Always & Forever (Choni)

By NeireeWrites

162K 4K 3.7K

When Toni agrees to show her best friend Betty Cooper's cousin, Cheryl Blossom, around the school, she's imme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 61

1.4K 36 22
By NeireeWrites

Wasn't proof read😭

2 months later

"Shh..." Toni shushed Hunter as they made their way to the bedroom that held her beautiful sleeping wife.

"Okay, when we get in there, quietly set the card and flowers down, kay?" Toni told the three-year-old. He nodded to let the brunette knew he understood her orders. "Alright, come on, bub." She kissed his cheek before standing up with the tray of Cheryl's favorite breakfast food.

Hunter opened the door quietly, being sure to gently place the flowers and card on Cheryl's bedside table. The redhead slept soundly with Aliana on her chest, the five-month-old was super restless through the night.

"Cher..." Toni placed the tray down and got onto the bed to kiss her wife's ginger hair, "Baby, wake up." She whispered. Cheryl's perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed as she stirred but didn't open her eyes.

Aliana woke up and smiled when she saw Hunter looking back at her. She reached her hand out for him and he held onto it. Over the past two months, he's been growing used to having her around now.

"It's your birthday, baby. Wake up!" Toni giggled, kissing her neck and face. Cheryl smiled in her sleep, leaning into Toni's touch. "My beautiful love, come on." The brunette whispered into her neck. "Alright, I'm up." Cheryl rasped out but kept her eyes closed.

"Happy birthday, mommy!" Hunter cheered causing Cheryl to giggle. "Thank you, baby boy." She opened one eye to look at her son.

"We got you this!" He said excitedly. He loved surprising people. "Aww, baby, thank you." She chuckled and took the card and the bouquet of flowers from him.

"Happy birthday, baby/mommy! You deserve everything in the world, without you we'd be nothing, so thank you for choosing me (Toni), and thank you for wanting me (Hunter, Aliana) a lot of surprises ahead for you, love you!

Your family<3"

"Guys! That's the most cutest thing!" She giggled, turning to face her wife who was already looking at her. Cheryl's side profile always distracted her. "You're the best, baby." she kissed Toni softly. The brunette was caught off guard but she closed her eyes slowly and returned the kiss.

"I help too, mommy!" Hunter climbed onto the bed. Cheryl pulled away with a giggle, "You did?! You did a good job, Hunty!" She kissed all over his face causing Aliana to whine.

"You want some love too, princess?" The redhead giggled, picking her up to shower her with kisses.

"We got a little something for you," Toni smirked, breaking the silence in the living room. "Babe, I'm sure you did enough for me today, what could this possibly be?" The redhead raised her eyebrow. "I'll be right back!" Her wife sent her a wink.

Cheryl just shrugged, going back to the sketch she was drawing on her Ipad. The redhead has been getting into art lately, it soothes her.

No later than 5 minutes, Toni entered the house again, but her voice wasn't the one that made her heart beat excitedly. "Great-grammy Rose!" Hunter squealed when Toni rolled her in. Penelope and Jason weren't too far behind them.

"Hey, dear." She croaked, rubbing his back, and kissed his head. Hunter pulled away and smiled at her.

"Oh! Yes, here you go, baby." She grabbed a vintage toy car out of her purse. "Yay! Thank you, Grammy!" He cheered, running back to his toys.

Cheryl stood up and hugged her nana. She hasn't seen her since Hunter turned 2, that was 1 year ago.

"Happy birthday, dear." The older woman smiled as she hugged her granddaughter the best she could sense she was sitting down in the wheelchair.

Cheryl greeted her mother and brother, hugging them tightly. Cheryl was very family orientated and Toni knew this would make her very emotional.

"We got you something." Penelope smiled at her. "More surprises? You guys should've told me not to wear makeup." She joked with a sniffle, wiping a tear from under her eyes.

