The Darksield Chronicles, Boo...

By DragonLord39

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Coming from a destroyed world, Wraith Dragonborn has always been a unique boy. When a portal opens, and he is... More

Chapter 1: The Chronicler
Chapter 2: Cynder
Chapter 3: City
Chapter 4: Questions
Chapter 5: Hey, it's the guardian of lighting (Uh, oh).
Chapter 6: Naturally, It Goes Wrong
Chapter 7: Rooftop Chase
Chapter 8: Arguments
Chapter 9: Return to the Temple (With a few detours along the way)
Chapter 10: The Plan
Chapter 11: A New Form
Chapter 12: Academy
Chapter 13: Restaurant
Chapter 14: Confession
Chapter 15: Nightmares
Chapter 16: Flight Lessons
Chapter 17: Lunch
Chapter 18: Elementary
Chapter 19: The Past and a very short Return
Chapter 20: Taking Care of Buisness
Chapter 21: In the Darkness
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 23: Preparations and Practice
Chapter 25: The Spy's Job
Chapter 26: Best Day of My Life
Chapter 27: The Dark Side of Warfang
Chapter 28: Unexpected Allies
Chapter 29: Duel
Chapter 30: Preparations
Chapter 31: Battle
Chapter 32: Regrets
Chapter 33: The Battle of Warfang
Chapter 34: The Spy
Chapter 35: The Final Battle

Chapter 24: Breakfast and Some Last-Minute Preparation

295 4 4
By DragonLord39

Wraith POV

It was the day of the dance. The cheetahs, the moles, and Wraith had managed to put together a massive range of songs for the dance and for the singers. They had Last of the Real Ones, Cupid Shuffle, Handclap, and many more. He had spent the last few days practicing his dance moves in both forms, and at night, he practiced his swordplay with Hunter. Tonight was the night when everything would go down. He was excited, terrified, and raring to go.

Wraith walked down the stairs to the main hallway of the temple. He had gotten up early so that he could prepare the party. Summoning his shadow powers, Wraith teleported to the mess hall at the academy. He glanced around. All the tables were still set up, and the whole hall was dark. He grinned. One thing that he loved about this world was that the academy didn't do any classes on the day of the dance.

He shook his head. Enough monologuing, he had work to do. He immediately started folding up the tables. Since they were bigger than he was, he switched to his dragon form.

Darksield POV

An hour later, Darksield finished the job. He stepped back and surveyed his work. He had left a few tables still standing, but the rest he had set against the wall. He had also found an extra storeroom to put the chairs. He had cleared off a massive section of the mess hall so that the entire middle was completely open.

Then he started setting up the stage. He brought roughly thirty wooden crates from the basement of the temple to the mess hall, teleporting with two at a time until he had all of them. He then put them together so that he had a massive rectangle that would lift the band seven feet off the ground.

Now time for part two. Teleporting back to the temple, he reassumed his human form.

Wraith POV

Wraith ran to the extra room where he had hidden the instruments and teleported them all to the mess hall. Normally, this would have tired him, but thanks to him having a dragon form, the effort barely drained him. He set up the guitars and drums in the standard band pattern that he remembered from his world. Then, he put the newly crafted music stands in several areas and put the song sheets on them. Next, he put the lyric sheets in a pile on one end of the stage.

After about thirty minutes, he stepped away and admired his work. Almost everything was set for tonight.

He teleported back to the storeroom where the crates had been and found several balloons and streamers. Apparently, balloons and streamers were universal things.

He teleported back to the mess hall and started decorating. Soon, thanks to his shadow powers, he had streamers hanging from the rafters, and balloons tied to several different places around the hall. He was in the middle of setting up the final balloon when he heard a door open.

He instinctively turned invisible and spun around. It was Aurora. Apparently, she had had the same idea he did, except he had beaten her to the chase. Her eyes swept the room. Her mouth opened and closed. Then she whisked out the door.

Wraith suspected that she was going to go wake up the guardians. He had to stop her. He did not need to have Terrador in a mood this morning. He was pretty sure that it was safer to risk Aurora finding out about him than Terrador blasting boulders at everyone. He teleported back to the temple and leaned against a column, waiting. He didn't have to wait long.

Five minutes later, Aurora barged in. She glanced around the temple, obviously searching for the guardians.

"May I help you?" Wraith asked as he made himself visible.

