Lost girls hidden

De Bluethewolf

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The Pierce sisters escape New York where the most powerful vampires rule over the streets. When they move to... Mais

Lost girls hidden
Chapter 1- Subway Getaway
Chapter 2- Saviors
Chapter 3- Death Becomes Us All
Chapter 4- The Journey to the Northwest
Chapter 5- What Once Was
Chapter 6- The Enchanted Lovers
Chapter 7- Who They Are Now?
Chapter 8- Living the Life
Chapter 9- Private Academy Interview
Chapter 10- The Mountains' Blessings
Chapter 11- First Day of School
Chapter 12- First Day of School Pt. 2
Chapter 13- The Four Leaders
Chapter 14- Haunted
Chapter 15- The Coming Arrival
Chapter 16- Academy Life
Chapter 17- The Trouble-Some Welcoming
Chapter 18- The Alpha's Graditude
Chapter 19-Destructive Mongrels
Chapter 20- The Aftermath
Chapter 21- Covens, Clans, and Conflict, Oh My!
Chapter 22- Harnessing Power
Chapter 23- The Harvest of Samhain
Chapter 24- Devil's Night
Chapter 25- Devil's Night pt. 2
Chapter 26- Crisis at Hand
Chapter 27- The Veil Between Worlds
Chapter 28- Dia De Los Muertos
Chapter 29- All Saints Day
Chapter 30-Dreams, Nightmares, Memories
Chapter 31- Family Rumble
Chapter 32-Family Rumble pt. 2
Chapter 33- Empty Graves
Chapter 34- Looking Back
Chapter 35- Pachakuti
Chapter 36- Past Dictates Future
Chapter 37- Winter Games pt.1
Chapter 38- Winter Games pt. 2
Chapter 39-The Forgotten Miracle
Chapter 40-Broken Refuge
Chapter 41-The New Year's Ball
Chapter 42-New Year's Ball pt 2
Chapter 43- Conquering Enemies
Chapter 45- Divination
Chapter 46-Comrade in Arms
Chapter 47- Duties & Responsibilities
Chapter 48- Power of Attorney
Chapter 49-Balancing the Scale
Chapter 50-Recuperation
Chapter 51-Old Blood Against New Blood
Chapter 52- Onward
Chapter 53-Here After pt. 1
Chapter 54- Here After pt. 2
Chapter 55- Return of Farrell Pack
Chapter 56- Bloodline Of the Farrell Pack

Chapter 44- The Fallen Comrade

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De Bluethewolf

Lyra's pov

I started where the great power came from the academy. Mami and Papi stepped behind me, staring out the window, waiting too. They felt it, too, including the rest of the family. Mami gasped, grasping my wrist. Adrian held onto her wrist, gulping.

"One is fading," Mama gasped with tears running down her face.

I gulped, turning back to the door seeing the guards and the keys that Manuel held in his hands.

"You can't go; I promised your daughter you'll all be safe here," King Erik told me, entering with his children. 

I hissed then began to shake. I could not aid my daughters, my son, or my husband. Princess Aurora came beside me, taking my hands into hers; I noticed the tattoo on her wrist, a half circle and lines. I saw her brother's too. Arthur saw my stare and walked to me, holding out his hand. I took both of their hands together. The tattoos together formed a sun.

"Maya told us how you always said The Sun Rises And Sets On Maya," Aurora informed me. So I looked out, the great light glistened in the sky, and the rest of the flames disappeared.

"Auntie Lyra," Maggie called out with her phone giving it out to me, "Axel?" I wondered while the family gathered around me. "I have Maya and Kat, Lyra," Axel reassures her. The two children sighed in relief hearing Maya's name over the line.

"Thank God! What about Ace? She left heading towards you?" I asked. He stayed silent for a moment and avoided the question.

"Lyra, it's Maya. She shifted when her magic saved us from the Drainers," He mentioned that stopped me for a bit. Maya's magic developed at rapid speed than her sisters; only now does she started to shift. So one of our daughters is fading.

"Where's Ace, Axel?!" I shouted. The ground cracked beneath me; King Erik grabbed his children quickly; Axel took a few minutes before answering.

"I've sent Aaron after her," Axel answered. Finally, my legs couldn't hold me anymore. Papi held onto me and told me to calm down. Lyla stepped on the cracks keeping ground from going apart, and alerted everyone to get out of the estate in case of collapsing.

"Oh my God, no, please not Lucky," I begged, shaking heavily. Then I heard the voice I couldn't hold onto the floor when I saw from the gate. Maximus was standing there smiling and staring at me.

