More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

Por risingstar99

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"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... Más

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans

A Wedding

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Por risingstar99

6x08 ~ A WEDDING ~

The week of Santana and Brittany's wedding had finally arrived. After waiting several months, it was surreal to see the two women tying the knot. The couple had chosen to have their wedding in a beautiful rustic barn, and everyone from Glee Club had agreed to help prepare and ensure everything was ready by the end of the week.

"Hey, when you're done with that, we need to give Tina a hand." Kurt said to one of the newer members, as he wandered around, holding a checklist.

"How did I end up doing this?" Tina asked, with a groan. "These are, like, 700-pound hay bales." She added, as she dragged the bales across the barn.

"Because you volunteered to help out." Kurt pointed out.

"I didn't think I'd be stuck doing heavy manual labor, or I wouldn't have worn heels. And I don't...I don't really know all these new kids and I think they're a little pissed that I didn't re-introduce myself and now nobody's talking to me and it's really awkward." Tina rambled. "And besides, Lexi's not getting any hate or doing much."

"She's attended more Glee meetings in the past year." Kurt replied. "And the reason I'm not allowing her to do much is because she's seven months pregnant, so she is doing work, just not a lot, but she's still contributing..." He said.

"I'm still doing work!" Lexi argued, as she untangled the hundreds of string lights that Brittany and Santana had ordered two weeks before. "And I would do more, but the so-called parent of the group isn't allowing me to." She added, glaring at Kurt, who shrugged, before turning to see Brittany panicking.

"Oh, no. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm freaking out! I-I-I'm, like, in total panic mode." Brittany exclaimed, pacing around on the balcony. "I don't think this barn is structurally sound and I'm scared it's gonna collapse and just, like... I'm gonna kill everybody."

"Britt, you are just having some pre-wedding jitters..." Kurt said.

"No.  It's totally fine. I'm like, we still, uh, we still haven't had our final fittings... Oh, Kurt. I just got a telegram from Martina Navratilova that she can't be our officiant because she's never really done it before and she doesn't really know either of us." Brittany continued with her nervous ramble.

"Okay..." Kurt nodded.

"Oh, my God. That's wrong." Brittany said, as she rushed in Madison's direction. "Can we-we just, like, throw it up? Like, way up high?" She asked, before turning to some of the others. "And these are in the wrong spot." She said to Lexi who sighed, trying to restrain her pregnancy hormones from causing her to yell.

"Well, just said to put them here, Britt." Lexi replied, pointing to some of the lights she'd hung.

"Okay, well, you're wrong." Brittany retorted.

"I didn't... realize that... I'm sorry." Lexi apologized, as she wiped her tears. She received concerned looks from everyone, especially Brittany, Sam, and Kurt. She shook her head, and waved them off.

"And now I made you cry." Brittany sighed.

"I'm not crying, Britt. It's my pregnancy hormones." Lexi smiled. "I'll fix the lights though, okay?"

"You know, I-I'm here to help, okay?" Kurt assured Brittany. "And Britt, you have got to trust me when I say that everything is gonna be fine. I-It's okay to have a-a little anxiety before your wedding.

"There's dirt on the white thing." Brittany added, before turning back to him. "How did you cope with, like, wedding planning?"

"Well, I-I didn't really have to, because we called it off b-before... You remember?" He asked.

"I find it really hard to track your relationship." Brittany admitted.

"Well, this isn't about me." Kurt said, awkwardly. "Um... so let's just focus on the problems at hand, okay?"

"Like the problem of your boyfriend being older than your dad?" Brittany frowned.

"Wait." Kurt smiled when an idea came to him. "I know who can officiate."


"Burt!" Kurt answered, excited at the prospect of his dad officiating the wedding.

"Who's...? Burt Hummel. I-I don't... I don't know who that is." Brittany said, a little lost, despite her stress and semi-panic attack.

"It's-it's my dad." Kurt said.

