Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

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Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss

50 : Lifetime

984 26 3
By goldenpup45

Rhian's eyes slowly opened as she felt a finger tracing her back. Her orbs adjust themselves to the bright light illuminating the place before the realization sink in. They spent the night at the treehouse after...

"Good morning." She heard Glaiza husked through her ear right after kissing her bare shoulder, tightening her grip on hers.

A smile instantly appeared on Rhian's face as she turn to face her girlfriend. She instantly wrap her arms around her, pulling Glaiza closer to her. "Good morning, love."

Rhian was about to lean in for a kiss, when Glaiza backed away, covering her own lips. "Uh-uh. Morning breath."

"I don't care." She pulled Glaiza's hand off her lips before capturing her girlfriend's plump lips with her own. "Hmm, you taste vanilla as always. I love it."

A grin mad its way on Glaiza's face. The two fell in a comfortable silence, staring lovingly at each other, as they trace their hands on the other's hip and arm. Despite the countless times Rhian had stared at Glaiza, she still couldn't get used to seeing such beauty. Absentmindedly, she brought a hand to caress Glaiza's face. Tracing her smooth forehead, to her thick, arched eyebrows, down to her aquiline nose, her rosy cheeks, before sliding a thumb across her plump heart-shaped lips, to which Glaiza gave her thumb a kiss.

Rhian pushed herself to connect their foreheads. "God, I'm so in love with you, G. You have no idea."

"Yeah? I'm pretty sure last night's steamy bed 'adventure' we had, pretty much covered it up." Glaiza wiggled her eyebrows playfully to which Rhian shook her head in amusement.

"I'm serious. There's this incredible feeling I always feel whenever I'm around you, or when you're running on my mind. Its just crazy how much you make crazy, you know? I never felt that way with anyone, only you. And I'm freaking loving it." Rhian says, as she lay her head on Glaiza's chest, tracing her slightly protruding yet gorgeous feminine abs.

"You and me both, Rhi." Glaiza agrees, kissing the top of her girlfriend's head. "Being with you had always been amazing... I never told you this but, when we were young, you're the only friend I had. I wasn't exactly likeable and approachable, and kids often distant themselves from me. I talk too much and ramble weird stuff that I found fascinating to the point where I drive the kids annoying. I guess that's why I was labeled as an oddball and didn't quite fit in any social groups."

"...Then I met you." Glaiza smiled at her. "Barging here on your treehouse and having an embarassing introduction between the two of us, was the best time of my life, honestly. From the moment I met you, I sense that you'll be different from the rest. And I was right. You were accepting of my eccentricity, tolerated my talkative ass, and embraced my quirkiness. You have no idea how much it made me happy when you agreed for me to stick with you. And since then, I've grown to accept myself and payed less attention to what other people say. You made me feel really good, Rhi."

Rhian grins and admired the fond look on Glaiza's face, before her lips quirks in a teasing smile. "Just to be clear. That last part you said, you're talking about my influence on loving yourself, right? Not because we had sex last night?"

"Both." Glaiza grins. "Speaking of which, last night was... insanely incredible! How'd you learn to do that? 'Cause you catch up pretty well!"

Rhian blushed lightly. "I-I have my ways."

"You mean like watching girl on girl porn, like last time you did when I brought you that munchkins?" Glaiza raised her eyebrows in amusement.

Rhian eyes went wide. "H-How did you-"

"I overheard loud moans from when I was in the bathroom, so I piece two and two together." Glaiza replied with a smug look.

Fuck! So she did heard it!

Rhian cleared her throat awkwardly. "I-In my defense, I didn't watch it per sè, Lovi sent me that link and not knowing what it would lead to, I click on it and it just so happened to be two women doing the deed. I exited from it quickly, which was unluckily after my screen froze. So, in conclusion, your assumption about me watching malicious video was... s-slightly false."

"Mhm, sure." Glaiza didn't buy Rhian's statement a bit upon seeing Rhian's flushed face and hearing her stuttering words. But, she decided to let it pass, not wanting to make the girl more fluster than she already is.

"But nevertheless, it was shockingly good for a first timer like yourself. 'Cause you already know what to do to drive me off the edge. Unlike me. You know, the last time I've done it, I didn't even know what to do with my hands, so it was really awkward. I guess that's why-"

"Wait, wait, hold on. Go back." Rhian cut her girlfriend mid-sentence. "What do you mean 'last time you've done it'? Are you implying that last night wasn't your first time? If so, then how did y-"

Just then, her eyebrows shot up in realization. "You slept with Benjamin. Right. Of course, he's your first."

