Everything I Wanted (Book 2)...

By Afternator97

14K 783 63

This is the second book to my first book, Our Happily Ever After. Do not read this book if you haven't alread... More

1. Father Figure
Please Read!!!
2. London
3. Family Dinner
4. Promise Ring
5. The Party
6. The Talk
7. Home At Last
8. Home Early
9. Explanation
10. The Truth
11. Excitement
12. Arrangments and Rings
13. Milkshakes and Old Friends
14. House Warming
15. August
16. Baby
17. Heartbreak
18. The Moon
19. The Wedding
Bonus Chapter: Yellow Rabbit
New Story

20. Everything I Wanted

608 41 3
By Afternator97

Josephine's POV
*6 years later*

I wake up to the sound of rustling coming from down stairs. My eyes open slightly and the sun is shining directly in my face. The smell of coffee invades my senses, giving me the reason to push to duvet off of me and to crawl out of bed. I drag myself down the stairs, wiping the sleep from my eyes and running my hands through my bed hair.

"Mummy!" My little angel says and a smile immediately breaks out onto my face. She runs to me and jumps up into my arms giving me a tight hug. "Good morning sweety." I say and kiss her forehead making her giggle.

"Where is daddy and bubba?" I ask her and she points to the kitchen. I slide her body over to my hip and make my way to the kitchen.

I see Hero standing by the stove, making breakfast and taking a sip of his coffee cup. "Hey baby." I say and he turns around with a smile on his face. "Good morning." He says as I walk over to him. I lean into him, planting a small kiss on his lips.

"Eeeewww!!" Scott screaches from the breakfast table. I look over at him and laugh as he makes a face of disgust. "No more kissing." He says and I walk over to the table, sitting Addy down in the chair next to Scott.

"You've seen mommy and daddy kiss before." Addy tells him and he shakes his head. "Yeah and it's gross." He tells her and I shake my head, laughing at them.

I walk back over to Hero who is still sipping on his coffee and watching bacon fry on the stove. I wrap my arms around his waist and he looks over his shoulder at me with a smile on his face.

"How long have y'all been up?" I whisper to him as I look over at the kids. "About an hour. They came and woke me up. I told them that we had to be quiet since you were still alseep, I didn't want them to wake you." He says as we listen to the kids bicker about which disney movie is the best.

"You could've woken me up, we could've went and done something together." I tell him and he chuckles. "You were sleeping so peacfully. You haven't been doing that lately so I wanted you to sleep a little longer." He says and turns around to face me. I smile up at him and am about to kiss him when Scott interupts us.

"Is breakfast ready yet mummy?" He asks and we both look over at him. I look up at Hero with an expression that says, 'Well, your son is hungry, hurry up'. He takes that as his hint and turns back around to finish cooking the food.

I walk over to Addy and Scott then sitting down beside them. "Mummy, when are we going to go see Aunt Katherine and Uncle Dylan?" Addy asks and I chuckle. "I can take you too them tonight if you want to see them that bad." I tell her with a chuckle. She squeals in excitment and I can't help the laugh coming out.

Remember the guy that Katherine and I were talking about at the wedding? It was Dylan Minnette, her co-star from 13 Reasons Why. She fell in love with him during filming and she never told him how she felt. Then she ran into him while we were away on our honeymoon, and when I came back, they were dating. Now their married and have a little one of their own on the way.

"What are we conversating about?" Hero asks as he walks up with two small plates with food. He sets it down infront of the kids and kissed them both on top of the head. "We were just talking about them going to see Aunt Katherine." I tell him and he nods his head.

He brings back over two cups of chocolate milk for the kids. He walks back over, grabbing our plates and pouring two cups of orange juice for us. He brings all of it over and sits down to join the conversation.

"So, when are we going to see Aunt Katherine?" He asks and takes a big bite of his pancake making the kids laugh. "We were thinking about tonight." I say and give him a look that says it all. He stops chewing, taking in my look and then readily agrees.

"Yeah, it sounds like a good plan." He says and I smile. He glances over at me for a quick second and then back at the kids. "Thank you daddy." Scott says and Hero smiles a little and nods his head. "Hey Addy, pass me the syrup." Hero tells her and she picks it up, throwing it to him from across the table.

"Addison Rai Tiffin!" I scold her and she shrugs. "But daddy-" She says and I shake my head. "Daddy, should know better." I say, scolding Hero as well and he looks up at me as he takes another bite of pancake. "What?" He says with his mouth full and I shake my head.