"It's his dad." Lexi smiled at the blonde. "You've met him before, Britt."

"Your... Yes." Brittany nodded, finally catching up to the conversation.
The next day, Santana, and Brittany met up with all the former girls from New Directions at a bridal shop, so that the couple could try on and model their selected dresses.

"Listen up bitches, here's the game plan." Santana grinned, excitement evident in her voice. "Britt, and I do not want to see each other in our dresses until the wedding. So we're gonna come out one at a time to show you our selections." She explained, as the girls nodded.

The girls watched, as Santana and Brittany made their way towards the dressing rooms to try on. Brittany stopped, and called after Santana. "Oh, and no peeking Santana, I don't want nine thousand years of bad luck."

"Let the fashion show begin!"

The couple began taking turns modelling their selected dresses, while the former girls from New Directions smiled, and gave their opinions. Eventually, Brittany came out in a beautiful wedding dress that made her look like a princess out of a fairytale.

"Britt." Lexi smiled through her tears. "That's absolutely stunning."

"Don't cry." Brittany smiled in return when she saw her friend crying. She was still oblivious to the fact that Lexi's pregnancy hormones caused her to be a little more sensitive to emotions.

"It's perfect." Rachel agreed.

"You can totally rock the dance floor in it." Quinn nodded with a smile.

"I think this is the one you guys." Brittany said in a hush voice, as she smiled at her friends.

"I think so too." Tina nodded.

"It's so gorgeous." Mercedes added.

"I know right?" Brittany asked, with a smile.

"Wow. Wow, Brittany, you look so beautiful." Santana complimented, as she walked out from the changeroom.

Hearing her fiance's voice, Brittany began to panic, as she quickly pushed Lexi in front of her. Lexi frowned, knowing she was shorter than her, and didn't particularly know how she was benefitting as a hiding place.

"I was going crazy back there, but everyone's right, you look incredible." Santana continued with a smile.

"No, no, no, no! You're not supposed to see the dress before the wedding! That's bad luck, Santana, bad luck!" Brittany pointed out.

Lexi saw her friend panicking, and was quick to offer her assistance. "Britt, hey, deep breaths, calm down, it's okay." She said, rubbing her back, while she sent Santana a sympathetic smile.

"It's gonna be okay, Britt." Santana assured.

"Throw this salt over your shoulder." Tina instructed, handing Brittany a pack of salt. Brittany threw it over her shoulder, but that didn't seem to solve the situation. Mercedes sighed, and began to push a begrudgingly reluctant Santana back to her dressing room, while the other girls dealt with Brittany, who was still panicking. "What's happening? What do I do?"

The next day, Lexi, Santana, Mercedes, and Rachel stood around the piano in the choir room figuring out the seating chart. Lexi had been asked to be the maid of honor, and now that they're dresses were done, she was helping them out with their wedding planning.

"I thought Kurt was helping you guys with your wedding plan as well..." Rachel frowned.

"Yeah, he was, but Lexi was a little more helpful. We aren't pressuring or working her too hard." Santana nodded.

"I'm fine, girls. I'm fine." Lexi assured them. "There's nothing this little growing baby boy can't handle." She smiled, as she rubbed her stomach. She was two months away from the due date, which was fastly approaching, and she was nervous and excited at the same time. Lexi and Sam really couldn't wait until their son was in their arms.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I ritualistically slaughter this chicken?" Brittany asked, while she walked into the room, carrying a live chicken. Seeing the animal, the girls all backed away. "I want to counteract the bad luck of Santana seeing me in my wedding dress."

"Oh my god, you are not slaughtering that chicken in here!" Rachel squealed.

"No, take the chicken out." Santana shook her head, as she walked Brittany out, and watched her fiance set it down on the ground. "This is your luck day, sir."Brittany muttered, as they walked back into the room.

"Well, the chicken has free roam of McKinley now..." Lexi commented. "Unless Sue's dogs get to it first." She added.