Shocked at her own slip-up and Rhian's quick realization, Glaiza's mind went haywire.

"Uhm... y-yeah. But!..." Glaiza immediately rebutted. "I-It wasn't that great! It was really sloppy and quick. To be honest, the pleasure I received wasn't even that intense. I mean, his dick didn't really penetrated me deep inside 'cause it wasn't that bi-"

"Okay! Okay! No need to tell me that details!" Rhian shot to sit up, turning her body away from Glaiza, shaking her head frantically in disgust.

The rich girl huffed out in slight anger at the false thought that she was Glaiza's first. But really, who was she kidding? Benjamin had been with Glaiza longer than hers because:
a.) She and Glaiza had a fallout and had been enemies and rivals for 2 years.
b.) Glaiza found comfort in Benjamin's presence during her stay in the US and found a substitute friend in him.
c.) Benjamin's her first love.

So obviously, Glaiza's comfortable enough to do the deed with him. With this being said, it was pointless for Rhian to bore resentment, which was frustrating because Rhian's mind was far from forgetting the revelation that Benjamin was Glaiza's first and not her.

"Hey," Glaiza sat up and snake her arms around Rhian's back, her lips meeting her bare shoulder. "Does it bother you this much?"

"No." Rhian denied through a lie. "Its I thought that I'd be the one to make your first time special, you know? Just like you made mine."

"That night with Benjamin happened from my drunkenness and messed up emotions after witnessing you kissed Jason twice. I merely used him to help me forget the anger and pain I felt. It was nothing compared to what I felt for you last night. With you it was different. Last night, it was more than just sex with you. Just a mere eye contact with you, it felt like genuine connection. Mind, heart, and all. I felt this... undeniable pull on my soul. And it warms my heart to know that it is only you who made me feel that way. Not Benjamin, not anyone. Even though you weren't my first, you still made last night romantic, memorable, and most of all, it was filled with love. With that being said, you still made my night special. That's all that matters to me." Glaiza explained.

Rhian turn her body with a gentle, appreciating smile before pulling her in for a warm embrace. Glaiza moved to straddle her lap, hugging her just as tight.

The short-haired girl pulled away slightly to connect their foreheads together. "I'm yours, Rhi... Only yours."

Overwhelmed by the incredible emotions brought by Glaiza's heart-tugging words and gestures, Rhian pulled her by the neck, connecting their lips in a deep kiss. Glaiza kiss her back just as passionately, indicating the genuinity behind her words. Rhian pulled away slowly, nuzzling her face away on the crook of Glaiza's neck, whispering the word that she has now had the right to call Glaiza.

"Mine." She whispered, hugging Glaiza's nude, smooth body possesively and impossibly closer against hers.

After revelling in the comfort of each other's embrace and tender kisses, the two dressed themselves and climb down the treehouse, much to Rhian's dismay. While walking to the back door of the house, a sinking feeling evaded Glaiza.

"Oh shoot, are Tita and Sam in there? I'll literally die in embarassment if they confront us about last night." Glaiza says, stopping in her tracks.

"Relax love, they're not here. Mom informed me that she'll be out for the weekends for her friend's grand birthday celebration. And Sam went to stay the night at Paul's, after I, well, had a... talk with him." Rhian muttered the last part, but unfortunately for her, Glaiza heard it.

"Wow, someone must have been hell- bent on getting laid last night. No wonder you were prepared." Glaiza side-glance Rhian with an eyebrow raised playfully.

"Well, witnessing just how loud you were, I guess I made the right choice." Rhian countered back a teasing smile.

"Not as loud as you were, though. Moaning for all your worth as I drive my fingers back and forth... faster and harder... inside of you. Or how about the way you screamed my name as I brought you to your pleasurable orgasm." Glaiza whispered on her ear.

Rhian's mind instantly travelled back to last night's happenings, how she writh and hump submissively from Glaiza's talented fingers. Hot blush instantly crept Rhian's cheeks, rendering her temporarily mute.

"Cat got your tongue?" Glaiza smirked, pulling onto her wrists. "Come on, lets go cook. I'm starving."

Approaching the kitchen, Rhian began rummaging through the refrigerator, thinking of what they could have for breakfast.

