More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

174K 2.7K 2.3K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 1
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans

What the World Needs Now

1.2K 21 23
By risingstar99

With the successful win at invitationals, there was much luck on the horizon for the New Directions. Plus, they were definitely starting to come out of their shells, and bond as a team after the win. Everything was positive, and looking up, with the new additions of Kitty and Spencer.

"Hello winners!" Rachel said in a sing-songy voice, as her and Kurt walked into the choir room. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm still basking in the glow of our first many, championship trophies!"

"Well, Rachel and I want our champions to celebrate another champion." Kurt continued, after seeing the group nod and smile.

"Katniss Everdeen!" Brittany called.

"Close." Rachel pointed at the girl with a grin, before turning towards the whiteboard, and holding her hands up, while Kurt revealed the board. "Burt Bacharach." She announced.

"This is a good time to go to the bathroom or fall asleep or get a snack." Kitty whispered to Spencer who chuckled.

"Burt Bacarach has written seventy-three top forty hits. He's also won three Oscars, two golden globes and a buttload of Grammys. His music has been featured on everything from the Simpsons to Goodfellas." Kurt continued with the assignment.

"And you can't help but grin when you listen to his music." Rachel added. "His songs are uplifting and theatrical and optimistic."

"We need to soak up all his uplifting energy as we get ready for Sectionals which are five weeks away, but I guarantee you, Vocal Adrenaline and the Warblers are doing everything in their power to regain their former glory." Kurt said.

"Bit fear not! Because we have a secret weapon!" Rachel smiled, as Mercedes entered. "Is that my cue?"

At her entrance, everyone clapped and cheered for the woman as she smiled, walking into the room..

"Yes, I am here to mentor you and yes, these might be real diamonds, and yes, my single, Shakin My Head is number eighty-nine on ITunes. So which one of you wants me to mentor you?" Mercedes asked, as the whole group raised their hands simultaneously.

"Where's Lexi?" Santana spoke up, breaking the loud chatter.

"She's at home." Kitty answered. "She locked herself in her bedroom, because she's avoiding Sam for some reason."

"You of all people should know the reason." Kurt said, as Kitty shrugged.

"Usually I know many things, but not this one yet...although I can guess a few possible answers as to why she's avoiding him." Kitty replied.

"Well, Auntie Snixx is going to make sure she's back to school by the end of the week." Santana winked, as she got up, and left the choir room.
Lexi sat in her bedroom, tucked into bed. She had received the paternity results a few days prior, but she had texted Sam, telling him she couldn't open it. She was scared, but she didn't want Sam to know that. The result envelope sat on her bedside table, while she leaned against her headboard, covering herself with her blankets.

"Knock knock." She heard Santana say. When she didn't answer, Santana walked into the bedroom, carrying a tray of food.

"Who let you in?" Lexi frowned.

"Kitty gave me her keys." Santana answered. "I'm going to be here for you until you are ready to roll out of bed, and come back to work."

"Oh boy." Lexi muttered.

"Are you doing okay? We don't need to bring you to the doctor's or anything, right?"


"Santana..." Lexi sighed. "I can recall a few years ago when you went through your break up with Brittany. You hid in your dorm room, and rejected food, and any company. All me, and our friends wanted to do was bury you in love, but, you locked the door, and we grudgingly respected your desire for quiet and privacy."

"I needed and appreciated that." Santana nodded. "Okay, fine." She decided. "Eat the soup, and I'll spare you the company, and give you your desired privacy." She said, handing Lexi the soup, before she left the room.

Lexi fought the urge to roll her eyes, but she accepted the soup, and began to eat it, while she thought about everything. Not only had she not opened the test results, she'd been avoiding Sam, ever since he made it clear that he wasn't sure he wanted to be with her if the baby was his.
About an hour later, Lexi frowned when Santana walked back into her room.

"Hi there. I called Brittany and told her I was sick." Santana said, as she sat on the end of Lexi's bed, taking off her shoes.

"What?" Lexi asked with a slight scoff. "I thought we had a deal that you'd give me my desired privacy."

"Yeah, well, I'm backing out of that deal." Santana replied, as she got into bed beside her. "You see, as a child, I was quite independent, through adolescence, and capable of solving my own issues and problems. And you had a similar, yet different childhood. So that's why I've decided to back out of the deal."

"For someone who was also an only child, you make an excellent non biological sister." Lexi said, as she wiped her tears. Damn hormones.