"Listen, if you want to distract your mind, why don't you use your math brain to help us figure out the seating chart?" Santana suggested, as Brittany walked over to the piano to see the chart.

"Good idea." Brittany nodded, as she picked up some chairs. "Well, I think we should seat people based on the Dewey Decimal system. So, Kurt should sit next to Rachel because they're both a little annoying. No offense." She added, as Rachel sent her a look.

They all laughed quietly, while Lexi grabbed her checklist, and scanned over it, to ensure the tasks were finished.

"Wait, okay, hold up. No me gusta." Santana spoke up, when she saw a particular chair with someone's name on it. "Why is Sue on the list?"

"Well, she could sit with Becky?" Lexi offered, looking for a place in the chart.

"No, she is not invited to my wedding." Santana shook her head. "And besides, you're probably not going to invite her to yours and Sam's." She pointed out, as Lexi hummed in response. She'd been so carried away with the pregnancy, that she hadn't thought too much about marriage. Not that she didn't want to get married, she genuinely did, and may or may not have made multiple wedding boards on Pinterest.

"Look, Sue has been such a big part of our lives, right?" Brittany added. "We only met because she put us in the Cheerios."

"All I have to say is if you invite the woman to the wedding, there is an 80% chance of her ruining it." Mercedes pointed out.

"But if you don't, there's a 99% chance of her ruining it." Rachel shrugged.

"Praise." Mercedes agreed.

"Well, listen, all I'm saying is no. Hell no. If she's there, then I'm not." Santana decided, throwing the chair out, and proceeding to leave the room, as Brittany sighed.
Lexi sighed, as she walked out of the choir room looking for Santana. She had no luck, not knowing where the woman had wandered off too. However, she found the chicken sitting in the middle of the hallways.

"Brittany was right, sir. It was your lucky day." Lexi muttered, as she managed to pick the chicken up. She sighed, as she made her way towards the entrance, only to run into Sam, and Blaine.

"Lexi?" Sam frowned when he saw his girlfriend carrying the animal.

"Where did you get the chicken?" Blaine frowned.

"Brittany wanted to ritualistically slaughter it, but I'm saving it from it's misery." Lexi answered.

"So, no one's concerned that there's a live animal in here?" Blaine asked, after a few moments, of chatter back and forth.

"Actually, I need to get going to teach my class, so, uh, Sam, you take the chicken." Lexi decided, shoving the chicken into her boyfriend's arms.

"Blaine, you go with him, and ensure this poor chicken finds a proper home." She continued with the instructions. "Preferably not the football field, because we know that wouldn't bode well." She added, as they laughed.

As the two guys watched Lexi walk away, Sam turned to Blaine. "I can't kill this chicken."

"We're not going to kill it, Sam. Remember what Lex said?"

"I'm confused if this is a wedding thing, or a girl thing." Sam shook his head, completely lost with the whole situation.

"It's neither, Sam. It's a myth." Blaine assured him. "Now, we need to get rid of this chicken before Sue finds a live animal in the school hallway, and does unspeakable things to it."
"Okay." Tina smiled, as she walked in front of some of the boys, and Lexi on stage in the auditorium. "So, I've gathered my best boys, and Lexi, to get your opinion on something." She announced. "I'm gonna ask Mike to marry me." She said, as her friends frowned.

"Chang?" Puck asked.

"Tina Cohen-Chang." Lexi spoke up, with a firm, but shocked voice.

"What you talking 'bout, Tina?" Artie queried.

"I got the ring and everything." Tina smiled.

"Tina, I love you, but this is kind of crazy." Artie commented.

"Is it really so crazy for a girl to ask a boy for their hand in marriage these days?" Tina asked.

"When you're not even dating the boy?" Artie asked.

"Or hanging out with him every few days." Lexi voiced her concern.

"Yes. It is." Puck nodded.

"I think it's romantic." Blaine smiled, as Lexi nudged him.