"On a second thought, how about I give you a head start? I'm not comfortable touching your expensive and probably branded kitchen utensils, knowing where my fingers have been. So I'mma go and shower first. You know, for me to wash the stickiness from my fingers and all." Glaiza announced.

Rhian instinctively jerked, resulting to her head to bump onto a transparent surface of the refrigerator, causing some of the condiments to rattle and fall sideways onto each other. The rich girl awkwardly fumbles to arrange them before she stood up and embarassingly look Glaiza's way.

"Uhm... s-sure. I'll, uh... make some french toast while you go... do your thing." Rhian tried so hard to sound nonchalant but her stuttering words betrayed her.

Glaiza bite the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from smiling as she saw the flushed look on her girlfriend's face. Instead she just gave an amusing nod and a teasing wink her way, before she head to Rhian's room to use her bathroom.

Rhian distractedly went to get the butter out of the fridge, get their loaf of bread, and began slicing it ever so slowly. Her mind again replayed last night, this time, with her pleasuring Glaiza. Her husky moans, her hips grinding Rhian's lap, and the pleasure look on her face.

Couldn't take it no longer, Rhian's feet moved to its own accord. Making breakfast was the last thing on her mind right now, as she march towards her room and into the bathroom. She was just in time to see Glaiza taking off the last piece of clothing, which was the one that covered her center. Her back was facing Rhian so the latter took this opportunity to slide her arms around, backhugging her. Glaiza smiled, turning her body to face the sink and the mirror before washing her hands, as per what she mentioned, earning a roll of eyes from Rhian.

"I thought you're gonna make french toast." Glaiza says, leaning back on Rhian. She huffed when the clothing barrier prevents Glaiza's nude body to press against Rhian's. Now all she could think about is ripping Rhian's clothes off.

"Change of plans." Rhian breathed out tracing her lips from Glaiza's shoulder up to her neck all the while running her hands up and down Glaiza's torso, clutching it ever so often. "Since someone kept teasing and provoking me."

Glaiza turn to face her, an innocent look plastered on her face as she lean her hands by the sink, making her chest pop out. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was merely stating facts and it was not my intention to lead you on. I didn't know you're that easily swayed, so I apologize. I'll be mindful of my words next time. I'm afraid that whatever you're planning to do now, would have to be abandoned. I came here to shower."

For a moment, Rhian froze as her confidence wavered. Glaiza was right. She head here to merely shower and not... what Rhian has in mind. Embarassment slowly creeped in. Not only because of the indirect rejection, but also she didn't want to come off as a  sex-hungered person, especially when Glaiza wasn't in the mood.

But what if she is?

Rhian narrowed her eyes, and stare pass at Glaiza innocent look. Seeing a ghost of a smirk on Glaiza's lips was all it took for the realization to hit Rhian. Glaiza wanted to make her feel that she holds a dominating aura against Rhian. That whatever tease or command she make, she would easily make Rhian crumble in either a blushing mess or an embarassing, stuttering one. She's using the fact that she's Rhian's first to her advantage. Glaiza's putting emphasis that Rhian's shy demeanor when it comes to the sexual department makes her a submissive one, which then made Glaiza think that she hold the power against Rhian.

And this tick Rhian off.

Instead of backing out, Rhian inch closer to her but not close enough for their bodies to press together. She trace a finger on Glaiza shoulder, all the way down to the small of her back, making Glaiza flinch ever so subtly.

"Are you sure? I know how to change your mind." Rhian confidently said, her tracing hands glided up and down the girl's side.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try." Glaiza challenged back, trying so hard to still hold power over Rhian but the latter could only smirk.

She could feel the slight twitching of her girlfriend's body as she trace a finger on Glaiza's gorgeous abdomen up to the valley of her full breasts, gliding to her defined collarbone and throat, before sliding sideway to her neck, where it lingers there for a moment. Rhian leaned in and press a gentle kiss by the base of her ear, before brushing her lips down to her neck, her hot breath leaving goosebumps in the wake. She smiled through Glaiza's skin when she saw the way her throat bobbed, hearing her gulping a couple of times.

Lovi's right. I need to establish my dominance at times. Lets see how strong Glaiza's resistance is.

"I know you want this." Rhian whispered, thumb circling dangerously close to Glaiza's nipples.

"No I d-don't. I told you, I'm here to sho-" A harsh gasp let out of Glaiza's mouth when Rhian swipe a tongue on her creamy neck, before completely enclosing it on her lips, sucking steadily. She then swipe another tongue, smoothing out the skin and tracing the hickey she'd given from last night.