"Lyra, listen to me, please. I'm heading towards Aaron now- we're," Axel yells out, but I dropped the phone to the ground.

Unable to move frozen in place, a barrier formed over my family and me. I'm unsure if I can keep it up for long. Everyone in my family stared outside as Maximus had only four hybrids with him. Drainers hungry and staring at the guards for vampire blood.

"Lyra, oh how I missed you," Maximus exclaimed with excitement. My tears dropped from my eyes as I shook in my Father's arms. Maximus can hear the hybrids' hunger.

"Get them!" He orders the hybrids. Lydia held onto Reagan as we all moved as one.

We all ran to the palace gardens; the hybrids came over the gates; my barrier managed to hold on where one of the hybrids tried to come through the barrier. Burning its flesh, but it didn't stop. The other three were drinking the guards.

"Argh!" Aurora and Arthur cried out in battle, shooting at the hybrids but watched in horror as they took the bullets as they kept on feeding the guards.

"Seems Gabriel wasn't the only one with worms as his seed," Maximus regards them.

Erik pulled his children back, swinging his sword in hand. Adrian and Santino grabbed ahold of them pulled them into the barrier.

"Dad!" They yelled out towards them, Erik tackled Maximus to the ground, but then the other hybrid turned into Drainers, still hunger for vampire blood. The Drainers turn to Erik and bit down his shoulders; I got up and rushed out of the barrier.

"Stop it!" I shouted, and the Drainers stopped then stared at me. Then, finally, Maximus emerged from the sky and dropped down in front of me, pleased to see me.

He dusted himself from the dirt. I watched as the King held onto the hybrids, keeping them in place. I shook as Maximus wrapped his arms over me.

"Oh, Lyra! I knew you'd return to my side. It's your place; it always has been," Maximus whispered against my ear.

"I am not yours. I have a husband, my family," I stated, and he growls in protests, sinking his nails into my skin. Maggie and Luke came out growling at him in their wolf forms.

"This time, I will make you mine." Maximus declared and clasped his fangs over my neck, chomping down and chewed on my flesh.

Maggie and Luke pounced on him, ripping and bitting him off to let go of me. But, instead, he hits them down to the ground and kicks them further away from us.

I grabbed ahold of him, and he started to scream. Fire emerged from my body.

"You made me suffer for so long with my daughters by taking them from me! Giving them to strangers! Vampires took my happiness with my family! Your cruelty and the sins I've committed keeping my girls safe from the likes of you!" I screamed outs. Maximus finally pushed me away blood spattered out of me.

Lyla runs towards me; Maximus stopped, dropped, and rolled, the one Drainer smelled my blood.

It came running after us; Lyla used its magic against it protecting us. But, unfortunately, the magic didn't do anything.

"Run! They immune by magic!" I cried out to her; stars came in my line of vision. Then, I heard the roaring of our wolves. Adrian ran over to me to put pressure on my neck.

Santino managed to tackle Lyla in time to avoid the Drainer's attack. Manuel kept close to his parents and his sister.

"Get out of the way and stay down!" Abuelo came over to us, and Abuela came over to the charred body of the vampire. She looked down at its body and heard the cries of millions of children, mothers, and fathers.

"For all the lives you've taken," She spoke out and stabbed the dagger into his heart.

A golden dagger forged by the incredible Incas that remain. In the hands of one as powerful as Pacha, it can keep anything alive only stabbed through the heart. A slow death welcomes them.

"This dagger will keep you alive until satisfaction met," She warned him; the Drainer came face to face with Pacha stopping for the first time. It was looking out towards the distance. It was Kathryn running towards them, but she wasn't in control.

She stopped in front of the Drainer and the hybrids who were feeding on the vampire. Heads lifted and turn to her; eyes rolled to the back of her head, only white as the white of her hair.

The wolves were running towards us. I need Axel to heal; I couldn't die yet when we're together. I watched as Kat tilts her head slightly. The hybrids followed in sync with her. Their eyes rolled to the back of their heads.

"Kathryn," I called out to her. She didn't react to my voice. Axel slowed down, panting his snout, licking my face. My eyes slightly closed, seeing his eyes a beautiful shade of blue like my Kathryn.

I see a smaller wolf that looks the same next to Axel; only her eyes are like mine. Ruby-red.

"M-Maya," I cried. Axel shifted back. "Lyra, I'm here," He panted, taking me in his arms.

