Overlooked Fate ~ Sequel

By xXMarinaDeSantisXx

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Chapter 1 ~ No Control
Chapter 2 ~ Playful Love
Chapter 3 ~ The Suspicion
Chapter 4 ~ Taken
Chapter 5 ~ The Mystery Boy
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan to Split
Chapter 7 ~ Stuck
Chapter 8 ~ Take Off
Chapter 9 ~ Covered Lies
Chapter 10 ~ Crashed
Chapter 11 ~ Train Ride
Chapter 12 ~ Choppy Choppy
Chapter 13 ~ Meeting the Others
Chapter 14 ~ The Song House
Chapter 15 ~ Arrived
Chapter 16 ~ Candy Robber
Chapter 17 ~ Attempt
Chapter 18 ~ The Marketplace
Chapter 19 ~ The Chase
Chapter 20 ~ The Search
Chapter 21 ~ Reset
Chapter 22 ~ Official
Chapter 23 ~ Bandaged Up
Chapter 24 ~ Found
Chapter 25 ~ Invading
Chapter 26 ~ RUN!
Chapter 27 ~ Locked Out
Chapter 28 ~ Game On
Chapter 29 ~ The Delivery
Chapter 30 ~ Bank Robbery
Chapter 31 ~ Hidden
Chapter 32 ~ The Temptation
Chapter 33 ~ Oppertunity
Chapter 34 ~ Once
Chapter 35 ~ Hope
Chapter 36 ~ Ruined
Chapter 37 ~ Last Straw
Chapter 38 ~ The Move
Chapter 40 ~ The Plan
Chapter 41 ~ Truth
Chapter 42 ~ The Cave
Chapter 43 ~ Caught
Chapter 44 ~ The Confrontation
Chapter 45 ~ Secret
Chapter 46 ~ Poor Escape
Chapter 47 ~ Far Away
Chapter 48 ~ Done and Free
Chapter 49 ~ The Fight
Chapter 50 ~ Cleared Up
Chapter 51 ~ Promise
Chapter 52 ~ Creepy
Chapter 53 ~ Exposed

Chapter 39 ~ Warning

815 25 139
By xXMarinaDeSantisXx

Biana's P.O.V

Everyone was quiet, sitting in the breakfast area of the hotel with the buzzing of other guests around them. It had been a couple weeks since Mr. Forkle's group had moved from San Diego to Tennessee right after Keefe's performance. They decided it was best not to stay at the same place as Grady's group so they could cover more ground and not all be in the same place if the Neverseen were to come.

Ever since they moved the search to Tennessee, it's been endless searching.

And still no luck— not even any clues or leads.

They were losing motivation as the days passed. Both groups were getting tired.

Biana and Tam especially had been feuding a lot lately.

Tam burned holes through some of Biana's outfits which obviously was an act that signed his death sentence. She had got him back by dumping a bucket of hot water all over him in the middle of the night.

The crew kept warning and reminding them that they should be focusing but they all knew it wouldn't make a difference.

"These pancakes are delicious!" Linh exclaimed, already finishing her plate.

Biana could tell she was just trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't really working.

"Attention," Mr. Forkle called, causing everyone to look at him. "I got a call from Foxfire...they're opening back up."

"They are?!" Everyone exclaimed, getting up.

"You kids really know how to keep things low key," Mr. Forkle said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Please sit back down!"

"Well what are we going to do?" Fitz asked, asking the same question everyone else was thinking.

"We go back home to go back to school, duh," Tam said, getting back up.

"What, and just throw away this whole search?" Keefe asked, getting up too and glaring at Tam.

"Yeah, we've come this far, we can't give up," Biana agreed, standing up with Keefe. Keefe glanced at her with a thankful look.

"Yeah, and it's been a waste of time! We haven't accomplished anything! Let's face it, we aren't capable of finding the Neverseen or even saving Sophie!" Tam argued.

"What, and never see Sophie again?!" Keefe questioned.

"C'mon, I can't be the only one here who knows that we aren't getting any closer," Tam said, crossing his arms and looking around.

There were mumbles around the table and Fitz stood up, "I think I may agree with Tam."

"Really man?!" Keefe exclaimed, looking at Fitz in betrayal.

"Keefe, we have college to get back to! We can't just throw our lives away for this hopeless mission!" Fitz defended.

"It's worth it if it's for Sophie! Grady and Edaline would agree too!" Keefe exclaimed, slamming his hand down.

"It's because they already finished school and have their paths already finished! I'm at the point in my life where I am finally doing real changes for my life!" Fitz yelled.

"You kids!" Mr. Forkle hissed.

"SEE, Fitz understands!" Tam exclaimed, completely ignoring Mr. Forkle.

"But Tam, it's Sophie! If we don't find her, then she won't have any life ahead of her!" Linh exclaimed in a soft voice, getting up too.

