Crisis Of Desire

By shiaraxo

2.1M 34.1K 59.4K


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27K 406 1K
By shiaraxo


Neveah Aurora North:

'What is this all about?' Rio asks as he walks into the dining room. I made sure everyone gathered around. 

'Apparently, the girls want to tell us something?' Tiago chimes as he keeps his eyes on me. I nod and look at Cataleya. She's sitting at the head of the table, which is usually Rio's spot. 

But since he took too damn long to get here, she decided to sit there. 

'Now that Celine's birthday is over with and there's just one more festivity, we thought we could all celebrate it together?' She starts, making everyone stare at her. 

Rio stays put at the door and leans against the frame, looking at Leya with frowned brows. 

'Which is?' 'Christmas of course.' I state, making everyone look at me. 

'Oh god...' Marco sighs dramatically. Rio rolls his eyes and stares at us for a second, before turning to Tiago. 'You want to celebrate Christmas?' 

'Yes.' 'How old are you?' Rio asks mockingly. 

'I'm not asking you to hire a fake Santa-' 'We just thought it would be a great idea to do something together, like secret Santa or something?' Leya continues, before I fucking jump at Rio. 

He always has something rude to say. Even now. 

There's nothing wrong with Christmas. Leya and I usually celebrate Christmas with her mother, but not this year. We already asked if we could go, and they said no. Rio said no. 

'Secret Santa?' Celine asks, making my mouth drop. 'Don't tell me you don't know what that is?!' 

She shrugs and takes another sip from her mug. She's drinking tea again. 

'It's something you do around Christmas. Everyone picks someone to buy a present for, but we have to keep a secret who we picked.' Brandon excitedly explains. 

At least one of them seems excited about it. 

'Sure, why not?' Celine shrugs before turning to Rio. Tiago smiles at me before turning to Rio as well. Everyone is looking at Rio except for Marco and Kai. 

I don't get why Kai's here. We called a meeting, meaning he's not invited. But well, the more the merrier I guess. 

'Yeah, why not?' I mock, knowing that he'll give in since almost everyone wants to do it. If only Marco was on our side too. 

But that won't be hard. Leya simply has to blink a few times and smile at him for him to turn against his friend. 

'It has been a long time since we celebrated Christmas, why not?' Tiago asks, folding his arms in front of his chest. 

Rio stares at his cousin and takes a deep breath. I don't know if it's because he's ready to kill him or if it's because he's seriously thinking about it. 

'It will be fun!' Cataleya tries, making him look at her for just a second. He rolls his eyes and turns to Celine, who seems pretty excited about it now. 'Do you really want to?' 

She nods and smiles at him. 'Leon?'

'Yes, Adriano?' They stare at each other for a few more seconds, annoying the fuck out of me. 'It's not a decision between life or death, it's only Secret Santa jeez!' Leya shouts as she walks over to the little basket she already set up for all of this. 

'Valentina, I don't think you remember what I told you last night? Should I remind you how you should be talking to me?' 

We all go silent and look at them. Leya gulps and stares at him, not caring about the rage secretly forming in his eyes. 

He's enjoying it though. He enjoys the fact that she's talking back. A lot more than before if you ask me. 

She really became a pro in this shit. Ever since they had sex for the first time. She became way more confident. 

I love it! 

'Okay, so we all have to pull a name out of the basket and-' 'Wait, what's the budget?' Brandon asks. They all turn to me, but I stare at Leya. 

She's the one who came up with the idea, so I think it would be fair enough if she decides how much we're going to spend on each other. 'I don't know...' 

'Three hundred?' Celine suggests, making me think about it for a second. Three hundred must be nothing to them, but it is to us. 

Well, it used to be. About a month ago, Rio decided to pay us for the work we do. We got some money since we don't want to touch his dirty money. 

It's not that we don't deserve it, because the fuck we do, but it's not right. 

'Sounds right.' Marco sighs, surprising all of us. He's on our side now, Rio won't win. 

'Okay, so who's going first?' I ask, grabbing the basket from Leya since she's still glaring at Rio. 

'Celine since it's her first time!' Tiago mocks, making her roll her eyes at him. 'So I'm not supposed to say?' 

I nod and shuffle the basket a little. 'What if I pull myself?' 'Then you pull again.' 