"I'm going to stay here until you talk it all out." Santana said, pulling the covers over herself, and picking up her cup of tea from the bedside table. "I know that the only way you get yourself out of deep downward spirals is by spiraling through everything, all your troubles and worries, out loud, until you land on something. That's a healthy solution to dealing with whatever you're enduring."
Sam sighed, as he paced back and forth in the field, looking at his phone. He was growing worried about Lexi. He was wondering why she hadn't approached him with the results, and why she was avoiding him.

"Hey, Sam." He heard Kitty say.

"Oh hey." Sam sighed, as he turned to the girl.

"Are you doing okay?" Kitty asked.

"I don't know how you'd define waiting for your semi-girlfriend to give you the test results, and to stop avoiding you." Sam replied.

"Lexi does this from time to time." Kitty waved him off.

"Wait." Sam frowned. "What?"

"Yeah...she's done it before when she and Easton fought. She hid herself in Artie's apartment for a week. No contact or anything, All I'm saying is that, she may be ghosting you, and avoiding you, but there's a reason." Kitty explained. "I believe she's scared, and honestly, I can't blame her."

"Have you heard from her at all, though?" Sam asked. "You live with her."


"I'm just really really worried about her." Sam confessed.

"Yes, I have heard from her. She's okay." Kitty assured him.

"So she doesn't want to talk to me...or tell me the test results?"

"She hasn't even opened the results. They're lying on her bedside table." Kitty explained. "But, Santana is currently with her, so let's hope she's working her Auntie Snixx magic."

"Okay...well, if you see her later, can you tell her that I want to see her when she's ready to talk?" Sam asked.

He knew that if he went to see Lexi at her house that it probably wouldn't end smoothly, so he chose the safer, more reasonable option.

"Of course." Kitty nodded, sending him a small smile.
Santana and Lexi currently sat together covered up in her blankets, while they chatted, and ate their food. It felt comforting to have someone there for her at that moment. Lexi really appreciated it.

"How is the baby?" Santana asked, as Lexi rubbed her hands over the small bump that was growing.

"The baby is healthy." Lexi nodded. "And that feels like a miracle." She admitted with a small laugh. "The baby is already the size of a cabbage, so I'm at twenty six weeks, uh, which means that I am further along in the pregnancy than I originally thought." She sighed.  So, um, the baby might be Easton's, not Sam''s."

"Might be, or is?" Santana asked.

"Might be." Lexi answered. "Uh, I don't really know. There were four weeks between the breakup with Easton, and the hookup with Sam." Lexi explained. "

"That's not a lot of time in between, Lex." Santana pointed out.

"I know." Lexi nodded, as she sniffled. "Sam and I - are really good together, it's almost painfully good. We're meant to be together, we're soulmates. This baby felt like a gift we both earned in our lives. Sure it was accidental, but all around, it was perfect...a-and now, it's not. Because Sam wants to know the baby's, he's not entirely sure if he wants to be with me if the baby ends up being Easton's. And so that makes me not too sure if I want to be with him if the baby ends up being his.

"You're in a complicated place in your life, Lex." Santana sighed.

"Mm-hmm." Lexi chuckled through her tears.

" Yeah." Santana nodded.

"Yep.. Um, that's what Sam said." Lexi said, as she looked up at the ceiling, wiping her tears. "But I want him to love me enough t-that the biology of the baby doesn't matter. I love you, like my own sister, and you're not biologically related.. Biology doesn't matter, nor should it ever.  Love is what matters over all." She added, as more tears threatened to fall.

Okay. And, still, if I were Sam, I would be terrified. I would be terrified that the baby is Easton's and that, if it is, that, if by chance, Easton ever came back to agreeing to parent with you, the connection might reignite whatever embers still exist between you and him. If I were Sam, I would want to know, too. And none of it would have anything to do with how much I love you." Santana replied, placing herself in Sam and Easton's positions.

Okay, but can you stop pretending that you're Easton and Sam?" Lexi asked quietly, as a tear slipped down her face. She sent Santana a sad look. "Can you pretend - that you're me for a minute? Place yourself in my position?" Lexi asked, sniffling, as she wiped her tears.

At her fragile state, Santana nodded, sending her a sympathetic smile. "Okay. Okay, okay. Okay." She said, as she wrapped her arms through Lexi's gently tugging her closer to her for consolation. While she thought about it, she listened to her friend sniffle and sob quietly. "Okay, if I'm you...I imagine that the hormones coursing through my body would be overwhelmingly stressful, and uncontrollable. They might be overwhelming my rationality, and I just might want to be held, supported..." She listed, as Lexi's sobs progressed, becoming more audible. "Validated, trusted, and, um, loved no matter what...and reassured that I'm not going to be alone." She finished, as Lexi let out a audibly heartbreaking sob, causing Santana to feel her heart break.