"Thank you, Blaine." Tina nodded gratefully. "When I was with Mike, I was the happiest I've ever been. Look, two of our friends are getting married and we've had two other near-weddings. I let Mike get away and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I can't afford to risk losing him forever to some other girl."

"Grab the moment and run with it." Blaine encouraged.

"I'm all for that, but how often do you guys even talk?" Artie asked, still hesitant about the decision.

"We didn't much when I was here, but once I got to college we started texting a lot. I mean, he's texting me right now. I can honestly say that Mike is my best friend again, and he knows me better than anyone else.

I'd love nothing more than to see you and Mike together forever. He's awesome, you're awesome, and you'd be guaranteed to have Asian kids, so they'd automatically be super smart." Puck smiled.

"An Asian stereotype." Lexi muttered. "I say go with your gut, because I know there's no convincing you otherwise." She sent the girl a small smile.

"I'm Team Chang-Chang all the way." Blaine smiled.

"Thank you." Tina said, before turning to Artie. "What about you, Artie? I can't do this unless you all agree."

"I have my concerns. Uh, but if this is what you really want, then of course I support you." Artie nodded, seeming rather unsure about the whole thing.

"Thank you all so much. Yay! Yay. Thank you, thank you." Tina smiled, as she pulled each of them into individual hugs.
The day of the wedding had arrived, and Lexi currently stood with Santana in the girl's change room. She was ensuring that her best friend was all set to go.

"Kind of surreal to think that the day that most people anticipate is finally here, huh?" Lexi asked, breaking the calming silence.

"It really is." Santana nodded, as she finished her makeup. "I have to admit that I've never been happier. This is the happiest day of my life."

"I'm so happy for you, and Brittany." Lexi smiled. "It's a consolation to know that you've found your person that you're going to settle down with for the rest of your life."

"Very well spoken, Torres." Santana smiled at her friend from the mirror. "But, let's talk about you and Sam...when are you tying the knot?"

"Someday soon, hopefully." Lexi shrugged. "The time is unknown, but for now, we're focused on our baby boy's arrival in two months. Although, we both want to get married eventually, not at the moment."

"There's still a period of being engaged before marriage, Lex." Santana pointed out.

"I know, but we haven't discussed it recently. We've been occupied with baby preparation. We're young, and we're both about to be new parents." Lexi sighed.

"Well, I can't wait for the day when you and trouts get engaged, and proceed to tie the knot." Santana replied, as Lexi helped her clip her veil on.

"I can't wait either." Lexi smiled, visualizing her special day. "Now, on a different note, I have a little personal speech for you, and an important question." She added, as Santana raised her eyebrow. "So, is it okay if I give you the speech, and ask the question?"

"Of course." Santana nodded, as she turned her chair to watch Lexi, who slowly made her way to stand in front of the older woman.

"After many attempts at writing the perfect personal speech for you, I realized that nothing can ever be perfect. Everything is perfectly imperfect. And we as humans, we're perfectly imperfect." Lexi smiled. "Your life hasn't been easy to begin with, it's been perfectly imperfect, and I believe that all the hardships you've endured have built you into the strong, intelligent, witty, generous, feistily headstrong, and gorgeous woman you are today, and the woman you're becoming. I feel so fortunate to have witnessed your growth the past 12 years. I'm proud of you, although proud is a complete understatement. You're my best friend, my unbiological sister, and you always keep me balanced, and urge me to reach for more than I have my eyes on. You've seen me at my best and my worst. You're there for my downward spirals, and encourage me to talk until I land on something. For that, I will always be grateful. Your talent, and humour are immaculate. The way you care and devote yourself to Brittany, and your friends and family is unwavering. I can only encourage you to be proud of how far you've come in your journey. I'm genuinely happy for you, and I'm greatly anticipating what life holds for you in the future. Thank you for everything, I love you, and celebrate you today." Lexi smiled, as Santana smiled at her, wiping her tears. "However, I have one question for you."

