More Then the Music (Glee Sam...

By risingstar99

182K 2.8K 2.4K

"What do you want JBI?" "More info on your family life. I've heard speculations that your mom is-" "She's not... More

Cast List
Grilled Cheesus
The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Never Been Kissed
The Substitute
Special Education
A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
Silly Love Songs
Blame It on the Alcohol
Original Song
A Night of Neglect
Born This Way
Prom Queen
New York
Season 3
I Kissed A Girl
Hold Onto Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish Teacher
On My Way
Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-Ver
Dance With Somebody
Season 4
The New Rachel
Britney 2.0
The Break Up
The Role You Were Born to Play
Swan Song
Glee, Actually
Sadie Hawkins
I Do
Girls (and Boys) on Film
Guilty Pleasures
Shooting Star
All Or Nothing
Season 5
Love, Love, Love
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback
A Katy or a Gaga
Movin' Out
Puppet Master
City of Angels
New Directions
New New York
Opening Night
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me
Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker Pt. 2
What the World Needs Now
A Wedding
Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
We Built This Glee Club
Extra: missed bdays + suprises
Dreams Come True
Sam and Lexi ~ The Happiest Day of Our Lives
••Thank You••
Lexi Evans

The Hurt Locker Pt. 1

1.4K 30 33
By risingstar99


Lexi currently sat on her couch in her living room. She had found out that she was pregnant a few days before, and she'd done her absolute best to teach biology, and coach the Cheerios. She was racking her brain for ideas on how to tell Sam, and currently, she had zero ideas.

Lexi had also been avoiding Sam whenever it was possible. She didn't tell anyone she was pregnant, well, except for Kitty, who'd been living with her, since after homecoming. She was moving into her own place though.

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to break the news to Sam via text?" Lexi asked, as Kitty walked into the room carrying boxes. "So that I can avoid looking him in the eye while I say "Hey, remember how careful we were every time we hooked up? Well, not careful enough, Daddy!" She joked, before she sighed, and picked up a book from one of Kitty's moving boxes. "Since when were you interested in science?" She asked, gesturing to Kitty's biology textbooks.

"Since, I like to study." Kitty answered. "Plus, I'm joining your biology class in the New Year until graduation."

"Ooh, I love the sound of that." Lexi commented, as both girls laughed.

"Yeah, but hey, you're a reasonably decent person, and Sam is a reasonably decent person. He deserves a face to face." Kitty pointed out, before she looked at some of the stuff she'd picked from Lexi's house. "Is it poor form for me to steal some of your rolls of toilet paper? Since I was the one who bought it for us the past two months?"

"I mean, I've already stolen some of your protein bars." Lexi shrugged, as she bit into one. She picked up her phone, and logged into her social media. "Eww, Artie posted a cityscape photo with himself and a girl on Instagram. Yikes."

"Yikes, what?" Kitty frowned.

"Nothing." Lexi shook her head.

"Come on, we're broken up. Let me see it so I can make some sarcastic or mockingly wicked comment later." Kitty urged, as Lexi held up her phone.

"He used the hashtag freedom..." Lexi muttered.

"Ew." Kitty made a face, before turning to look at the time. "We gotta get going to school."

"Please, if I decide to lay on the floor, just leave me, or drag me around." Lexi joked, as Kitty chuckled.

"That's not going to happen, I'll ensure it doesn't, and that Sam gets his proper face to face."

"I love you and I hate you." Lexi sighed. "It varies everyday."

"The feeling is mutual." Kitty nodded.
As Kitty and Lexi drove together on their way to school, they were in full discussion about Lexi's pregnancy, and Artie's Instagram picture, which Kitty persisted in talking about.

"I want it noted, and I want you to note that I'd never send a message through any social media platform ever, because I am mature."

"Very mature." Lexi agreed, as she looked at Kitty, before turning her eyes back to the road.

"However, if I hashtag would be #happy #notimeforbullcrap #INoLongerHaveToPutUpWithMenAndThereHorriblyThreateningEgos." Kitty listed, as Lexi chuckled.

