Accidentally On Purpose

By sadscorpio07

76K 1.1K 360

When Hollis moved to California, she had never expected to fall in love with the charming football player, O... More

a few words.
chapter one ~ Hollis
Chapter two~Owen
Chapter three~ Hollis
Chapter four~Owen
Chapter five~ Hollis
Chapter six~ Owen
Chapter seven~Hollis
Chapter eight~Owen
Chapter nine~ Hollis
Chapter ten~ Owen
Chapter eleven~ Hollis
Chapter twelve~Owen
Chapter thirteen~ Hollis
Chapter fourteen~Owen
Chapter fifteen~Hollis
Chapter sixteen~ Owen
Chapter seventeen~ Hollis
Chapter eighteen~Owen
Chapter nineteen~Hollis
Chapter twenty~ Owen
Chapter twenty-one ~Hollis
Chapter twenty-two~ Owen
Chapter twenty-three~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-four~ Owen
Chapter twenty-five~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-six~ Owen
Chapter twenty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-eight~ Owen
Chapter twenty-nine~ Hollis
Chapter thirty~ Owen
Chapter thirty-one~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-two~ Owen
Chapter thirty-three~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-four~ Owen
Chapter thirty-five~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-six~ Owen
Chapter thirty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter thirty eight~Owen
Chapter thirty-nine~Hollis
Chapter forty~Hollis
Chapter forty-two~Owen
Chapter forty-three~ Hollis
Chapter forty-four~ Hollis
Chapter forty-five~ Hollis
Chapter forty-six~ Hollis
Chapter forty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter forty-eight~Hollis
Chapter forty-nine ~ Hollis
Chapter fifty~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-one~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-two~ Owen
Chapter fifty-three~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-four~Hollis
Epilogue~ Owen
Epilogue~ Hollis

Chapter forty-one~ Hollis

556 11 1
By sadscorpio07

"Promise me you'll call me when you get there." 

"I promise, Holls. Promise you'll tell the family I saw hi." Luke said to me.

It was December 21st and I was heading home for Christmas break for about a week. Luke had his first away game for team he had gotten drafted to, the Blue Ridge Ravens. He had to miss a few days but was going to be driving to my mom's on the 23rd, the day before Christmas Eve.

"Yeah yeah. They're all dying to see you." I added.

"They're dying to hear about the engagement." He corrected.

I smirked, "Okay, Jasper's dying to see you." 

Jasper was now around four, he was obsessed with Luke. There hadn't been many make figures in his life besides Luke and the Windess brothers. Well that is besides, my mother's nee boyfriend, Travis.

Either way, Jasper absolutely adored Luke. It was the sweetest thing ever seeing Luke around little kids. It made me really excited for our future family.

Luke laughed, "And I'm dying to see my best friend. Please drive safe, though."

"I will. It's only an hour, two if I hit traffic." I reassured him.

"Well be safe. Don't drive crazy like usual."  

I let out a laugh and the leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He wasn't going to stop talking cautiously so I figured kissing him would be the only way to shut him up.

"I will call you later. We can start planning the wedding details then." He blushed.

"See you in two days." I responded, twirling the keys on my finger.

"I love you." He said in a singsong voice.

"Love you more." I said, giving him a final kiss on the cheek.

I hugged him, and then grabbed Waco's leash, walking off to the car. I got Waco comfy in the backseat and then started up the car. 

As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I honked the horn, loudly at Luke. He laughed and made the blowing a kiss motion.

I connected my Spotify to the speakers and put on my 'Panic! At The Disco' playlist. I wasn't embarrassed to admit I was going through that phase again.

My favorite song, "When the Day Met the Night" started blasting through the speakers. The fact that it happened to be my favorite song by them playing immediately told me that this was going to be a good car ride.

I was driving for a good twenty minutes when the music stopped playing and my ring tone started filling the car.

I looked down at my phone and smiled at the familiar name on the screen.

I accepted the FaceTime call.

"Hollis, just the girl I was looking for." 

"Hey, O." I grinned.

Owen and I had been cool for about three years now. We figured the best thing to do was cut all contact and stop seeing each other. And then we would slowly start fixing things naturally. We didn't see each other for about year which not only put strain on us, but probably others. W

e started being friends again after a year of seperation. The whole time, he was traveling across the country, telling his story. Meanwhile, I was focusing on school and find my correct major. And, of course, slowly seeing Luke.