Hero and I eat in silence as the kids contiue to bicker about the movies they've watched. When all of us get done eating, I stand from the chair, grabbing everyone's plates and glasses. I take everything over to the sink, scraping everything that the kids didn't eat into the trash and then loading everything into the dishwasher. Hero comes up behind me when I put the last remaing plate into the washer.

"Were going to have the whole night to ourselves." He whipsers into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around to face him and he has a big smirk on his face. "We talked about throwing things in the house." I scold him playfully and he chuckles while shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, maybe I can make it up to you... somehow." He says while raising his eyebrows. I smack his chest and he bursts out laughing.

"Can we go to the beach before we go to Aunt Katherine's?" Addy asks and Hero and I look over at them. I look up at Hero and he shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, we can go before we take you to Aunt Katherine's." I say and unwrap Hero's arms from my wasit.

"Let's go get some beach clothes and then we can go." I say and take their hands. We walk up the stairs with Hero following close behind us. The kids go into their rooms trying to find some beach clothes as Hero and I walk into our bedroom. I walk over to the dresser, looking through some of the drawers until I spot a yellow sundress. I undress and I feel Hero's gaze burning my back as I slip the dress onto my body.

"When we get back, I think that we should watch a movie." He says as he walks up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He lays his chin on my shoulder and looks at me through the mirror.

"What movie should we watch?" I ask him and a small smirk plays at the corner of his lips. "I was thinking.... Fifty Shades of Grey." He says and my breathing hitches.

"I might can pick up a few things from Christian. What do you say?" He asks and he softly kisses my neck, making it really hard to breath. "Sounds good to me." My voice comes out low and husky, sounding nothing like my usual voice.

I turn around, lean up on my tip toes about to kiss him but Scott knocks on the door.

"Mummy, daddy, we're ready." He yells outside of the door and Hero and I both sigh. "We're coming buddy." Hero yells out to him and I mumble under my breath, "Yeah, I wish we were." and Hero looks back at me with a shocked expression on his face.


Hero's POV

Josephine and I are sitting on the sand as we watch Addy and Scott play at the shore of the beach. Josephine is sitting inbetween my legs, leaning back against my chest and watching our kids play in the water. She has a smile plastered on her face that says she's the happiest person in the world.

"Mummy, daddy, come play with us!" Addy yells over to us and I can't fight the smile that forms on my face. Josephine rolls her head back, looking at me with that damn smile of hers that just makes me give into anything that she wants, Addy's smile has the same affect on me. She gets every feature from her mum, including her stubborness, it drives me insane at some points.

I lean into her, kissing her lips and I tighten my grip on her waist. "Come on, they're waiting." She mumbles against my lips and I pull away. I nod my head and she stands, making her way over to the kids. I stay sitting for a minute, just watching as she walks over to them.

Her dress is just above her knees, giving her the best advantage of not getting it wet by the water. She slashes water at the kids with her feet, making them laugh and run away from her as she keeps kicking at the water.

I stare at them, going through all of the events in our lives that led up to this moment in time. Our first meeting, our first kiss, our first fight. All of the choices that we've made have led us here. I never thought that my life would turn out this wonderful. But it is, it's so amazing. I have this beautiful family with a wife that loves me so much, and two beautiful children.

This family that I have, it's everything in the world to me. Everything I've ever dreamed of having, it's everything that I've wanted and I can't be more happy that I am right now, in this moment while watching the love of my life holding both of our in her arms.

"Hero!" Josephine calls with a big smile on her face, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Coming baby!" I yell and stand to my feet. I walk over to them, grabbing Addy from Jo's hands and holding her above my head. She laughs as I bring her down, holding her close to my chest.

I place her down gently just as the water rushes in, sweeping her off her little feet. I grab onto one of her hands that fly up just as her body starts to fall. I hold her up so that she doesn't fall and we all start to laugh at how easily she would've been swepy away by the water.

The kids run in circles, playing tag as Jo and I hold onto each other while we watch them. "Hero..." She says softly, causing me to look at her. "Thank you." She says and I look down at her in confusion. "For what?" I ask her and she smiles up at me.

"For giving me everything I dreamed of having, for giving me everything I wanted out of life." She says and a smile appears on my face. "I love you." I tell her and she stands on her tip toes, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"And I love you, always."

Author's Note

It's the ending guys! This is the end!

I will be adding a bonus chapter pretty soon when I finsih writing it. I'm about half way done with the bonus chapter so it'll be soon when you'll be able to read it. I'm happy that all of you have stuck around this long, thank you all very much.

I'm working on a new book now. It's going to be called Captivated, another Herophine novel. You should go check it out when I am completely finished with this series.

Thank you all very much.

Much love,

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