Once in Axel's arms, I felt the pain go away. I opened my eyes, and they wander before I found the sight of Kathryn again. She moved her right hand upwards and in perfect sync. The Drainer and Hybrids followed her. She stops for a moment then cracks a bone in her neck. Then the Drainer and Hybrids tried fighting it but couldn't. Finally, they snapped their neck falling to the ground dead.

"Kat?" I gasped, watching her walk towards Maximus's burnt body with Maya leaving our side.

Maximus still lived and screamed at the sight of my daughters. Then, in unison, they snarled, pulling their lips back, revealing their fangs. Together, they bit down, tear the skin from bone, gargling blood in between his screams until Maya and Kat spit his remains to the ground.

"He's dead! He finally fucking dead!" I sobbed, laughing at his demise. All that remained was his head and his heart, with the dagger that kept him alive. Kat picked up the heart, holding on to the hilt of the dagger keeping it in place. Pacha took his head as it lived.

"My granddaughters are your undoing," Pacha told the head of Maximus. Kat stared down at the head, summoning her fire sprouting within her hands, but they turned blue like her eyes. But, it cries out one last cry, Pacha was not forgiving.

Pacha started working on the head, for it was an ancient ritual pass on from their ancestors; to keep the souls of the dead. So she sewed the neck, nose, and eyes and ears and mouth sew them shut to contain his soul within his head. So his body was destroyed and belonging to her.

Kat's eyes rolled back to usual, hitting the ground the magic brought her back.

Meanwhile, outside the City

Kane half his body is burned from the fire as he dragged Ace's body by her wrist.

"Ugh fuck!" Kane whined out. He stumbled over his footing, panting loudly. The rain was coming down hard on them. Stopping and getting up goes over to Ace, straddling her body.

"You were the best out of everyone in the camps how my Father praised you! The one who brought him riches and fear. I hated you because you had your Mother and sisters! Even when I raped you, it did nothing!" He yells at her. He can still hear her heart beating. He heard a wolf's cry not that far from where they were.

"Die! Die! Like the rest of the worms!" Kane shouted, wrapping his hands arm her neck; she didn't react nor woke from her sleep. He hit the ground, tackled by the wolf with black fur and blue eyes.

"Ahah!" Kane screamed as the wolf snarls and ripped off his fingers from his hands. The wolf chomps down on the bone of his fingers and spits it back out from its mouth. Then the wolf stared back at Kane and shifted back into human form.

"You're not worthy," Aaron snarled, tossing him aside to get to his sister. Kane screams and runs away from them. Aaron ignores him, gathering his little sister in his arms.

He saw her every day solid and robust; now, seeing her wounded and small scared him. He placed his head against hers, crying over her. He heard screeching tires; he saw a van with blood already on it, run Kane over. He recognized a smell coming from it.

The van came driving down the lane. The car window rolled down to see August and Ezra and two other men he doesn't know. John sends Sean to the back.

"Hey kid, get in!" John snapped at him, opening the back door. Sean opens the door to Aaron, offering him a ride back into the city. He climbs into the van while holding Ace close to him.

"What happens to Ace?!" John shouted back. Sean looked over at her. She wasn't responding; it seems like she was asleep, but they know her to be such a light sleeper when danger was nearby. Her hair was silver.

"Aaron, where's your father?" Ezra asks August came over to help Sean in checking on Ace's wound. They were only slashing and cuts, not deep enough to cause her not to respond.

"At the Undead King's estate, that's where everyone is," Aaron revealed; he places his ear over her chest. Her heart has a strong beat no signs of slowing down. He couldn't understand why she wasn't waking up.

Ezra took the steering wheel from John, heading towards the estate. John joined Sean and Aaron beside Ace.

"Ace sweetie wake up for me, please," John asked, wiping the blood away from her face. She didn't react. John shook her to try to wake her.

"No, no, please, spade! Please, wake up!"John gasped, tears running down his face.

Aaron watched John as he took Ace's hand into his, crying over her. Aaron knew it was the spell that their Mother placed on them long ago. Sean started crying too, holding onto John as he wept over Ace.


The Undead King and his guards drew their semi-automatic weapons, pointing them to a wolf with red eyes. It attacked the guards protecting Kathryn by pulling her back. King Erik had always regarded the wolves as his enemy, for they had killed most of his people before he became the Undead King. Moreover, having a beast such as the one before him made ancient rage raise and seek blood.

The dark wolf leaped at the King, whimpering, but his sword cuts the wolf's face down to his chest and left arm. The wolf cried out in pain, collapsing on its side. King Erik took up his sword again, stepping before the fallen wolf until Samuel Zhao struck him down. Samuel climbs on top of the King, beating up as his children ran to aid him.

