More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

174K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans

The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester

1.3K 19 16
By risingstar99

A/N: I focused more on Lexi in this chapter because part of her plot line in Season 6 has been important.

Lexi had reached her due date. Well, she was due the next day, but any moment was possible. However, she still insisted on working at school. She couldn't physically coach Cheerios, but she stood by the bleachers directing them. She still taught her biology class, and sometimes some other classes. Point was, she was making the most out of her free time before the baby arrived.

Sam sat in the teacher's lounge during his lunch break, when he turned to Lexi who slowly entered the room, letting out some deep breaths, as she walked. She sent him a tired smile, while she approached him.

"Oh hey, mommy." He greeted, teasingly.

"Nope." Lexi frowned, shaking her head. "Unh-unh."

"You can call me daddy." Sam responded, watching as she carefully sat down.

"And now, I might never do that again." Lexi said, as she opened her lunch. "Did you already have one last practice before the game this evening?"

"Yep." Sam nodded. "Went smoothly, and we still have some other tasks, but I was thinking that we could have a movie night, and celebrate the advantage of still being a party of two."

"Unfortunately, I have some extra science classes I'm substituting for." Lexi replied. "And I'm hoping to lead some overtime Cheerios practice."

"Let me reiterate once again that you had contractions a few weeks ago in the middle of the school hallway." Sam reminded her, as she rolled her eyes.

"So?" Lexi shrugged.

"So, I'm saying, don't you think it would be healthy to lighten your schedule a little bit?" Sam asked. "I do." He added his personal opinion in.

"You can return to school anytime you want after our baby is born. I can't, so I need to squeeze in as much as I can." Lexi said.

"Lex, the Cheerios are ready for you." Kitty smiled at the couple from the door.

"All right." Lexi nodded, slowly standing up. "I will be there in a minute." She let out a breath, as she began to slowly walk out of the room, while holding her back, before proceeding to run her hands over her stomach.

"Might be more like twenty." Sam called after his girlfriend.

At that, Lexi turned around. "Shut up." She commented, before leaving the room, causing Sam to laugh fondly.
"Are you sure you're suited to coach us today, Lex?" Kitty frowned, as Lexi walked beside her, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths.

"Yes, I am." Lexi nodded. "I know I may look like a poor waddling penguin, but I'm fitted to teach. Besides, this could be my final day for the next three months. Gotta make the most of it."

"The safest option would be, relaxing at home until your water breaks, and you have to drive to the hospital." Kitty pointed out.

"Kitty. If my mom did a piano recital, and her water broke onstage, yet she finished it. That only goes to show that I can teach a day of school, and not give a shit about my own water breaking." Lexi snapped.

"Sorry, okay." Kitty sighed, as she gently supported the older woman as they made their way down the hallway and out to the field.

Once they got onto the field, Lexi let out another breath. "Okay, girls, gather in your pyramid, Kitty, on the top." She instructed, as the Cheerios boosted the smaller girl to the very top of the formation. "Great! From the top." She said, as she watched them rehearse their choreography, while rubbing her stomach, and continuing to breathe.

Later that day, everyone had been called for an emergency glee club meeting. Dalton Academy had burnt to the ground, and now, the solution to the problem was for Blaine and the Warblers to join New Directions.

Lexi stood beside Blaine, unable to offer him any comfort due to needing to hold or back or rub her stomach. However, she could tell that he was struggling with a roller coaster of emotions. She could see that a fair majority of the New Directions had no problem with the new members, except for Jane who had been rejected from the Warblers a few months earlier.

"I've gathered you all here today because Blaine, Kurt and I have been talking, and although just a moment ago, we could only see the Warblers as our competition, now it's time to see them as a friend and an ally." Mr. Schue began the meeting, nodding at the Warblers who stood gathered around the piano. "We have made the decision to make some lemonade with these lemons, and join together as a show choir super group. This is an opportunity for all of us, we need them just as much as they need us." He finished, as some quiet chatter echoed through the choir room.

"Where's Rachel?" Kitty spoke up. "Shouldn't she be here for this?"

"She's in New York on some business, but she'll be back soon, and she's totally on board with the plan." Mr. Schue assured the group.

"Well okay." Kitty nodded, sending the Warblers a welcoming smile. At that Lexi smiled softly, seeing how visible it was that the young girl was gradually becoming the leader of the group. If she was being honest, she had the personality, the passion, and the leadership skills, plus she was a problem solver. She was perfect for the job.