'Did you include Roman as well?' Brandon asks smirking like crazy. I have a feeling that Brandon likes him, but I'm not sure. 

I mean, they both keep fucking around with other people, and as far as I know, Roman's not gay. So I don't know for sure, but only time will tell I guess. 

'Did you?' I ask, turning to Leya. 'Ley?' 'Sorry, what?' She asks a little out of place. 'Did you include Roman?' 

'Yeah, he's in there.' She smiles before taking a seat in her chair again. 'Where is Roman in the first place?' 

'He had to finish something for me.' Rio sighs at my question and all I do is nod.

'Okay, let's do this!' Celine shoves her hand into the basket and scrabbles for a second, before pulling out one of the slips Leya and I put in there. 

'And?' Marco curiously asks. She simply rolls her eyes at him and puts the piece of paper in her pocket. 'Who's next?' 

'Me, duh!' Brandon shouts, making me laugh a little. I head over to him and hand him the bag. He pulls a slip out of the basket and sighs deeply, before trying to grab another one. 

'What are you-' 'I pulled myself.' He sighs, grabs a new one, and opens it quickly. 'Oh.

'I don't-' 'No more pulling again!' Leya shouts, making me flinch at her sudden loud voice. I shrug at Brandon and walk over to Marco since he's sitting next to him. 'Grab one Barsetti.' 

He opens the paper and rolls his eyes, so he either has me or Celine. 'How am I supposed to-' 'Shut up!' 

Like, how hard can it be? They simply have to keep a secret who they pulled!? 

But at the same time, I want to know. 

I turn to the person next to Marco, Kai, and hold out the basket. 'Your turn.' 

He nods and grabs another piece of paper, opening it slowly. I watch as he reads the piece of paper and starts smirking. Great. 

It's obvious he picked Celine. He so likes her. 

So if Kai has Celine, it means Marco pulled me. Meaning I'll probably get a shitty gift. Marco has no sense of humor or style. I just pray to god that Brandon will help him find something good. 

It's the thought that counts... 

'Leya?' I turn to her and smile, waiting for her to pull one of the names. She grabs one, opens it, and raises a brow. 'Interesting...' 

I'm getting more and more curious by the second and wonder who will be left to pull. 

I head over to Tiago and stare into his gorgeous eyes. 'You're going to get something from me anyway, so it really doesn't matter.' 

'Just pull a name, you idiot.' I say as I roll my eyes at him. He grabs my hand and pulls a name with his free hand, before letting go of me. 'Was that really necessary?' 'Yes. Yes, it was.' 

He stares at the name and nods approvingly, making me wonder who he pulled. Marco obviously pulled me, so there's no way Tiago pulled me. But who did he pull then? 

'You want to go first?' I ask turning to Rio. 

I decided to lay down on Rio for a while, or at least try to. Leya is already enough of a headache to him for the both of us. And I don't have the time or energy to focus on him. 

He certainly seems tenser lately.

Without answering, he walks over to me and rams his hand into the basket, almost making me drop it, as he keeps his eyes on me. 

God, I want to hit him so bad right now... 

He pulls out another name and opens the paper to read who it is. His face doesn't change one bit as he steps back to the door again. So he pulled Tiago? 

I just pray to God that he did. Or someone else like Celine, Marco, or Brandon even! I don't care. As long as they all left Leya for me. 

I want to buy her something for Christmas. Something I think she needs for her own pleasure. 

That way she won't need Rio when we get the fuck out of here, which we will at some point.  When Tiago gets bored of me because I can't tell him how much I love him and shit. 

'The last one is yours, so let's get this over with.' Marco sighs, waiting for me to pull the last name. I grab the only piece of paper left and open it. 


You have to be fucking kidding me. 

I look up, straight into Rio's eyes, and sigh deeply. 

I have to fucking buy a present for the biggest douche on earth. Great! 

Just fucking great! 

'Fratello, did you get any news yet?' Rio asks, suddenly turning back to work mode again. As if he ever got out of it in the first place. 

 'First off, I'm not your secretary Adriano. Second, I told you today is my day off. And third, I'm going now.' 

Tiago gets up from his chair and turns to me. 'Come on.' 