"I've been actually meaning to call you." I brought up, "I've had something I wanted to tell you."

"Same thing there." He responded, he grinned," I'll go first."

I laughed.

"So the Waylon football couch spoke to me the other day." He started saying.

I grinned, knowing what he was going to say. He was going to tell me what that the thing he had been working so hard for for the past six years was happening.

"I still have a few more months, but one during one of the final games, there's going to be scouts there." He spoke out.

"Like as in scouts for the L.A Chargers and other teams, too." He grinned.

The Los Angeles Chargers have always been his dream team to play on.

"You're kidding?!" I squealed.

He shock his head, "Nope. Not even in the slightest. And get this, they're only interest in scouting me. Not any other dude on the team." 

I said there, my mouth was probably wide open. I still kept an eye on the road.

"Owen, actually?!" I said, again.

"Actually, actually."

"The Los Angeles Chargers." I repeated.

He just smiled and slowly nodded.

"Oh my fucking god, congratulations! " I finally yelled.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm so fucking pumped, Holls." He grinned.

"God, I bet. That's so amazing, O." I added.

"Seriously, I'm living the absolute dream, right now. On cloud nine." He added, "What did you need to tell me?"

I started blushing a little, "Have you been on you socials, lately?"

"Nope, all deleted for the past month. It's so good for you mentally, why?"

I smiled and held up my my left hand, showing off the sparkly diamond ring that lay on my ring finger.

His eyes widen, "Shut the fuck up."

I kept nodding and smiling.

"Hollis, holy shit. When did he propose?" He asked, moving the phone onto the kitchen counter. He placed it down and sat in front of it, fully engaged in the conversation.

"About four days ago. I still can't believe it." I admitted.

"No kidding, I remember prom and watching y'all dance. Oh man." He said, rubbing his forehead.

I bit my lip, "You're like the last to know, O."

"Of course, you get engaged the same month I'm social media cleansing." He said, sarcastically shaking his head.

"You're such a fucking weirdo, Owen Windess." I laughed.

"You know you love me."

"Mmm, how'd that date go with what's her face?" I asked him.

He scrunched his nose, "Another dud."

"Damn, I really liked the sound of her."I said.

"Another one bites the dust." He said, giving me a thumbs down, "Is that a puppy?"

That phone call left me smiling. would it even be a road trip without a car selfie?


When I pulled into the driveway, it was packed full. Five cars, including mine, were parked on the dirt driveway and grassy front yard. 

It was good to be home. 

I grabbed my overnight duffel bag along with Waco's leash and started heading for the front door.

The door swung open and our popped Copper and Lynleigh.

"Let me see the ring!" She immediately asked me.


I held out my hand to show off engagement ring, "Hello to you too, Lyn."

Lynleigh and he beat friend, Cece had been traveling abroad for the past year and a half. They had taken summer classes and graduated a year early. I saw they were friends but I'm pretty positive it was a friend's with benefits type of thing. Lyn hadn't been in any relationships for the last couple years . She was for sure having casual hook up partners, that including Cece. I didn't care though because to be honest.

She grabbed my hand out it closer to her face, "Cuuuute."

She added, "How the fuck did he pay for that being in college?"

"Lyn, he plays for the Blue Ridge Ravens. He's bringing in that coin." Brooklyn said, walking over.

"Hey, Lis." She said, pulling me into a hug.

"Where's JJ?" I asked her.

Brooklyn had been raising Jasper on her own for the past four years. A few months after Jasper was born, the case went to trial. After fighting for a long time, Connor got sent to prison. He'll be in there for up to thirteen years unless any more things come up with all his crimes. Him being in prison, allowed Brooklyn to start healing with her baby. She kept fighting like a champ and eventually became a speaker at several places. She was able to tell her story to girls in similar situations.

"With mom and Travis. I think they're finishing up making cookies for Santa." She answered.

"Without me?" I dramatically asked.

Lynleigh shrugged, "You're not the fav anymore."

"Come in, come in." Brooklyn said, gesturing for me to come inside the house.