Following Kitty's lead, the rest of the New Directions stood up, and shook hands, sending the Warblers welcoming smiles, as multiple introductions were made.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Schue, for your generosity." Blaine spoke up, grateful for the opportunity. "It's in times like these that we can find comfort in the kindness of our friends."

"It's gonna be a challenge for all of us to move forward, but I know we can do this. And I think it's so amazing that the Warblers passion for show choir is stronger than ever. Because we're really gonna need that strength and commitment, not only to win Sectionals, but to take it all the way to Nationals this year!"

At that, the group clapped and cheered, but they were soon interrupted when Sue's loud and mocking clapping echoed through the room, causing the group to look at her. "I'm sorry, but the aroma of overly dry-cleaned polyester uniforms just wafted into my office and up my extremely sensitive nose and I can see why now. The Glee Club is hosting the Lima Gay Men's Chorus."

"Sue." Lexi scolded, allowing her pregnancy hormones to overpower her emotions. "You know for a fact that these are the Warblers, have some damn compassion and respect."

Mr. Schue spoke up next, quick to add on. "They're at McKinley now. They're part of the New Directions."

"Oh no, they most certainly are not!" Sue was quick to protest, opposed to the decision. "They're gonna take their freshly scrubbed, cherubic faces, and get the hell out of my school."

"They're staying Sue." Mr. Schue argued, sternness evident in his voice. "I've already had it cleared with the superintendent."

"How dare you go over my head!" Sue exclaimed, angrily.

"This arguing is infuriating to my baby." Lexi commented.

"Well, I will just have to get it uncleared." Sue said, crossing her arms. "With senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, who I recently met on the Cayman Islands at a leadership retreat and turtle hunt. He's also a priority contact on my new cutting edge Apple Watch." She said, pulling up her sleeve to show off the watch. "Now fly away Warblers."

"Don't listen to her, stay." Mr. Schue said.

"Leave!" Sue yelled.


"Lexi will take escort the Warblers to the auditorium." Kitty spoke up.

Lexi was about to say something, when she felt some more contractions hit. She winced in pain. "I might have to get someone else to do that task, because my water just broke." She said, gesturing to the water on the floor.

At that, everyone gasped, as Lexi sighed, but slowly began to walk out of the room.

"You're gonna walk, Lex?" Blaine called after her.

"I can walk to the entrance!" Lexi assured them, waving them off. "Sorry about the floor." She apologized, before slowly leaving the room.

"I'm going to call Sam." Blaine said, as he pulled his phone.

"Good luck!" The group called after Lexi.

"I'm going to go with her." Kitty nodded, as she rushed after Lexi. Once she'd gotten to the older girl, she helped her walk. "We're going to take you to the hospital, Lex, and you're going to have your baby." She smiled, as Lexi groaned out in pain.
Blaine had called Sam to let him know that Lexi was headed to the hospital, with Kitty by her side. He had rushed out of his football coaching, and gotten to the hospital, maybe breaking some driving speed limits, but what he cared about was Lexi, and the baby.

"Oh, hey, Lex." Sam said, as he walked into the hospital room. Lexi exhaled a sharp breath but managed to smile at him, as he gently grabbed her hand in his. "What'd I miss?"

"Not much." Lexi assured him, using her free hand to rub her stomach.

"Only the pelvic exam." The doctor smiled. "And the exam showed that Lexi is six centimetres dilated."

"What? Already?" Lexi frowned.

"Huh...You haven't felt any contractions today?" Sam asked, turning to her.

"Nope." Lexi shrugged. "Maybe a little." She confessed, before turning to the nurse. "They started at ten o'clock this morning." She finally said.

"What?" The doctor asked.

Sam panicked slightly. "Lex, you scheduled four classes and an overtime Cheerios practice."

"I thought that my contractions were false. I thought they were still Braxton Hicks." Lexi was quick to defend herself.

"No, no, no, no." The doctor shook her head with a chuckle. "Lexi, you've been in active labour for a few hours now. Uh, I'll be right back. I'm going to retrieve the fetal monitor so we can check on the baby." She said, leaving the couple alone.

Lexi let out another groan, but allowed Sam to help prop her up, while she held onto his hand for comfort, squeezing every so often when a contraction hit.

She frowned when she saw a backpack on the chair. "Don't tell me your skipping town, because now is not the time."

"No, I've been reading some books, and I wanted to pack us an emergency bag." Sam assured her with a chuckle.

"Oh." Lexi smiled, feeling tears fill her eyes.