No, no, not my neck! Not my sensitive neck!

But no matter how Glaiza tried to restrain herself, her body embarassingly responds to Rhian's arousing tease. A satisfied sigh released from her lips upon feeling Rhian's hand completely covered her breasts, clutching and rolling it, much to Glaiza's satisfaction.

Rhian continued the tease, sensing that any minute now, Glaiza would finally surrender. And she was right. After a particular lick and skin-sucking on her neck, Glaiza's head tilted back and let out a soft moan. She angled Glaiza's jaw to face her and smirked widely, upon seeing the look on her face. Desire and lust was visible in Glaiza's now dilated pupils, her mouth slightly ajar where shaky breaths are released, and her chest heaving up and down in anticipation.

The rich girl pulled away much to Glaiza's confusion, but it instantly change into a look of awe when Rhian strip herself off from her clothes. By now, Glaiza's resolve completely diminishes and she couldn't resist no more. She met Rhian halfway and pulled her by the neck to connect their lips. It was frantic, needy, and demanding reciprocation, which Rhian gladly given her. The rich girl walked forward, pushing Glaiza just beneath the showerhead.

"What are you thinking, love?" Rhian whispered, running her hands on her legs, teasing her by gripping her inner thighs, her pinky finger accidentally brushing close to her center. Glaiza tried to pull the girl by her shoulder to get Rhian closer to her, but the girl stubbornly hold a safe distance between their faces.

Glaiza groaned, clawing desperately onto her girlfriend's shoulder. When the girl didn't budge, Glaiza push herself towards her and crash their lips. Rhian pulled away instantly, chuckling a bit when Glaiza let out a frustrated groan.

"Words, G. Use your words." Rhian says.

"Love, your killing me..." Glaiza pouted.

"Its just a simple question, I don't know why you can't answer it. Maybe I'll just walk out and leave you be..." Rhian pointed at the door. "Since you said you wanna showe-"

"Fuck me. Fuck me so hard. I want your fingers inside of me, your mouth, your tongue. Touch me everywhere, kiss me anywhere. Everything. Just please. I want you so bad. I need you baby, please." Glaiza whined desperately.


Rhian grinned wickedly. "Well, since you asked nicely..." She grip Glaiza's hips, pulling her roughly against her, making Glaiza gasp harshly which quickly turn into another satisfied sigh as she felt their warm, nude bodies completely pressed against each other.

"You better believe," Rhian whispered in her ear. "I'll make you feel like you taste heaven itself." Turning the shower on, Rhian sealed their lips into a fiery kiss.

Then all of it became a pleasurable blur for Glaiza. And she meant all of it. The neck-sucking, skin-licking, nipple-teething, hip-grinding, hands-clawing. All of those turned her on beyond degree and made the experience all the more sexy. However, her core especially got the most attention and earned the most pleasure. She didn't know that Rhian's fingers could go any deeper than last night. But boy, was she wrong. The more force Rhian put into, the more deeper her fingers get sucked in, and the more Glaiza want her to keep going and never stop. Hell, she was begging and moaning, or dare she say, screaming like crazy. Especially when Rhian did this thing with her tongue.

Oh my god, her tongue. That slick, strong, muscle that made my lust soared high and my mind to utterly turn into a cloud of bliss. Combining those long fingers ramming hard into me and that swift, amazing tongue sliding on my clit, and it was heaven.

Glaiza soared from orgasm to orgasm and by the time Rhian decided that the girl had enough, Glaiza nearly passed out. Leaning her weight on Rhian, Glaiza's breath came in an uneven pants, her mind was foggy, her eyes shut as she kept seeing stars, and her body kept twitching.

"Now who just screamed my name." Rhian teased, as she lean on the cold wall as she grip her girlfriend by the small of her back for support.

"Shut... up..." Glaiza panted.

Rhian snickered. "Says the girl who kept moaning and begging me to go faster. You were like 'Oh, Rhian, just like that. Hmm. Fuck me harder, baby. Yeah, hmm. Go deeper, love.' "

Glaiza shook her head in amusement for Rhian's suprisingly good imitation of hers. She buried her blushing face into Rhian's wet chest.

She let out a hiss when she tried to shift her weight on her other leg that had resulted her legs to rub against her extremely sensitive center. "Jesus, remind me not to overpower and provoke you again."

