gave me. She was going to be more of a challenge than I had planned.

Unless I could get her drunk.

The girl was small; it probably wouldn't take very much to get her there. She seemed bothered by me, which I could use against her without her realizing it. If I could push her buttons enough, she would do anything to jab back. Girls were predictable like that. They couldn't sit and just take it; they had to win.

I had a plan. Admittedly, it wasn't a great one since it involved finding a way to fuck my friend's sister behind his back, but it was still a plan.

I walked over next to her and reached past her side. I made sure I invaded her space more than was necessary. I wanted her to feel the heat from my skin close to hers to see how she would react to me.

Her body shuddered as I grabbed the drink off the table.

"A bit jumpy, are we?" I asked in my best sex-laced tone as I leaned in close to her ear. I was pushing my luck a little, but I could play dumb if anyone caught on to the game I was playing with her.

"Lil bit is a spaz. You'll get used to her." JD laughed hysterically. This was the one time in our short friendship I was glad he was a little bit thick sometimes. Usually, it just grated my nerves when he wouldn't catch on to what I was saying, but tonight it only helped my situation. He was going to be my ally without ever knowing. He was completely oblivious to what I was planning on doing to her.

"I can see that." I leaned back and swallowed the shot and placed it on the table. When I looked at Riley again, she was giving JD a little bratty glare. She was getting upset quickly. This was working out well in my favor; all the pieces were falling into place perfectly. If everyone ganged up on her. I could swoop in to play the hero for the night, but first, I had to keep this going a bit longer.

"I'm going to bed." Riley pouted. Her perfect pink lips were pulled down in a frown.

"Past your bedtime already?" I snorted and grabbed another shot.

"She gets cranky when she doesn't get her way." JD teased.

Riley huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. She turned and stormed out of the room without saying another word to anyone. The girl was in a full-blown temper tantrum.

I placed my glass down on the table to go after her. I gave her a few seconds to get out of earshot of the rest of the group before I went to console her and let her cry on my shoulder. As soon as I began to walk towards the living room, Aiden's clingy ass ran out of the room after her. He was moving so fast to get to her that he almost tripped over his pants.

Fuck, Aiden was going to do everything he could to ruin this for me.

"She must be on her period." JD laughed and grabbed for another shot.

"Clearly." I mouthed as I stared through the doorway. I was watching her and Aiden standing together in the middle of the living room.

"You should be nicer to her." Anna hit JD on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, babe. You know Aiden will talk her off the ledge. He always does." JD snorted and pulled Anna into him to kiss her cheek.

Aiden was rubbing his hand up and down Riley's arm gently. His head was lowered down close enough to kiss her. I thought for sure he was going to pull her into him to close the gap between them. His eyes were wide with excitement as he softly whispered something to her. Her stance softened as she looked up at him and batted her eyelashes. I saw her nod in his direction and a huge smile spread across his face. Whatever he was saying to her was working.

He had such an effect on her. There had to be something going on between those two. There was no way their relationship had always been purely innocent with the way he looked at her. I could read how desperate he was for her all over his face and she didn't seem to notice at all.

He wanted her. How did no one else see it but me?

There was a strange feeling building just under my skin. It was like a boiling sensation that was blistering. It was consuming every inch of my body. It was winding me into a tight coil as each second passed while she stood close to him.

She was supposed to be mine tonight. There was no way I was going to let him have her.

Riley turned around to face the kitchen and Aiden placed his hand on her back. He pushed her back into the room gently. She came back to the table and slowly worked her way over to stand next to me again. It shocked the hell out of me that out of all the places she could have stood, she chose to be next to me. I expected her to go stand near perfect Aiden, but I was oddly relieved when she didn't. I shifted to stand a little closer to her side. Something about this girl drew me in and I didn't have the slightest clue why.

It had been a few days since I hooked up with anyone. I probably just really needed to fuck someone tonight.

Whatever was going on with me, all I knew was I wanted this girl badly and I didn't even know anything about her.

The conversation went back and forth across the room and I couldn't even concentrate on anything else but the feel of her body next to mine. I was lost in her. I kept stealing little glances over at her secretly. Her face was flushing and she had these little heat blotches on her skin. Even the tops of her ears were turning a bright pink which was something she had in common with JD.

It was the only thing they had in common.

I was glad she wasn't a carbon copy of him, but it would have been a lot easier for me to stay away from her if she was.

Her large breasts were moving up and down as she took in deep, slow breaths. She was licking her lips and her eyes would close for just a second too long. I had seen all those signs before; she was either nervous or horny.

Fuck, please let it be because she was horny.

I found myself pushing another full shot glass towards her without even realizing what I was doing.