"What would that be?"

"Will you, be the godmother of mine and Sam's baby boy?" Lexi asked, a smile growing, when she saw Santana's face light up.

"I'd be honored." Santana answered.

"You will?" Lexi asked, clapping when Santana laughed, and nodded.

"Yes." Santana nodded. "Yes I will."

"Thank you." Lexi whispered, pulling her friend into a hug.

"I love you too." Santana whispered. "And thank you for that speech, and for everything."

"What are friends for?" Lexi winked, as Santana chuckled, before checking her phone.

"You'd be lonely without me." Santana commented. "I hate to cut our sappy moment short, but the wedding starts in fifteen, and I need to calm Britt down."

"Sounds good." Lexi smiled. "I'll see you out there, good luck." She added, as Santana smiled, before leaving the room. Lexi swore she heard Santana talking to someone, but she ignored it, and proceeded to look at herself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful, Lex." She heard Sam's voice.

Lexi smiled softly, as she turned to face her boyfriend, as he walked over to her. "Are you kidding? I'm seven months pregnant, Sam. I look like a bloated potato." She scoffed quietly.

"I'm serious, you're gorgeous." Sam insisted, as she shook her head.

"Keep lying all you want." Lexi waved him off, as he chuckled. "You on the other hand, you look great, very handsome." She smirked as he smiled.

"Thanks, baby." He nodded, pausing before he continued. "I have a little something that I believe belongs to you. And I've wanted to give it back to you." He added, before pulling out the promise ring that Lexi knew so well.

"Sam..." She smiled, as he got down on one knee, taking one of her hands in his.

"Remember when I said that I knew that we'd find our way back to each other? Turns out, I was right. I knew this ring was only meant for you, and I knew that you were my person from the beginning. So, with all of that being said, will you, Lexi Torres, reaccept my promise ring?" Sam asked.

"Yes." Lexi nodded, feeling tears cloud her eyes. "Yes, I will, Sam Evans." She smiled, as he laughed at the tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. He slipped the ring on her finger, before he stood up, and pulled her into his arms for a hug. She smiled, as he leaned down, capturing her lips in his.

"I love you." Sam whispered, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." Lexi whispered in return, before intertwining her hand with his. "Now, we have a wedding to get to." She smiled, as he nodded, making some joke, while impersonating someone. The whole thing caused her to laugh, and seeing her laugh, especially if it was Sam making her laugh, he was happy.
As the wedding ceremony began, Lexi took her place beside Quinn, Rachel, and Tina, while she sent a smile to Sam who was across from her, along with Mike, Puck, and Mr. Schue. She frowned however when she saw no sign of Kurt or Blaine.

She didn't really have time to think, because Mercedes and Artie began to sing Etta James song At Last, and her question was answered. Brittany came walking down the aisle, her arm linked with Kurt's. He wore a black suit rather than the white one he had on earlier. Santana and Blaine followed a few moments after.

"Oh my god..." Lexi whispered, a smile growing on her face.

Burt, who was officiating the wedding, looked just as shocked as the rest of the wedding guests. Taking a deep breath, he began to officiate. "All right, don't say a word. I am barely keeping it together." He whispered to Kurt who sent him a small smile.  "Uh, dearly beloved. That's how you're supposed to start these things, right? Uh, twice in my life I've been lucky enough to meet the love of my life. And both of those times, I've married that love. And I knew I was lucky to be able to do that. But I didn't know how lucky until I had to drive over the state line to come here to officiate the weddings of these two loving couples. And I thank you guys. Santana, Britt? Blaine, Kurt? I want to thank you guys for being so brave. And so honest. And for standing up here and showing all of us that love and marriage is so much bigger than we thought it could be. And also so much simpler. Love and marriage is when two people say to one another I love you because I love you. And I know this is gonna be one heck of a ride. But I don't want to do it unless I can do it with you."