"I packed your ukulele, some books, trashy magazines, a bluetooth speaker, some trail mix..." Sam listed, getting cut off by Lexi.

"I don't like trail mix." She said, wincing when another contraction hit.

"No, that's for me." Sam replied, fighting the urge to pull his hand away when she squeezed it tightly.

"Oh...I-I-I--I'll go get you french fries, and a milkshake, because I know that you love dipping fries in your milkshake." He offered, after a few moments.

"" Lexi shook her head, pulling his hand. "P-Please....stay?"

"I'm not going anywhere, Lex." Sam smiled softly, as she chuckled through her pain. He began to gently rub her back, as she let out exhaled some deep breaths.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" Lexi apologized, as she gripped onto Sam's hand as tight as she possibly could while the contractions came and went.

"Ah..." Sam winced at the grip of her hand in his. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all, you know? In fact, you can squeeze harder. I'm feeling nothing at all."

"Your dilation and everything is progressing smoothly, Lexi." The doctor said, as Lexi frowned.

"Really? Because this labour seems epically slow." Lexi responded.

"Sam!" Kitty said, opening the door. "Coach Beiste needs you back on the field to assist with the football game."

"I'm kind of busy..." Sam answered, gesturing to Lexi.

"He really needs you to assist, since you coached the team for several weeks when he was away." Kitty continued. "He said he wouldn't usually ask this favor, hence what you're in the middle of, but he needs the assistance. Plus, the guys are asking for you too, because the opposing team is a pretty rough group."

"Okay, I believe we're almost finished." Lexi said, wincing as another contraction hit.

"No, Lexi, you're only at seven centimetres." The doctor spoke up. "You have hours."

"Wait, seriously?" Lexi asked, frustration evident in her tone.

"Yeah." The doctor nodded.

"Okay...go." Lexi urged Sam.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, they need you." Lexi nodded. "Go, go!"

Sam smiled, as he quickly leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. Once they pulled away, he was about to leave, when she pulled him back.

"No, wait! Do that one more time!" Lexi pleaded, as Sam smirked leaning in and capturing her lips in his in a more passionate and loving kiss.

Kitty chuckled, as she watched the couple dive into each other, while her and the doctor stood there, rather awkwardly.

"That really helps ease the pain." Lexi breathed out.

"I told you!" The doctor laughed.

"Okay! Okay! Go!" Lexi smiled again, as Sam chuckled, walking towards the door, before turning around to face her once more.

"You know, I love you, Lex! I'm madly in love with you." Sam smiled.

"Me too!" Lexi laughed, waving him off. "Go! Go!" She urged as he left.

Kitty was about to follow Sam out of the room, when Lexi saw her leaving.

"Kitty!" Lexi called.

"Yeah?" Kitty turned around to face her friend.

Lexi exhaled sharply before holding her hand out for her.

"No... I have to go cheer the team on, Lex..." Kitty shook her head.

"You took the father of my baby away from me while I'm in active labour!" Lexi said, firmly, as she motioned for Kitty to grab her hand.

Kitty sighed "Huh." she scoffed, and walked over to Lexi, grabbing her hand, not knowing what she was in for.

"Oh!" Lexi exclaimed as another contraction hit. She squeezed Kitty's hand. "Ahhh!"

"Ahh!" Kitty yelled along with her, as she felt pain in her hand from Lexi squeezing it rather tightly.
Lexi sat propped up in her hospital bed, still in active labour. Nothing seemed to be happening, but she had Kitty for company.

"How's she doing?" The doctor asked, coming into the room.

"Her contractions are less than three minutes apart." Kitty smiled, having known some medical knowledge from reading Lexi's medical books. "She's doing phenomenal." She added, as she kept a cloth pressed against Lexi's forehead.

"Ooh." Lexi groaned, closing her eyes in pain.

"Can I take a look, Lexi?" The doctor asked.

"Mhm..." Lexi nodded. "Ooh!" She groaned again, while allowing Kitty to continue dabbing a cloth over her forehead. "I feel like my fricken organs are in a vice!" She exclaimed, as Kitty chuckled.

"I know you're against medication, but we can do an epidural." The doctor offered.

"No...there's pros and cons to doing an epidural. There's risks and side effects...I can survive without it." Lexi let out a sharp breath.

"Are you sure?" Kitty asked, as Lexi nodded.

"Ah!" Lexi let out another breath. "Holy mother did the first woman ever have a baby! Not only that! How did they have the second one?...Women are evolved, we are amazingly intelligent, we are critical thinking. How do freaking humans even exist in this world?" She gasped out in pain, as more contractions hit. "Why do women even decide to have a baby?"