'Wait, what?' Celine chuckles and turns to Leya, who sighs deeply. 'You can't steal her today, we're going shopping and-' 'I'm not stealing her if she's mine already.'

'Yours?' He nods and smirks at me. 'Mine, cara.' 

'You keep saying that, but I don't think you get the point-' 'Plus, she's not an object!' Brandon shouts as he jumps up from his chair as well. 

I love how protective Brandon and Leya are about all of this, even though Tiago is only joking.  I think... 

'Today she's going shopping with us Leon, there's no debating it.' Leya states, folding her arms in front of her chest again. 

She's so small, yet so fierce. 'Oh, she is little one. Trust me.' 

'Let them go out, at least the house will be quiet then.' Rio sighs from the other side of the room. 'Oh, another reason to not go anywhere today!' I joke, making him roll his eyes at me. 

'Neveah.' I turn back to Tiago as he says my name again, and wait for him to continue. 'You're coming with me.' 

'We have to get those presents and-' 'You have at least two weeks to get the presents, you should be fine.' He mumbles, stepping closer to me. 

I hear Leya and Brandon shift behind me as Tiago gets closer and closer, almost grabbing my arm. 

'Tiago.' He stops moving at all and sighs deeply, before turning to the two behind me. 'Can I please take her with me, just for today?' 

'Fine, but this is the last time you pull something like this! And tomorrow we're going shopping!' Leya states firmly, making me laugh a little. 'What, no-' Brandon starts, but Tiago simply grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room, leaving all of them behind. 

We get outside and get in his car, before racing out of here. 'Where are we going?' 

'To the beach?' What? There's barely any sun and it's windy as hell, yet he thinks it's a good idea to go to the beach right now? 'It's more of a big lake if I'm being honest.' 

'Why?' He smiles at me and quickly turns his gaze back to the road. 'You'll see.'

After a few minutes, we get to the lake, more of a harbor if you ask me. He walks onto the docks and heads to one of the biggest ships there. 

'Let me guess-' 'Yes. It's ours.' He chimes as he waves at a few people on the boat. 'Wait here.' 

I nod and wait for him to return, almost freezing in the cold. The boat is huge and absolutely stunning. It's matt black, with shiny rims and blue lights shining on the sides. It has two floors, to say the least, and looks like one of those boats rich people party on. 

After a few minutes, he runs back to me, with people leaving the boat behind him. They look like they know how the boat works. 

'Come on, before the storm starts.' He smirks, grabbing my hand so that I have to come with him. 'The storm?' 

'I'm kidding!' I look up at the sky and notice all the dark clouds forming in the distance. 'Tiago-' 'I wouldn't endanger you, I promise.' 

That much I know, but still. Those clouds don't really look so friendly to me. 

But for some reason I get on the boat with him, instantly heading inside since it's cold as hell. 

The inside of the boat is even prettier than the outside. Everything is cream-colored or brown, and it's absolutely great. It all smells fresh and looks brand new. 

A big piece of the floor is covered in rose paddles and I instantly smile before turning around. 'You planned this all out, of course.' 

He nods proudly and grabs two glasses of champagne, handing me one of them before he kisses me softly. 

'Let's call this our somewhat anniversary.' He smiles before pulling me towards the big leather couch. I lean against the soft pillows and take a sip of the champagne. 'Anniversary.' 

He nods and sits down next to me, tracing his finger up and down my leg. 'Happy almost three months, cara.' 

Three months already. We've been with them for at least four by now. Oh god... 

'Don't you dare panic.' He smiles before kissing me again. All the stress simply flows away as I press myself against his chest. I climb on top of him and place the glass of champagne on the little table next to the couch. 

'You sure?' I nod and move my lips to his neck, making him groan softly. 'Neveah-' 'I'm sure Tiago.' 

He chuckles softly and turns us around, pressing me into the surface of the couch softly. I groan, wanting to be on top of him again, but he won't allow me this time. 

'Stay still, okay?' I stare into his eyes and feel his fingers go to the edge of my shirt. He swiftly pulls it over my head and ties it around my wrists, forcing my arms together above my head. 'You're annoying.' 