"Yeah, don't even think that you alone could dominate. You'd get your chance to be one, some other time okay? But remember, this is what happens when I'm in charge. I'm the boss of you. I get to pleasure you alone as I please, not the other way around." Rhian mumbled, brushing a teasing finger on Glaiza's slit, making the latter shiver in sensitivity.

Fuck her, for making that sound sexy. Double fuck, for turning me on with that. Not gonna lie, dominant Rhian looks hot as fuck. I'm not the only one who thinks about that, right? Or is it just because I'm starting to have a slight obsession towards my girlfriend?

Rhian tilt Glaiza's chin to meet their gaze. "Are we clear?"

Couldn't take the intensity of her girlfriend's orbs, Glaiza was force to avert her gaze. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good girl." Rhian teased. "Now let us actually shower, 'cause now I feel a little dirty."

"No, no, wait," Glaiza stopped Rhian from moving away. "I need another minute." Making Rhian chuckle.

"Hey, you made me intensely cum twice. Twice, Rhian. I haven't even recovered from my first one, and you  immediately attack my center with your mouth." Glaiza says.

Rhian snorted. "Like I heard any protests from you. You were a moaning mess."

"All I'm saying..." Glaiza shot her a glare, even though Rhian's true. "...Is that I need a breather."

"Fine, fine." Rhian gave a teasing smile.

By the time Glaiza could stop her legs from twitching, she was surprise that she still couldn't quite stand on her own, which her girlfriend just gave a loud laugh. Rhian then insisted that she'll wash her body for her, which Glaiza agrees. Rhian massaged her shampoo-filled hair so good Glaiza kept humming in delight. After that, she lathered her body with soap, caressing it with her fingers. Glaiza hissed in warning when Rhian's hand made contact with her inner thigh, her pinky brushing closely to center. Shortly after, Rhian rinses her whole body, then it was time to take a bath of her own.

"Oh my god, Rhi," Glaiza muttered, eyes wide as saucers as she glance at the mirror, surprise at what she's seeing.

Rhian look at her and smiled, before continuing to rinse her hair. "Its not that bad."

"Not that bad?! My body's littering in hickeys!" Glaiza exclaimed. "I literally look like someone who just been raped!" Her eyes continued to rake her own body, inspecting the bruised albeit faint marks on her neck, chest, hips, some on her bum and inner thighs.

Squeezing her hair for remnants of shampoo, Rhian took a towel and rubbed against her wet tresses. "Well, does it hurt when you press on it?"

Glaiza poked the hickeys and shook her head. "Some of it, a little bit. But most of them, no." Before closing her white bathrobe.

"Then, that's all that matters." Rhian made her way to backhug the girl, tracing a particular hickey on the side of Glaiza's neck. "Besides, its sets a reminder and a warning for the people to see that you're taken, you belong to me, and that you're mine. And mine alone."

"Hmm, I guess I like the sound of that." Glaiza hummed in agreement, leaning in to her girlfriend's warm embrace.

"That's my girl." Rhian smiled before kissing her temple sweetly. "But I promise, I'll be careful next time. Don't want your gorgeous body to always be tainted in hickeys." Then she plant a kiss on her slightly exposed shoulder.

By the time the two finished dressing up in comfortable clothes, they headed out to the room, only to be met by their group of friends.

"There they are!" Dennis exclaimed earning cheers from the others. Not giving the two to react, the guys pulled and patted them on the back, some of them shoving playfully before they reach the living room.

"Look at you two glowing!" Lovi gushed.

"Bet someone really enjoyed their night." Chynna winked.

"So much so, that they did it some more today." Julie-Anne added with a teasing look.

"What are you guys doing here? Not to mention, unannounced?" Rhian says, ignoring their comments.

"Yeah, and how... long have you been here?" Glaiza added hesitantly.

"Long enough to hear your big finale, which I applaud you, Rhian, for it." Dennis raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Yeah, didn't know Glaiza was a screamer." Paul added.

"Oh my god." Glaiza muttered, eyes lowering down in embarassment.

"Hey, that's exactly what she's been screaming earlier!" Brian pointed out. "Although, Rhian's name was much more louder."

"Guess Lovi's pointers were helpful, huh?" Julie-Anne wiggled her eyebrows, nudging Lovi by her side, making the latter smile narcississtically.

"I believe you owe your cousin a huge thanks, Rhian." Lovi gave a knowing grin. "And by that, I mean lending me cash payment for all the shoes I'll be buying next week."