"Mine would be #JokesOnMe." Lexi commented. "And I just told Sam that we were semi-officially a couple again."

"Torres is officially off the market." Kitty whistled teasingly.

"Oh shut up." Lexi scoffed playfully. "Are you sure I have to tell him?" She asked after a few moments.

"You're turning twenty in a few months, it's what any mature adult and logical-minded person would do." Kitty replied. "You don't want to leave Sam in the dark, he doesn't deserve that. And if you keep the baby, he's going to be a wonderful dad, just like you'll be an amazing mom."

"Oh...there's so much to think about. It's overwhelming." Lexi sighed. "I swear, when I go to teach my biology class, all that I want to say is baby this or baby that...or I'm going to suck at being a mom..."

"You aren't going to suck, Lex." Kitty assured her friend. "I mean, you and Sam were basically our parents last year."

"Yeah, I guess." Lexi sighed, as the girls walked into the school. "And about Artie...don't worry about him. He dumped you, and you didn't deserve that. He's an ass...and if he doesn't know it, I'll make sure he does."

"You're an amazing friend, you know that, right?" Kitty asked.

"I do my best. If you ever need anyone, I'm here." Lexi assured her, as she pulled the younger girl into a comforting hug. As they pulled away, she spotted Sam, who sent her a small smile, before heading down the hallway.

"Kitty, I should go." She gestured to the direction Sam had walked.

"Yes." Kitty nodded.

Lexi managed to catch up with Sam, as he was walking by the bleachers towards the football field. She let out a few deep breaths, before speaking up.

"Hi." She greeted, as he turned to see her.

"Hey!" He replied with a smile.

"Uh..." Lexi paused. "Do you think we could go somewhere...private?" She asked.

At that, Sam smirked, as he pulled her towards him, before she gently pushed his hand away. Shaking her head with a laugh. "Not that kind of private."

"Oh!" Sam explained, finally believing he understood the situation. "Like a bad private?"

"No! No!" Lexi laughed nervously.


"Pregnant, actually." Lexi corrected, as Sam frowned. "I know, right? It's absurd!" She exclaimed, with a laugh. "But, it's also true." She continued. "And judging from my last's been eight weeks."

She stopped talking when a few of the Cheerios and football players walked past. Once they were out of earshot, she proceeded.

"And, um, I'm not asking you for anything." She assured him. "I knew I should tell you because I wanted to avoid any secret keeping, and me avoiding you, or... hand wringing."

They were interrupted again when Kitty called her from the other side of the field where the Cheerios awaited her.

"Uh...I have to coach now...can we talk later?"

"Okay." Sam managed to get out, as he watched her speed walk towards the cheerleaders. He sighed, trying to process everything. He was going to be a dad, and he didn't know how to handle all the emotions or the news at that moment.
Sam couldn't focus on his work that day. He was hanging out with Blaine, despite the show choirs butting heads at the invitational that Sue was hosting.

"Dude. Sam. Are you okay?" Blaine frowned, as Sam seemed zoned out.

"Pregnant." Sam muttered, as Blaine raised his eyebrow.

"Lexi...She's pregnant." Sam finally answered audibly as Blaine gasped quietly. "From me."

"Wow....uh, okay." Blaine nodded, trying to process the news. "Have you guys decided what you're going to do with the baby yet?"

"We weren't able to discuss much because she had to go and coach Cheerios." Sam sighed.

"Well, I'm sure you guys will work it out. You're both reasonably sane people." Blaine tried to offer some encouragement and consolation.

"She may not want the baby...I mean, her mom was a year younger than her when she got pregnant with, there's so many factors and stuff to think about..." Sam rambled. "It's her choice though. If she wants to go ahead with having the baby, I'll figure out how I'll contribute...I don't know if I have a say in this."

"You have a say in all of his, Sam. Yes, it's her own body, it's her choice, but I believe you should be allowed to weigh in on this." Blaine replied.

Sam's phone buzzed, causing him to look down at it. "It's Lexi." He said, before heading out the door.

