My Daily Life With A Monster...

By UnknownFate25

424K 15.7K 6.9K

My Daily Life With A Monster Harem Jackson Walker always thought he was average. He goes to school, has a nic... More

1 - I Thought Systems Were Fake!
2 - Obtaining The First Mission
3 - Operation: Virgin's First Date
4 - Taking The Highway To Hell
5 - Please Don't Eliminate Me!
6 - Half Man, Half Shark, All Roomate
7 - The Prisoner Of The Hollow
8 - The Angel Of Heavenly Fire
9 - Welcome To Hell High
10 - A New Challenger Approaches
11 - Cue The Training Montage!
12 - The Duel With The Dragon
13 - The Dragon's Perspective
14 - Meeting The Popular Girl
15 - The Underworld's A Big Place
16 - My [Hollow Wanderer] Skill Is Broken
17 - The Boyfriend's True Colors
18 - Mending The Broken Pieces
19 - Grinding With A Demon Arm
20 - The Battle Of The Strongest Students
21 - The True Potential Hidden Within
22 - They Want My Hand In Marriage?!
23 - The Odd One Of The Family
24 - The Nephilim In Human Skin
25 - Gaining A Spider Girlfriend
26 - Expanding The Party
28 - The Princess Of The Dark Empire
29 - A Brawl In The Jewelry Store
30 - These Attackers Are Just Low Leveled Grunts
31 - The Long Awaited Blood Ball
32 - The Princess' Dilemma
33 - The Blood Ball Becomes Bloody!
34 - My Vampire Step-Parents Are Scary
35 - My Life After One Month Of Crazy
36 - A New Student And A Field Trip!
37 - Getting Stranded And Playing Won
38 - In The Middle Of Nowhere
39 - Madam Webb Is Overpowered
40 - Welcome To The Gas Station Of Hell
41 - The Ghost Town
42 - Everybody Loves A Good Bar Fight
43 - I'm An Angel Rider
44 - The Not So-Oasis
45 - Skulls And Slimes
46 - Saving The Students
47 - School Vacation
48 - Heading To The Fox Village
49 - Enter Shippo Village
50 - Fox Fortunes
51 - Fangs Of The Foxes
52 - Krystal Is Dangerously Cute
53 - Something Is Wrong
54 - The Fake Verses The Real
55 - The Chieftess Of Shippo
56 - Service Of A Sensei
57 - Final Day With The Fox Family
58 - Grinding Levels Is Tough
59 - The [Party] Enters The Hollow
60 - To Where It All Began
61 - Collecting Crystals
62 - Catalysts And Ascension
63 - The Day I Failed
64 - B3r739k
65 - I Thought Systems Were Fake!
66 - Everything Changes
67 - To The Dark Empire
68 - The Confrontation
69 - The Dark Prince
70 - A Changing Mindset
71 - Tensions In The Underworld
72 - Attack On Dark Castle
73 - Luna Diabolos
74 - Infiltrating The Manor
75 - The Master Plan
76 - The Ruler Of Hell
77 - Welcome Back Home
78 - For Jackson
79 - Return
80 - It's Time To End This
81 - Epilogue
Thank You!

27 - The Invitation To The Blood Ball

6.2K 239 129
By UnknownFate25

So many things happened in such a short time since the events at the church.

When I revealed to my family I was a Nephilim they started bowing down to me and calling me a "Miracle Child". Luckily I got them to calm down and treat me like before when we thought I was human.

I looked at myself in the mirror on my phone. Thanks to Angela, she had taught me how to hide my wing and halo. My left eye continued to remain blue however. It's still a little strange. The strangest part is how fitting it feels.

As for the System...

I haven't told the rest of my friends about the System yet however. I don't think I'm ready to tell all of them, especially Sapphire. Just because Anna and Angela accepted it doesn't mean the others will.

I mean, how will John feel that his sister got roped into his best friend's unwanted harem? And that there's a possibility for more girls?

Ugh...too much head hurts...

And all of that was in the span of a day. Trust me, it was hectic. When I finally arrived back to Hell High I immediately face planted into my bed, snoozing away.

Now it was Monday. School hadn't started yet and I was bored with nothing to do. So I pulled up my [Profile] out of curiosity and noticed it had some differences than last time.