'You love it.' He smirks as he starts trailing kisses down my chest. It feels absolutely amazing when I feel his soft lips against my chest, right above my boobs. 'Tiago...' I squirm, trying to pull him closer, but he's keeping my hands pinned above my head with one hand. 

'I said, stay still cara.' Fucking hell... He presses his lips against mine and gently trails his finger down to my pants. I freeze when I feel his fingers struggle with my buttons since he's too busy kissing me. 

'Next time, wear a dress.' He smirks as he uses both his hands to unbutton my jeans. I can't blame him, it took me five minutes to close these goddamn jeans. 'Next time, let me change first.'

I kiss him softly and feel him smile against my lips. 

He pulls down my jeans and presses his hand against my soaked panties, before groaning softly. 'Fuck you're wet.' 

'What the fuck did you expect, idiot.' I sigh leaning back a little. 'Is that what you're calling me now?' 

I nod making his eyes widen a little. 'Maybe it is.' 

'We'll see about that.' He pulls down my underwear and slowly moves his finger closer to my folds, gently putting pressure on the right places. 

I gasp for air and almost fold forward. Tiago's the only thing keeping me in place since he's still holding me.

'Fuck-' He kisses me, roughly this time, and pulls back. I push myself up a little, hungry for more, and stare into his eyes. 'What's my name again?' 

'Idiot.' I repeat, making him pump another finger into me as he fastens his pace. Shit! 

His clothes feel rough against my bare skin and I wish he would be naked too. 'Again, what's my name Neveah?' The way his fingers work their magic is driving me insane. 

'Tiago.' He closes his eyes and finally removes his hands from my wrist, keeping me in place. I lower my hands and try to break free from my shirt so that I can touch him without struggling. 

'Neveah, don't.' But it's too late. I already broke free as he speaks, and reach down, down to his crotch. 

I want him to enjoy this just as much as I do. I pull down his pants, without any struggle, and raise my hips to keep the friction going. 'Don't stop.' I breathe as I try pulling his shirt over his head. 

I need to feel his skin against mine. 'Get this shit off.' He chuckles, but pulls his shirt over his head and kisses me again. 'So demanding, so desperate.' 

He forces his fingers inside of me again and moves his lips to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses along the way. 

His lips burn through my skin, raising not only my temperature but my heartbeat as well. I pull him closer by wrapping my arms around his waist and slither my hands into his underwear, pulling it down eagerly. 

My fingers wrap around his shaft and start pumping up and down, making him moan against my neck, close to my ear. And fucking hell, that sounds good. 

'Keep going.' He moans softly, making me do as he says. I don't dare stop, even if he begged me to. I can't stop. I want him to keep making those sounds. I want him to keep moaning just for me. 

He moves his hand a little, allowing his thumb to rub on my clit gently, driving me closer to my explosion. 

'Look at me.' I beg, wanting him to stare into my eyes as he explodes. I enjoy watching him break and I want him to break first, so I pump harder and try to make him cum first. Even though I'm close as well. 

He looks up and tries to not fall on top of me, even I wouldn't have minded. I still would, somehow, find a way to finish this. 'Fuck.' I whine as he picks up his pace as well. 

Tiago knows what I'm trying to do and he'll do anything to prevent me from making him come first. 

His thumb is going hard, making my legs shake out of excitement. The pressure, the friction, the fucking eye contact, the sounds he's making, the way he feels in my hand, all of it. I could do this all day. 

'Neveah, shit. You're good at this-' He growls, forcing another finger inside of me. My grip around him tightens and I pull one last time before my body goes numb. 

Out of nowhere, I shake as my vision gets blurry. Shit! 

'Fuck!' I moan out, hoping that we're all alone on this boat, as he keeps pumping in and out of me.  He's trying to extend my explosion as much as possible and it's driving me insane. 

As soon as I can control myself again, I pump my hands up and down his shaft and look deep into his eyes. 'I hate you.' 

He moans out again, without stopping himself from fingering me. God, he's still going! 

'Fuck Neveah.' 'Come for me.' I moan as I keep my eyes on him. I want to look at him when he comes, I can't miss it. 

'Shit-' I feel his dick twitch and squeeze one last time as I feel his load land on my stomach. He groans and shuts his eyes as he pulls his fingers out of me, trying to push himself up as his body shakes for a few seconds. 

