Falling (H.S. X L.T.)

By PeterPan095

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Harry is a freshmen in highschool, Louis is a senior. Since it's Harry's first year, he's obviously a nervous... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thiry-One

Chapter Thirty

532 13 15
By PeterPan095

Louis' Pov.
A few hours into the party and Harry and I had gotten separated, I suppose it doesn't matter. He was piss drunk anyway. Did that stop me from looking for him? Not a chance.

There were a few people from school that I recognized here too, but I think most of these people were college students. I saw a head of curly hair in the crowd of people dancing, and I was about to make my way to it when I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. I turned to see Harry standing there. Well I guess he found me instead.

"H-hey Lou- let's dance!" He was a slurring, hiccuping mess. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me farther into the crowd of people dancing. I tried to pull my hand away but he intertwined our fingers. Before I knew it he was facing me, pressed against me, swaying around to the music.

"Come on- on Lou! Have fun!" He yelled over the music. He locked his arms around my neck and started swaying me with him.

"Harry this isn't a good idea! Can't I just take you home?" We had to shout over the music, I could hardly hear my own thoughts it was so loud.

"No! Come on just dance for a little while!" Harry pouted at me.

And so we did, I danced with him for maybe ten minutes until I decided it was time to leave.

"Harry, come on. We've danced, now we need to leave." Harry groaned and pressed closer to me, hooking his hands behind my neck. He ended up stumbling into me a bit and I put my hands on his hips to steady him. He leaned up close to my face, putting his mouth to my ear.

"We c-can't leave. Not until I do this-" Harry hiccuped. Before I had time to question him i felt warm lips on my own. He was hesitant at first, but then he gained more confidence, pushing his lips to mine harder.

This was wrong, Harry was drunk. So drunk. If I kissed him back, I would be taking advantage of him. I'm not that type of person.

Before I had the chance to decide whether to kiss him back or not, he pulled away. There was an embarrassed grimace on his face.

"I'm- sorry.." He slurred. He looked upset now, probably because I didn't respond to his lip-lock.

"It's alright Harry, why don't we just get you home?" Harry nodded at my suggestion, leaning into my side as we made our way out of the crowded party. Once we were outside Harry was able to walk a bit better. He had his arms wrapped around his middle, I could tell he was cold.

"You want my jacket?" I asked, getting ready to take it off.

"No. It's fine." He slurred back. He was walking- more like stumbling- a few feet ahead of me. I figured I should give him his space.

"What were you talking about earlier?" Harry turned to look at me. He had an almost, desperate? Yeah, desperate. He had an almost desperate look in his eye as he asked the question.

"What are you talking about?"

"When you said you wanted to show me I had things to live for. Who? Or what, were you going to show me?" Ah, that. I sighed before replying.

"That was a spur of the moment thing. I just wanted you to last the night if I'm being honest. Obviously there are things you should live for, but at the end of the day that isn't what your life is about. You should be alive because you want to live. You should continue because you are valuable to yourself. Not because your death might affect other people. It's about you, not them. Not me." Harry looked deep in thought, well at least as deep as you can be in thought when your shit-faced.

"I don't want to hurt myself again. I-it was a mistake." He hiccuped. I smiled lightly at that.

"I believe you." Harry offered a smile to the ground, but I know it was meant for me.
When we arrived at Harry's house his mom and Robin's car were both back in the driveway. Guess we had to be quiet getting inside.

Harry and I walked up to the porch. At least he was able to walk decently. I got the door opened, it was unlocked. I turned to Harry and put my finger over my mouth, making a 'shhh' sound. I didn't want to wake anyone up. When I turned back around I almost jumped out of my skin. There was Gemma, pursed lips and hands on her hips.

"And what are you boys doing out this late?" She interrogated. Loudly I might add. I knew she knew Harry was drunk, he looked like a zombie.

"Shhh! Don't wake up his parents." I shushed, giving her a 'shut up' look. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Harry's arm lightly, pulling him into the house with her.

"I can take it from here. Thank you for looking out for him Louis." Gemma whisperer, lips curling into a small smile.

"No worries, it's not so bad." I chuckled quietly. Harry then made a noise of annoyance and pulled his arm from his sisters hand. He looked between us before stalking off into the house, probably going into his room and passing out. I watched him until he was out of sight.

"You really do care about him don't you?" Gemma asked, her small smile curling into a bigger one.

"Yeah..." I breathed, I gave Gemma a small smile before turning and walking down towards my car, that had been parked on the other side of the street since yesterday.

"Louis!" Gemma called, right before I crossed the street.


"Don't give up on him. Please." I smiled to myself.

"Not a chance in hell I would."
"This is useless."

"Come on Harry, just focus."

"I'm just saying, I'll never use this after I graduate."

"Just be quiet and do the problem."