I looked at her, wondering if she would keep going. Two drinks was probably about her max, if I had to guess. You get three shots in a girl her size and they started doing crazy things.

I wanted to get three shots in her and a fourth later upstairs in my room as I tear her apart from behind. My dick was twitching as I imagined her on all fours in front of me, taking me like a good girl. I tried to hide the smile on my face. She had me feeling like I was possessed and about to pass out at the same time. I had just started drinking and I already felt drunk from her presence.

"Round two." Aiden hollered across the table and grabbed for a full glass.

We all reached down for the next shot at the same time and took them together. I glanced over at Riley and watched her swallow hers down slightly slower than the rest of us. She looked back at me and pushed her glass back towards Aiden for another one. She had a challenge in the stare she gave me.

Aiden popped open a bottle of vodka this time and poured it into her glass. She grabbed for it and threw the shot back a lot quicker than the tequila. She slammed the glass down and looked up at me. She was falling for my little trap I had set and she had no fucking clue.

"Ry's playing with the big boys tonight." Mark laughed.

I signaled for another one and poured it quickly into my mouth. I slammed it down and motioned again. She mimicked my movement.

"Folks, I think we have ourselves an old-fashioned battle royale. In the red corner, standing tall, dark, and brooding with a hint of sexy... Mr. Ezra Miller. In the blue corner, standing just tall enough to smell everyone's belly buttons, everyone's favorite snack cake, Little Riley." Mark was cracking himself up. He was always way more amused with himself than he should be.

Everyone in the room busted out in laughter and Riley just stood there glowering with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Not funny." Her pouty bottom lip was sticking out.

"Well, it's true, you are little," I added. It was a fact. She was small, but then again, most people were when they stood next to me.

"And Ezra is extremely sexy." Mark whistled.

"Also true." I paused for a second, waiting for her to argue back.

She didn't.

"Just pour the damn drink." She was blushing as her eyes darted away from mine. The pink tinge to her skin looked amazing against the white dress she was wearing. I bet her whole body turned pink when she was being railed.

She began drinking down shot after shot without stopping. I matched her for the next two rounds and was starting to feel a little too good. I had a pretty solid buzz going on. I leaned back and watched her take another one by herself. I had slowed down and she just kept going without even noticing.

I was too wrapped up in her to notice I had already taken her too far.

Riley began pulling at her face and running her hands through her wild hair. She would giggle and shake her head for no reason whatsoever. She was leaning hard against the table, using it as a support to keep herself from falling over.

"You doing alright over there, Lil Bit?" JD asked when she started fumbling around.

What was her drink count up to now? Six, maybe seven?

Shit, I was an asshole.

"I'm so awesome." She squealed as she ran her hands over her body like she was feeling it to make sure it was still there.

"Aiden, cut her off," JD commanded. His big brother protective stance was on full display now. Too bad he was already too late. He should have stopped her after the first one or not even let her drink at all. It was obvious she didn't know how to hold her liquor.

"Don't cut me off. I'm too short already." She joked. She was slapping her hands on her knees like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Her smile was infectious and I found myself grinning ear to ear like a moron as I watched her fumbling against the table laughing.

"How about you go take a break and change Riley? Get more comfortable." Aiden suggested. I was surprised he didn't offer to take her upstairs to change her himself. He had already been so helpful tonight.

"You know what, Aiden? You're one hundred percent right. This stupid dress needs to come off." She pulled at the bottom of the dress and then surprised me by starting to lift it up to try to take it off.

Before I even knew it, I was pushing her hands down, trying to stop her. Aiden's eyes were wide as she played with the bottom of the dress and sucked on her bottom lip at the same time. He swallowed hard and adjusted himself. His face turned deep purple when he saw that I noticed his reaction.

I knew he had a thing for her. He was too drunk to hide it now.

Out of nowhere, Riley started falling backwards from the table. I went to grab her arm to catch her and pull her against me so she wouldn't hurt herself. I backed away quickly when I realized, like Aiden and Riley, I was losing control of myself too. If I was going to have her tonight, it wasn't going to be in front of a group of people. I knew if I touched her, I wouldn't be able to stop and would give my new secret obsession away.

"Riley, do you want me to go help you?" Anna slurred. I doubted she would be much help, she was swaying on her feet too. There was not a single sober person in the house right now.

"Nope, I'm good. I know where my holes are." Riley smiled.

Fuck, my dick was completely hard again. I knew where her holes were too, and I imagined filling every one of them tonight.

She started fumbling out of the kitchen towards the stairs. I was surprised when no one followed her. Drunk girl, going upstairs by herself, unattended. It wasn't exactly the best situation, even if she was in a house with people she thought she could trust.

This was my shot to make a move on her.

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An eternal, complicated love story that never comes to an end.. or does it?
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