While Burt finished his final section of his speech, Lexi's eyes flickered over to Sam who had been staring at her with fondness and love in his eyes. She smiled, as he sent her a smirk. Their moment was interrupted when Burt had asked for the vows. And now, the vows, please."

"Blaine." Kurt began, as he turned to look at Blaine, his eyes filled with love for his husband to be. "I am a man whose' always lived in the shadows. And everyone else who's come into my life has either tried to pull me out into the sun or push me back into the darkness."

"I've been bullied, outed, misunderstood." Santana said to Brittany. Her love for her wife to be was so visible, as it always was.

"I honestly thought I'd never find true love." Blaine confessed.

"The world was so scary and confusing. It was just too fast, and it made me feel dumb, just because my brain worked differently." Brittany said, as she rubbed circles with her hands against Santana's.

"And then you came along and even if someone told me that it wasn't going to work out, and that even at the end of all our struggling, and all our work, it would just end in heartache." Kurt continued.

"I would've said yes." Blaine said.

"A thousand times yes." Santana smiled softly.

"I would've suffered it all, just for the tiny chance to be stood up here, marrying you."

"I'm a work in progress." The four of them chorused simultaneously.

"You don't ask me to come out from the shadows. You help me move away from anything that's blocking the sun. It's time for all of us to walk out into the sunshine together, forever. Is that something you wanna do?" Kurt asked.

"I do." Blaine nodded.

"I do." Brittany smiled.

"I do." Santana agreed.

"I do." Kurt finished, as he sent a glance in his dad's direction.

"And now, by the power invested in me and the state of Indiana, and underneath a God, who for sure, if he believes in love, fully endorses the loving marriage of these two loving couples, I now pronounce you wife and wife, and husband and husband. You may kiss one another." Burt said, as a genuine smile spread across his face.

As the newly wedded couples embraced, everyone clapped and cheered. Lexi smiled, quickly wiping the tears that were streaming down her face. Her pregnancy hormones caused her to be increasingly emotional, and sometimes it was humiliating, however, in that moment, she could care less. She was way too happy for her friends.
After Artie had sung Hey Ya, and had managed to get everyone partying on the floor, Lexi didn't know if her calm song could top that. Not to mention, the Trouble Tones had performed a number, with the four moms of the newly wedded couples. There was no way in hell she was going to top that, and her speech, not to mention the other heartfelt speeches , but she was going to try.

Lexi smiled, as she took the stage, and nodded at the band to play the music. She chuckled quietly when she saw Sam watching her from the front, ensuring that she wasn't going to collapse or hurt herself in any way. With the due date two months away, he was starting to worry and get protective over her, and what she could and couldn't do. As her cue in the song arrived, she held up her microphone and began to sing.

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Fallin' in love with you
Oh, shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
Oh, if I can't help
Fallin' in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things
Are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
Oh, for I can't help
Fallin' in love with you
Oh, like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Oh, take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Fallin' in love with you
Oh, oh, for I, I can't help
Fallin' in love with you

Once she finished performing, everyone clapped and cheered for her. She nodded, and carefully walked off the stage, with help from Blaine and Kurt. After handing them the spare mic, she made her way to Sam, who extended his hand to bring her to the dance floor.

As the newlyweds sang Our Day Will Come, Sam gently tugged Lexi into his arms, allowing her to wrap her arms around her neck, despite being seven months pregnant, she still managed to dance with him.

"You were amazing up there, Lex." Sam whispered, as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Thank you." Lexi whispered back, as she smiled up at him.

"I couldn't take my eyes off you. You looked beautiful, and you sounded phenomenal. Honestly, all I'm thinking about is meeting our son, but also marrying you one day. Whenever that day may be." Sam smiled, as she looked up at him.

"I can't wait for that day." Lexi replied, as Sam leaned down, capturing her lips in hers, in a passionate kiss. Once they pulled away, he allowed her to lean her head against his shoulder. "I love you, Lex."

"I love you, too, Sam. Always have, always will."

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