"Maya!" Aaron called out from the darkness making the twins and Erik gasp.

The dark wolf let out a sorrowful howl, shrinking back to her form as Maya. She gasped in between breaths, shivering, then looks down at her bleeding wounds. Finally, Aaron appears before her. Maya stares up at him with eyes of recognition.

"It hurts, Aaron, I'm bleeding," Maya cried, holding out her hand to him.

"It's alright, Maya. I'm here," Aaron reassured her, examing her wounds.

"This is how you show her your love, huh!?" Samuel cursed at the King, who dropped his hands at his sides.

Erik's eyes looked out at Maya's frightening expression towards him, hugging her naked body away from his sight. Arthur and Aurora watched as Sam rose away from their Father, throwing his jacket off and wrapping it around their chosen Mother. Aaron glared at Sam, who boldly scooped up Maya in his arms and walks away from him. Maya buried her face within Sam's neck, hiding away her tears from the others as it was their way for wolves.

"Follow inside, bring in the wounded I will help after Maya gets treated," Sam announced without stopping or looking back at others. Everyone went inside. John carried Ace cradling her protectively.

Sam had a first aid kit open, and Kat regains her consciousness and felt a terrible pain in her stomach, not knowing what she did earlier. Maya helped wipe the blood off her face. Aaron came towards his sisters.

Everyone was recovering from the battle while Ace's body is on the couch. Tio Adrian and Patcha were examing her condition; John stayed beside her, and Sean, Ezra, and August discussed with Axel how they found them. That their enemies are scattered, some alive, some not found.

"John calms down," Sean argued with his husband when John walked straight to Lyra, slapping her across the face. Axel and Ezra slammed John against the wall; Sean pulled a gun against the wall.

"Bastard!" Axel cursed at him. John spat at Axel's face. "You and that bitch of a mother did this to them! Look what you've done to them!" He yells at them, tears running down his face. Axel's grip started to loosen, Lyra came overtaking his hand off John dropping him to the floor.

Sean helped John up the floor, "That's enough, so much blood has spilled today." King Erik announced. John growls, looking over at Ace.

"Mihija, "Pacha calls out to Lyra both her and Axel went over to her, but John stood in the way of them protecting Ace.

"Get the hell away from her!" John yelled. Sean pointed his gun at them; Adrian backed away as Pacha stroke Ace's forehead clearing her face of her silver hair. Pacha cried and kissed Ace's forehead.

"The spell's effects have gotten to her than her sisters. She won't be waking up soon," Pacha revealed. The whole room went silent John dropped to his knees Sean collected him in his arms, cradling his husband.

Her sisters got up, silently and shivering. They strolled towards their little sister.

"NO!"John cried out, Maya and Kat went to Ace's side. Maya is standing with hope, taking Ace's hand into hers, crying within her hand. Kat stood over them. She clenched her hand, breathing heavily.

"Magic did this to us?" Kat spoke out the house crack and ached in a loud wind. The fire burned brighter, and the shadows moved unnaturally with the anger in Kat's heart. She turned to Lyra and Axel walking towards them.

Kat took every step, a thunderous roar of the wind and earth. Finally, Maya drops to her knees, begging Ace to please wake up and be with them; they're free finally free from the torment.

"These memories in my head, they're lies! They have to be!" Kat spat, yanking at her hair, thinking it's a way to rid her of the memories, but she glares at her Mother.

"We were born with nothing, nothing but darkness and blood. So why now, why now do we doubt it?" Maya questioned in whispers. The windows were blown open; Maya walked over to Kat, facing their parents.

"What was it worth? Grand Alpha of New York? Grand Luna of New York," They addressed their parents in their titles, reminding them. Kat crying, barely holding it together. Maya is holding her hand.

"Now you have only two broken daughters!" Kat yelled at them.

The fire blew out, Lyra walks towards them, but Maya puts her hand out towards her stopping her. Axel couldn't bear looking at them.

"The drainers! The last moment before turning was your face, Lyra," Maya addressed her as Lyra no longer their Mother in her eyes. Lyra stood silent, taking a breath in.

"I had to," Lyra spoke out. Maya's eyes shine in a fury so did Kat. The sparks of wires throughout the house struck the floor. Everyone stayed clear except John and Sean and their parents.

"Had to what?! Erase our memories, making us believe that we were nothing more than slaves for half our lives! While our Father and brother stayed safe! What about us! Didn't we mattered?!" Maya screams at the top of her lungs the first time she ever raises a tone against her Mother.

