The Art of Falling in Love

By pacificoceans

23K 723 17

❝I never used to believe in soulmates, but now I find myself questioning every thought I once had about love... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Nineteen

652 15 0
By pacificoceans

But I fell in love right when she said, 'I wanna count the freckles on your face. Rearrange them, put them in the same place.' I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed.-Matt Champion, Fangs

"I need something that screams 'you're a dumbass for cheating on me,'" I explain to Alyce. "I'm thinking little black dress."

"You look hot in everything," Alyce replies as though it is simple. "But yes, I agree, little black dress is always the way to go."

I slip on my simple, fitted, black dress that I always wear for formal dinners. I put on a thin, silver necklace and silver rings to match, and put on my diamond earrings. Alyce helps me out with makeup, but she only puts on mascara and covers up small flaws.

Alyce looks at me sadly for a moment. "You're all grown up!"

I roll my eyes. "Alright, Alyce, quit it. When's Hunter picking you up?"

"In ten minutes," Alyce says. "I don't get to see you off on your first date of Senior year."

"This doesn't even count as a date," I drag out the word. "This is more of"

"Well, I hope when the date is done, you two aren't sticking your tongues down each other's throats," Alyce teases. "Just remember: he may be pretty, but he's a little bitch."

That is the moment my mom decides to walk by my open bedroom door. Her black, now greying, hair is pulled back into an elegant bun. The wrinkles under her eyes are from constantly working late shifts at the hospital, yet she still wears a kind smile.

My parents actually met at the hospital, my father working as a doctor and my mother as a psychologist. They have been married now for twenty years, as they met at quite a young age having both just graduated from med school.

"What's this I hear about a pretty boy?" My mother, Marian, asks with a raised eyebrow.

I laugh nervously. My mother knows pretty much everything that happened between Josh and I. Just like everyone, at first, she loved him and was happy about our relationship. Once I told her he cheated on me, she helped me burn his pictures and made me cookies. My dad had just watched in amusement as his wife and daughter pranced around a small fire in the backyard.

"I'm having dinner with an old friend." I reply vaguely.

"An old friend?" My mom presses. She knows that Josh is my only ex-boyfriend, and with what Alyce had just said, it doesn't take long for her to connect the dots. She gasps in shock. "Joshua?"

"Yes, but it's not a date," I defend hastily. "We're just getting dinner to talk."

A knock comes from outside the front door. All three pairs of eyes shift to the entryway. My mom drops her book and sprints for the front door. It takes about two seconds for Alyce and I to register what just happened, and we run after my mother.

The next thing I see is Hunter James hiding behind our porch's potted plant with my mother pointing a broom accusingly towards the poor boy.

"God, that woman is fast." Alyce wheezes from sprinting.

"Mom!" I exclaim, tugging the broom from her grasp.

"That's not Joshua," My mother says after a moment. "Just as cute, though."

"Sorry, Marian, we should have told you he's coming over," Alyce says. "This is my...friend, who is definitely not Joshua."

"Mom, this is Hunter, Hunter this is my mom, Marian," I introduce, placing the broom down. "She's not usually this crazy."

Alyce and Hunter awkwardly stand beside each other while my mother crosses her arms. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Hunter, but I'm currently waiting for a different pretty boy to intimidate."

"Understandable," Hunter grabs Alyce's hand hastily. "See ya, Diana!"

Hunter drags Alyce to his car while she waves goodbye to my mom and I. As my mom shuts the door, she turns to me, "He seems nice."

"He's like a puppy," I agree. "Kind of dumb, but cute and sweet."

My mother chuckles. "But Joshua is smart and cute. It's a dangerous combination, honey."

I grimace. "I know, you don't have to tell me twice."

After ten minutes of waiting by the door with my mother so she wouldn't attack Josh when he came, the doorbell finally rings. When I open the door, there stands Josh carrying a small bouquet of white and pink daffodils with baby breaths'.

"These are beautiful!" My mother exclaims, swiping the bouquet from Josh's hands. "This doesn't mean I've forgiven you for how you treated my daughter. No hands, no alcohol and get her back before ten."

"Of course, Ms. Elington." Josh puts on that winning smile that has everyone falling for him.

"Let's go," I mutter before Josh could charm my mom more. "Don't get the wrong idea. This isn't a date."

"It's just two friends having dinner," Josh agrees slyly. "It just so happens the boy is hopelessly in love with the girl."

I almost roll my eyes. "That may have worked on the hundred other girls you've played, but I've learned from my mistakes."

Josh opens the passenger door for me. I slide in and he closes the door behind me, before getting into the driver's seat. "You got a new car." I analyze, trying to hide the awe from my voice.

He had gotten a cherry red AMX, the engine roaring loudly as he starts the car. "It's been a while since we've last seen each other, Diana. Things have changed."

The drive there is quiet but not awkward. We have the music on at a low level and I can't help but watch in fascination every time Josh shifted gears. I can barely drive an automatic car; I can't even imagine driving stick.

Josh had picked my favourite restaurant. It is a small, family owned diner on the outskirts of town that serves the best pastas, all handmade in the kitchen. Josh and I used to go here all the time when we were dating, to the point where the family began to recognize us. It's bittersweet, thinking back on it now.

As Josh and I are seated, I notice him looking at me. "What?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Josh's eyes follow the motion and he smiles lopsidedly, a small smirk that used to get my heart to beat faster.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" He asks rhetorically. He looks back at the menu for a second before shutting it.

The server comes by, a pretty girl that I recognize to be the daughter. Her dark skin and curly, black hair compliment each other beautifully. Her eyes light up. "You two! We began wondering where you went. It's been a while, hey?"

"Well, we're back now," Another charming smile from Josh. "I'll have the penne with caesar salad and she'll have the Alfredo pasta with chicken."

He remembers. I try not to let that fact affect me.

"So, you have questions," Josh states casually, as our server takes our menus and walks away. "Lay them on me."

"Why did you do it?" My mouth moves before my mind can process the words I'm saying. As soon as they are said, I find myself not regretting it.

He is quiet for a moment. "I was scared. I had never loved someone as much as I loved you. I didn't like that you made me feel...the way I still feel. I wanted a distraction. I wanted an excuse to get away from you, but I swear I'm different now. I realized that those feelings aren't something I should run away from, but instead embrace."

His words mean nothing and I realize that now. If he had said these things months ago, perhaps things would have been different now. Maybe I would still have feelings for Josh, but as I'm looking at the beautiful boy before me, I couldn't help but search for hazel eyes instead.

Instead of replying to his answer, I move on with the next question, "Who was she?"

"Who said it was a girl?" Josh winks. It's good to know he still has a sense of humour. "Kidding. You probably don't know her. It was a girl named Harley."

Harley. It couldn't be, could it? "Harley?" I press.

"Harley Jackson."

Noah's sister. Of course it was Noah's sister.

A/N: Matt Champion is just a dream, isn't he?

I also just realized this was the first time you guys met Diana's parents! Both of her parents are in the picture, I just never got around to creating a relationship between the parents and Diana. Just to be clear, they are a happy family!

ALSO the tea oof. Do you guys think Harley knew Josh was in a relationship or was she just as blindsided as Diana? I guess we'll see.

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