I feel empty, but I don't mind. The sight of him cumming is way better than the feeling his fingers bring. 

He drops himself next to me and takes a few minutes to compose himself. 

I press my body against his and stare at his tattoos while he pulls himself together. 

My fingers move over his chest, onto his arm, and I stop at the rose tattoo. 

'Why do you keep doing that?' He whispers, finally opening his eyes again. He looks at my hand on his left arm and takes a deep breath. 'What?' 

'You keep staring at it as if you're afraid of it or something.' What? 

'I just think it's weird.' I shrug, kissing his arm softly. 'How is it weird that I still have the rose?' 

'Because-' I take a deep breath and lean back a little, not letting go of him entirely just yet, 'It was the most stupid thing ever.' 

'No it wasn't and it still isn't, you know why I did it right?' 

'Because you were a stupid, influenceable teen with mental problems?' I ask, smiling like crazy. He chuckles softly and tilts his head a little. 'I mean, that too. But no.' 

'I'm kidding. Because a rose is the first flower I gave your mother.' He nods slightly and pulls me closer by wrapping his arm around me. 'Because you picked thorns as our safe word.' 

I did. I remember staring at him in awe when he asked me to pick a safe word. It was the first thing that came to my mind. Because the first time we met felt just as shocking as pricking myself onto a thorn of a rose. Shocking and a little painful, but the flower was pretty. Gorgeous. 

Just like our relationship was. It was lovely, absolutely amazing. Until everything went to shit. 

'You're doing it again.' He sighs, kissing me softly. 'What?' 'Overthinking.' 

I sigh and look at our hands, weaving my fingers with his. 

'What is it?' 

'I still want to murder everyone involved.' I feel him tense underneath me and sigh deeply. 'And I will someday.' 

'I'll help you, you know that. Right?' He asks, forcing me to look up at him. His eyes are mesmerizing, pulling me closer without even trying at all. 'What happened between you and Hunter, why do the Steels hate you so much?'

Just as he's about to answer, his phone rings. He sighs deeply and looks at me. I want him to answer, but he can't keep Rio waiting. As much as I want to annoy Rio, I want Tiago to continue. 

'Pick up.' He nods, quickly pulls up his jeans, and walks over to the little table he left his phone on, before heading outside. 

I sigh deeply and put on my clothes again, before heading to the little round windows next to the bar on the other side of the room. 

Yes, there's a bar inside the boat. Of course, there is. 

The clouds are getting closer and closer and I think we should head back to the house if we want to make it without getting soaked. Not that that would be a bad thing, but still. 

I turn to the door and wait for Tiago to come back, which takes about five minutes. He seems a little frustrated when he gets back and sighs deeply.  'We have to get back to the house, the clouds are coming closer and Rio wants me to talk to someone.' 

'Oh okay.' I smile as he grabs his shirt from the ground and pulls me with him, towards the exit. 

He said we needed to leave immediately, but he pulls me onto the beach first. 'Where are we-' 'Look.' 

I stare into the distance and gasp for air. The sun is about to set, despite there being a lot of dark, gray clouds, it's still gorgeous. 

'You remind me of the ocean.' Tiago whispers as he presses his lips against my hand. 'What?' I giggle as I look into his hazel eyes.

He nods and pulls me into his arms, wrapping them around my body tightly as he takes a deep breath.

'Every time I see you, I feel like a cold wave strikes over me.' He mumbles and I can't stop grinning.

'That's the weirdest shit you've ever said.' I laugh and he simply shrugs. 'It's the truth.'

'You know. I actually hate the beach.' I state, making him look at me strangely.

'I mean, it's pretty and all. But I just hate it.'

'How can you hate something so gorgeous?!' He exclaims dramatically before turning to the prettiest colors I've ever seen.

The sun is about to set and thanks to that there are a bunch of beautiful shades of red, purple, and pink playing in front of our eyes, as we look into the distance. 

'I just hate the fact that every time you go to a beach, there is going to be sand everywhere. Like literally, I can already feel sand up my ass even though we didn't sit down!' I exclaim and he chuckles at my frustration.

He slowly turns back to me and smirks.

'What?' He steps forward, grabbing my face gently. 'You're my ocean and I'm your sand.'