"I can't believe I fall for this. I knew something's up when Sam told us to head here earlier than the agreed upon time. Thanks to that, my ears are completely violated." Josh shook his head. "Guess privacy isn't a thing anymore."

"I couldn't agree more." Katrina muttered, her arms crossed, watching the queer couple continued to be teased by their friends. "I'm never trusting that guy again. His handsome, symmetrical face and amazing 6-pack torso, can go to hell." Josh gave her a weird side-glance but didn't comment any further.

"Okay, that enough! Instead of gushing on off our sex life, why don't you focus on yours. Or the lack of it, thereof." Rhian says, making their friends' eyes go wide in surprise.

"Woah, someone's grown bold." Paul commented.

"Not necessarily. I have my hands to take care of my urges." Dennis sported a smug look, his huge, manly hands in the air.

Chynna's face instantly contorted in disgust. "That's just pathetic."

"Say that disgusting thing again, Dennis, and I'll seriously break your nose off." Katrina threatened. Brian just snickered when Dennis hesitantly covered his nose.

"Yeah, tell 'em Rhian." Josh jump in.

"Glaiza, you amazing girl. I knew Rhian's a good influence to you." Julie-Anne shook her head in awe.

"Hey! I'll have you know, Luke and I have our sessions every chance we get, which wasn't very often. So... yeah, I just... want to put it out there." Lovi mentioned.

"Yeah, no kidding. You even contaminated my couch with all your humping and fuckjuices." Julie-Anne muttered.

"Oh my god, we've been through this. How many times should I say I'm sorry!" Lovi replied through gritted teeth in frustration.

"Try, a thousand." Julie-Anne fired back.

Lovi chuckled bitterly. "You mean the amount of guys you've been constantly hooking up with at bars?" Their friends ooohed in surprise, eyes going wide at the revelation.

"You bitch. You swore to keep that a secret." Katrina fisted her palms.

"Really? I remembered no such thing." Lovi replied innocently, wanting to get a rise from her friend. Before things could get heated, Glaiza butted in.

"This is getting out of hand..." Glaiza mumbled. "Okay guys! Seriously now, what are you doing here? We don't recall inviting you here to ruin our morning. This was suppose to be a peaceful weekend for us. Can you tell us what's going on here?"

"Sam told us to head here, saying something about a big news he want to share. We were suppose to be here at 8:30 but, well, apparently he had a change of plans." Josh says.

"Of course, he has." Rhian rolled her eyes, shaking her head irritatingly at her brother's obvious intentions.

"Deepest apologies, to you two. If I have known, I would've stopped the group from going here." Josh, Rhian's ever-trusted friend, added.

"Its okay, Josh. Thank you. I knew you would've. I just hope this doesn't happen again." Rhian glance at the group with a warning glare. The group just sheepishly smiles in return, making Rhian sigh.

"No promises, but..." Dennis teased, earning a look from Rhian. "We didn't have breakfast before we got here so... can I raid your kitchen?"

"Yeah, I'm starving. I believe there's some tenderloin beef in the fridge, which I'm really craving right now..." Lovi mentioned.

"Crispy bacon for me, please." Josh added.

"What are we waiting for, lets start cooking." Paul applied, putting his hand on Dennis' shoulder playfully before heading to the kitchen.

"You two stay here. I know a perfect post-sex breakfast meal fit for you two." Chynna winked before jogging up towards the kitchen.

"No, Chynna wait!" Katrina called out. "Lord knows the girl have impeccable food plans but can't cook to save her life." She sighes before chasing the girl.

Rhian was about to march towards the ktichen, but Glaiza stopped her by pulling her down beside her on the couch. "Kat always has Chynna's back when it comes to cooking. They're a perfect duo for that. Trust me, your kitchen wouldn't be on fire."

The rich girl slumped down calmly, finding comfort in Glaiza's words. The two watch their friends crowding by the kitchen, finding amusement at how a mess they can be. Even Rhian, whose obsessed with order and cleanliness find it amusing to see her friends all over the place. Despite the irritating background noise from their friends, the two cuddled up together watching Modern Family on a huge flat-screen television, sharing kisses here and there. Momentarily, Rhian's phone buzzed, indicating that she'd recieved a message. It was from their family group chat.

Sam: Hey sis, did you like my surprise?

Rhian: You gave me a nuisance, you little skunk! One morning, Sam. One morning with my girlfriend in peace. That was all I was asking. But no, you decided to invite all of our friends! I swear, once you get here, I'm gonna skin you alive!