Jason rubbed her back to comfort her, "So we know how much you love art now, and how much time you've been spending on it after work. So...we got this for you." Jason said as Toni and Penelope picked up a big framed picture and uncovered it.

"Oh my god." Cheryl gasped, her hands coming up to cover her mouth. It was a painting of her, Toni, Hunter, and Aliana. It was when Aliana was born, that day in the hospital, it looked so real.

"Guys..." She cried, "It-it's beautiful!"

"I know, right? When I saw it myself, I almost cried." Toni said.

"It's true, dear. She had to excuse herself." Nana Rose piped in.

"I love it. It's amazing." Cheryl gave her mother, brother, Nana, and Toni hugs. "Okay, now where is my other great grandbaby? I haven't met her yet." Nana Rose turned to face Cheryl.

"She's in the living room doing tummy time." She replied, leaving Jason, Toni, and Penelope to find somewhere to hang the painting.

Cheryl picked up Aliana and turned her to face her grandmother who smiled. "She looks like a mini Toni." Nana Rose giggled, accepting the girl into her arms. Aliana looked up at the older woman, reaching up to touch her face.

"Hello, dear." The older woman croaked, smiling at her. Aliana smiled back then looked around for Toni who was just entering the living room.

"Mmm-" She whined, reaching for Toni. "What's wrong?" The brunette pouted, going over to pick up the distressed girl. She instantly stopped whining and rested her head on Toni's shoulder.

"She just has to get used to you, Nana," Cheryl says and squeezed her shoulder gently, "But tell me how you're doing! I haven't seen you in over a year." The redhead pouted.

While Cheryl engaged in conversation with her grandmother, Toni went to help Jason and Penelope plan the rest of Cheryl's day. "So we need to get Cheryl out of the house for a bit," Penelope told Toni.

"Well, I already told her that I wanted to take more pictures, I could get her to tag along. We could take the kids too, best if they get fresh air." The brunette nodded.

"Good, quick on your feet. Okay, while you 4 are away. We'll be here decreasing. Just text us before you are here so that way we can hide." Jason states.

"Yeah, okay, I can do that," Toni smirked.

After confirming their plan, Toni entered the living room, "Hey, baby. We gotta get going, taking some pictures." Toni smiled.

"Really?!" Cheryl smiled, "I could come with you?" She asked.

"Of course, baby. That's why I said come on." Toni giggled, gesturing for Hunter to go put his shoes on.

Once the family was out of the house, Penelope and Jason started calling everyone over to help decorate.


"Look at the pretty bird!" Cheryl pointed as she carried Hunter down the trail. "Ohh, pretty bird." He repeats.

Toni snapped a picture off it and they continued to walk down the trail. "Oh, oh, oh! Looky!" Hunter pointed frantically at the hummingbird.

"Wow. That's awesome." Cheryl states as they watched the bird eat its food from the flower.

Toni chuckled as she watched her wife and son look at the bird in awe, "It's a hummingbird. Beautiful right?" She asked.

"Amazing. I want one." Cheryl says and Toni raised her eyebrow. "Like for the backyard." She chuckled.

"I'm not sure we can control that, baby." Toni giggles, looking down at Aliana who was enjoying the sights too, although she didn't have any idea what was going on.

As they kept walking, Toni continued to snap pictures. Some of Cheryl and Hunter looking at all the animals, some of the said animals, the nice leaves on the trees.

"Baby, come look!" Cheryl called to the brunette who was taking a picture of a flower.

"What is it?" Toni asked. As she approached them, she realized what her wife was talking about. "Wow..." She whispered, "shh, you don't want to startle them."

"What is twhat?" Hunter asked. "It's deer. They're shy, like you." Cheryl states.

The deer grazed the grass peacefully, unaware of the family's existence. Toni took a couple of pictures, thanking god that her shutter wasn't as loud to startle them.

"Let's move on so we don't interrupt," Toni whispered, playing with Aliana's hand. They continued, only stopped when Hunter spotted some frogs.