She whipped around. "Ape!" She shot a bolt of lightning at him, but he just disappeared and reappeared behind her.

He sighed. "Why do you guys always assume I'm an ape? It's getting really annoying."

She whirled and fired again.

He dodged.

"Do you really want to wake up Terrador? I don't think anyone here is in the mood to get blasted by a boulder today."

She hesitated before launching another strike.

This time, Wraith drew his sword and stabbed it into the wall. The lightning bolt hit his blade and was absorbed harmlessly into the stone.

"Why should I believe you, ape?" Aurora asked suspiciously.

Wraith just stared at her. "Are you telling me that you didn't hear about that whole chase across the rooftops of Warfang a week or so ago?"

She blinked. "That was you? You were the dangerous creature that everyone was warned about?"

Wraith growled. "I thought Terrador cleared it up that I was harmless. Apparently, he didn't. Oh, and you're welcome for setting up the stuff for the dance."

Her eyes widened. "That was you, too?"

Wraith nodded, then glanced up at the ceiling. "Could we continue this outside?" he asked. "I don't really want to wake everyone up."

She nodded. "Very well." They walked outside. "So," Aurora started, "if you aren't an ape, what are you?"

Wraith facepalmed. "Oi. Well, to be blunt, I'm from another world/dimension." He explained how he was transported here by the Chronicler (he did not tell her the chronicler was Ignitus) and how he was told to make some friends at Warfang. "And I can prove it." He finished. He drew down his hood. "See? I'm not like any being here."

She nodded. "No, you are not. Yet, you still haven't told me your name."

He hesitated. "I'm not sure I should. If my name got around, that could spell some big trouble for me."

She nodded. "Understood. Well, I guess that I should be going. It was nice meeting you."

Wraith dipped his head. "Likewise."

He watched for a long moment as she walked off. Then he teleported back to his room and collapsed onto the bed. He didn't want to wake up until breakfast. Closing his eyes, he thought about how today's events were going to go down. He also thought about his own part in the dance. He was going to go stag, but did he have to stay that way? Only one way to find out.

Three hours later, he woke up and stretched. Judging by the silence of the temple, he guessed that everyone was sleeping in. He got off his bed and checked his internal clock. He guessed it was about 10:30 in the morning. He teleported down into the main hall. No one was there. He grinned, getting an idea.

Teleporting to the academy, Wraith walked inside the mess hall. Entering the kitchen, he got to work. Five minutes later, he had six plates of toast and eggs. He poured some water into six cups and teleported back to the temple with his "entourage" of breakfast food.

He appeared in his room and set down all the plates and drinks. Teleporting into Spyro's room, he tiptoed to one of the boxes that decorated his room and set a plate and a drink on it. He repeated the steps until he only had Cynder's room to go. Grabbing the plate of food and the glass of water, he teleported into her room. He walked over to one of the crates near her bed and set the food down along with the water, careful not to disturb her. As soon as his mission was complete, he went back down to the kitchen to make himself some food.

When he was done, he teleported back to his room and started eating. As he ate, his thoughts wandered again to the dance. He knew what song he wanted to sing, but he wasn't sure how he could do it. Then he remembered that he had a dragon form and mentally kicked himself. He continued eating, with his thoughts on what he was going to sing. Then he realized that he should probably practice. He walked outside to his balcony and stared out over the city. He chose one of his favorite songs and started singing, unaware that someone else was listening.

Cynder POV

Cynder woke up and stretched out on her bed. As soon as she opened her eyes, she noticed a steaming plate of eggs and toast near her bed along with a glass of water. Her hunger got the better of her, and she grabbed the plate and started eating. The eggs were incredible, and the toast was delicious. She didn't think she knew anyone who could make food like this except for the chef at Qrow's Tavern. Her thoughts turned to who could have made this. It wasn't burnt, so that cancelled out Volteer, Flame, and Spyro. Terrador didn't really cook, and Cyril didn't either. So that left only Wraith.

As if summoning him by thinking about him, she heard something coming from his balcony. It sounded like singing. She crept forward until she was at her balcony and cautiously gazed over the railing. What she saw astonished her. Wraith was singing. She had heard that he could from Flame, but she had never thought that Wraith would be this good. She started listening.