"You do matter, all three of you and your brother! I can't change what happens. I know that! I had to protect you from them!" Lyra argues with her Kat went silent. She had enough.

"Protection? That was protection?! AS SLAVES! Killing and slaughtering the helpless!" Maya continues to scream her magic tied to her emotion; therefore, the abnormal storm outside the house was her doing.

"Your lives were at stake. If they knew about your true indentity_ they would've killed you?"Axel finally spoke out, not defending their reason but only an expectation for the tragedy of their lives.

"We did die. What we had left died in that hellhole we lived in," Kat spoke out, glaring at them.

Maya and Kat kept their ground and stood up. Kat kept herself from baring her teeth and lowering her stance to the ground. Her senses were screaming out to her to leave before the hunger to kill will overcome her.

"You betrayed us. Out of all the people," Kat started off remembering the past of her childhood.

The false sense of safety shattered that night before they left their home. The hunger that she felt before can't compare to what she's feeling now.

"Our parents who lied and deceived us!" Maya snarled, and her eyes shifted into a wolf having no control over them whatsoever. John and Sean got up, and John took Ace's body up to her arms.

"We'll be leaving with Ace now," John noted to them. Maya and Kat turned towards them, Sean kept his safety off, and John kept holding Ace with one hand.

"No, we're leaving with you too," Kat decided quickly. Maya started collecting their belongings and the money they managed to save from the fire that didn't burn with their weapons.

"You can't leave; the family has to stay together-," Tio Adrian interjected, but Maya and Kat ignored him. Finally, Pacha faced the family, letting John collect Ace in his arms.

"No, mihijo," Pacha and Fernando spoke out. Pacha walks towards her granddaughters, pulling out two ponchos in two different patterns and colors. One red and the other blue. Fernando held another as Pacha muttered a prayer in Quecha.

"They have a journey ahead of them. We'll follow when the girls are ready," Pacha stated as a final decision kissing Kat and tying the cloak to her shoulders. Tears ran down Pacha's cheek stroking Kat's sad face and her white curl locks. She walks to Maya and gasps at her bloody bandages.

"They need time away_ from us to try and understand," Her voice broke while tying Maya's poncho and stroking her long beautiful black hair.

"We can-," Axel and Lyra interjected, but Pacha pushed them slightly back with her magic.

"Axel and Lyra _ they are not the children you failed to protect. Let them go," She firmly commanded and steps towards Ace. Fernando walked over to Ace's side. Her eyes closed her poncho was different. It was dark black with a silver lining like her hair. Together, the abuelos placed the cloak over her body.

"Please, good husbands, take care of our girls where we failed them," Fernando pleaded both John and Sean Pacha kissed Ace's forehead and cheeks, as did Fernando.

"Forgive us for not doing more," They spoke to Ace; Pacha handed John a pouch filled with a remedy that Ace will need. She instructed to sprinkle a pinch of the substance in the pouch, setting, and rising sun and moon. It'll last as long as it needs too and once it finishes, Ace will awaken.

The sisters collected their belongings silently, and Ace's box was taken by Sean, keeping it close. John had managed to pry off the hilts that Ace kept hold off tightly that the broken blades cut her hands that Adrian had to stitch together to keep the flesh of her hands from splitting.

Lyra kept quiet while Axel ordered the pack to let the girls get their stuff, for they tried to stop them. They will cause more harm than what they already dealt with tonight. Aaron had dreamt and thought out this moment in his head for so many years. He could he had expected that things could go back to normal after what his sisters went through.

Aaron held the stuffed wolf he found in the ruins of the burnt house of their family. Sean had placed Ace in the back seat of the van that they've given by King Erik. Aaron came over to where John was placing the pinch of the sustain that Abuela gave to him over Ace's head.

With the rising sun as instructed, he'll have to continue doing this.

"Where are you taking them?" Aaron wondered, tightening his jaw. John looks to Aaron, he lower taking her hands looking at her wounds carefully.

John comes beside him, placing the pouch in his pocket close. "A safe place amongst friends," He assured him reveal only that so far, Aaron held the stuffed wolf close.

"The friends who kept Ace alive?"Aaron questioned again. He knew little about his sisters when they spent years apart from each other, only that Kat spent it with an Italian mobster and Maya with the undead King in his palace.

"Yes, wait, that stuffie?"John noticed Aaron didn't hide it any longer. John seemed to recognize it. "Ace had one like that one when Takeshi brought her to us," John remembered. Aaron sighed, hoping to give it to her himself.