"Sam." Blaine called after his friend, who turned to him.. "You're already a phenomenal friend, and if you guys do decide to have the baby, you'll be an amazing dad."

"Thanks, man." Sam nodded with a grateful smile, before he left.

Sue Sylvester had become fully enraged when Will Schuester had left a plastic fork on the table in the teacher's lounge for her to clean up. She was so angry that she restarted her war on Glee Club by surprising them with a mandatory invitational.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Kurt were brainstorming every solution that could help them escape this debacle. They were desperate to not have to compete, but they weren't finding any ways out of the situation. They new for a fact that the New Directions would have the same reactions to the Warblers and Vocal Adrenaline's undeniably talented performances as they had had a few years before.

"Okay, so let's go through the rules, we decided that there are no judges so this is really about bragging rights." Blaine spoke while he watched the Warblers rehearse their set. "But still, my guys are taking this very, very seriously so I just wanted to make sure the order is picked fairly and by fairly, I mean that we're gonna go second. By the way, how's the filling of your roser coming along? Is that okay?"

"It's an invitational so we don't have to follow the strict show choir rules." Kurt pointed out.

"Has it occurred to your guys that this could be a horrible idea for your team?" Blaine asked.

"We just want to give them a sense of what to expect at sectionals. And we were just hoping that maybe you, and Mr. Schuester would go easy on us." Rachel said, with a hint of hopefulness in her voice.

"Oh ho, no way, no, absolutely not, nobody's going easy on anybody, nope." Blaine shook his head, quickly opposed.

"Well, there's your answer." Lexi spat out, more loudly than she intended -it was her baby hormones- "No in almost every possible form." She added, as Blaine sent her a glare, which she averted, by looking at her stomach, although the bump wasn't quite visible yet.

"The Warblers are being rebuilt just like the New Directions. I'm sorry, but my allegiance is with them. And if that all sounds scary to you then you should just drop out." Blaine retorted.

"Well, we don't want to-" Kurt began, as Blaine gasped, cutting him off, before he made a run towards the doors.

"It's Dave, there's an intruder in our apartment." He explained, as they all piled into his vehicle.

"Dave, what's going on?" Blaine asked, as he panicked seeing his boyfriend holding a chair in his hands, while he stood on their table.

"In there! In the bedroom! I thought I was gonna die!" He yelled, as the group rushed towards the bedroom. "No! Don't go in there! You're gonna get killed!"

Blaine was first to enter the bedroom, but quickly jumped back, causing everyone to do the same. They saw a bear cub sitting on the bed, minding its own business. "That is a real bear cub, Blaine. Why do you have a live animal in your bedroom?" Lexi asked, attempting to stay calm and not to panic.

"Why is there a bear in here?!" Dave asked, panicking.

"I didn't put that bear in here." Blaine answered. "Why would I put a bear in here?" He asked, defending himself from the accusations that he'd done it. He hadn't, and Lexi assumed it was Sue's doing.

"I-I think I'll call animal control." Rachel stammered, as she walked out of the room, clearly terrified with the whole situation.

"I'm going to make some tea." Lexi added, as walked towards the kitchen.
Lexi and Sam sat side by side in another spare room she'd turned into a plant room. The blue light room was a complete hit, so she had created a plant room as well. They were currently discussing the whole pregnancy, and their feelings and thoughts about it.

"My mom was eighteen when she had me...and that was by far the most difficult adversity she'd ever faced. The nine months, and my dad leaving her when I was born. It was a lot to grasp, and process. I believe why for me, getting pregnant a year after the age she was when she became pregnant with me is somewhat terrifying." Lexi explained, as Sam watched her talk, while he felt tears filling his eyes. "However, she managed to raise me, and I've turned out quite fine. That doesn't mean I haven't worried about our baby. I don't know how I'll be raising a baby. My mom raised me on her own from the age of 19 till when she died at the age of 36. I can't live up to that, and raise a kid from the age of 20 to whatever age. I'll need you by my side, or someone by my side, because my mom's not here to give me her advice, or stable support. It's times and problems like these that I wish she was here with me. And I've had time to process the rush of the news about my pregnancy. I realize I'm still young, and you're young. We're both going to be twenty. And even though I'm in a substantial stage of my life at the moment, I don't know if that's a plausible reason to have a kid. And uh...I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle all of, um..." She paused as tears began to fall. "I'm sorry." She apologized, as she took a few moments to collect herself, before turning to face Sam. "And, hum, I know that I'm the one having a baby, and I'm having second thoughts...but you're more than allowed to weigh in your opinions, and state your feelings."