I raise an eyebrow at him, not understanding what he's trying to get at.

'You want me to hate you?'

'What- No!' He answers and I can't help but laugh.

He leans in until our foreheads touch and kisses me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and want to wrap my legs around his waist, but he moves his lips down to my neck and stops at my ear.

'I want you to feel me everywhere.' Oh shit...

It's the weirdest shit he ever said. But it turned me on more than anything. Ever.

There's a big flash in the distance, making me flinch a little. Lightning. 

'Okay, we should go.' I whisper as I pull him away from the shore, towards the parking lot. We jump into his car and stare at each other for a second. 

His eyes say it all. He wants to fuck me again. And I wouldn't mind if he did. Just not here. 'Can we go home before it starts raining?' 

He nods and starts the car. 

The clouds already reached the shore when we start driving and it starts raining a little.

The sound of the rain against the roof of the car is so soothing, almost making me fall asleep. 

When we finally get back to the house, it's literally pouring rain outside. We stare at each other for a second and shrug, both jumping out of the car at the same time. 

I grab his hand and run to the front door, feeling him slip away when I almost reach the stairs. 

Another bolt of lightning and I flinch as I await the thunder to hit, but it doesn't. Instead, it starts raining even harder. 

I turn back around and look at Tiago. 'Tiago come on!' 

He simply stands there, arms beside his body, as he smiles at me. 

'I love you.' He whispers. I freeze.

I freeze despite the pouring rain.

I freeze despite not having an umbrella.

He said those three words time and time again, but this time they sound different. They are deeper than ever before.

'Say that again.' I whisper, tilting my head just a little. 'Please say it again..'

'I love you.' He repeats, louder and clearer than ever before. 'I love the way you smile every time someone talks to you. I love the way your eyes sparkle when I talk to you. I love the way you smell, the way you taste. I love you...'

He takes a deep breath, with his eyes never leaving mine. 'I love absolutely everything about you.'

I smile slightly, wiping my eyes, despite the rain concealing my tears.

I walk up to him, and over the sound of the thunder, kiss him softly.

And before I know it, without thinking about it twice, the words flow out. The words I've been trying to keep in for so long. 

'I love you Tiago.' I mumble against his lips, making him stop from continuing our moment.

He stares into my eyes. Total surprise as if it wasn't obvious yet.

'I love you.' His eyes widen and it takes another flash of lightning and the thunder that follows to make him actually react to my words. 

He wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around, not caring about his back whatsoever, as he kisses me deeply. 

We're both soaked but don't care. 

This. The rain, the thunder, the lightning, the emotions. All of it. 

This is what I want. I want him. I want Tiago. I love Tiago. 

After kissing me for, what feels like an eternity, he finally lets go of me and smiles at me proudly. I've never seen him this happy before. 

'Come on, let's go inside.' I pull him with me and can't conceal my smile either, as we head inside. 

We get to our room and quickly dry ourselves before changing into some dry clothes. Tiago still has to talk to someone, someone that's in the house apparently. 

'Want to come with me?' I look at him and nod, a little curious as to who it might be. 'Come on.'

I follow him back down the stair and into Rio's office. A dark, large man, is seated into one of the leather chairs. He's absolutely stunning and mysterious, one of the bad guys who turned out to be the love interest in movies. Impressive

'Who is this?' The handsome stranger asks, pointing his cigarette at me.

'This is my girlfriend, Neveah.' Tiago proudly answers, sending butterflies through my body.

'Your girlfriend?' The man asks, totally shocked somehow.

'Yes, why?' I wait for him to answer Tiago, but he simply takes a big puff of his cigarette and smiles. 'No reason.'

'No, tell me why you would say that.' Tiago scoffs, taking a seat across from the man.

'She's not your usual.' Meaning? I tilt my head just a little and stare into his dark eyes as he keeps his eyes on Tiago.

'She's plus-sized, a lot younger than the other girls, and has a darker complexion, like me.' He continues shamelessly. His words hurt a little, but I remind myself of who I am.

I shouldn't care what other people think, as long as Tiago wants me and only me, I should be good.

'Not to be rude princess, trust me.' The handsome stranger continues, making me look at Tiago for a second.

He rolls his eyes and pulls me onto his lap, before turning back to the man across from us.