"Because when two people can't contain all their love, they have another human, out of love." Kitty smiled softly.

"Oh, god, Kitty." Lexi gasped out. "You should go, you have a game to be cheerleading at. And it's mandatory."

"I'm not going."

"I deserve to have this baby by myself, because I'm keeping you from being somewhere!" Lexi argued.

"Lexi, I'm going to be right here by your side." Kitty assured her. "And I even called Santana to come assist." She smiled, as Santana walked in.

"What did I miss?" Santana smiled softly, as she came around to the other side of Lexi. "How are you feeling?"

"What do you think? I'm in pain" Lexi answered in a raised voice, as she closed her eyes, and groaned, while trying to exhale her deep breaths.
"Any message from Lex?" Sam called to Blaine who walked over to him on the field.

"Nothing too recent, hence she's unable to text or call." Blaine answered, as the two of them watched the football game unfolding. "Aren't you supposed to be there as we speak?"

"Coach Beiste needed me." Sam said. "Plus, Lexi gave me her permission. She urged me to come assist with coaching the big game."

"Okay then." Blaine nodded, looking at his phone. "Kitty says she's about to give birth to your son." He smiled. "And she also says that Lexi's doing so well, and managing to stay strong through the whole painful labor."

"Can you tell Kitty to pass on to Lexi that I love her? And that I'm proud of her, and I'll see her soon?" Sam asked, as Blaine nodded, texting Sam's message into his phone.

"Sent." Blaine said, as he smiled again. "You're going to be a dad soon, and I'm going to be the godfather."

"That's right, man." Sam smiled. "Honestly, i don't feel ready, even though we've been doing all the preparation for a few months, I feel like I'm missing something."

"When are we ever ready for anything?" Blaine asked.

"True." Sam sighed, as he looked back at the field. "Very true." He added. He tried to focus on the game, but a fair majority of his thoughts were about Lexi and their baby coming any minute. This was a moment they'd been waiting for, and both him and Lexi were nervous and excited. It was a 50/50 feeling.
"Sam says he loves you and, he's proud of you, and he'll see you soon." Kitty said, reading of the message off the phone with her free hand."

"I regret letting him go for that game." Lexi said through gritted teeth.

"He's going to be back soon." Santana assured her, as Lexi let out another groan from getting yet another contraction.

Lexi had finally reached the dreaded part of pushing the baby out. She groaned as she held onto Santana and Kitty's hands.

"Agh..." She breathed out.

"Okay, Lexi, it's time to push." The doctor instructed.

"No! I can't push anymore." Lexi shook her head, leaning back against her pillows in pain. "I can't. I can't." She admitted, as sweat dripped down her forehead, while she felt tears welling in her eyes.

"Yes! You can!" Santana encouraged, propping her back up again.

"She's right, come on! You can do this." Kitty added.

"I feel like I'm dying!" Lexi exclaimed, even though that was exaggerated, it was painful, and demanding work. "I can't do this!"

"Think about all those amazing women you were talking about earlier, Lexi!" The doctor spoke over her loud complaints and groaning. "Those women that do this every single day. If they can do this, so can you."

"No!" Lexi groaned. "I suddenly hate those women! They have C-sections, and drugs, and I don't even have that, or Sam!" She yelled out, laying back against the pillows.

"Okay, Lexi, sit up." The doctor instructed, as Santana propped Lexi up, causing her to groan again.

"I can't, I can't do this!" Lexi cried out.

The doctor sighed, knowing Lexi was struggling, and panicking. "Santana, I need you to get behind Lexi." She instructed, as Santana nodded, hopping onto the bed, and allowing Lexi to lean against her.

"What are you doing?" Lexi frowned, as she breathed in and out.

"Ah, okay, okay." Santana whispered, as she tilted Lexi's head back, before she propped her up against her, holding her shoulders.

"Oh my god, I can't. I can't do this!" Lexi repeated, for what felt like the hundredth time.

"When I say push, Lexi you're going to push, and Santana push her forward." The doctor continued with her instructions, as Santana nodded.

"You can do this, Lex. We all believe in you. Sam does too. And your mom as well." Kitty assured her, squeezing her hand, as Lexi cried out in pain.

"All right, let's have this baby!" The doctor smiled. "Okay, one, two three, push!" She instructed, as both Kitty and Santana had to restrain from plugging their ears. Lexi's screams and loud groans filled the room.