Lexi watched as Sam sighed, before clearing his throat, and talking. "Uh...Lex, I've spent the entire day worrying, while trying to wrap my head about the prospect of becoming a dad in a few months. I've been overthinking everything, and imagining the worst case scenarios, from sickness, to the effect of global warming, gun violence...but uh, talking and listening to you explain your fears, hearing what your mom went through at your age, and your personal perspective...what I genuinely don't want is for you to get hurt, or abandoned. I want to prevent that from happening. It feels so real, and tangible. Everything that I've been worried about suddenly seems irrelevant to what you're enduring right now. So if you want to have the baby, I'm in for the long haul. I will suck up my fears and worries, and become a dad." Sam said, as he chuckled after. "Because, if we're all being honest, kids love me...and i-if y-you decide to not go through with it, I'll drive you to the appointment, and be here for you as best I can. No matter what, I'll show up for you in every possible way. And that's what I know for sure." He finished, sniffling, and wiping his own tears. "Those are all my genuine feelings."

"Damn it, Sam." Lexi muttered, wiping her tears, and standing up. She was quick to rush out of the room, as Sam sighed, watching her leave, wondering what he had said or did that made her leave.
Mr. Schue had ended up breaking his promise to go easy at invitationals. Vocal Adrenaline was overly talented as usual. Lexi never knew how they did it. All she knew was that Kurt and Rachel had worked hard to try to prevent this from happening.

"Oh my god." Lexi whispered, leaning her head against Blaine's shoulder. "They're screwed."

"You aren't wrong." Blaine muttered.

All of the New Directions sat in horror and utter shock while they watched Vocal Adrenaline knock it out of the park. Not to mention, Lexi and Blaine noticed the Warblers looking intimidated and threatened by the talent onstage.

"I-I...that's just scary." Blaine admitted, as Lexi nodded. "There's no way you can compete with that." He gestured at the ongoing performance.

"Well, I mean, you guys and Vocal Adrenaline have costumes. They have spectacular costumes, you have blazers, and the New Directions are dressed in blue." Lexi shrugged. "You're group is going to be just fine. I can guarantee you that." She added, as she got up, and offered the Warblers and New Directions reassurance and hugs, since she hated seeing their terrified facial expressions.
After the first day of invitationals had finished, Lexi rushed out immediately. She stood outside the school that evening, processing her thoughts from her and Sam's talk earlier.

Sam walked out of the school, and found her standing close by the entrance. He let out a breath, before slowly approaching her.

"Did I say the wrong thing earlier? Or did I do something?" He asked, as she turned to see him standing beside her.

"No." Lexi shook her head. "I-I was scared." She confessed, as Sam's eyes softened at her confession. "I was scared of what happened with my mom, and having to do this on my own...and um, a million other little things. I ran out because I was terrified and overwhelmed."

"Did that make you less scared?" Sam asked, as she sent him a small smile through her tear filled eyes.

"Less scared, and I found myself falling even more in love with you." Lexi answered. "Probably just the hormones."

"Probably." Sam repeated.

"Please don't say it back." She shook her head, as he chuckled.

"Okay, I won't." He promised.

"You know, you and I would make an amazing kid." Lexi spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"We would." He agreed.

"And now that I've sat with my thoughts, and processed everything..." Lexi paused. "I really want to meet this kid."

"I do too." Sam agreed quietly, as Lexi looked up at him. He looked back down at her with a soft smile, before he intertwined her hand with his, hoping to offer some consolation.

Lexi smiled at this gesture, and leaned into his side, allowing him to fully place his arm around her, as they enjoyed the comfortable silence.

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