"I take one home!" He says, looking over at Toni. "Not this one, baby. We can't, this is their home. Maybe we can try the pet store, okay?" Toni explained.

He nodded with a pout, similar to his mother's causing Toni to shake her head at the resemblance.

After finishing their hike, Toni texted Jason to see if they were free to come home.

Toni[3:45 PM]: Are we free to come home?

Jason🤖[3:47]: yeah! You're just on time, everyone is here and we're finished decorating.

Toni[3:38]: Kay, we are on the way.

"Alright, let's start heading home. Nana rose wants some more time with you." Toni states.

"Alright, let's do that then." Cheryl chuckled. The ride home was filled with music, Hunter dancing on his carpet making his mothers laugh at him. Aliana was completely knocked out.

"She didn't even do anything but be carried. How is she tired?" Cheryl giggled.

"All the staring probably made her tired." Toni shrugged as she pulled into the driveway of their home.

"What are all the lights off?" Cheryl asked. Toni furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't know." She shrugged, putting the car in park.

After getting their kids out of their car seats, Hunter ran to open the door but Toni stopped him and let Cheryl go first. The redhead eyed her wife suspiciously.

"What are you up to?" She asked. "What do you mean? I was with you this whole time." Toni chuckled.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and opened the door.

"SURPRISE!" People jumped out as they entered the living room. "Oh my god!" Cheryl giggled as Betty and Veronica came to hug her.

"Happy birthday, girl." Veronica states, handing her a gift, "From me and B." She smirked.

"Thanks, guys." The redhead giggled, giving them hugs. "You guys are sneaky!" She yelled when Jason and Penelope come to hug her too.

"Well, it was all Toni's plan." Jason shrugged. Cheryl turned to look at her wife who was talking animatedly to their daughter.

"She's amazing. I would like to know where you found her." Jason chuckled.

"I heard that!" Amber says. "Oops." He covered his mouth.

Cheryl laughed, going around to greet her friends and family. It's been a while since they got together like this. "Who wants to hold, Ali?" Toni asked.

"Me!" Kevin said before anyone else could process Toni's sentence. The five-month-old watched as Kevin come to pick her up, she made grabby hands at him making his heart melt, "Aww, you're just the sweetest little thing." He chuckled.

"You're very sneaky, Topaz." Cheryl hugged her wife from behind.

"I come from a family who does business. It comes naturally." Toni chuckled, turning to peck her lips.

"How did you manage to get everyone up here? I mean even V and B are here!" The redhead giggled.

"It cost a lot but it was worth it because it's your birthday." The brunette shrugged.

"I love you." Cheryl smiled, leaning in to kiss the brunette. Before she could, confetti was popped from behind them causing Cheryl to jump and Toni to giggle.

"Happy birthday, Cher!" Everyone cheered before the music started to play.


"It's Hunter's bedtime! Did you see him!?" Cheryl asked her brother over the music.

"Yeah, he's with Maddy and Lisa!" He nodded over to the couple who held was coaxing the tiny brunette to sleep.

"Ugh, you guys just saved me a lot of time!" The redhead chuckled.

"He said that he was tired and he couldn't find you or Toni so he came to us," Lisa explained as Madison handed the boy over to his mother.

"Thanks, girls." She smiled before carrying him upstairs. She changed him into his pajamas and Toni entered the room after putting Aliana down to bed in the room over.

"He's asleep already?" She whispered. "He was sleep when I got him from Maddy and Lisa," Cheryl states, watching the small boy sleep.

"Goodnight, Hunter. Sweet dreams." The brunette whispered, kissing his forehead. A small smile graced his face before it disappeared.

As they made their way out of the room, Cheryl looked back and smile, as she got older so will he.

HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Well, I gotta have a party for my birthday because my mom says and I quote "I never like to have fun" well duh, I'm a teenager😭 anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was a bit rushed but yeah.

Also, getting writers to block so any ideas? (nothing that has been done before or nothing crazy 😭)

I'm also working on another book👀

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