"You're doing so well, Lexi!" Santana smiled.

"One more, one more, one more." The doctor said, as Santana pushed Lexi forward, while she pushed on the next contraction, yelling out in pain, and crying because she was exhausted.

"He's out." The doctor smiled, as she got ahold of the little baby boy.

Lexi let out one more painful sob, as she leaned back against Santana, trying to catch her breath. She had done it, and god knows, she wouldn't want to do that again, at least for a while.

"Lexi Torres, meet your son" The doctor smiled, as she handed Lexi her baby boy.

Lexi gasped in adoration, as her son was placed in her arms. He was swaddled up in a blanket, and was fast asleep. However, once he was in her arms, she swore she felt him snuggle into her.

"Hi little buddy." Lexi smiled, as she admired her son, while the doctor cleaned everything up.

"He's beautiful." Kitty whispered.

"Looks just like an equal mix of you and Sam." Santana agreed.

"Okay, we're going to leave you and your son alone for a few minutes." The doctor smiled, as her, Santana and Kitty left the room, allowing Lexi and her baby to be alone for a while.
Once the football game was over, Sam immediately got in his vehicle and drove to the hospital to see Lexi. He didn't know if the baby was born yet, or how she was holding up, but he was about to find out.

When he opened the door, he saw Lexi sitting up in bed holding their baby. "Is everything okay?" He asked, as she just smiled. "Are you doing okay?"

"I'm okay." Lexi nodded, with a calm smile. "Everything's okay." She assured him, as she rocked the baby in her arms. "On a more exciting note, come meet our baby boy." She added, as Sam walked towards her bed.

"Oh my god." He breathed out when he saw their son for the first time. He chuckled when their son fussed quietly.

"Do you want to hold him?" Lexi asked quietly.

"Of course." Sam nodded, feeling a little lost for words.

"Here he is." Lexi smiled, gently handing Sam the baby, and ensuring that he had a firm hold on him. She couldn't contain her growing smiles as she watched him spend his first few minutes with their son. It was all so precious, and both their smiles were priceless. It was a whole damn roller coaster of emotions.

"Hi." Sam smiled, as he looked down at their son in his arms. Their son's little pairs of green eyes stared back up at him. "Oh my god, he's so small." Sam cooed.

"Don't say that to the person who just pushed him out." Lexi commented.

At her comment, Sam chuckled, and walked towards her, holding their son in his arms. She smiled as he sat beside her.

"I'm so proud of you, Lex." Sam said, as she looked up at him. "And you know what? It's surreal. Just when I believe I couldn't love you more, I find myself falling more and more in love with you. I know that all the love I have for you only continues to grow for you as the minutes pass. It's a feeling that will never disappear, and you know what? I'm okay with that. I love you so much, Lexi Torres." He smiled, as she sent him a tired smile.

"Thank you. I love you too." Lexi said quietly, as Sam leaned down, capturing her lips in his. She smiled into the kiss, and allowed her forehead to rest against his, once they pulled away.

"How are you feeling? And how did it go?" Sam asked after a few moments.

"I'm tired, but I'm genuinely happy." Lexi smiled softly. "I mean, we're parents now! That seems so weird to even say it aloud." She laughed, as Sam laughed along with her. "And to answer your second question: it was an exhausting process, and I was in excruciating pain, but it was worth it...and yes, I may have had a hard time pushing this little guy out, but Kitty, and Santana were there for me. The doctor actually made Santana sit behind me, and push me forward, as I pushed whenever I had my contractions." She admitted, laughing again. "But hey, our little guy's here now, and I don't think I've ever been more in love."

"You're so strong, and I felt terrible that I wasn't here with you. I was assisting Beiste during the football game, which we did win." Sam said. "However, my mind wasn't focused fully on the game, but on you and this little guy."

"Speaking of our little guy...we have one little dilemma." Lexi smirked slightly.

"What would that be?" Sam smirked down at her.

"He needs a name." Lexi answered. "I totally realized, we never discussed baby names yet."

"Do you have any in mind?" Sam asked.

"I was thinking of Aris Lincoln Torres-Evans." Lexi shrugged causally. She decided to hyphenate their last names together since her and Sam weren't married yet. As soon as they did get married, whenever that was, he would just go by Sam's last name.

"Aris Lincoln Torres-Evans." Sam repeated. "I love that name." He smiled.

"It's decided then." Lexi smiled, as she ran a hand over Aris's little head. "He's beautiful, isn't he?"

"You both are." Sam smiled, kissing her head, as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

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