"Hey, I love you, Lexi." Santana whispered, pulling Lexi into her arms, allowing her time to cry. "I got you. I've always got you." She continued to comfort her. "You're not gonna be alone. I love you." She added, as Lexi let herself cry it out, and let out some shaky breaths, while she wiped her tears.
Lexi sighed, as she held onto Santana's arms, while they walked into McKinley. Santana had convinced her to come back to school after her calming her down from her break down.

The two of them had both seen Brittany bring Santana's grandma onto Fondue for Two, and Santana wasn't that pleased about it.

"What are you doing?" Santana asked pulling Lexi with her to meet Brittany who was surrounded by her Latinix fans.

"I'm meeting my Latino fans." Brittany answered.

Okay, you know what, we need to talk. Right now. Afuera." Santana said firmly. "Go on. Thanks, guys." She said, as the group dispersed.

"I'm going to go now." Lexi said quietly, as Santana nodded, pulling her into a hug, before allowing her to walk away.

Lexi hadn't been walking down the hallway for long, when she bumped right into Sam. She sighed, as she mustered up the strength to look at him.

"Hi." She said, breaking the ice.

"Hi." Sam replied.

" know, I have a class to teach, but.." She was interrupted, when Sam began talking again.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked. "Kitty told me that sometimes you avoid people and avoid confrontation, amongst other things."

"I'm sorry." Lexi apologized. "I should've come to you with the results, but they're still unopened on my kitchen counter."


"Sam, I'm growing a human in my body. I want to raise the baby with someone who's sure. Someone who's going to love this child, and me, no matter what the result says." Lexi explained.

"So, what are you saying?" Sam asked, as she shrugged. "Are we over?"

"I'm not saying we're over at all." She shook her head.

"Sorry it sounded like you were." He sighed.

"What I'm saying is that, I want you to be sure you want the baby. This isn't some ultimatum, but I know you've been unsure about the whole thing." Lexi explained. "And if you decide you don't want to be with me, and be in the child's life, that's okay...but if you do, you need to be sure. You need to be willing to be a part of both our lives 24/7. I need someone who's clear and direct, and like I said before, someone who's going to love both of us, no matter what the test says."

"Lex.." Sam sighed, as she wiped her tears.

"Listen, I really need to go now...but I'll catch you later..." Lexi said, as she turned and left Sam to think over Lexi's words. She did have a point, but this was something to think about for sure.

Once Brittany and Santana had been escorted to their seats by Spencer, Artie wheeled himself onto the stage. The New Directions had a little plan, that was presumptuous, but they wanted to be there for the couple, especially after Santana's grandma had refused to come to the wedding.

"Welcome guests of honour." Artie addressed them. "Now as your wedding planner, I need to warn you about a major crisis regarding the wedding reception. Since Santana's grandmother is no longer attending - such a shame - there is now an empty seat at the Lopez family table and I don't know what to do about it. Now the problem isn't taking away a chair, it's adding chairs because several other members of Santana's family want that spot."

As Artie finished talking, Kurt, Blaine, Lexi, Sam, Rachel, Kitty, Mercedes, and Mr. Schue walked onto the stage. They waved and smiled at the couple whose faces lit up.

"Family are the people who embrace you for who you are, no matter what." Kurt spoke up.

"They can see the pain in your eyes, even when you're fooling everyone else." Blaine added.

"Family members, whether related by blood, or unrelated, make each other feel loved. They accept and validate each other, and they make each other smile and laugh. All of these simple things culminate into a fulfilling balance in your life." Lexi smiled softly.

"Family's like fudge! Mostly sweet with a couple of nuts." Sam said with a grin, as Brittany laughed, facing palming herself.

"And although we may not be related by blood, we are bonded by something much stronger: love." Mercedes added to the ongoing list.

"And it may be a little presumptuous, but we'd like to be in your wedding party." Rachel said.

"And the new kids and I would be honoured to cater, pass out programs, and release the doves." Kitty smiled, before pointing at Artie. "There have better be doves."

"Oh there will be." Artie assured her, chuckling.

"Santana and Brittany, this is for you. We love you." Lexi smiled, as she nodded at the band, who began to play What the World Needs Now.

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