"Yes, I made it for her when she longed to be with the pack," Aaron noted to him. John looks over at Ace as she sleeps soundly, not knowing the worry and fear everyone is holding.

"Give it here, lad. I will make sure this stays with her," John told him. Aaron's eyes went over to Ace, remembering their days together. He would wake up to Ace waiting by his door before he went to school. She would wait by the door with her stuffie for him, his Father, and the pack.

"Thank you," Aaron sighs, choking on the tears but closed his eyes to keep himself from crying.

The pack watched and followed the orders of his parents despite their objects. His Abuela is right, and he cannot begin to understand how their Mother wiped his sisters' memories. Now they're stolen memories returned brought here with lies and deception.

"You are welcome, young laird. I pray whatever the girls decide. So that you and your family can come to an understanding," John prayed to palm Aaron's shoulder. Aaron looks at him, and John exams his features.

"I see you and Ace take after the bute of your Father. The same face when you're overthinking everything," John remarked, overlooking Axel from afar. His arms over Lyra's body, holding her to keep her from falling to the ground. John sees Maya, Kat, and Sean with their bags ready.

"So I have been told. I know my Mom made mistakes and knew the risk she took. My da trusted her judgment; that slap will be the last," Aaron warned him with a low growl rumbling within his chest.

John drops his hand at his side, seeing a faint image of a young Ace who first growled at him when they met.

"I understand. Just remember this, lad. Your Mother long held as a saint in your sisters' eyes. Only now can they see clearly from a broken spell she cast long ago. So maybe it's about time you open your eyes to see the clear picture." John noted, taking the stuffed wolf from me and placing it in Ace's hands.

He closes the door and opens the trunk for the girls to place their stuff. Aaron silently steps aside as Sean helps the girls with the bags. Kat and Maya did not utter a word nor glance at him. Finally, Sean can feel the tension and goes up to the front, leaving the sisters to the trunk.

"We don't blame you," Kat spoke first. Aaron was stunned by her remark like she read his mind. Kat sighs, looking at her brother seeing her own eyes staring back at her.

"We know that they expected too much from you. You feel you can't compare to being brave and protect the pack and yourself like Axel. You are not him, Aaron; you have to think for yourself." Maya added with a faint smile. Aaron thinks back on a memory where his sisters could not speak, but they had a form of communicating like the pack but only within themselves. The connection was the first they've had shared this with him.

"I know you're angry, and you have every right to be. But punishing Mom like this isn't the right way," Aaron tried to reason with them.

"Then what is right, Aaron? The last face I remember was the face of a ten-year-old boy kissing us goodnight. Now I see a man who still sees us as the girls who left from that doorstep." Maya spat, flashing her crimson eyes.

"Stop living in the past, Aaron. Things are not as we left them," Maya interjected. Aaron frowns, not wanting them to leave. He looked over to his parents, watching as his sisters don't look back at them.

"Maya! Wait! I'm coming with you!" Samuel called out, running towards them. Kat growls, "If he comes, I'll kill him," She threatened, snarling and baring her fangs.

"If you do that, we'll go our separate ways," Maya argued, taking Sam's hand first and stepping in front of him. Kat scoffs, staring at Sam than at her.

"This will be the second time you'll leave us for a man," Kat implied, and John slams his fist on top of the dashboard, tired of so many things but hearing them whine about who comes and who goes blew a fuse his calm nature.

"You start this stupid shit, girly! We're leaving you both here." John threatens. The sisters glare at one another before Kat spits out the blood at the ground.

"I'll be in the front," Kat decided, climbing slowly into the passenger seat. John nearly glances at the bites and caked blood on her skin. The fidgeting of her nails scratches her thighs, causing red marks. John has seen it many times and knew too well what has happened to her, and he gave her baby wipes.

"Wipe your face, and there's a pair of scrubs in the glove compartment. I ain't stopping at a gas station unless for gas," John replied, seeing a brief smile on his husband's face before pulling out of the lands heading directly to the main interstate.

Sam and Maya sat in the seat behind where Sean sat beside Ace's seat where the footing is, keeping an eye on her.

The drive was silent, and neither attempted to speak for fear setting off the sisters. Maya and Kat merely glanced at the rearview mirror. Maya laid in Sam's eyes, staring out the car window. Sam did not attempt to question her but just stay by their side.

They silently promised each other to be there. Sam linked arms and held Maya's hand. Kat continues to fidget, biting the nail of her thumb as she stares out of the window. Not at the passing landscapes but the reflection of her face.