... collapsing star with tunnel vision
But only for you
But only for you
My head is stripped just like a screw that's been tightened too many times
When I think of you
When I think of you
I will shield you from the waves
If they find you
I will protect you
I will protect you
Just tell me, tell me, tell me, I
I am the only one
Even if it's not true
Even if it's not true, yeah

'Cause you're the last of a dying breed
Write our names in the wet concrete
I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me
I'm here in search of your glory
There's been a million before me
That ultra-kind of love
You never walk away from
You're just the last of the real ones
You're just the last of the real ones
You're just the last of the real ones
(You're just the last of the real ones)
You're just the last of the real ones
(You're just the last of the real ones)
You're just the last of the real ones

I'm here at the beginning of the end
Oh, the end of infinity with you
I'm here at the beginning of the end
Oh, the end of infinity with you
I'm done with having dreams
The thing that I believe
Oh, you drain all the fear from me
I'm done with having dreams
The thing that I believe
You drain the fear from me

'Cause you're the last of a dying breed
Write our names in the wet concrete
I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me
I'm here in search of your glory
There's been a million before me
That ultra-kind of love
You never walk away from
You're just the last of the real ones
You're just the last of the real ones
You're just the last of the real ones
(You're just the last of the real ones)
You're just the last of the real ones
(You're just the last of the real ones)
You're just the last of the real ones

When Wraith had finished singing, Cynder was still in shock. She could literally feel the emotion in the song. She poked her head up a little higher. Wraith was just sitting there, staring out into space. She jumped over and landed behind him. "Hey."

He jumped and spun around. When he saw it was her, he visibly relaxed. "Hey, Cynder."

"You didn't tell me you could sing."

He shrugged. "I had to do something to keep myself busy. I'm practicing for the sing off."

Cynder was surprised. "You're going to enter?"

He nodded. "I'm going to sing as Darksield. And I'm not going to be singing the song you just heard."

"Then what are you going to be singing?"

He grinned mysteriously. "You'll see. So how did you like my cooking?"

She pointed at him. "I knew it was you."

He smirked. "I'm sure you did." Then he glanced toward his door. "Think the others are going to wake up soon?"

She shrugged. "Probably."

He seemed to hesitate before asking the next question. "So, are you going to sing?"

She paused. She had given it a lot of thought. "I'm not sure what song I should sing," she confessed.

He smiled. "I think I can help you with that. Let me know what you think of this song." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Well?"

She scanned the lines. A smile started playing on her lips. "I think," she replied finally, "that you chose the perfect song. How did you know that I would like it?"

He shrugged. "Whenever I played those stories I told you about, I imagined you singing this song sometimes. I guess it kind of stuck with me."

"Oh." She wasn't sure how to take that. For a moment, they sat there in awkward silence.

Then Wraith got to his feet. "We should probably head downstairs."

She nodded. "Good idea." As she followed him downstairs, she kept on thinking about what he had said.

Wraith POV

When Wraith and Cynder walked downstairs, they found everyone eating their breakfasts. Spyro nodded at them. "Hey guys, someone made us food. Isn't it great?"

Cynder smiled at Wraith and nodded at him.

"That was me, actually," he confessed. "I hope you all liked it."

They stared at him.

"That was you?" Flame asked in amazement.

He nodded.

"Incredible!" Cyril marveled. "Where did you learn to cook?"

Wraith hesitated. "My father used to teach me how to cook. I barely even remember. As I was cooking, I guess it just came back to me."

Terrador straightened. "Yes, a job well done, Wraith. Now we all need to set everything up for the dance. First, we need to move the tables at the academy to make some space. Come on."

Everyone followed him out the gates and toward the academy with Wraith following behind them.

Fifteen minutes later, they walked into the academy and headed toward the mess hall. As soon as everyone opened the doors, they stopped and stared in shock. Everything was already set up perfectly.

"Who did this?" Cyril asked in wonder.

Wraith coughed. "Yeah, that might have been me. Again."

Everyone stared at him.

"How did you—" Cynder started, but Wraith cut her off. "I woke up early and decided to get the job done and save you all the trouble."

Spyro shook his head. "Wraith, you are truly amazing."

Wraith shrugged. "It's the least I could do. Now we have the whole day to prepare for the dance."

He started walking toward the door but stopped when Spyro called his name. He turned, "Yes?"

"Are you going to the dance with anyone?"

Cynder seemed to pay special attention to this question.

Wraith hesitated. "Nah, I'm going stag." He turned to leave but called over his shoulder, "But that doesn't mean I have to stay that way." He walked out, leaving the others wondering what he meant.

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