I did just that and the smell of my mom's famous Italian cookies filled the home. Everything looked just the same as the last time I was here. It was so comforting to be home.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom and Travis standing near the counter, cleaning up. A little curly haired boy who I recognized as Jasper started running up to me.

I dropped my bag and leash to the floor, letting Waco free to sniff out the place. I picked up the curly haired, Jasper, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"JJ, look how big you've gotten! What, have you grown about a foot?" I asked him with the biggest grin.

JJ had been his designated nickname since he was a little baby.

He cried out his little toddler giggle, "Auntie Lis, you're silly. I lost a tooth-"

He paused and looked towards Brooklyn, "Mommy, when did I lose my tooth?" 

She made a peace sign, "Two days ago."

"I lost my first tooth two days ago." He said, stuttering over his words.

"Oh my gosh Jasp, let auntie see." I exaggerated.

He smiled a toothy grin and pointed to his front tooth.

I let him down, "Oh my goodness, bud. You're getting so big." 

He ignored me and got distracted by Waco.

"Hey, Lis." My mom laughed.

I walked over and gave her a hug, "Hi, mom."

"Hey, T." I said to Travis.

"Hi, Holli. How was the drive here?" He asked, trying to make small talk.

"It was good and quick. Owen actually called me." I brought up.

My mom took a sip of her wine, "That's great. Speaking of him, they're all coming over soon to do the Christmas tree. Why don't you bring all your stuff up to the guest bedroom?" 

"Great idea."

I hauled my bag up to what used to be my bedroom. It was now just a regular old guest bedroom. All the bedrooms besides my mom's was like that. Lynleigh moved out first, then me and then three years later, Brooklyn got her own apartment with Jasper.

A wave of nausea hit over me. I sat onto the bed to catch my breath. It had to be a mixture of the king car ride and the several strong scents within this home.

I sat down there for a minute when my phone started ringing. 

I looked down and it was Luke. I reluctantly pickled up.

"Shit. I forgot to text you when I got here." I cringed as I spoke.

He sighed, "It's fine, I figured you'd just forgotten. You've been forgetting everything lately."

"Ouch. That one was a personal attack." I laid down on my side, "Have you left yet?"

"No, not yet. Just finished packing and cleaning the apartment when an idea hit me." He said, I just knew he was grinning on the other end.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears." I said to him.

"We should buy a house." He proposed.

"Luke, I do-" I started objecting.

"Before you object, think about this." He started, "Waco needs a big yard to play in and we've been in the apartment for two years. We're getting married and should start that with a fresh start." He said.

Before I could say anything else, he continued.

"Plus, our lease is up in May. If we stay then that's another year here." He took a deep breath.

He made some great points but I wasn't totally sure about all this.

"But that's the thing. Shouldn't be put all focus into Waco and the wedding for awhile." I pointed out.

"Hollis, think about it. Please think about it." He said.

I groaned, "Fine but think about what I said. I'm just not sure it's great timing." 

I could tell he was shrugging, "Know want, we'll just talk about all this when I get to see you in two days." 

"Yes, sounds like a plan." I smiled.

"Welp, that's all really. Did you tell Jasper I said hi?" He asked.

I laughed, "No, I forgot about that too."

"I'm shaking my head in disappointment, right now. Go tell him." Luke joked on the other end.

"Okay, okay. Love you." I said.

"Love you too."

The phone call ended and I threw my phone into the bed, just laying there I exhaustion. Today was just so draining for no absolute reason.

I heard everybody's voice get raised and some new familiar voices fill the house. The Windess' must've just got here.

 I pulled myself up and walked down the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.

As soon as I got down there, Waco ran up to me.

I gave him a little pet on the belly and walked into the kitchen.

Owen and Liam were here.

"Hey, Holls." Owen said to me with a grin.

"Hi." I said, walking over and giving him a big hug.

He pulled apart first and went to Waco.

"I've missed ya. And you too, Lee." I said to them.

Before they could answer, my mom cut in.

"Guys, Bianca said she'd be late and not to wait up. Let's get started on the tree." She spoke out 

"I was just gonna shower, though. I'm not feeling too hot." I said to her.

"We're doing the tree now. If you miss out then you miss out." She said, clapping her hands together.

Guess this was what this evening was gonna consist of. thx @owen.windess for this picture of me and my son. #familypictureminusone

Some early content for my best friends. Enjoy 🤝

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