I'll Wait Forever

By twisted_transistor

33.1K 2.1K 2.9K

Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... More

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-

Chapter 7...

877 67 87
By twisted_transistor

(Idk how to dedicate chapters, but @MarriedToTheMusic666 and @Adrienne555 are quite fabulous...) comment and vote if you feel so inclined... Ok well enjoy or somethin


"Please, take a seat, Gerald..." My mom said as she led Gerard into the house. I was somewhat surprised at how calm and put-together he was acting. He was over here as 'cool as a cucumber,' while I was sweating bullets.

"Actually, it's Gerard. And it would be my pleasure," he replied with a sweet little smirk on his face. She led him over to the couch and he sat down on one end, with my mother at the other. I didn't particularly want to be in the middle of this 'discussion,' so I opted for standing in the doorway.

"So..." My mother started, "who are you, exactly? And why in the name of God was my son in your home?!" She all but yelled at him. I'll admit, Gerard has balls. Not many people have the guts to stand up to my mother. Hell, not even I have the guts to stand up to her.

"Well... For starters, you, being a catholic woman, should not use the lords name in vain. Second, I happen to have a home in the woods," he gestured over to the window where the slightest bit of trees could be seen. "and last night, I heard a scream- your son's to be exact- and decided to investigate and make sure no one was hurt," He shot back.

"So you couldn't-"

"Please let me finish, thanks." Gerard cut her off. "As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted, I went out to see if anyone was hurt. Frank here," he shot me a quick glance, "was laying against a large boulder and appeared to be lost. I asked him if he planned to sleep in the forest and he said yes. Why he said yes, I'm not entirely sure. But, after much persuading, I convinced him to stay the night with me- in my spare room of course. He was no trouble, and this situation was most likely no fault of his own. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must leave for work. It was a real pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Iero. And Frank, I hope we can talk again soon. Have a nice day."

And with that, he left. He got up, walked to the door, and just left. My mother sat there dumbfounded, while I was in a state of shock at his ability to shut my mother up. Not gonna lie, it was impressive.

"Who was that guy in the driveway?" Me and my mother's heads snapped around to see my father walking through the door, bag of donuts in hand.

"That was- Um... Frank's... Friend," My mom all but mumbled.

"Oh. Little old, isn't he Frankie?" My dad chuckled and I just shrugged. What can I say, my dad always knows how to 'lighten the mood.'

"I guess..." I muttered and followed my dad into the kitchen. He set the bag on the table and opened it to reveal what can only be described as sugary euphoria.

I reached for one, only to have my hand smacked away as my dad went for his first, "I bought 'em, I get first pic," he slurred around the over-sized bite of donut in his mouth. I chuckled before grabbing two and heading up to my room.


"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak..." I sang along while I strummed my guitar. Nirvana is easily one of my top 3 bands, and heart-shaped box is definitely one of my favorite songs. "I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks," I hummed happily.

*buzz* *buzzzzzzzzz* I sighed and set down my guitar pansy and then reached into my pocket for my phone. It wasn't there. What the fuck? Visions of last night slowly crept back up. I lost my phone in the woods. How the fuck did it get in my room? I searched around and eventually found it laying under with my pillow. I repeat: what the fuck. Even if I had forgotten it at home yesterday, I would not have left it under my pillow. I cautiously reached for it (like my phone was gonna jump up and bite me or something, right?) and checked the messages.

After scrolling passed all 32 missed calls from mom and 1 from dad, I checked my texts.

Bob- "Pete got his dick stuck in one of those vent things at the pool and i had to call the medics to come get him unstuck lol"

Bob- "dont worry, little peteys swizzle-stick is A-ok"

Pete- "bob dared me to stick it in the vent ok? Not my fault. And wipe the smirk that I know you have off your face asshat"

God they're idiots. But they're my idiots, so it's ok.

Frnk- "omfg. Don't even pull the 'bob told me to' shit. We both know you wanted to get it on with the pool. And tell bob to shut the fuck up"

I chuckled and set my phone aside before a thought popped into my head- I have Gerard's number. I should text him... Wait, what if he thinks I'm weird? Screw it. When we met I was trying to sleep on a boulder in the woods- he already thinks I'm weird.

Frnk- "hey gerard. It's frnk,"

I sat back and waited for the reply that I was fairly sure I wouldn't get. I stared out my window and at the edge of the forest until a soft 'buzz' pulled me from my thoughts.

Gerard- "hey, what's up?"

Frnk- "the sky, dumbass. xofrnk"

G- "nah shit Sherlock. But I can't talk right now, I'm at work... See you later"

See me later? Alright then... Kinda creepy, but let's face it- he's the closest thing to a friend I have in this godforsaken place.


"Hngh..." I groaned and turned off my alarm. Dammit. Why do Monday's have to exist? I checked the clock- 6:30. Fucking perfect. I forced my eyes open and wandered into the bathroom. Well, aren't I pretty? I brushed my teeth and fixed my black locks before heading to my room to get changed. I checked my closet, "Misfits shirt and black jeans it is..." I mumbled.

"Frank!" I heard my mom calling me, "I made pancakes if you want any. I'm headed for work. See you later." I tugged on my converse and made it downstairs just in time to see her pulling out of the driveway. And my bus pulling away. Fucking perfect.

I grabbed a couple pancakes and left my house with absolutely no clue as to where the hell I was going. I would also be walking. I am going nowhere slowly...

I grabbed my phone and decided to call the only other person I knew in this town that could possibly drive me- Gerard.


Wattpad is being really weird so I didn't spellcheck this or anything... And thoughts? Please vote/comment, and have a nice day :3

Merci pour le venin...

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