Sam: Oh please, with that noodle arms of yours, I doubt it. Besides, you were the one who interrupted me and my girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend, in a compromising position we were in. I'm just having my revenge. You're lucky I didn't walk in on you two doing the deed."

Rhian: First of all, my arms are not noodle-like, they're toned! Second of all, it was an accident! Which you can't really blame me, by the way. You two were doing it in the kitchen! You should be lucky mom or dad didn't walk in, or you're screwed.

Mom: Which, now that I'm seeing this, is going to have your car confiscated for a week, Sam. You clearly forgot the rule about my kitchen.

Sam: Thanks a lot, Rhian.

Rhian: The pleasure is all mine, Sammy.

Dad: This also applies for you, Rhian. No sex in your mother's kitchen. Anyway, we're heading there shortly, that is after we're done buying banana bread and muffins from your mom's favorite breakfast cafe. Don't worry, we'll supply enough for you and your friends.

Rhian: Thanks, dad. I'll inform them to cook additional food for you. They're currently busying themselves in the kitchen. Hope that's okay, mom.

Mom: No problem, sweetheart. I trust that you'll supervise them attentively. See you in a while, dear!

After that, Rhian drop her phone. Announcing that Sam and her parents are coming in a while, she and Glaiza join the others to cook. Being a culinary enthusiast and a daughter of a chef, both Rhian and Glaiza cooked additional food for the Ramos'. By the time the Rhian's family arrive, the young adults were already setting the table up in a long table. Greetings and gestures of respect were shared before they all sat down to eat.

While enjoying the food, Sam commanded their attention, mentioning that he has an importance news to share. Approaching his last year in college, he surprises them all by saying that he want to drop out. Mr. Ramos was about to confront his son about his impulsive decision, when his wife lay a hand on his shoulder silently giving him a look to first listen to what Sam's reasons. Sam explained that he has been having a lot of thinking about his future and what he really want to pursue. It brought him the realization that being a doctor is not it, which really shocked his parents as it was Sam's dream ever since he was little.

Instead, Sam aspired to be his dad. A successful businessman. It got him thinking that maybe he could teach him all there is to know if his father let him manage their two fruit greenhouses in their provincial town. He hoped that his parents would understand his decision. Mr. Ramos was silent for a while, letting first sink in what his son had just said. Mrs. Ramos for one was happy and accepting, as she can see now that it is his passion and would truly succeed and enjoy. Sam was relieved at this before he turn to his father in anticipation.

"Sam, last year you almost failed two of your subjects, heard that you're always sleeping in classes, partied every night, and skip classes to head God knows where. With that, I think we can attest that you're irresponsible. And to be frank, you're also stubborn and very lazy. So tell me, how can I trust you to manage one of our businesses when you can't even manage your attitude?" Mr. Ramos says, sizing Sam up.

Sam's head hung low. "I...I don't know. I'm aware that I hadn't been the good student that I am or the... son you're proud to have, and I'm sorry. There's no excuse for my behavior and attitude. But please, do trust me that I'll change for the better. I believe that with your help father, I can improve myself. I really want to pursue business and I think that I would truly enjoy myself in that area. Give me another chance to prove myself."

Mr. Ramos think long and hard before he decised to voice out his decision. "You have brought me nothing but disappointment and shame, Sam. Frankly, my patience, hope, and trust for you is growing thin. And honestly, I don't think you're capable in handling any of my business." Sam's hope couldn't be more crushed. "...But...I guess another try won't hurt. I accept your decision and I'll give you one business of ours you can manage. But I'm only giving you one chance, Sam. A single chance, and if you blow it, you're done. Are we clear?"

"Yes, father! Thank you! I won't let you down, I promise." Sam's face beamed up, before turning to Rhian and the friends. "Another thing is, I have earned enough money in the bank to have a business. But, I was thinking that, why not include my friends in this? I haven't decided what business I should run but I had this plan where you guys could be co-owners of it, or at least manage certain stuffs inside. Like building a business together. Spending the last 2 years with you guys really helped me see your different skills, unique ideas, and effective tactics to reach your goal. I want people to see those qualities in you and to put in use, together with me in a business. What do you guys think?"

Rhian and Josh were the first ones to agree, followed by Julie-Anne, Dennis, and Chynna. Paul and Lovi were undecided, while Katrina didn't think her participation is something she'd enjoy for now, which Sam understood the three's reasoning. Neverthless, the three appreciated his offer.