Me and Harry were currently at his house, tutoring. It was Thursday and Harry was being very, difficult. He couldn't focus on anything and was practically impossible to get him to do the homework. Robin and Anne were both home, oddly. They were outside though, Harry and I were in the living room. I started to zone out waiting for Harry to finish the problems, thinking about the past week.

It was Monday when Harry had came to watch football practice, he came into the locker rooms with us all while we changed because he and Niall had been in mid-conversation. I had caught him staring at me, when I had my shirt off, and without thinking about it I winked at him. A blush crossed his face and he had shifted his gaze back to Niall.

It was Tuesday when I caught Harry looking at me during lunch again, completely ignoring Niall who had been trying to get his attention. I was sitting with Stan again. Harry would send a pouty glare at him every now and then too. Could he be jealous?

It was Wednesday when we had an awkward conversation in my kitchen, and by awkward i mean it was full of tension. That of the sexual kind.

"I'll make us sandwiches, do you want turkey or ham?" I had asked him, pulling the things I needed out of the fridge.

"Any meat is fine." He had shrugged, not thinking much of it. I let out a dark chuckle and looked at him.

"Is that so?" I smirked, giving him a smirk. It took him a second to get it, but when he did his eyes had widened and he shook his head.

"Shut up." He sighed, a smile creeping onto my face.

"Make me." After i said this, Harry's face changed. His eyes widened for a second before he looked up at me, holding intense eye contact. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and looked at me as if he really wanted to 'make me'. We held eye contact for a good 10 seconds before my mom walked in and started talking about some business trip her and my dad had to go on soon.

Which brings us to today, me sitting in Harry's living room, trying to get him to focus on his homework.

"Louis?" He nudged my side lightly, knocking me out of my daydreams.

"Oh- yeah what's up?" I shook my head a bit, letting my eyes focus on Harry's face. He was closer than I expected, I almost flinched at his proximity. I let my eyes fall down to his mouth, watching the way his lips moved while speaking.

"I finished with these I don't know how well I did.." I wasn't paying attention to his words, I started leaning in, determined to kiss him while we weren't drunk.

"Louis? Can you check my home-!" I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. It was soft, almost hesitant. I didn't want to scare him or come off too strong. I wanted him to chose whether he wanted this to continue or not.

Within a few seconds, he started kissing me back. It was softer than I expected, but it was nice. His lips felt like velvet against mine, soft, sliding with mine perfectly. Harry brought his hands up and pressed them to my cheeks, I responded by putting my hands on his shoulders and gently pushing him back onto the couch. Harry let his head come up, off of the armrest, and pushed his lips to mine a bit more forcefully. I responded with the same energy, pushing his head back down to the armrest. He bit my bottom lip gently every now and then. I didn't know if it was because he didn't have a lot of experience kissing or if he was doing it on purpose, but it was driving me insane. I swiped his bottom lip with my tongue, hoping he would get the message. I felt him open his mouth a bit. I smiled to myself and slipped my tongue inside. Before we got any further I heard a chuckle from somewhere in the room.

I jerked my head away from Harry's. His eyes were wide and he turned his head to the side, looking at the imposter. I looked too, seeing Gemma standing on the other side of the coffee table. I didn't know what to say, so I licked my lips instead, wiping them with the back of my mouth.

"I knew it. Didn't think it would happen this fast, but I fucking knew it." She chuckled, smirking at both of us.

"You knew what??" Me and Harry both asked at the same time. We looked at each other for a split second and that's when i realized the position we were in.

My hands still holding Harry's shoulders, his hands on my neck. I had my knee in between his legs too, so this was really awkward.

"Oh please. You too are practically smitten, just date already." Gemma rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face. Harry and I both chuckled lightly at that, giving each other another glance.

"Anyway I'll leave you to it! I was just coming out here to tell Harry that I was going out. Toodles." With that, Gemma walked to the door and then left, leaving me and Harry shocked and frozen.

I was the first to laugh, leaning down and resting my forehead on Harry's. I closed my eyes but I could tell his were open still.



"I think we wrinkled my homework." Harry chuckled, pulling it out from under himself. I looked down at it and chuckled.

"Yeah, maybe just a bit."
Mwahahaha I'm feeling mean so you guys get a cliffhanger. Buuutttt good news they finally kissed without being drunk. Hm, you guys got 2 Larry kisses this chapter.....maybe im spoiling you guys a bit...

Anygays thanks for reading, i liked this chapter bc its cute, I love you guys!

Bye bye lovelies <3333

"You taught me things I'll never forget, but you never taught me how to live without you.."


^^^sorry about all the sad quotes about death, I'm writing these chapters around the time of my best friends funeral (they will be published a bit later than that) so i guess I just kinda feel like i can relate to them rn is all^^^^

If you guys are confused as to why im publishing all of these chapters, look at my most recent announcement :)

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