"You'll bite through your skin if you keep that up," John informed still Kat ignores him, unable to get rid of Marie and Viktor's teeth on her body. So now her little sister is practically in a coma because she didn't blow the building fast enough.

All of this bullshit was because of lies and magic, the same magic that lingers in her.

"I know what you are going through, and at the rate we are going through this highway. I need you to stop," John spoke softly, pressing an acupuncture needle through the nape of her neck, and she slumps backward. John caught her head from hitting anything, but he felt the barrel of a gun to his head.

"What the fuck did you give her? Drugs?" Maya demanded, and John gently lays Kat's head on his lap. Sean held out a handgun at Sam's head because of the sparkles going off at the tip of his fingers. They may have magic, but even that can't be quicker than a bullet.

"I need both hands to drive, Princess," John expressed, knowing he's going to have to take the needle out in about six hours when he changes shifts to drive. San Franciso is nine hours away now, all stuck in a car. He can't have these ladies making trouble upon arriving at their destination.

Kat?"Maya called out to her, worried, but Kat was breathing well. "I put her to sleep. She needs it. Do I need to put you to sleep?" He asks. Maya just shook her head glanced back at Ace in the back as Sean placed the gun by his side.

After six hours in the car driving, Sean and John decided it was best to stop for the night and rest. So they went to a hotel with a lot of money in their possession. It was a good hotel and didn't bat an eye when bringing Ace and Kat, who they assumed fell asleep.

They have gotten a suite where the room is connected. That way, they can take turns watching over Ace; John had placed Kat on an armchair and took the needle out of Kat's neck.

Kat awoke in the chair seeing Maya and Sam with Sean drinking away.

"Here, Lass, you feel better after resting?" John offered her a drink Kat angry, but at the same time, she's never gagged taking the drink whole. John and Sean were impressed by her drinking.

" Why did you decide to take us with you?" Kat questioned. John glanced over at Ace and held the pouch within his hand.

"I never could understand why Ace left now seeing you and your sister. She's never abandoned either of you. So how could I," He noted, taking drinking calmly? Samuel had a first aid open on his lap, treating Maya's cut on her cheek.

"I can't understand why it's not healing," Sam mentioned. Kat glares from afar, taking another glass of rum. Maya's tears run down her cheek, knowing why.

"His sword is silver, the wolf i-i mean me when I was a wolf, he cut me with his blade," She stuttered Sean and John let to take a shower wash away the blood sweat off from the day before. Kathryn stopped drinking from the cup and now started from the bottle.

"Kat, do you want me to disinfect your wounds?" Sam asked her Kat chuckles and started on a bottle of tequilla; she pops it open.

"Nope, I got it," She exclaimed, pouring the tequilla over her wound. It burned severely. Maya glared at Kat for drinking too much as Kat chuckled, walking over to the balcony drinking down the bottle tequilla, flipping off Maya and Sam.

"Hey, do me a favor. Don't fuck each other in front of our dead sister, would you?" Kat blurted out them then Maya got up and slapped Kat across the face only on Kat's face. Maya's claws slashed her cheek.

Kat touched the blood running down her cheek, chuckling. She wipes the blood away as the wound heal instantly.

"Like mother and Daughter," Kat commented, seeing Maya turn to her eyes blazing red.

"You fucking Bitch!" Maya yelled at her Kat threw the bottle at Sam's head, but Sam slapped the bottle breaking it. Sean came out from the shower with a towel over his waistband, seeing what was happening.

"Is this gonna be a problem?"Sean asks; annoyed by this outburst, Kat said nothing and took another bottle from the minibar. He was walking over to Sean and stopping.

"I'm sleeping on the rooftop; take Ace in a room. Don't leave her alone," She asked, leaving the suite, heading up the stairs. Maya's cheek started to get infected. The veins under her skin were visible now because they were turning black, but almost as it happens, it quickly faded away.

"Amazing in all my years, I never thought I'd see a hybrid turn wolf," John expressed, coming out from the shower with a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around his head. Sean brought warm water in a giant bowl with a white rag of the hotel. John didn't want Ace to be covered in blood anymore.

"Can you please help clean the blood off your sister?" John asked politely, offering her a small towel. Maya nodded, not wanting to speak. She didn't want to fight with Kat over Sam and why she brought him along.

John wiped Ace's arms; as Maya washed Ace's face gently, she didn't react to her touch. Instead, Maya started shaking, staring at her sister.