Name: Jackson Walker

Race: Nephilim

AP: 165

Level: 3

Charm: Level 3

Strength: Level 4

Wisdom: Level 3

Agility: Level 3

[Danger Sense] Level 12 - A warning of incoming danger and which direction it is from can be felt.

[Hollow Wanderer] Level 3 - You can access the mysterious Hollow Realm through special portals.

[Chains of Holy Fire] Level 8 - You can summon and control chains infused with Holy Fire.

[Eagle Eye] Level 7 - You can see farther and clearer.

[Demon Arm Beelzebub] Level 7 - A Demonic Arm that overtakes your own upon use. Holds the mysterious powers of the old Lord of Flies.

* [Gluttony] The full potential of the Demon Arm. Absorbs magical energy to make the arm stronger.

The most obvious change was my race had changed to Nephilim. And I also had much more AP than before thanks to those missions I completed.

A more subtle change was that all of my abilities leveled up by one for some reason.

"I believe it's because of you unlocking your Angel side Host. This gave you a small passive boost to your abilities." Sally stated.

Oh. Interesting.

Checking the time, I noticed it was almost time for school to start. I should start heading to my first class.

Brutus was already awake and left already, so I was the only one left in the dorm. Opening the door to the hallway, I noticed something laid on the floor in front of the door.

Picking it up, it was a red envelope addressed to me. Okay, whichever postman put this here needs to rethink their job because that could have easily been stolen.

I looked around the hallway, but I didn't see anyone that may have put it here. I glanced at the clock against the wall...

Crap! The time!

I pocketed the envelope, running to my class.

The whole day my mind was stuck on that envelope. I couldn't pay attention to class during that and I was a millimeter away from getting a detention during Math.

Finally the lunch period had arrived, and I would have time to open the letter.

"So I found this letter addressed to me outside my dorm." I said, pulling the envelope out.

"A r-red envelope?" Questioned Brutus.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"That looks familiar, though I can't put my finger on it." John thought aloud.

"You mean this?" Anna asked, pulling out a similar red envelope.

John just stared at Anna. "Where did you get that?"

"It was outside our dorm." Anna answered.

"And you never thought to tell me?!" John exclaimed.

Anna shrugged in response.

"I feel like I've seen that before." Krystal commented. "But I haven't gotten one of those."

"Hmm. Well, let's see what's inside." I decided.

The blood red envelope had a nice fancy seal which I ripped in half in order to open the envelope and access the inside.

Press F to pay respects.

"F." I heard Sally comment in my mind.

Sally can...joke?!

Pulling out the letter, I unfolded it and started to read it's contents.

"Dear Jackson Walker, you have been invited to the Blood Ball." I read.

The others at the table gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"T-the Blood Ball is the biggest event in the Underworld. It's been going on for years now ever since the creation of the Dark Empire." Anna revealed.

The Dark Empire? Well they certainly sound evil with a name like that...

"What's the Dark Empire?" I asked.

"It's the largest kingdom in the Underworld's desert. It was formed when two large vampire factions joined forces." Krystal answered.

Vampires exist? You know what, I'm not even surprised anymore. After an Arachnid, Angel, Dragon, Great White Merman, and a Kitsune, it really doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Alright. Then what's the Blood Ball?" I asked the next question on my mind.

"The Dark Kingdom hosts the Blood Ball every year on Halloween, when the Underworld turns a dark red." Anna continued.

"What? What do you mean the underworld turns a dark red?" I wondered confusedly.

"It's hard to describe, but it looks amazing..." Krystal smiled.

"It does." Sapphire confirmed.

Huh. Interesting. I want to see that. Gazing back to the letter, I continued to read the message.

"This year the Blood Ball will be hosted at the Dark Kingdom's castle ballroom on October 31st. Show them this letter in order to get access. You are allowed to bring up to three others." I read.

"The Royal Family will even be attending the party. We hope to see you there." I finished.

"The Royal Family?!" Exclaimed the others surprised.

"Am I missing something?" I asked.

"The Blood Ball is hosted by The Dark Kingdom, but most of the time the Royal Family is busy and doesn't attend." Anna explained.

"You're so lucky." Sighed John. "How come Anna gets one and I don't?"

It was outside of your dorm. Wasn't it addressed to the both of you...?

And then a lightbulb lit up inside my mind. We can bring up to three people, and we have two letters...