"Keefe, you have your opera career! You are willing to throw away that?!" Tam asked Keefe, completely ignoring his sister.

"Since when do you care about his opera career?!" Biana exclaimed, slamming her hand down on the table, cutting Keefe off before he could reply.

"I don't but I'm suggesting what's best for us all!" Tam argued, getting in Biana's face.

"No, this is about your STUPID secret that has you so scared in the first place!" Biana yelled in his face.

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Forkle bellowed, slamming his fork down. "We are in a public place! This isn't the time to be yelling about these things!" He hissed.

Biana glanced around and sure enough, lots of people were looking over and watching their argument.

"We'll discuss this matter in a meeting with the other group and we'll do a vote on it," Mr. Forkle continued.

Biana crossed her arms and continued to glare at Tam.

They ate the rest of breakfast in silence and while they were heading back up to their room, Biana heard Linh whisper to Tam, "you and Sophie used to be so close, this isn't like you to give up on her."

Biana was going to join in and add her own comment but then Keefe's phone started to ring.

"Who is it?" Biana asked, realizing after how nosy she sounded.

"Uh...my mom," Keefe mumbled, glaring at his phone. He ignored the call and put his phone back in his pocket.

Biana didn't blame him for not answering.

But then Keefe's phone started to ring again and again to the point it got so annoying that Keefe had to answer.

"What?!" He exclaimed into his phone.

The group stopped walking and were all focused on Keefe who was standing very still.

Suddenly, he grew pale and exclaimed, "what?!"

There were a few long and endless seconds, Keefe still not moving.

His phone dropped out of his hands and to the ground, causing the call to end.

"Keefe, what's the matter?!" Biana asked, rushing to pick up his phone.

Keefe looked in shock and couldn't form any words.

"What's going on?" She asked again.

"My dad...he's gone," he mumbled, barely a whisper.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Biana asked, confused.

"Dead," Keefe said, now turning to face Biana with his eyes wide.


"What?!" Everyone gasped.

Before Keefe could let out another word, he collapsed to the ground with a hand on his chest.

"Keefe!" Biana exclaimed, dropping down to the ground and wrapping her arms around him.

She felt him shaking underneath her and knew he was in shock. Biana felt her heart pound as she exclaimed, "someone get help!"

"No— I uh gotta go!" Keefe exclaimed trying to get back up but falling again.

"I'm calling for help," Mr. Forkle announced, immediately calling 911.

Everyone hovered around him, not knowing how to react.

Bian still couldn't process it. She couldn't imagine how he must be feeling and all she wanted to do was comfort him.

"Help," Keefe kept whispering over and over again, staring off into the ceiling.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay," Biana repeated over and over, her eyes tearing up.

Keefe's eyes looked distant as he turned his head and looked at Biana. As she heard distant sirens, she felt Keefe grab her hand and squeeze it before his eyes shut.

Linh shrieked and started to cry and ran off, followed by Tam who chased after her.

"Everyone remain calm, they're coming," Mr. Forkle said. "I'm calling the other group now."

Biana's heart kept pounding as she looked at Keefe who was passed out at the moment.

So many thoughts ran through her head. Keefe would probably have to go back to San Diego for the funeral, and who knew what would even happen with the search.

Soon, the medics came rushing in and took Keefe right out of Biana's arms as they put him in the back of the ambulance and drove off.

Fitz moved beside Biana and assured, "don't worry, he'll be okay."

"I hope so," Biana whispered, still worried.

Not long after, Linh came back with Tam as they all waited in the hotel lobby for Mr. Forkle to come back and to hear word from him.

Biana just couldn't stop thinking if Keefe would be alright or not. Ever since this whole search, she had grown so much closer to him and she cared a lot for him.

Maybe too mu—

"GUYS!" Linh shrieked, jumping up from her chair.

"WHAT?!" Biana exclaimed, getting up too.

Linh's eyes started to tear up again as she shrieked, "we aren't going back to Foxfire."

"Um...okay?" Biana replied, confused.


"What?!" Everyone now exclaimed.

"LOOK IT'S ON THE NEWS!" Linh shrieked, showing her phone to everyone.

Biana was in shock as recent pictures showed the school burnt and in flames.

"But they just told us today they were letting us come back!" Biana exclaimed, not being able to process any of this.

"This makes no sense!" Fitz agreed, snatching the phone and taking a closer look.

"Let me see that," Tam barked, snatching the phone from Fitz. "Oh look, it's a message from our dear friends."

"Huh?" Biana said, confused.

Tam then zoomed in on the photo of the left side of the school and showed it to Biana.

She squinted and was confused at first, but then she saw it.

A huge flame symbol burnt on one of the walls of the school.

The Neverseen symbol.

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