With this newfound news, the conversation went alive and light again. Sam and his parents talked about his business, some were talking about business ideas for Sam, others were telling funny anecdotes, Katrina even engage in a decent conversation with Rhian(first time in a while, actually). All of them were talking about different things and with different people.

Rhian was currently gazing through the refrigerator, deciding on what juice to get herself, when she felt arms surrounding her torso and a chaste kiss on her shoulder. For a moment, they stayed in this position, revelling in the warm comfort of the other's body pressed against theirs.

"I'm really sorry Sam ruined this weekend for us. If things went according to my plan, you would've been sitting by the kitchen countertop waiting for me as I cook you breakfast. Maybe even had a heavy make out session as you distract me, claiming that you were getting bored with not doing anything, then next you know, I was carrying you over to my bed and we once again make love, completely forgetting about the food I was cooking. Which I'll be able to notice only when smoke had already reached us and we frantically panic to put the fire out, and had to make up a stupid-ass lie to my mother about her beloved kitchen." Rhian rant out.

"That would be great, honestly." Glaiza smiled. "But I'm not really mad, though. Disappointed, sure, but not mad. My attachment to them had grown day by day, with you're folks and our friends I mean. They may be stubborn and irritating sometimes, well, most of the times, but now its one of the things I like about them. Besides, you and I should be used to this since we'll be handling them for a lifetime."

Rhian turn and with a raised eyebrow said, "Lifetime? You and I?"

"Sorry, too fast? I-I was just putting it out there. That I want to spend my lifetime with you. You don't have to, uhm, say anything of course! I'm not expecting an answer. Well, I...uhm, eventually you'd give me an answer, right? Not that I'm pressuring you to answer that you'll spend the lifetime with me too... Or not. I-It's totally fine if, you don't want to spend lifetime with me. I mean, by then I guess we wouldn't be together anymore. Wait! Not to say that I want us to be break up by then. I love being in love with you. I just, you know, uhm, what I'm trying to say-"

Rhian covered a hand on Glaiza's mouth, chuckling and stopping her cute rambling. "I understand, G... And for clarification, I want to spend the lifetime with you too."

"Really?" Glaiza softly says in a gentle, hopeful tone.

Rhian grab her by the hips and connect their forehead together. "I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you. You're the love of my life, G. Without you... Damn, it fucking hurts just thinking about it. You're stuck with me, as I am with yours. I wouldn't trade you and what we have for the world. I love you too much for that."

Glaiza smiles and cupped her cheek, sealing their lips in a passionate kiss. Rhian kiss her back just as passionate and tender, indicating that what she said was more than just outspoken words. Its a promise. An unbreakable promise.

"I love you too, Rhi." Glaiza whispered when they pulled away. They shared a loving look with contented smiles on their faces. Soon enough, they went back to the dining area, hand in hand.

It is when Rhian sat back down, did she took time to really stare at the people around her. Chatters and laughters suddenly faded down to Rhian's ears as she quietly observe them, taking them all in. Her mother conversing about both Sam and Rhian's memorable child days to a smiling Chynna and Josh. Her father sharing his youthful days with Sam, Katrina, and Brian, sharing a chuckle or two. Dennis flexing his muscular arms and the other girls squealing as they swoon over it, only to be change into fits of laughters as Paul tried to match Dennis' bulky muscles with his own slightly flabby arms which he tried so hard to harden it, but to no use.

These are Rhian's people. Yes, sometimes they're crazy... and troubling... and a handful. Some might even say they're downright toxic and chaotic. But really, Rhian couldn't give a  damn. Others' opinions don't matter to her. Because only she knows who her people really are. One she can confidently say her family. Each one of them hold a special place in her heart. All of them, are important to her. All of them are what matters to her the most. All of them she would risk her life for, if needed. All of them are what puts meaning to her life.

They're all what Rhian needed in her life. Her eyes locked on the parental, gentle looks from both her mother and father as they converse with her friends, then her trailing eyes went beside her father and caught sight with Sam. She move over to the smiling faces and blabberring young adults before her orbs then slide beside her, where Glaiza continued talking animatedly with her friends, all the while rubbing Rhian's hand with her thumb lovingly.

Lucy and blessed with supporting parents, great friends, and a loving girlfriend by her side, Rhian couldn't be anymore happier. Recalling back at what Glaiza said earlier in the kitchen, Rhian couldn't agree more.

A lifetime with this wouldn't be so bad, after all.

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