"What if I bring three of you and Anna brings the other three? Then all of us can go to the Blood Ball." I suggested.

"Let's do it!" John excitedly said.

"Sure. But we'll still have a spot left, so I'll take Madam Webb." Anna added.

"Sounds good." I replied, smiling.

Anna smiled back at me, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. I saw John and Brutus give me thumbs up while I felt three dangerous stares stab into me.

Yeah, Anna basically immediately revealed we were now dating. Please don't kill me...

Anyways, since The Ball's on Halloween, that means it's this Friday.

"Anything I need to get ready for the Ball?" I asked. "This is my first time with something like this."

Anna grabbed onto my arm. "I'll help you! After all, it's a girlfriend's duty."

I heard that emphasis on girlfriend. Don't antagonize the others. I really don't want to die.

"We need to get you a suit! And I know just the place!" Anna excitedly said, starting to drag me somewhere.

"Wait! We're still in school!"

After the day had ended, I finally let Anna drag me to wherever she wanted to take me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Anna continued to drag me.

"We're going to the best fancy clothes shop in all of the Underoworld!" Anna exclaimed.

She dragged me up to the Hell Highway, but I was met with a shocking surprise.

"Madam Webb?!" I exclaimed.

A nice sports car was pulled off the Highway, and in the driver's seat was Madam Webb herself!

"I have to make sure my son-in-law has good clothes for the Ball." Madam Webb smiled.

Again, a little too quick! We've only been dating for a couple days!

We got into the back of the car. Since it's Madam Webb driving and not taxi man Dunk it shouldn't be too fast.

I was wrong.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Both me and Anna screamed into the wind.

I think I know where John got his love of driving fast from, because I'm pretty sure Madam Webb is going faster than Dunk ever did!

I can't even lift my head to see how fast she's going!

After a while of driving at sickeningly fast speeds, we finally reached our destination. We had turned off the Highway and were now parked on a road in a city.

Oh, and I mean sickeningly fast speeds. I puked my guts out afterwards for a good minute.

"Ugh...where...are we?" I groaned, wiping my mouth.

"Welcome to Hell's Capital, Lilith." Madam Webb greeted.

Looking around, the city did look large. At least, from what I could see.

"We have to go a little farther to the heart of the city to get to Twy's Designs." Madam Webb stated.

"Twy's Designs?" I wondered.

"The have the best clothes for any occasion!" Anna excitedly stated.

You must really like those clothes, huh...?

We walked through the city, and it wasn't the capital for nothing. It looked like New York or Tokyo, with giant skyscrapers, lots of lights, and bustling crowds.

The difference was that the crowds were all monsters. Demons, Lamias, Demons, mostly Demons honestly. There were also some other monster species as well though.

Is that a centaur?!

Yeah, definitely different from New York.

It looks like we aren't in Kansas anymore. Not like we ever were though.

After walking towards the center of the city, which was much more busy and modern, we finally arrived in front of a fancy looking building. It was multiple stories high. Very large for any clothing store I've seen.

A fancy sign read in a curly font, "Twy's Designs".

Madam Webb entered the shop, immediately walking to the counter with Anna and I following.

"Hey Twy." Greeted Madam Webb.

"Webb?! Is that you?!" Exclaimed a purple haired woman from behind the counter. She had two short horns poking from her forehead.

She immediately leapt over the counter, hugging Madam Webb.

"It's been so long! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. You?" Madam Webb replied.

"I'm great! So what do you need?" Twy asked.

"I need a suit for my son-in-law." Madam Webb stated.

"Son-in-law?" Twy asked, confused. She stared at me before looking to Anna.

No, we aren't married.

"She's my girlfriend." I clarified, pointing towards Anna.

"Ah, I see." Twy smiled. "Of course! I'll help him choose one, and it'll be on the house."

"No, you don't need to do that." Madam Webb sweatdropped.

"No, really. I could never pay you back for that time. Think of it as a gift." Twy smiled.

First Sapphire, now Twy? What were you doing before you became headmaster Madam Webb?

Twy then pulled me into the suit section of the store. She roamed the aisles, taking a look at every suit before grabbing a couple and pushing me into the changing room.

I'm not really one to wear suits, but...

I tried on the one I thought would look best. I smiled as I checked myself out in the mirror.

"It's perfect." I stated. I being narcissistic?

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