"She's not responding _it's like she is dead," Maya cried over Ace's face, her tears dripping down Ace's face and holding her. John placed his hand on her shoulder gently, she jerked.

"Maya listens. Her heart is beating," He told her. Maya calms down, sitting beside her hearing her sister's heart beating. She collects herself and continues to wash the blood off Ace's body.

"I didn't want to fight with her. But, without Ace, we can't agree on anything. So we're always fighting." Maya sighed heavily; Sean gave her some water to drink. At the same time, Sam cleaned up the bottle glass from the floor.

"Siblings always fight. Even Ace fought with her adopted siblings," John mentioned Maya thought she misheard him. Sam looked over Maya; he knew what John meant. He read it in Ace's journal, which correctly burned in the fire.

"Adopted? Her master adopted her," Maya asked John stops, "oh fuck uh,"

"Not legality. I mean, he forged your Mom's signature; I don't think it's legality binding. Since Ace never signed the papers. He gave her a choice. She chose to go back home." He stated to her Maya looks back at Ace, not saying anything, and got up.

Maya left to the other bathroom climbed into the bathtub, with nothing fully clothed, crying in her hands, just letting out her emotions. The hurt and pain she had dealing. She wants to go back to being a wolf.

The feeling of running like a wolf, the escape from being a human form, a wolf can run free, nothing of its past haunting them.

"Maya," Sam called out, entering the bathroom. He can't find the words to confront her.

Maya stayed quietly, unable to come up with words as well. Sam climbed inside the tub; Maya covered her face with her hands, unable to look at him.

"We don't have to talk or do anything, Maya. I will just stay here with you," Sam assured Maya, settling beside her.

"What if I . . . want to be alone?" Maya questioned, looking in between the gaps of her fingers.

"That I will not let you do, be alone or push me away," Samuel refused, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

Maya's face flushed at his actions; Sam kissed her forehead and stares into her eyes. She sighed, tired and not wanting this feeling to go away and having someone that would just stay with the intention of not wanting something in return. Sam's comfort is a gift in her sorrow; Maya slid her arms around his back and cupped his back muscles closely. She kissed his cheeks, nose, and lastly, his lips; a small peck and laid her forehead against his staring into his eyes. In the comfort of their shared warmth, they soon drifted to sleep in each other's embrace.

John got dressed with Sean and decided to sent word to their destination, telling them about the sisters and their arrival to prepare Ace's room with medical equipment and have medical people they can trust to treat her at their location.

"I know, Tilo, but I couldn't leave them behind_ wait, ugh!" John's call hung up. Sean went beside him and wrapped his hands over his own, leaning his head over his caressing his cheek.

"What did he say," Sean asked. John groans and is fearful not for them or for Ace but more for the baggage they'll be facing. John lays back on the soft bed, tired and angry that not even his husband can ease his worry.

"He's already having casket drawn up in our sizes glad they even remembered us," John remarks. Sean lays next to him, cuddling and looking over at him.

"Come now, he isn't that angry, is he?" He asks, but he remembers the amount of time that Tilo lost his anger and even came close to going head to head with Takashi. He's the fastest among the group that Ace comes nearly second to his speed.

"He's far more worried and angry with himself that he has to inform the others they'll be there when we arrive tomorrow. John informs that worried Sean he and johns are allies and friends to the group, but they've shared many great things when it comes to the group's members.

Bringing their own in the state, she's in won't sit well with either of them. They can only hope their skills can keep them from experiencing significant pain.

"What about her sisters and the mage?" Sean added. John looks back at Sean, not with a worried look more of a look of concern. They can't agonize over what those girls are going through and that their sister who kept them together isn't here to keep them from breaking.

"They've heard of them. The group won't trust them even if I defend them," John concluded, knowing fully well that it's true. The group will take Ace and teach her, but they'll get the answers to what happened to Ace one way or another.

"They'll have to manage on their own, John," Sean noted respectfully that their way, and Ace knows it too alongside John and Sean they've experienced it and seen it happen.

"But they're alone, Sean; Ace has the group and us. Maya has that mage, but that Kat girl is alone and damaged," John mentioned Sean held onto John like always they've supported their decisions and endure any outcome that came to their ways over many years.

It still doesn't prepare them for what's to come tomorrow. Either way, the sisters will have to endure what's to come—facing the group of ex-triad and yakuza members formed after the night of the massacre. Only one member left the group, and that was Ace, to return to her family. The group raised her and wanted her to stay but respected her desicion to leave.

Ace promised them she'll return only not in her condition. They're angry with the people who have done this to their beloved comrade, their little spade returning home.

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