'I love plus-sized women. It's just-' He stops and I feel Tiago tense underneath me.

'It's just what?' I insist. I want to know what the handsome stranger has to say.

It takes him a few seconds to continue since Tiago is probably throwing daggers at him with his eyes.

'He always came back with those skinny bitches.' He smiles, making me roll my eyes.

'Of course, he did.' Tiago wraps his arms around my waist and keeps me close.

He knows that it takes a few seconds for me to get up and walk out of here. It's the last thing he wants right now.

'My name is Dominic by the way. Dominic Brown.'

I nod and smile at him, trying to act as kind as possible.

After everything, I really don't want to sit here and talk to him.

All I want to do is head to bed and sleep for a few hours. Tomorrow is a big day since they apparently thought it would be a good idea to go shopping tomorrow instead of today. 

'I'm Celine's cousin.' Really? 'And one of the most wanted people on earth.' Tiago adds, making me look at him for a second.

'You just had to say that, didn't you?' Dominic sighs, before laughing at Tiago for a second. 'What? It's the truth.'

'That's what happens when Curzio hires you, I guess.'

'What is it you do exactly?' I ask curiously. Dominic looks at me and smirks, before taking the last puff of his cigarette. 'I kill for the highest giver.' 

'So you're an assassin?' He nods and smirks at me. 'You're smarter than the others.' 

I turn to Tiago and wonder what type of girls he took home before. 

'Rio said you wanted to talk to me?' Tiago sighs as he places his hands on my waist again. 

Dominic raises a brow and shakes his head. 'He wanted me to talk to you.' 

'And why is that?' 'Because we have a little problem.' He whispers, staring at me for a second. 

He wants to know if I'm allowed to hear what he has to say and knowing Tiago he probably wants me to leave. But I won't. 

'I'm one of them now.' Dominic's eyes widen and he stares at Tiago for a second. 'Already?' 

'Long story-' 'Not really, they first tattooed my best friend so that I would simply follow. Because they know I won't leave her.' I say sarcastically as if it's my biggest wish. 

Tiago sighs deeply and shifts underneath me. 'Typical.

I nod and turn to Tiago, enjoying his annoyance with me right now. I don't get why he's annoyed though, I'm simply stating the facts. 

'I'm sorry they did that to you, Neveah.' Dominic states, making me turn to him again. What? 'Why are you-' 'It's not fair to get pulled into this shit out of nowhere, Celine and I know all about it.' Oh... 

'Thanks.' I smile softly and look at the edge of my seat. Tiago's hand is placed on the armrest. And he does not seem pleased. Is he jealous? 

'Well, since you're one of them you're allowed to know.' 

'No, she's not.' Tiago sneers at Dom, making me turn to him again. 'Oh, yes I am.' 

'I agree with Neveah on this one, sorry Leon.' Dominic smirks as he grabs a piece of paper from his pocket. 

'So Rio wanted me to see what Santos wanted.' Santos? Tiago stiffens underneath me again and I almost gasp for air. 'Santos?' 'As in Monica Santos?' I ask, desperate to know. 

Dominic nods and hands Tiago the piece of paper. 'The one and only.' 

'What did she want?' Tiago asks, making me roll my eyes. I don't know if he wants to know what she wants or because he has to know what she wants. 'It has to do something with your current relationship.'

'She's very jealous, which I completely understand now.' Tiago leans up more, pressing his chest against my back as he leans over my shoulder to look at Dominic. 

Oh? But how- 'What is it, Dom?' Tiago eagerly asks, making me more and more curious. It's like Dominic is talking in hints, just like Rio sometimes. Trying to be vague and mysterious. 'You sure you want to hear this, princess?' He asks me and I nod. 

'Please tell us.' He nods and takes a deep breath, preventing himself from telling us what all of this is about. 

'She wants Neveah dead.' 


A/N: Let's be honest... We could've seen that one coming, right?

ANYWAY, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuccccchhhh FOR 18K!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like I can't believe how much this story has grown and I hope it'll keep growing! It really makes me soooo happy to see all your comments and votes and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

It really motivates me to keep going, so thank you sooooo muchhh!!!!!!

I hope you have a great day and I'll see you next time!! 

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